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mo64 last won the day on September 5 2016

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  1. You lost me when you compared Houston to Taranto.
  2. If Houston was a free agent, by all means get him. But a running half back/wing is not our most pressing need. Giving up 1st round draft picks for a 27yo, who doesn't move the needle, is poor list management. If the club genuinely believes we are still in a premiership window, then use draft capital on addressing our obvious needs. Houston is an upgrade on Hunter and Billings, but that's setting the bar low.
  3. Of all the bewildering trades over the past 3 years, re-signing Schache for another year takes the cake.
  4. Stupid name for a state. It's not even an actual islnad. I've worked this out and messaged LG.
  5. The injury occured through contact at a centre bounce.
  6. Every one of your posts is about the umpires. How about focusing on our listed players.
  7. The only appeal of Cumming is that he's a free agent. But his form/age profile is the exact same as Hunter and Billings. He's out of favour for a reason. We should be targeting players in their early 20's who have shown something, but can't get a game due to the quality of players ahead of them. GWS have moved Callum Brown down back rather than play Cumming.
  8. Private courses have reciprocal rights with comparative courses across the country. Petty wouldn't be blowing his $12k if he decides to leave.
  9. As dire as things look now, I don't think a complete rebuild is in order, or even possible. Look at Collingwood 2 1/2 years ago. Their salary cap position was so bad that they had a fire sale of top end talent. They had aging stars in Pendelbury and Sidebottom. They had a cleanout througout the club, but most importantly, they got rid of their list manager. If we don't make off-field changes (list manager, assistant coaches for a start), we may need a full rebuild in 3 years time.
  10. We couldn't attend due to loading.
  11. The mistake was getting Grundy in the first place, not trading him to the Swans. The whole football world and 10% of Demonlanders couldn't make sense of getting Grundy, because both he and Max need to be the no.1 ruck to be effective. I'm more annoyed with getting the likes of Hunter and Billings in, whilst allowing Jordon and Bedford to leave due to lack of opportunities. The biggest issue I have with the club is how often they've got it wrong with mature aged acquisitions over the past 3 years. Grundy is just one of many.
  12. 100% agree with your opening comment, but fear it's become a boys club. Tim Lamb has to be the first out the door. Horrible record of trading for players past their prime. Goodwin won't get sacked, and neither should he, but some of his buddies have to go. That's you Greg Stafford. And question marks on our midfield coach McQualter.
  13. Small forwards who can't find the football or kick goals aren't valuable, which is why Spargo found himself at Casey last year. Hayward is the opposite to Spargo.
  14. We gave Spargo a 4 year deal, and Hayward is 10 times the player. Hayward is rightfully in high demand whereas no other club would have been looking at Spargo.
  15. I'd do that deal simply due to Petty's recent injury record, and if he has a strong desire to leave.
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