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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/23 in all areas

  1. Seriously picket? She obviously has you all fooled. She’s a deranged fanboy (fan girl?) who gets her jollies from hanging around young athletic men who happen to wear red and blue. All this making banners, cooking sausages and happy snapshots with her “boys” is just a front. I’m actually scared about what she might do next. I am beginning to believe that we might not be seeing Chin again. I think she might have him locked away in her basement. Yeah, she’s not fooling me.
    5 points
  2. If I'm right that's now two third places and twice runner-up to Lauren Pearce. 😍😔
    5 points
  3. STAR TREK CHRONICLES SPACE, THE FINAL FRONTIER, THESE ARE THE VOYAGES OF THE STARSHIP “ENTERPRISE” IT’S FIVE-YEAR MISSION TO EXPLORE STRANGE NEW WORLDS TO SEEK OUT NEW LIFE AND NEW CIVILIZATIONS…., TO BOLDLY GO WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE! SEGWAY MUSIC! SCENE 1 Captains log 12122351 We have been requested by Starfleet command to search for and bring back deranged, megalomanic, psychopath and madman Colli Feral. He fled homeworld Klingon prime and has found a way to go back in time to wreak havoc on the planet earth in the early 21st Century with his desire for power and to create a like race of people which are despised around the cosmos. Spock: Captain, I believe I have computed Colli Ferals last known location and have situated it in a place called Lulie St. I am, however, unable to get a precise location, however a resident in another location would be receptive to our efforts to locate and apprehend him and I have the coordinates locked into computer, his name is Picket Fence! Kirk: Is there any chance that we attempt time jump that we might be trapped in a time warp that we may never return? Spock: A time warp from which we may never return. Why captain I can’t believe my ears!! Kirk: Neither can we Spock , neither can we! Scotty, prepare for the time jump! Landing party Bones, Mr. Spock, Myself and Yeoman Smith Scotty: Aye Sir but I canna guarantee the ships integrity, we will be approaching Mega Warp! Kirk on my mark Spock, 3, 2, 1 Go. Scene 2 On arrival, Kirk: we seem to have made it! Landing Party to transformer room on the Double ENERGISE ! Kirk what an inhospitable place, Spock is this it? Spock: Indeed, it is captain, captain look at this sign!! Kirk, phasers on stun, full alert, wait who is that over there Spock?? According to tricorder readings that is Picket Fence!! Picket Fence thinking What a shocking day wind up, no ground access, passed two slitheras enroute all in the name of Demonland!! Wait, who is that? Oh, hold the phone is that who I think it is!! Kirk: We mean you no halm I am……….. Picket Fence: I know who you are James Tiberious Kirk, Mr. Spock, Bones Mc Coy, Scotty and Yeoman?? Yeoman: Yeoman Smith!! Picket Fence, of course you are!! I am Picket Fence. We know who you are P.F P.F How do you know that ? Never mind Its probably in the script which I haven’t read yet! Kirk: Probably but let’s get on with it, We have been requested by Starfleet command to search for and bring back deranged, megalomanic, psychopath and madman Colli Feral. He fled homeworld Klingon prime and has found a way to go back in time to wreak havoc on the planet earth in the early 21st Century with his desire for power and to create a like race of people which are despised around the cosmos. P.F Hnmm have you a Picture? Kirk: His name is Colli Feral and he has limited teeth, speaks in Guttural Language and wears Black and White clothing often do you know him? P.F Yeah I can narrow it down to about 100,000 people like that, but I reckon I can help, but first I have to complete my training report for Demonland! Spock: ah yes we have heard something about this in Earth Archives, Mind if I observe?? Of course and you as well Captain, ow watch out a slithera is about to climb on Mr. Spocks leg! Scotty: Aye Captain that would be a trouser snake! ( stifling laughter) It attaches to your leg, That’s what we called them in Scoootland! I’ll phaser it of! Buuuuz! Mr. Spock, Mister Scott why are you laughing! Bones Mc Coy: Its humor Spock , don’t you get it? Spock: Humor is a narrative with a humorous ending, no I don’t get it! Bones: Typical Vulcan response Spock you humorless moron! P.F Ok Captain I’ll help on one condition! Kirk: And what would that be? P.F I have an acquaintance that owns a Manor with staff needing new uniforms, could I have a couple of those Yeoman outfits for his perusal? Kirk: Of course, just send the coordinates and we will beam them to him! O’k lets observe this report of Training at Casey Fields of the Melbourne Dees, Tricorders ON PICKET FENCE TRAINING REPORT CASEY FIELDS 8/12/2023 Blustery day at Casey, Ground NOT OPEN?? and the only other people I saw were one bloke on the far side and another Man and Woman also watching around the south Goals, had a small pair of Binoculars but looking through the fence was problematic. NO SHOWS Clarry, Kade Chandler, Petty, and Melky REHAB GROUP Gus, Salem, Bailey Fritsch, and later ……. Koltyn Tholstrup! A group of young players including Caleb Windsor was also on light duties. OSERVATIONS, PLAYER WATCH AND DRILLS INFORMATION Drills were nothing new and involved overlaps, weaves, clean ball handling and picking the correct options. All players looked pretty fit and a few have put on some beef. Among them were Jefferson, Sestan, Farris White, Sparrow and I really liked the look of TRENT RIVERS! After exercises stretches players were practicing goal kicking from various angles, distance and combos of set shots and on the run pivots. After that came an almost full match simulations between Red Kicking with the wind and White kicking against. Reds DOMINATED; however, it was at times difficult to differentiate as quite a few players had different numbers on for example VINES wearing no 3? As well as standing on the outside looking in this set another level of challenge! From the Match sim I have this to report! BEN BROWN will play round 1 barring injury; He looked really good unhampered and ran far and wide kicked plenty of goals and looks a new man. TRENT RIVERS Wow just watching him develop was just mind bending , he has gone to another level with fitness, confidence, poise and belief ran through midfield at times and just shrugged opponents at will. SHANE MC ADAM What an excitement machine knows where to run, almost took the hanger of the year, and kicks the ball beautifully , he will also play round one. JACK BILLINGS What an astute pick up, clever, crafty, uses the ball very well and will slot in as high half forward or maybe wing and did some very nice things. KOZZY PICKET, Did the usual Kossy things. TOM FULLARTON, doesn’t look out of place and is a presence in Ruck and forward. JOSH SCHACHE Bit of a surprise packet for me today was involved kicked a couple of goals and was good in contest. MATHEW JEFFERSON, Has definitely bulked up and did a few nice things and kicked a couple of goals as well. BAILEY LAURIE Was also quite involved in general play, but I don’t know if he just lacks something is it breakaway pace? BLAKE HOWES, Also did some good things , took the game on , his disposal was good and he looked quite confident! Other than that T Mac played back but gee he looks slow and I’m not sure where he will sit this year in selections. A few players missed REGULATION goals for example Trac from 40 out directly in from and really this again would not want to be part of our conversion going forward. Was training intensity up or down compared to what I saw last year at this time? I would have to say Slightly less intense than same time and maybe just building gradually. Skills looked sharper and there was a propensity to pick the correct option and seemed to be more creative handball. There was little evidence of Bombing into forward 50, but then again, this needs to be tested at the coalface in games to see if there has been a more systematic entry and conversions that equate to wins. Will try to watch again next week if possible. Cheers P.F
    4 points
  4. I did attend and am currently nursing quite the hangover 🤕 but I didn’t break any bones this year so there’s that. In general, it was a good night but there was definitely an undeniable underlying air of sadness. I’m not gonna go into detail suffice to say at one point I was in the ladies’ room consoling one of the players who was crying. Nor can I go into detail about how things changed somewhat towards the back end of the season. This is because I’ve heard conflicting stories therefore I don’t know what’s accurate and what’s not. Mick paid tribute to Chook (Georgina Fowler) and Sammy J who’re leaving, but because we’re still in the middle of the trade period, couldn’t mention the others: Westy, Casey, Jordy and Libby. This made things feel a little weird. Libby was the only one of those leaving us who was honoured with an award, that being for her games tally of 75. Polite clapping while she went on stage to accept it, as opposed to raucous cheering (especially from the DA) when anyone else did so, was the big ol’ elephant in the room. It’d be impossible to reach the dizzying heights of last year’s B&F, and everyone knew that. But I for one didn’t expect last night to be so far below it.
    4 points
  5. I’m happy to submit a brain-buster for January to assist with keeping our minds sharp; ”Ethan’s Exquisitely Eccentric Elliptical Enigma.” At least then I’ll actually get the answer (I hope).
    4 points
  6. I recently re-watched the last 45mins of that game in Geelong and James Harmes contribution to that win is somewhat underrated and unnoticed. He didn't do the most silky things, but he was in it everywhere contesting the ball, laying tackles, generally getting involved in the play in positive ways and not giving up when the game looked gone. He wasn't the only one, but seemed to me to be one of the main culprits, along with guys like Gus, Gawn, ANB, Oliver etc. Guys like that can be a pretty important part of the fabric of the team. It was sad seeing his deminished form this season. It would have been nice for him to be a one club player, but I wish him all the best at the Bulldogs. At least he racked up 100+ with us and hopefully we are still his spiritual home for a potential future father son/daughter.
    4 points
  7. our 2 best players this season so a perfect result
    4 points
  8. Sparrow is a totally different player to JJ. He is much more dynamic, much more damaging with his ball use, and has a good burst of speed. JJ lacks those things, which made him surplus to our needs. Accumulating possessions in our midfield is not a valued skill when you have the likes of Clarry and Viney getting 30+ touches a week every week. I wish JJ the absolute best at Sydney. He is a lovely, hard working kid and I totally get why he left.
    4 points
  9. Your point is? Isn’t that something you’d say had the event been scheduled for a Tuesday or Wednesday morning, for example? Before you come back with ‘some people have to work on Saturdays’ save your time, I already know this as I frequently work on Saturdays. But having it on a Saturday means there’s more likelihood of people being able to attend. Incidentally, I wasn’t shaming anyone for not attending. Nor was I complaining. I was merely stating a fact… there wasn’t many participants there. Simples.
    3 points
  10. I feel sorry for Brodie Grundy and us as supporters, it was worth a try and had we had a bigger better forward line it may have worked but Max and Brodie were never going to carry the forward line in lieu of BBB, TMac and Harrison Petty. Brodie is just to good to be playing second ruck, I am glad that Sydney picked him up along with the $600k/year contract for his services, so good luck Brodie I wish you good luck and a fond adiue.!!
    3 points
  11. The girls all looked AMAZING. Some of them were unrecognisable. I was standing in a group and didn’t realise it was Banno next to me until she said, “Hey WCW!” Later, I told her mum Sharon I didn’t know until last night that Alyssa has [censored] and a bum. 😁 Sharon said, “And they’re nice [censored] and bum, so tell me why she’s still single!” Mums, huh. What can you do. 😂 edit: the censored word begins with “B” and ends in “oobs” 😝
    3 points
  12. Like so many before him (Sylvia, Watts, Morton etc) just one good preseason away from superstardom
    3 points
  13. Mick Stinear did a nice summary of the season. In retrospect, the last game away to Brisbane had a big effect. A very physical match, and all credit to Brisbane who, of course went on to claim the main prize. That meant we were still "down" against North and Mick referred to "other factors" aroud that time which were reported in some forums as illness. He felt like it was only in that last quarter against Geelong that we got our "mojo" back and pehraps a few more minutes and we may have been through to a prelim. A nice touch now that the MFCW B&F will be known as the Daisy Pearce Trophy.
    3 points
  14. Second that !...WCW you are now hall of fame stuff😇
    3 points
  15. Demon Spirit Award goes to Lily Mithen. In third place is Lauren Pearce. Two worthy winners of the inaugural Daisy Pearce Trophy. 🏆 Kate Hore 🏆Tyla Hanks
    3 points
  16. yeah ... more like $560m i reckon and if the vic gummit involved, probably blowing out to $1.7b by completion
    3 points
  17. Saddest turnout ever. 😭 Not exaggerating, there was more players than regular folks. And by regular folks I mean MFC staff (and a couple of Board members). The players didn’t eat so we were left with heaps of leftovers. We wanted to minimise waste as much as possible so we tucked in. Today I discovered something about myself… I can eat six sausages in bread and still walk upright. So there’s that 😃
    3 points
  18. Max Gawn polled coaches votes in 5 of the first 9 games that the combo played together. All five of those games that he polled were dry weather games. Grundy didn't play well in 2 of the next 3 games (Geelong, GWS and St Kilda) and we all know how bad the weather was in 2 of those games. To say the combination didn't work is ignoring what happened in the first half of the season, and Goodwin made a selection blunder in the dry semi final simply due to valuing T Mac and Schache ahead of Grundy. With that being said, Grundy is a ruck by trade so I have no issue that he chased a starting ruck role at Sydney.
    3 points
  19. Unless inspiration strikes, this is the last of my brainteasers for now as the arsenal is empty. Anybody else interested in having a go? Below is a team of currently listed AFL footballers, roughly in position. It's not a particularly strong side, but all the players have something in common. I would rate this one as fairly straightforward but, then again, I already know the solution. There are no prizes today. Don't be greedy. It's almost Christmas. Answers in a PM only, thanks! =============================================== B: Blake Hardwick Steven May Zac Guthrie H/B: Judd McVee Caleb Graham Jack Sinclair C: Nat Fyfe Patrick Cripps Daniel Rioli H/F: Toby Greene Charlie Curnow Sam Powell-Pepper F: Cody Weightman Jake Waterman Michael Frederick R: Darcy Cameron Tom Green Jack Steele I/C: Angus Sheldrick Bigoa Nyuon Jarrod Berry Jack Crisp
    2 points
  20. Sparrow is a brute of a midfielder who can shrug a tackle and has a penetrating leg on him. Nothing against JJ but he is a very vanilla type midfielder. Wish him nothing but the best at the swans but not against us obviously.
    2 points
  21. Thanks @WalkingCivilWar. Not great to hear there are problems though. Hopefully it all gets sorted before next season.
    2 points
  22. Same every year… can only imagine how much we lose on merch sales with nothing available for Christmas. Amateur stuff
    2 points
  23. *massive sigh* If he had been ready, willing and able, maybe.
    2 points
  24. “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan
    2 points
  25. It was utterly bizarre when we were planning on doing it, a clumsy situation when we tried it, a confusing mess when we abandoned it for worse options, and an apathetic catharsis when we moved him on for about what we paid for him. If failures can be measured in wasted time and effort - this was a failure.
    2 points
  26. Or an injured Tmac for that matter. I'm still perplexed by it all. He wasn't the fwd we hoped he'd be though for most of the year. It was worth a gamble . Best of luck to him.
    2 points
  27. Really admire Quaynor as a player. Quickly establishing himself as one of the best lock down small defenders in the game. His physical strength for such a young player is very impressive. Won some crucial contests in the grand finald and throughout the finals series.
    2 points
  28. I will go back to THAT kick by Lever to Max infront of Geelongs wall of defenders in the last round at the cattery. The ball had to go exactly where it ended up or likely no mark no goal no win. The oldest players in the Geelong side knew we were going to win the flag. You could tell by their body language when they mingled with the dees players. Winners respect winners. Geelong knew.
    2 points
  29. Wish him all the best at Sydney. Ironic that he is the November man on the MFC calendar 2024.
    2 points
  30. Of course they’re there, that’s how they get their annual wash. 😜
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. I still am peeved at why the ground is ALWAYS Locked, I mean its not as if I am a threat to security, I'm happy to provide a service with a bit of humour at no cosf to Demonland tragics like myself!
    2 points
  33. Don’t know where else to put this. Here’s as good a place as anywhere. At Gosch’s right now for the Jimmy Family Fun Walk. The rain has kept many away (hashtag weak as [censored] 😁). Snags in bread and drinks at no cost, still gonna have a truckload of leftovers. My chooks will be thrilled: a month of nothing but snags and bread. But look who did turn up to do the walk… Rainy day Dees Everyone’s here except for Chin, *Petts and Kolt. *or is he here? I spoke to Jed and I still can’t be sure it wasn’t Petts. 🙃 PS girls a no-show. Probs all busy getting hair and makeup and spray tans for tonight’s B&F.
    2 points
  34. Yes Dee Dee as Max said that kick to Fritsch in the 3rd Qtr was the best and most influential in James career.
    2 points
  35. He will always be remembered fondly for that handball steal from Smith and subsequent kick to Fritsch in the 3rd quarter of the 2021 grand final. And that set up the momentum for the rest of the game IMHO!
    2 points
  36. Chandler has a family issue in SA. Salem they're going to progressively load because he had a huge off-season conditioning wise. They've told him to taper it back.
    2 points
  37. Brodie's impact on the group, from a human perspective, can't be underestimated. A fantastic human and a genuine gun ruckman who absolutely deserves to be the number 1 at his club.
    2 points
  38. Had a really poor year. Started 2022 in great nick getting 20+ touches and a goal a game but has gone backwards ever since. Became a genuine liability in his final games for the club. Think of the two first quarter elementary set shot misses against Richmond, and then being unable to execute a 20 metre pass to a loose teammate close to the boundary line in Hobart. Needs to be a tagger ala 2018 or somehow re-create himself as a permanent medium forward as he is a natural goal kicker when he has confidence.
    2 points
  39. Jordon is no longer at the club because he has no elite qualities, and could only win 11 possessions in consecutive games as a full time midfielder in rounds 19 and 20. His semi final effort was absolutely putrid. Good luck to him, but we can do much better. Sparrow is a tease at present. He has many of the tools needed to become a really good player, other than speed, but is also prone to going missing for long periods. I suspect he would benefit from serious competition for his spot, and potentially the occasional game at Casey. At the moment he seems happy to coast along and be an average player.
    2 points
  40. Well I coached under 19s juniors from under 13 -17s love your drive by answer looks like back up is coming.
    1 point
  41. Ahh the pre season. That lovely time of year when a perfectly good training thread turns into an off season p*****g match. Good times!!
    1 point
  42. You love Libby like Picket Fence loves Charlie Spargo
    1 point
  43. As a long term fan of hers it’s sad to see people pile on
    1 point
  44. To confirm the trade MFC give Eliza West and Casey Sherriff and pick 16 MFC get pick 5 and 26
    1 point
  45. pick 5 is also pick 2 from the Vic pool
    1 point
  46. Reflecting on Jordon's role at Sydney - he'll be a reliable presence in a midfield that already has quite a bit of flair and power. In a way it is the exact reverse of his scenario at Melbourne where he was 'just another' solid midfield player in a team that was in need of some dynamism. That perspective has been shown in our recruiting and drafting choices, too.
    1 point
  47. Given what Todd has said, I wonder if some of those that are leaving might have had a less than positive end of season interview with the coaching/list staff. At the end of the 2020 season Elise O'Dea, Maddy Guerin, Harriet Cordner, Bianca Jakobsson and Alisha Newman (and one other I can't recall just now) all headed off to other clubs, and the talk was how we obviously had problems if such a list of departures was occurring. But my understanding was that most, if not all, of those losses were club initiated, with the players not fitting in with our future plans and them being informed it would be best for them to look elsewhere. Our three seasons after that we went 25-4 in H&A, and prelim, runners up, premiers. Maybe we are looking at a repeat in 2023. But perhaps not three seasons till the next flag. 🙂
    1 point
  48. Still a star studded line up. Not sure why Gay is leaving but do believe clubs are throwing higher $$ dollars around. I think Dees can re-challenge. Harris and Banno were cooked by years end. Not sure why but they both underperformed in both finals.
    1 point
  49. True, however one key difference is that there is already a sporting precinct in Yarra Bend so open space would not need to be re-purposed like at Footscray Park.
    1 point
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