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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/24 in all areas

  1. Six and his Camera travelled down the highway in the hope that it might be open session. Alas not, until the back gate was opened for Gawny, Gus and a few others to head over to one of the other ovals for some special training. I took the opportunity to meander on in for a closer look but was swiftly told to stop taking pictures, go figure. So, I headed back out behind the fence a took a few more. Enjoy ==> https://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-h9VFff/i-MLzjBHb/A A few more from Thursday = >https://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-h9VFff/i-KdGnrDT/A
    18 points
  2. The lack of a welcoming environment re enticing supporters down to watch training at Casey is both mesmerising and a total disgrace! I am growing tired of venturing down there, ( and navigating slithera city) trying to see behind the fence and the mesmerising view of players wearing wrong numbers almost does my head in!. A Closed training session FFS. I pride myself on accurate reports with banter and candour and dialogue to boot. WHAT IS THE CLUB TRYING TO PROTECT?? Top secret training form and rocket science that no other club is aware of of our style of play?? Crikey give me a break! Every club knows how we play, this lack of support for us hard core supporters that venture out to support and watch training pionts to a ........ Culture problem of cold war significance. OH I FORGOT WE DONT HAVE A CULTURE PROBLEM🤯
    12 points
  3. Your eyes don’t deceive you, not on this occasion anyways. Fritta not only completed the time trial, he did it in just under what they were hoping for. The coaches are “thrilled to bits” with his progress.
    10 points
  4. Jordie McKenzie, a hard working midfielder from a decade or so ago has landed a plum job as coach of one of the leading A Grade VAFA clubs Collegians replacing another former Demon Jared Rivers …
    9 points
  5. Bump. Remember when we should trade Petty immediately as he’d already peaked and was close to needing his leg amputated? I generally stay quiet and just read this forum as I very rarely have information or am able to attend training (thanks to all training reporters and six6six for his excellent photos they are a lifesaver at this time of year!) .But I now understand why those who do have good information often leave and no longer post here. My statement on Petty was accurate and the info came from a good source but because it ran contra to the AFL media narrative and because people were upset at the time I was jumped on. Until the culture on here changes and people can share info that runs contrary to what is out in the public without being jumped on this wonderful forum won’t be able to live to its full potential as many will stay silent when they could share. Petty is actually ahead of the time frame I provided, but he’s a long way from not playing this season. Obviously there’s a long way to go and chance will play a part but so far, so good.
    9 points
  6. Kate Roffey very specifically and clearly dealt with Fishermans Bend at the AGM. They investigated it. The primary issue was that all of the land that would be relevant for the MFC is owned privately. There is no public land that is suitable for our purposes. Any prospect of buying the private land would be financially not possible. What are you missing. You keep flogging this and it has been covered by the Club. I know this is a forum and anyone can post whatever they like but please move on. She made it clear they had welcomed any proposals from anyone and had investigated them all including Port Melbourne. Port would only ever have room for the exisiting oval not another one and the club needs two which they can get at Caulfield. My own view is that Fishermens Bend is no where near where most of our supporters/members live and would be a pain in the [censored] to get to in terms of public transport. Caulfield is ideally placed for access and is in close proximity to what the club knows is the centre of our supporter/membership base. Most importantly at this point at least for a feasibility study, it is being backed by the multiple stakeholders who are required to approve and finance it. It's been settled on after years of work. Lets move on.
    9 points
  7. There's a man who has successfully graduated from the Nathan Jones Academy of Gradually Being Better Looking As You Age. If he is able to give Collegians' a transfusion of his attitude, they'll be in a very good position. I suspect I'm not the only one on here with enormous respect for Jordie.
    7 points
  8. I thought I’d add that David Hussey told me many months ago that he asked Alex & Jack Viney to talk to the VIC cricket squad mid last year and he told me that Alex spoke so exceptionally well that he could never recall a more impressive young sportsman address a group. He told me went straight up to Alex and told him how impressed he was and that he has an outstanding career in sport leadership, management awaiting if he so chooses.
    7 points
  9. A lot of people seem.very confident about how good we are/ or might be... how this stands us in good stead for yet another tilt. Such a good thing those 17 other teams are just going to stand by and do nothing to inhibit us. If we dont develop a much better game, a much better forward system and efficiencies well we are pretty much dead in the water. A little mongrel might not go astray. Imho we got pretty lucky in 2021... a very different year in so many ways and we not only persevered we dominated ( at times ) 22 and 23 became a test to see if we could learn and build upon that success. Short answer is NO. So bad at 'learnings' we repeated our failure in 23. Everyone else seems to have learned more about us than we have ourselves. When it counts ...others triumph. Premiership windows are about when you're in the box seat, when if things go your way your able by your own efforts to make paramount of opportunity. We are not that kind of team currently. We seem to pitch wildly from effective to calamity. I fear some are in for a rude awakening this season.... especially those wearing a red and blue jumper... those in the box seem in another world. Go Dees. I wont be disappointed this year.... not in the sense that we'll finish beneath where i suspect. This is all on Simon. Show us.....show us a different Melbourne....the same one wont even finish where we have. For that window to remain open....something different needs to occur in order to push the pane up again....otherwise it's only going to be pain in 24 Lucky those other 17 are doing nothing 😉 I rate Ooze.... btw. Interesting to watch that lot I fear we have a tough start... will be lucky to finish 7/8 . Enjoy the footy. Bring it Simon....
    6 points
  10. We will be in the mix this year. I have absolutely no doubt about this. We have recruited well and a number of our younger players will step up . We have been a force to be reckoned with for three years now. The more the media drills in on our finals losses just cements the fact that they see as a major threat. There may be a couple of issues at present but nothing that will makes us fall of the cliff. I also doubt that our forward line will be so decimated by injuries again. Hold on good Demonlanders. It's time to be excited. This will be the year of the Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
    6 points
  11. Look I understand his broader point about the potential impacts that the off field issues could have on the energy and mentality of the group But I also think the media and some supporters have greatly exaggerated how much the behaviour of two players - out of 40 odd - has or will impact the rest of the group Personally I back Max, Viney, Trac, Lever, Gus, ANB and Salem to continue to be the exemplary leaders they have been, as well as our club for continuing to create an environment where a vast majority of our players want to be a part of (see all of our recent resignings and ability to bring in talent from other clubs) And to put us finishing 11th with no regard to the talent on our list that hasn’t seen us finish that low - outside of one horror injury riddled season - since 2016, and I’m not going to take him very seriously…
    5 points
  12. In our local paper just before Xmas top 5 sporting people for 2023 Dan Nicholson played for South Warrnambool, elevated them to the premiership. Was BoG in the granny and won the club B and F very complimentary of him
    5 points
  13. So, SWYL can only write what you like, but not what you don't want to read? Who made you the judge of what is OK on Land? Name calling and telling posters to STFU is a sure fire way not to win discussions or friends on here. I've been there, done that, learnt the lesson Pull your head in
    5 points
  14. to save derailing the "training' thread any more ....I shall revert to discussion here @dpositive just by way of interest have you been to Caulfield and visited within...i.e the "commons' area ? It's vast....fn huge really ..you could lose two ovals there.. My own thoughts are this will and possibly should only be viewed as a training facility and not a playing location..as such. But.... Cursory investigation shows that the water table there is around at LEAST 50-60 M. So ?? You could feasibly DROP the playing surface of at least one oval and construct viewing stands which would not impose upose the surrounding areas. Capacity would not need to be huge. Much is made by yourself and others about Greenfield locales.. I stuggle to see much being accomodated at FB/PM... Instigating facilites at Caulfield would not mean upending anyone and 'turfing' them out ( couldnt help myself there..lol ). I can't see how that is accomplished at PM...Someone would be miffed surely... There just ISNT the availability of acreage to develop currently.. At Fishermans ....Real Estate will be at a premium.. Again...To obtain TWO ovals that you if not quite use exclusively can 'hog' and limit attendances etc... just can't see it. Going to FB/PM is akin to driving down a congested court... it's a pain in the proverbial getting there. It may look central on a map...but access wise....it's the pits... But it will be fine for LOCALS... and good luck to them if thats their choice of residence...they won't be travelling to use facilites.
    5 points
  15. danny, i think dp is talking about a different "group", hence the query
    5 points
  16. The facilities working group consists of Kate Roffey, David Rennick, Geoff Porz, Gary Pert, Alan Richardson, George de Crispegny and Chris Kearon. They meet fortnightly and far more regularly as and when required by Caulfield, the AFL & State government namely. Updates are provided at all board meetings. There is no website and Gary Pert is quick to inform any one that its workings are highly commercial in confidence.
    5 points
  17. The only reason the club lets us see training at Goschs is because they have no choice. The AfL clubs that can look fans out do 90% of the time. They allow fans in for promotional events. Try getting into training at Geelong. Get used to it because come Caufield it will be lock out.
    5 points
  18. Is the premiership 'window' for MFC closing? No, not at all. Sure important lynchpins like May and Gawn are 32 now but the Demons have been quite adept with their draft recruiting and free agency gives them options given that MFC has a healthy financial situation. No reason why the Dees can't replicate how Geelong, Swans and C'Wood have stayed in the mix for Premiership relevance for extended periods. I certainly expect the Dees to be in the mix for the top 4 again this season and if the injury gods are kinder to them they can go all the way again as they did in 2021. Will be interesting to see how JVR matures, he looks to be quality forward in the making. Will also be interesting what mature newcomers like Billings and McAdam can bring to the table. Clayton Oliver is a big question mark though. If he can sort himself out then the Dees should be a real force in 2024.
    5 points
  19. Premiership windows can be measured if we can calculate how many top players a club has and if that club is stable and has good coaching (us, right now) I put the number at 14-16 top players as a minimum An example of being nowhere near a premiership window is the Demons of 2012/13. We had no more than 3 or 4 top players back then Another example are the Eagles of today - how many top players? So who are our top players? Gawn, May, Lever, Rivers, Salem, Viney, Fritsch, Kozzie, Petracca, Oliver, Brayshaw, Langdon, McVee, Petty, Melksham (although injured) That's 15 Those on the cusp or with the potential ... Sparrow, Tholstrup, Windsor, JVR, Chandler, Bowey, ANB, Hunter and a few others So how many teams that are in the window have that many good players? Maybe 4 or 5 teams? The key is to keep recruiting well to maintain the numbers of top players. Much like what Geelong have done It's a basic, simple exercise but it rings true
    5 points
  20. @Sir Why You Little is a diehard Demons supporter You , and others, might not like his repetitive and abrasive style and opinions, that's your prerogative .... but IT IS HIS PEROGATIVE TO STATE THEM !!! If you don't like what he has to say block him.
    5 points
  21. Petty up and jumping for the ball. Nice.
    5 points
  22. Suggest we move on from season 2023. It's just flogging a dead horse. Just one point I'd like to make. Stevie May was wrong. We were not the best team last season and, in my opinion, did not let a flag slip. We finished 4th and went out in straight sets for a reason. We huffed and puffed through most of the year. We were hard work to watch. Pies were the best team. finished top at the end of H&A, played daring attacking footy, won lots of close games and got the job done in September. They rode their luck for sure but they made their luck. I hate them with a passion but they deserved their flag. If injuries don't cruel us again we'll be in it up to our necks in 24. Go Dees
    5 points
  23. dp while i admire your enthusiasm, do you really know what's required to mount an alternative option to the Club? Do you know what physical facilities are actually required by the Club? Do you know how much physical space would be required to house these facilities? These are the very first steps before you can look at any possible alternative site. I'm guessing you don't really have these basic ingredients yet. Only then can you go out looking for suitable public land. I say public because any privately owned land would have a price tag that we could never afford. Then the hard part begins. Looking for public land that does not have heritage issues (ie the MCG Precinct); does not cause a loss of public visual amenity (ie the Yarra Park proposal); does not make homeless other sporting or recreation bodies, does not take away much required public open space; a site that can provide public benefit from some of the proposed works; a site that is easily accessible etc etc etc. Then when you think you have all that nailed down, you have to find the financial backing for that site. Therefore, it ain't as easy as seeing a vacant block of land and declaring that would make a good site! I'm afraid dp, that without having these basic initial criteria in hand, the Club - while they might appreciate your effort - will not take you seriously. That is most likely why you have not had a number of your questions answered. But on a more positive note, the Caulfield site really excites me as a proposal - much, much more than anything we had previously proposed in the MCG precinct. (I've been in the Master Planning game for a long time, so i do have some knowledge of these processes). I think we will all be extremely happy if we pull this proposal off. It's almost like we have waited 20 years for Caulfield to come along.
    4 points
  24. Wow - definitely not the build I was expecting from an Yze Jr. Great to see kids from the 90s/00s players coming through! Good luck to him!
    4 points
  25. I don't buy into the go home factor, I believe in the money But I'm with you, if he becomes a game-changer on a regular basis, pay him the big bucks* and match the Crows offer (unless that offer is astronomical and it becomes a murky situation) Ultimately, I see him as a replacement for May at full back as Petty is only 24 and has another 9-10 years of footy ahead *That could happen as early as half way through 2024 if he fully recovers from his injury and starts firing again
    4 points
  26. fwiw, i've heard from a pretty reasonable source very close to people who would know that petty will still be keen to take the offer from the crom if it's there at the end of either this season or next the money they have offered dwarfs what he is currently on / what he is projected to be on at mfc BUT knowing the crom they'll probably string him along then lowball him; they have a history of it
    4 points
  27. Jordie just got engaged to my sisters niece. A great bloke.
    4 points
  28. Don’t ask him a football related question It would be like asking Ivan Milat on how to boost tourism
    4 points
  29. Caulfield will be a massive blunder, throwing good money after bad.
    4 points
  30. And Mitch Brown has landed at the Parkdale Vultures in C Grade.
    4 points
  31. It is Noah Yze. He has been traing with the club this preseason.
    4 points
  32. Salo looks in ripping nick. A fit and firing Salem will be a huge fillip.
    4 points
  33. This is good, and i think well over due - ie the club coming out and putting Clarry 'on extended leave to deal with his ongoing health issues'. Without getting into the specifics of his issues and what is happening for Clarry the absolute right approach by the club is taking a health focused approach - for Clarry, the team and fans. Making it clear he is on extended leave takes some of the pressure off, allows fans to recalibrate and come to terms with the likelihood we won't see him in the team for a while. But perhaps even more importantly it means the rest of the team can focus on their own preparation without some of the fugazi. Easy to forget i reckon how stressful and unhelpful this has all been on his teammates, particularly those who have been long term mates such as tracc and Salo. Personally i'm approaching the situation like Clarry had an ACL last season. He's out, he's not coming anytime soon and it's not clear how long it will be before he does come back. I'm sending positive vibes Clarry's way and wish him nothing but the best.
    4 points
  34. I reckon the MRC will welcome us with open arms. We'll be seen as a partner in a win/win situation Just an opinion mind you and a gut feeling but I reckon the MRC will see us coming in as a way of growing their own membership and a chance to make $$$$'s on non race days For the MFC, we'll get exactly what we want in terms of training grounds & indoor facilities for the players. As well as buildings for the admin The supporters would get a great view of training and/or practice games from the existing stands and any new stands (Western end of the course?) I'll post up an image of the course directly as to how I see the configuration
    3 points
  35. Because Goodwin wouldn’t take advice He has the final say. BTW I would have made Yze Coach this year (2024) my opinion
    3 points
  36. Love seeing Gus without the fluro vest!!! There should be no pressure or expectations on Gus after what happened last year. But if he can manage to get his mind and body right he might just be the most important piece for us as full-time midfielder this year. I know this is a discussion that will be had on this forum in future weeks and months, but I really liked Gus' impact through the period Clayton was out last year. It was a small sample size but I thought the change in dynamic in the midfield was refreshing and gave us a different look with more versatility. In no way am I saying our midfield will be better without Clayton (potentially) but provides different opportunities and dynamics to be really effective IMO.
    3 points
  37. I think a polite request to ask you to stop flogging a dead horse is the appropriate comment given your seemingly unstoppable support for Fisherman's Bend after the decision has been made to pursue Caulfield Racecourse for our new training facility.
    3 points
  38. Thank you, dpositive. I’ll politely decline. I’m the first to admit to knowing bugger all about where the best location is for our home base. I don’t feel strongly for or against any of the suggestions. My point was simply that Casey Fields is a sch!tt-hole of a ground from a spectator’s perspective.
    3 points
  39. Not sure how you can be locked out of multiple use public parkland -Caulfield
    3 points
  40. This bloke has a tremendous work ethic. Love his passion for the club too. Seemed a little down in form last season but still had a good one. An underrated player who is deservedly respected and liked by his teammates and supporters.
    3 points
  41. Like a lot of his teammates, he lost the plot in front of the sticks towards the end and could only manage 4.8 in the last 4 games of the year. He's far better than that. The Carlton final showed the best and worst in him in the one game. Undisciplined and inaccurate for the first half and a bit. Then became more of a focal up forward and kicked 2 goals and lit a massive spark for us as we got a bit of control between mid 3rd quarter and mid 4th quarter. His round 1 game was phenomenal. 19 possessions, 7 marks and 4 goals is as good as it gets in this league for a small forward that can pinch hit in the middle. If he can do this 4 to 6 times a year, then he'll easily be a top 30 player in the league.
    3 points
  42. Devils advocate. This is the time of the year to practice new game plans and tactics. We obviously don't want to share that in the wrong hands early and it would be pretty easy for an opposition club to have someone wear a dees cap on the premise of taking photos yet they could get heaps of cracking vid of plans, payers, training techniques etc Heaps of stuff. Or is your will to share more important? Just saying.
    3 points
  43. Thanks Six that is brilliant footage and I also enjoyed the upbeat background music. I am going to have to brush up on the player numbers as we have a lot of changes. Petty is way ahead of my expectations.
    3 points
  44. Rarely plays a terrible game. Sometimes plays a very, very good one.
    3 points
  45. AFL Latest Videos - AFL.com.au https://www.afl.com.au/video/1072057/leading-goalkickers-every-kysaiah-pickett-goal-in-2023?videoId=1072057&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1704394800001&tagNames=AppNewsFeed:Yes Kicked a lot of freakish goals this year. I liked how Kozzie was deployed in centre bounces, too. Mind you, he's still only 22 so plenty of upside. Looking forward to seeing Koz tear up the MCG in '24.
    3 points
  46. What a load of self serving twaddle. I would have Kept Yze and said goodbye to Goodwin at the end of ‘23, Yep Many Players have progressed to a point , but they don’t have the same drive (attitude) as has been there before. Too many Slow Starts Goodwin is a very stubborn man, particularly on Matchday, and that was a big factor in Adem leaving Take it or Leave, you have no idea Who or What i know about the MFC. 2 Cups have been thrown away, you may accept that, that is entirely up to you, but i certainly don’t have to Parrot Fashion your views.
    3 points
  47. Looks like TMac may have lost a bet over the chrissy break...
    3 points
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