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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/23 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. Seb is asleep at the wheel on Rivers. Surprises me how his talent is not more widely recognised.
    7 points
  3. Why does he want to ignore our draftees from the last two years when he hasn’t with other teams? That’s 3 players taken in the first round he’s choosing to ignore.
    7 points
  4. Let’s be honest though.. Dictator Dan never had any intentions for Victoria to host the games. It was purely a strategy to buy votes from Rural towns.
    7 points
  5. Right?! And this is why, given a choice, I definitely wouldn’t have engaged at all… especially during training. But I didn’t have a choice… like I said, he just appeared seemingly out of nowhere and no one was more surprised to hear me yell out his name than me. 😆 I have a son the same age as Clarrie, and I know that Michelle (his mum) was extremely upset with the media pile-on, especially since she had other upheavals with which she was burdened at the time. I spoke to Clarrie exactly how I would’ve spoken to my own son. After all, these boys are people first, footballers second.
    7 points
  6. Great work guys! I’m lookin fwd to Monday sesh just hope it’s not all running.. Terrific slots and updates, really like the vibes coming out of club atm, and I think current crop of standouts bodes extremely well & Marty Hore is NO surprise, ppl will be eating words he brings much of what we need & this is what JT etc understand that many ill-informed DL neggers do not! So I love the masses of positivity here, great work all. McDonald down back makes perfect sense, he’s gotta go somewhere & it can’t be fwd without some major inj updates. Need depth down bk!!! Sestan, MJ, KOLT, Laurie, Adams, Fullarton & Howes all seemingly on right track and that’s what we need pushing through, already 4-6 names in totality that could be in mix even if squad is fully fit and that is where the improvement needs to come from, not the top 6-8 players, but the others moving fwd & releasing those top 6-8 workloads so they can be more efficient and make better decisions thru having more support. Super excited about this season. It’s gonna shard to be up there again but if we can convert better we’ll definitely be a show and that’s something!
    7 points
  7. I’ve been missing in action since Covid but managed to get down to training today. Some pics of today's training. Enjoy. https://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-75jnsT
    6 points
  8. 4 out of our top 5 players have already won one.
    5 points
  9. SEN’s young core of journalists is 15th (of 15) on my list of Australian sports radio stations
    4 points
  10. I understand you can only rate or grade what you see, but it feels a bit disingenuous with we have three first rounds picks in Windsor, Kolt & Jefferson yet to play
    4 points
  11. 4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. Great effort WcW. Be careful with that umbrella though. It's ok to have one eyed supporters but not too great for mid fielders.
    4 points
  14. We all know Rivers is a star, but I'm really excited to see where Woey can go this season as well. Wasn't really expecting him to get a game last year based on the reports comming out of his performances at Casey (i.e. some good stuff, but not setting the World on fire). But when Woey got his crack at AFL level, he looked the part almost instantly and I thought he did some really classy stuff. A bit of AFL body size and strength was perhaps all Woey was lacking last season, so he could really make an impact this year if he can work his way into the side.
    4 points
  15. I've been to Monday's and today's training. In no particular order.. The best 10-12 we know and will again be our core. Melsham was doing his drills just in from of me. There's minimal difference in his quads, he was jumping off either foot, doing side step jumps then short kicking with either leg. He must have done a power of rehab to be this far advanced so soon after a knee recon. BBB was moving really well, and moving quickly in his leads to the ball. KFY and Verrall are both very mobile and would make other rucks look sluggish if they can maintain this in a game scenario. Taj especially but Dan Turner, Jed Adams and Jefferson all looking very much stronger. Schache doing what he likes best and avoiding contact. Of McAdam, Billings and Fullarton - they are going to have to bring serious game sense, skill and endeavour to be in the best 22. Which is what we really want. Laurie & Taj look like they really want a spot. But the 2 stand outs for me were Marty Hore and Oli Sestan. Hore was in everything, knew where to position himself in the drills, clean, precise, moving really well. Sestan played one drill on the lead out of the goal square. Never fumbled, nialed them from everywhere. Another, he was link man- precise foot skills, clean hands, looking 1 or even 2 moves ahead of the rest. Hope his tank is larger this year - he looks fitter and dare I say a bit trimmed down below the waist. If JT was correct in his summation 12 months ago when questioned about this choice, he said that we couldn't afford to let Sestan slip another year and thought he might be worth a punt. Lastly, Kynan Brown will never let anyone die wondering if he's put in enough effort to get to play AFL. He never stopped. Looks like he has massive tank. Needs 2 preseasons to get 10kg on his frame. FYI
    4 points
  16. Especially when you’ve already rated McKercher & Duursma inside North’s best 5 youngsters.
    3 points
  17. Max Gawn wouldn't have been a feature in our best players under 24 either
    3 points
  18. I'll probably get caned for this, but I think the standard has gone right down and it is hard to watch. Over recent years the skill levels have improved a lot, but suddenly they have fallen away. I suspect that increased pressure is why.
    3 points
  19. As opposed to if they don’t wanna be? What a redundant sentence. Dude’s reached the required word-count by writing stuff for the sake of writing stuff.
    3 points
  20. LOL. You mean the dictator democratically elected in a landslide victory yeah?
    3 points
  21. Possibly. It is hard to put exact figures on any of these things. But i have no doubt the final figures were a complete blow out. So i am glad we curtailed it. Canada did the same. The Commonwealth Games have no meaning anymore. They peaked in the 1950’s
    3 points
  22. Well that post aged atrociously. Credit to Brisbane, 4 goals to 0 in the last qtr.
    3 points
  23. Brisbane being awarded the Olympics are a bit like getting a Hard Rock Cafe or Planet Hollywood franchise just when they start to be a bit naff.
    3 points
  24. Totally agree and this is why as I suspected, the exchange was something of a reflection on you as well WCW. If only the media would remember the last bit. So much of the time the seem to be reported on like they are objects, there for our entertainment, the sponsors and media.
    3 points
  25. Not so fast. The Afl (Gil's) outrageous Hobart stadium racket ranks up there with this issue given the scale of impact on a city smaller than Geelong and the nation's worst housing crisis. My tip is eventually tassie govt will change and rightfully renege on the plan. Poor Brissie is just stuck and will be car car crash
    3 points
  26. Things like this are so exasperating I just shrug and keep an eye open for the starter pistol of proletarian revolution. Now that'd be an entertaining Olympic event! How would you keep score, though?
    3 points
  27. Just to add one more to those saying what a great post this is WCW and how it lifted my spirits Re the mighty Red and Blue. I also think it's amazing that given all that's gone on with the media, Clarry would be so open and happy to have an exchange like that with you. Think it say something about both of you. Clarry does seem to be a pretty simple country lad at heart - just open and straight down the line, no BS. Think he and the club made the right decision to stick by each other. Can't wait to see what he and the boys can produce this season with him back to his normal self physically and mentally.
    3 points
  28. Not draftable until 2025. He'll be 278cm by then, and still as thin as a straw! Needs to go on the Tmac diet pronto!
    3 points
  29. Thank you for this because it explains a lot. So, they separate the new guys at times. There’s a few configurations. But… Shane is often separated from everyone and works on-on-one with Staffy. It didn’t seem like punishment or making an example of him, so I wondered why it was so. Now it makes sense. Btw, ppl can bag Staffy all they like but he’s great one-on-one with the players, particularly the young boys and especially Shane. You can see they have a really good rapport. Besides that he’s a really nice person.
    3 points
  30. Wandered down for a squizz at the bizz on Gosch's. Melksham rehabbing, not doing a running program yet. Oliver appears underdone. Working a running program, though not very advanced in exertion. Completely opposite to how he turned up last pre-season (fittest of the lot). Petty was having just strolling around. The field was dry and the ball handling for pre-season was good. Some stabb passes early in the session dropped in front of the leading players, at least they weren't bombing away. There was some emphasis on creating fwd 50 marks, plenty of short ball hit ups in the simulations. They started with runs and short kicks, then into station drills of low pick-ups, one on one positioning to high balls with push off, and side tackling after receiving high the ball. The atmosphere was great. Get a sense they have a point to make. Everyone was supportive of each other, the noise level was high, and they were looking like a great young squad. They took knees a few times, with group discussions and some frivolity. Plenty of instructions and guidance from the coaches during the process. Goal kicking practice was about snaps, based on the musical chairs game, but with the ball going around, with a couple of defenders and the manikins, making it tougher. McQualter (Mini) gets right in there with the mids, emphasising the spacing. Some drills were created to make the fwds hold position deep, and spread fast as a turnover happens when the opposition leaves our 50 area but loses the ball. Loved our run, we look fast. Standouts include Bowey, McVee, Tholstrup, Laurie. Laurie was baulking everyone, so much composure and looks to be a big improver. Tholstrup is a born leader, supporting team-mates, working hard, one of the last on the field, Also appears to have the will to get to the contest and has that explosiveness after getting the ball. AFL speed won't worry him, a good size and solidness about him. Bowey looking stronger and faster, impacts when he gets the ball. McVee has that composure, runs to the right places and looks explosive. McAdam was definitely struggling with the running program, though out in the sims he gets involved and has nice skills. Verral was getting plenty of 1%er's going, earning praise from the coaches. His is looking slim and moving well. Must have been working hard off season. Howes is looking to be all muscle, barely any fat on him, looks ready for some hard at it footy. Rivers was linking everything during sims. Max and Lever cannot keep away from the play, plenty of involvement. T'Mac was playing in the back line during sims, moving freely, though not winning the run throughs as he used to. Billings adds another dimension to us. Finds space and has a good finish. Kynan Brown has great vision, runs good angles, if he gets some consistency in skills, and a bit more bulk I believe he will make it. Windsor was low-key, I didn't notice him too often. I reckon JVR needs to have a full and hard working pre-season, looks a bit off, his usual aggression didn't seem there. Jefferson was dancing around well and wants to goal when he gets it. Working up and down the field, a few fumbles, and in and out of the play during Sims. Sestan has improved his fitness, no longer gasping after the exertion, and has plenty of composure. Adams has bulked up and playing well by sitting behind the ball. Turner was working up the field off the backline, providing carry of the ball. Farris-White, looks like his skills have improved, has a bit more bulk about him. AMW, seems more mature, getting to the right positions and kicking goals in the sims. Taj is going about it very professionally, straightens the ball movement up and continues to bring intelligence to the game. Hore has not missed a beat. Schache is working hard, getting on the end of plenty. BBB looking faster, and turning well. Still has his own running program. He and Tracc last on the paddock doing goal kicking practice. The new young ones, did not compete in Sims. There is going to be plenty of pressure for places. We will be batting deep. Go Dees
    3 points
  31. Bloody l-o-n-g session. Close to three hours. As usual Tracc stayed out there for about half an hour after the others had all left, having shots on goal. He does this after sessions, totally his choice. Tracc is dedication personified. Like, next level invested. LOL… I told him he needs to get to work on his muscles. He looked shocked and said, “Who, me???!” I said, “Relax, I’m kidding!” He said, “Phew, for a minute there…” 😁 Like he should pay any mind to what a slightly deranged fan says, amirite?! I told Marty Hore welcome back and he said he’s so happy to be back because this is where he really wants to be, and that he feels like he never left. 💖 Clarrie started later than the others. We chatted a little before he started. Wednesday wasn’t a one-off. He’s definitely on the right track. Happy to chat, super positive, walks with a spring in his step and his head held high. Hashtag body language tells all. Also had interesting chats with Chocco and Perty and Goody, all separately, but all instilled a strong sense of positivity and I’d even say excited anticipation. They’re clearly pumped for next season, as are the players. It really shows. The whole vibe this week has been amazing, which bodes well so early in the preseason. Best thing about today? Two words… [censored] MELKSY! Was NOT expecting to see him moving so well! It was such a sight to behold. Last time I saw him he looked (and was) gutted. Totes different today, all smiles and really buoyed. Perty said his recovery won’t be like “your regular ACL recovery” I said, “he looks ahead of schedule already.” Perty said at this rate he’ll be right “middle of the season.” YAY 🥳 PS Adorable little George Gawn stole the show on the boundary. Heartwarming moment: Tracc walking towards him, George runs to greet him, arms outstretched wanting Tracc to pick him up, which Tracc did, making George so happy he buried his little head into Tracc’s shoulder. I know, right?! 🥹
    3 points
  32. Not so much for Goody next year perhaps. The club will probably agree and do right and stand by him but the media is out to get him for sure. I guess when you win a flag the expectations are higher. Losing in straight sets twice in a row has bought added pressure now. And despite injuries being the main reason the pressure is still there. I can't imagine it happening a third time. Hopefully it won't. I think we will be in the mix again but a lot depends upon young Jvr and Petty' s and Fritta' s feet. Hopefully Max fairs well too. I don't think we can count on Tmac or Bbb anymore. Anything we get from them is an added bonus. But our midfield and backline is still exceptionally strong with a good mix of young blood in the ranks. As much as a disappointment ( the finals) this year was compounded by injuries and Maynard's thuggery, I am really enthusiastic and excited again by a flag hope in 24. The cricket world Cup was a nice distraction but I'm really starting to have footy withdrawals. I guess I should be proud of the club for making the top four and giving both finals a red hot go.
    2 points
  33. Would that be temperature awareness?
    2 points
  34. Old guy here - I like it. Different is good!
    2 points
  35. Koltyn Tholstrop about to bring us in a new platinum sponsor:
    2 points
  36. How I imagine the podcast . . . What probably happens . . .
    2 points
  37. Back - meaning in defence, back on the bench unused, back at Casey?. Only one player in any team (and happens to be Collingwood) to whom I would wish any serious injury and I guess we all know which piece of scum that is.
    2 points
  38. Agree DS but I don’t think he’s rough around the edges at all. Seems like a level headed respectful young man to me. Like everyone I’ve really warmed to him and am hoping for a long and successful career.
    2 points
  39. Watching this kid it is hard to hold the excitement in check.!!
    2 points
  40. Well that’s not true he was an AA Backman and got put forward because he had no one else and he did a good job and stayed there. I think his first forward game was that game he kicked the winner against WC
    2 points
  41. My thoughts do need to be heavily qualified - it is very difficult to comment on things like attitude while watching a December training session from the sidelines. And no doubt my thoughts are influenced by things that have been said about him - eg. "best character in the draft". I think what I was trying to get at is he has presence. Intangible and hard to define. Usually the young first-year players just blend in and you don't really notice them but your eyes seem to be drawn to him. I haven't seem him play so have no idea what he's like on the field. But if he can play, he will definitely be one of those types you notice.
    2 points
  42. What a bloody TERRIFIC training report and group of positive, near effusive, comments!!! LOVE the positive vibes.. kudos to all. As for Matty J, we know what he is, and he’s also in his 2nd pre-season. He’s not JVR and we DO NOT want him to be, he’s more of your BBB OR Daniher type, or a Gunston with Height & a leap. He got him to contrast JVR & the club is absolutely RAPT with how he’s come back, his size etc so let’s stay positive & I think he’ll be a player bit it’s gonna take time. McAdam also doesn’t surprise me, sounds like exactly how I’d imagine, he’ll get more fit as we go but he’s never gonna be the fitness king, he’s a burst, magical type player that’ll provide plenty of fun and likely win us a few games from thin-air if he’s around 4-6yrs. Also continually getting vibe Billings is gonna be an epically important i50 player in 2024, hearing right now, all 3 new AFL recruits are in frame for R1 so that’s a great sign if we improve that much by adding 3 1st 22, likely 4-5 if you consider Howes Is also gonna push for a claim, KOLT perhaps can too. God I hate it being so far away, but I can’t blv im this excited buoyed by fact media and punters have jumped right off us, this bodes VERY well indeed.. Promised myself after the loss I wouldn’t get this keen again, boy that one lasted all of 2 training sessions!
    2 points
  43. MY NEW FAVE PLAYER!!! For now anyways 🤭 He’s soooo nice. I told him welcome to the Dees. He said he feels like he’s been with us for years. He says the boys are all treating him like a close teammate already.
    2 points
  44. That's probably the best training report ever produced on Demonland.
    2 points
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