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  1. Petty will be a Restrictred Free Agent when he comes out of contract in 2025, at which time, based on the current compensation calcualtions for tall defenders... we should get Pick 1, Pick 2 and exclusive fishing rights in the Bass Strait for 20 years.
    14 points
  2. Was told today by a club source that Petty is not going anywhere and has no desire to leave the club any time soon.
    14 points
  3. Imagine a player coming out and saying I am nominating Melbourne and Melbourne is like
    13 points
  4. T Mac extended out his contract to help the club re-sign other players. It's unethical for the club to push him into retirement if he wants to continue playing. If T Mac and BBB spend all year injured or at Casey, that's on the club's list management, not the players.
    13 points
  5. Poor taste and actually disgraceful by anyone supporting the club
    13 points
  6. I love how we want Petty to stay while he’s contracted but we are happy to throw Ben Brown and Tom McDonald away. You have to honor contracts, what sort of club would we be if we pushed guys into retirement while contracted? You just don’t do that. Poor optics all around. These two are not stopping us in any way from doing what we want with our list.
    12 points
  7. Geez, what a warm welcome. Classic Demonland 🙄
    11 points
  8. $1 million dollars for his first season and $800k per season after that (going by reports), and you offer pick 14.. If you believe Petty is that important to you, pay up.
    11 points
  9. I don't think I've come across any other professional sport where so many players are homesick for places that are an hour or so away by air or a few hours by road with exactly the same culture, food and language.
    11 points
  10. Club did everything they possibly could to try and get Tom Lynch this trade period and Richmond wouldn’t bite.
    10 points
  11. I've been told by someone who should know that Watson is the second best natural footballer in the pool behind Reid. He doesn't believe his height will stop him excelling and he said if he was 6 or 7 cm's taller he'd be well and truly in the conversation for pick 1. The same person said Melbourne are keen on pick 1 but would be happy to be in a position to draft Watson. At the moment they are not in that position. He is of the view he's a top 5 lock. Source is a player manager but not his manager.
    9 points
  12. Why. You don't seriously think they have just asked for Petty because McAdam wants to come to us do you? He is a target and was long before McAdam decided he wanted to leave.
    9 points
  13. Trade is done, he’s ours. Traded for pick 47.
    9 points
  14. Done for pick 47 Twomey is reporting, seems fair
    9 points
  15. 9 points
  16. Surprised that anyone watched enough Brisbane VFL to have a strong opinion. I like that he kicked some bags. Good athlete. Disposal numbers seem really solid given he didn’t get to ruck much with the Lions so often picking 2 other rucks in their VFL side. I look at the growth in Joel Smith this year as someone with stuff all forward experience but with run and jump in his legs. If Fullarton can provide something similar he can contribute.
    8 points
  17. Or they were discussing the McAdam trade
    8 points
  18. Unless we have other plans for the draft with pick 41 we just select him there after he nominates a price on his head. Doubt other clubs will pick him up. Sick of us being reasonable at the table only for other clubs trying to take us for a ride.
    8 points
  19. Geez, they are like the weird ex who just won't leave you alone. Let it go Adelaide.
    8 points
  20. He’s kicked a goal in 80% of the matches he’s played. He’s kicked multiple goals in 42% of the matches he’s played. He’s a good target inside 50 with four or more marks taken in 62% of the matches he’s played. He also applies defensive pressure in the forward 50 with three or more tackles laid in 60% of the matches he’s played. As a comparison, Pickett is at 61% for this stat. Won’t be a world beater but a fairly handy addition to the forward line and worth a future 2nd in my view.
    8 points
  21. Kane Cornes. Where logic goes to die.
    8 points
  22. I understand your point, but this is a free hit. We aren’t using this pick in the draft anyways so who cares.
    7 points
  23. He will be very happy to play CHF and win another flag at Melbourne. He is not unhappy at Melbourne. Never indicated that he was. Let’s stop blaming the club for literally everything that doesn’t go perfectly to plan. I bet my bottom dollar McAdams deal gets done. Adelaide are just having a cry because we won’t trade them Petty and Oliver for their crappy draft picks. McAdams is completely unrelated to them wanting to lure ready made guns to fill the gaps in their list. They’re desperate to go all out while Walker is still around and in top form. Can’t blame them. But also they’re being absolutely ridiculous in how they’re going about it.
    7 points
  24. A fair offer. Probably gets pushed back to pick 108 next year though.
    7 points
  25. No different to the 3rd pick we gave for Hunter. Clubs are happy to act in good faith in these situations.
    7 points
  26. Please Kane just stop talking Imagine a sliding doors scenario: 1. We hold onto him for two years. He kicks 50-60 goals both years and we win back to back flags. He leaves after 2025 and we get a bit less than this year. 2. We trade him for those picks. We get some decent developing kids and finish top 4 the next two years but can't quite get the job done. Your aim in football is to win premierships, not get the most draft picks for your contracted players.
    7 points
  27. I’m hearing the AFL are considering giving North another 1st round pick just to spice things up today. Unconfirmed though.
    7 points
  28. I’m always hearing on here that footballers (round ball) are all soft AF but try telling that to a Nigerian that’s plying his trade in Vladivostok or a Colombian playing in Helsinki. I wonder if these guys that run down their contracts because they miss their mum are the same ones you see on docos that are still being breastfed when they’re in primary school.
    7 points
  29. Pretty tasteless, to be honest
    7 points
  30. I just can't see us trading a young key position player without an adequate replacement. Petty out means a backline of May, Lever and Tomlinson and a fwd line of JvR and hope that Brown or McDonald don't fall apart. Maybe fullarton. We kiss any chance of a premiership success goodbye imo, he is that important. We're only taking two picks to the draft anyway and I'm not sure pick 10 helps us get Reid. Just because Adelaide want him doesn't mean we should bow to their wishes and shoot ourselves in the foot in the process.
    6 points
  31. Rhi Watt with her club debut and first game for 595 days, you love to see it! https://www.instagram.com/p/CyU8gnbhfEO/
    6 points
  32. Assuming his knees aren't held together by sticky tape we should grab him for depth
    6 points
  33. The FD don’t care about 8 slots deep in the draft. I applaud it - we get [censored] done in trade period and it’s because we value outcomes and not sweating the small losses and wins of an individual deal.
    6 points
  34. We obviously pursued him. They don’t nominate unless there is interest.
    6 points
  35. 6 points
  36. Kane should leave SEN immediately! He will never be worth as much as he is now... I'm sure Adelaide Radio, 101.5, would put him on a contract just to shut him up!
    6 points
  37. kornes said the same thing about kozi the dude is a nong
    6 points
  38. Sanders are smooth movers by definition.
    6 points
  39. Nearly all our forwards were incapacitated but we very nearly won 2 finals ... not an excuse but sound reasoning We therefore went into the finals with forward line more attune to a bottom 4 team If our injuries had have been spread around the team instead, this conversation would probably not exist In a nutshell, 1 or 2 injuries to our backline, midfield & forward line and we could have covered those losses But losing Brown, T-Mac, Petty, Melksham, Fritsch & JVR at vital moments really hurt our chances. Along with Brayshaw being king hit And with all that happening, if we'd kicked straighter we win anyway It was indeed the one that got away. In 10-20 years time we may still be bemoaning 2023 Mind you, the Cats & Pies have had any number of 'nearly' moments. Swans as well ... it comes with the territory We just have to remain in contention year by year
    6 points
  40. Honestly, the whole saga leaves me disappointed in all parties. During preseason there was such hope and a strong showing of a two ruckman system. For various (and fair) reasons that style did not show throughout the home and away season... but to have it end in such a solitary manner between the club and Grundy makes me feel bitter as a fan. In Sydney, I can't rely on special information. I can only see what is happening in the media and this forum... and most of it just muddies the water. Grundy seemed like a great and professional player - if he disengaged to the extent people are saying, that disappoints me. The way Max and the club appear to have behaved and the lack of acknowledgement of the situation disappoints me too. There may be good reasons for each party to act like this but I have a day job and can't spend every moment reading every tea leaf to figure out all the allusions. I hope we play well next year and that Max's body holds up against the onslaught (but the pessimist in me doubts it)... I am sad Grundy departed but wish him no ill will. It is what it is.
    6 points
  41. Quality human being is our Benny and I'd love to see him have an injury free run in the final year of his contract.
    5 points
  42. Continuing my story from above. My old man was [censored] off when I shot through. "There's no jobs up there, yadda, yadda, yadda." "You want your whole life to be a holiday.", to which I thought .... "What's wrong with that." I was at the stage of contemplating going back to Melbourne there for abit. I knocked off work. Went to the pub, got a couple of Beam cans and was on the Murray river with a fishing rod in the water watching the cockies fly by within' 10 mins. There was no way I could do that in Melbourne and made my decision there and then to stay. Never looked back from that moment. 10years later the old man comes to visit. I loaded him in the car, launched the boat 200m from my house and took him for a burn up the river. He looked around and declared, "Geez, ya got it made." One of my proudest moments TBH. Not everything is about money man. Though I was doing ok in that dept as well.
    5 points
  43. Might have been a good get a couple of years ago when we were rumoured to have interest, but surely not now given his age and the McAdam trade Bizarre for him to be requesting a move back after only one year, will be curious to see whether the Hawks will take him back 🤔
    5 points
  44. This thread never ceases to suck me in. I see new comments and think there maybe news. Today's it's about the Lions and the Gabba. Is there no end to the torture?
    5 points
  45. Riley Beveridge countered Cornes with "Do you think Melbourne cares about a few places in the draft order if he manages to snag them a premiership in the next couple of years?" He also indicated that Melb were arguably one of the better performing teams over the finals period (A bit of a stretch perhaps) but that if Petty was there instead of TMac, then could they have rolled the Pies in the QF. ... Cornes didn't really like that argument I thought. But the most important take from this is that I need to stop listening to AFL Trade Radio, it's not good for your health!
    5 points
  46. But his knee isn't fine 'red'. Since 2019 Brown hasn't been able to complete a full season due to knee issues. That's damming in itself. His body is completely unreliable and when our forward line was at our most vulnerable during the finals he wasn't available because he'd just come out of rehab from his knee issues. That's the time we needed a fully fit Ben Brown. I like the guy, but right now, I'd much rather a fit mature age key forward on our list then Brown/McDonald.
    5 points
  47. I dunno. I moved away from home when I was 18. Spent a few years home sick at different points till my visits back to Melbourne to see family and friends got less and less. Now I can't stand the joint. Reckon getting homesick as a young fella is pretty natural. It passes for some, but for others it's stronger. And I was raised by my old man from the age of 5 😁
    5 points
  48. North are taking Mckercher and Duursma unless they get pick 1 then it’s Reid and Mckercher. They also are keeping an open mind on Curtin, but that may have just been Clarko playing mind games with West Coast
    5 points
  49. Oh please - what is it with the 'email the club to express my frustration' palaver. You dont think they have better things to do than respond to fans critiques? Please. I encourage my fellow demonlanders to not contact the club to bag them out.
    5 points
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