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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/23 in all areas

  1. STAR TREK CHRONICLES SPACE, THE FINAL FRONTIER, THESE ARE THE VOYAGES OF THE STARSHIP “ENTERPRISE” IT’S FIVE-YEAR MISSION TO EXPLORE STRANGE NEW WORLDS TO SEEK OUT NEW LIFE AND NEW CIVILIZATIONS…., TO BOLDLY GO WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE! SEGWAY MUSIC! SCENE 1 Captains log 12122351 We have been requested by Starfleet command to search for and bring back deranged, megalomanic, psychopath and madman Colli Feral. He fled homeworld Klingon prime and has found a way to go back in time to wreak havoc on the planet earth in the early 21st Century with his desire for power and to create a like race of people which are despised around the cosmos. Spock: Captain, I believe I have computed Colli Ferals last known location and have situated it in a place called Lulie St. I am, however, unable to get a precise location, however a resident in another location would be receptive to our efforts to locate and apprehend him and I have the coordinates locked into computer, his name is Picket Fence! Kirk: Is there any chance that we attempt time jump that we might be trapped in a time warp that we may never return? Spock: A time warp from which we may never return. Why captain I can’t believe my ears!! Kirk: Neither can we Spock , neither can we! Scotty, prepare for the time jump! Landing party Bones, Mr. Spock, Myself and Yeoman Smith Scotty: Aye Sir but I canna guarantee the ships integrity, we will be approaching Mega Warp! Kirk on my mark Spock, 3, 2, 1 Go. Scene 2 On arrival, Kirk: we seem to have made it! Landing Party to transformer room on the Double ENERGISE ! Kirk what an inhospitable place, Spock is this it? Spock: Indeed, it is captain, captain look at this sign!! Kirk, phasers on stun, full alert, wait who is that over there Spock?? According to tricorder readings that is Picket Fence!! Picket Fence thinking What a shocking day wind up, no ground access, passed two slitheras enroute all in the name of Demonland!! Wait, who is that? Oh, hold the phone is that who I think it is!! Kirk: We mean you no halm I am……….. Picket Fence: I know who you are James Tiberious Kirk, Mr. Spock, Bones Mc Coy, Scotty and Yeoman?? Yeoman: Yeoman Smith!! Picket Fence, of course you are!! I am Picket Fence. We know who you are P.F P.F How do you know that ? Never mind Its probably in the script which I haven’t read yet! Kirk: Probably but let’s get on with it, We have been requested by Starfleet command to search for and bring back deranged, megalomanic, psychopath and madman Colli Feral. He fled homeworld Klingon prime and has found a way to go back in time to wreak havoc on the planet earth in the early 21st Century with his desire for power and to create a like race of people which are despised around the cosmos. P.F Hnmm have you a Picture? Kirk: His name is Colli Feral and he has limited teeth, speaks in Guttural Language and wears Black and White clothing often do you know him? P.F Yeah I can narrow it down to about 100,000 people like that, but I reckon I can help, but first I have to complete my training report for Demonland! Spock: ah yes we have heard something about this in Earth Archives, Mind if I observe?? Of course and you as well Captain, ow watch out a slithera is about to climb on Mr. Spocks leg! Scotty: Aye Captain that would be a trouser snake! ( stifling laughter) It attaches to your leg, That’s what we called them in Scoootland! I’ll phaser it of! Buuuuz! Mr. Spock, Mister Scott why are you laughing! Bones Mc Coy: Its humor Spock , don’t you get it? Spock: Humor is a narrative with a humorous ending, no I don’t get it! Bones: Typical Vulcan response Spock you humorless moron! P.F Ok Captain I’ll help on one condition! Kirk: And what would that be? P.F I have an acquaintance that owns a Manor with staff needing new uniforms, could I have a couple of those Yeoman outfits for his perusal? Kirk: Of course, just send the coordinates and we will beam them to him! O’k lets observe this report of Training at Casey Fields of the Melbourne Dees, Tricorders ON PICKET FENCE TRAINING REPORT CASEY FIELDS 8/12/2023 Blustery day at Casey, Ground NOT OPEN?? and the only other people I saw were one bloke on the far side and another Man and Woman also watching around the south Goals, had a small pair of Binoculars but looking through the fence was problematic. NO SHOWS Clarry, Kade Chandler, Petty, and Melky REHAB GROUP Gus, Salem, Bailey Fritsch, and later ……. Koltyn Tholstrup! A group of young players including Caleb Windsor was also on light duties. OSERVATIONS, PLAYER WATCH AND DRILLS INFORMATION Drills were nothing new and involved overlaps, weaves, clean ball handling and picking the correct options. All players looked pretty fit and a few have put on some beef. Among them were Jefferson, Sestan, Farris White, Sparrow and I really liked the look of TRENT RIVERS! After exercises stretches players were practicing goal kicking from various angles, distance and combos of set shots and on the run pivots. After that came an almost full match simulations between Red Kicking with the wind and White kicking against. Reds DOMINATED; however, it was at times difficult to differentiate as quite a few players had different numbers on for example VINES wearing no 3? As well as standing on the outside looking in this set another level of challenge! From the Match sim I have this to report! BEN BROWN will play round 1 barring injury; He looked really good unhampered and ran far and wide kicked plenty of goals and looks a new man. TRENT RIVERS Wow just watching him develop was just mind bending , he has gone to another level with fitness, confidence, poise and belief ran through midfield at times and just shrugged opponents at will. SHANE MC ADAM What an excitement machine knows where to run, almost took the hanger of the year, and kicks the ball beautifully , he will also play round one. JACK BILLINGS What an astute pick up, clever, crafty, uses the ball very well and will slot in as high half forward or maybe wing and did some very nice things. KOZZY PICKET, Did the usual Kossy things. TOM FULLARTON, doesn’t look out of place and is a presence in Ruck and forward. JOSH SCHACHE Bit of a surprise packet for me today was involved kicked a couple of goals and was good in contest. MATHEW JEFFERSON, Has definitely bulked up and did a few nice things and kicked a couple of goals as well. BAILEY LAURIE Was also quite involved in general play, but I don’t know if he just lacks something is it breakaway pace? BLAKE HOWES, Also did some good things , took the game on , his disposal was good and he looked quite confident! Other than that T Mac played back but gee he looks slow and I’m not sure where he will sit this year in selections. A few players missed REGULATION goals for example Trac from 40 out directly in from and really this again would not want to be part of our conversion going forward. Was training intensity up or down compared to what I saw last year at this time? I would have to say Slightly less intense than same time and maybe just building gradually. Skills looked sharper and there was a propensity to pick the correct option and seemed to be more creative handball. There was little evidence of Bombing into forward 50, but then again, this needs to be tested at the coalface in games to see if there has been a more systematic entry and conversions that equate to wins. Will try to watch again next week if possible. Cheers P.F
    14 points
  2. I heard the Chin Family are still recovering from 10 days with Clarrie.
    9 points
  3. Chandler has a family issue in SA. Salem they're going to progressively load because he had a huge off-season conditioning wise. They've told him to taper it back.
    9 points
  4. Saddest turnout ever. 😭 Not exaggerating, there was more players than regular folks. And by regular folks I mean MFC staff (and a couple of Board members). The players didn’t eat so we were left with heaps of leftovers. We wanted to minimise waste as much as possible so we tucked in. Today I discovered something about myself… I can eat six sausages in bread and still walk upright. So there’s that 😃
    7 points
  5. I still am peeved at why the ground is ALWAYS Locked, I mean its not as if I am a threat to security, I'm happy to provide a service with a bit of humour at no cosf to Demonland tragics like myself!
    7 points
  6. I've heard from a reliable source that they didn't bring schache on in the semi so as not to impact his preseason.
    6 points
  7. Ahh the pre season. That lovely time of year when a perfectly good training thread turns into an off season p*****g match. Good times!!
    6 points
  8. JT told the truth. He selected the best available who had speed, athleticism and foot skills.
    6 points
  9. Agree that hunter is not that quick. From my perspective that is only an issue if there aren't enough quick players accross the team to balance it out. But we didn't last season and it is no coincidence the two draftees are apparently good athletes who can cover the ground at speed. And as you suggest woey and Howes both have good toe. Such players should help hunter as opposed to being a threat for his role (which in time they no doubt will be). It's a bit like kicking skills. I've long been of the view we haven't had enough elite kicks. And that hurt us last year. But teams don't need more than say 5-6 elite kicks and 5-6 above average kicks. If they do they can carry some butchers. The issue comes when there aren't enough elite and above average kicks as the turnover merchants, that every team have, have an outsize impact. There was a lot of talk about our accuracy in our losses in big games, and fair enough too. In large part accuracy is a function of skill (sure ability to handle pressure is a factor but the stronger the technique the better mitigation of pressure). But our turnovers on transition were just as big a factor, particularly in our last two losses against the blues. The impact of turnovers on transition often get overlooked I reckon. Sure it's obvious when a turnover directly results in an oppo goal (and in our losses to the blues their score from turnover was almost double our season average - and ultimately cost us the semi with vineys turnover to weitering with 90 seconds to go). But it's the opportunity cost from turnovers on transition that really hurt, whether the oppo score or not. That's to say a turnover breaks a potential scoring chain for us and costs us a scoring opportunity. Again, no coincidence that Taylor targeted players with good kicking skills. On the DL podcast Taylor said they went best available, but I don't really believe that (though he did equivocate a bit to be fair). I think they drafted more for need - specificlly speed, athletisim and foot skills.
    6 points
  10. Don’t know where else to put this. Here’s as good a place as anywhere. At Gosch’s right now for the Jimmy Family Fun Walk. The rain has kept many away (hashtag weak as [censored] 😁). Snags in bread and drinks at no cost, still gonna have a truckload of leftovers. My chooks will be thrilled: a month of nothing but snags and bread. But look who did turn up to do the walk… Rainy day Dees Everyone’s here except for Chin, *Petts and Kolt. *or is he here? I spoke to Jed and I still can’t be sure it wasn’t Petts. 🙃 PS girls a no-show. Probs all busy getting hair and makeup and spray tans for tonight’s B&F.
    6 points
  11. Sorry, are you annoyed about the sub situation from the semi finals? I couldn’t tell. It’s the first time you’ve ever mentioned it.
    5 points
  12. Of course they’re there, that’s how they get their annual wash. 😜
    5 points
  13. Were supporters know this event was on? I must have missed the email.
    4 points
  14. This maybe so, BUT, weakness is slowness , and what you do with the pill.Got others to put pressure on him this year in Howes, Woewodin,Windsor & Brayshaw etc.
    4 points
  15. @Demonstone taking a nap? *they're Can't believe nascent typed that, what a dumbass
    4 points
  16. WCW , you are a wiz , ,great effort again today.
    3 points
  17. The Club only found out a fortnight ago that we’d be involved. Initially it was registered walkers only and it wasn’t really widely advertised because there was a cap on the number of walkers. Last night they decided it was now open to all who wanted to do the walk. Clearly not many knew about it, hence the poor attendance.
    3 points
  18. 3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. hunter 2023 24 games 13.18 kicks 10.12 handballs 23.29 disposals 5.09 marks 2.37 tackles
    3 points
  21. He will always be remembered fondly for that handball steal from Smith and subsequent kick to Fritsch in the 3rd quarter of the 2021 grand final. And that set up the momentum for the rest of the game IMHO!
    3 points
  22. There is an article in today's hun about the Hawks move to Dingley. It doesn't seem to worry the Hawks that they will be a long way from their namesake. The previous demand that our locations needed to be near the G may well have lost us a number of locations. We will never know of course.
    3 points
  23. 1. Agree. Personally i think bowser has struggled to have the same impact as 2021 because since then Salo has either not been in the side or not been at his best. This has forced Bowser to pick up elements of Salo's role, in particular balancing responsibility for a direct opponent and being aggressive on transition (it's worth remembering that Bowser was not a defender as a junior and isn't a natural defender). If Salo can get back to his best Bowser can better utilise his strengths and be more aggressive in terms of his offensive positioning, running off his man, getting higher up the ground and taking on high risk kicks (with the impact of any turnover mitigated by an in form Salo) 2. Agree. See above
    3 points
  24. Has anyone ever seen Harry and Jed together in the same room?
    3 points
  25. Jordon is no longer at the club because he was a free agent and was a wanted player at other clubs. At right price and circumstances the MFC would have kept him.
    3 points
  26. Suspect it's as basic as not paying for cleaning/opening of public toilets but I like the theory of secret plays better. Kick out to the left to Gawn is of course in the top secret drawer
    3 points
  27. 4 more years for our Captain and Vice. Brilliant leaders, elite players and most importantly amazing people.
    2 points
  28. Saw Salo this morning. He said he copped a broken nose at training the other day. That probs isn’t a reason to ease off on training but it wouldn’t be pleasant 😭
    2 points
  29. Just had a quick read and you seem to be saying the game plan is at fault. What would you have done differently with the list we took into finals this year?
    2 points
  30. That is a great turnout by the Dees players WCW shame it is such a soggy day out today for you all.
    2 points
  31. Goodwin's 2 flags in his first 38 or so games is another one.
    2 points
  32. Marlion Pickett debut in the AFL grand final is for me considering his challenges in the past being in jail etc.
    2 points
  33. Think he is talking about Isaac Quaynor being the best mid sized defender, not Jake.
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. Well he's not a patch on IQ. Has quietly become just about the best mid sized defender in the comp
    2 points
  36. Absolutely, love is long, raking left foot kick. Good prospects with Jed and Disco coming through...
    2 points
  37. we missed a big opportunity here should have given jed to crows as harrison and reaped heaps of top picks
    2 points
  38. Had a really poor year. Started 2022 in great nick getting 20+ touches and a goal a game but has gone backwards ever since. Became a genuine liability in his final games for the club. Think of the two first quarter elementary set shot misses against Richmond, and then being unable to execute a 20 metre pass to a loose teammate close to the boundary line in Hobart. Needs to be a tagger ala 2018 or somehow re-create himself as a permanent medium forward as he is a natural goal kicker when he has confidence.
    2 points
  39. I don't agree with underestimating Hunter's worth! Here's a quick comparison with other prominent wingman types. Hunter: games 197, av disposals 23 Ed Langdon: 157, 20 Bailey Smith: 103, 22 Isaac Smith: 280, 21 Josh Daicos: 103, 20
    2 points
  40. Yes Jed’s the same size as Harrison because HE IS HARRISON!!!
    2 points
  41. With Bowey, Salem, Rivers and McVee all running off half back we should be cutting team defences to shreds, but we just don't seem to utilise their speed and kicking skills enough. I really hope we can get better at this. Steven May takes way too many kick outs and I don't see him as a great short kick these days, just a good long left boot.
    2 points
  42. Agree with this. He rarely impacts games and isn't able to blanket small forwards like McVee. He's got great skills, but feels like his current role isn't playing to his strengths. Outside a good QF against Collingwood, he was lacklustre this season. I'm not as sold on him long term as others on here seem to be. In his current position, he could easily be replaced in coming seasons by Howe, Woe, Hunter, Windsor etc. He should be tried on the wing or half forward to get him more involved in games and use his kicking skills where they'd be more damaging. That said, always good to lock away first rounders. Bowser's clearly got good skills and a football brain. Hoping he and moreso Laurie can step up and have a big impact in the coming seasons.
    2 points
  43. it's ok that's your view I don't agree with it, I just don't wear coloured glasses when I watch football we have faults you don't see them, I called it in 22 and 23 so i am interested to see in 24 how we go about it.
    2 points
  44. Of course not. Despite the belief held by many posters on this forum that our gameplan has not changed since 2021, it has been adjusted each preseason due to changes in our list and the way the opposition has responded to it. However, once the season gets underway, successful teams adhere to their gameplan, so when players are injured, there are VFL players available to step in and carry out the plan. The issue we faced last season—which I previously discussed—was that we lost so many important players, leaving us shorthanded. The cupboard was bare. It is difficult to suddenly and drastically alter a system that players have become accustomed to and react instinctively to something different, especially during a finals campaign.
    2 points
  45. It would have been my late mother's 102nd birthday today. .....just sayin' Miss you too, Mum 😥
    2 points
  46. Love your second point Jim. In regards to your first point you would seriously hope not. A few supporters at training aren’t going to make that much of a mess. Memo to Melbourne FC. I am more accurate in front of the bowl than you are in front of goal.
    2 points
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