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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/12/21 in all areas

  1. I appreciate it’s frustrating for people who attended the event to go and get tested, but I really don’t understand criticism aimed at the workers at these facilities for the speed at which they are working, or them wanting to leave work at an appropriate time. They are most likely exhausted, and working long shifts. We are 2 years into a pandemic, and it’s pretty obvious we’ve got a long road ahead of us. Lets not forget that what is stressful for you today has been a lot of these health care workers entire lives for 2 years. They are owed our kindness and appreciation.
    19 points
  2. Yeah, the same virus the bulldogs had in the last half of the grand final................. The Demon Variant.
    13 points
  3. You guys are all too hard on the cats. They are just super unlucky. WA had only 1 flu case in the entire 8 week period leading up to the prelim, and despite being in isolation they managed to pick it up and have it run through their entire team. You wouldn’t read about it. https://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/~/media/Corp/Documents/Health-for/Infectious-disease/Notifiable-diseases/2021/Week-38-statewide-notifiable-disease-report.pdf Or maybe they heard about the 1 case of leprosy in WA for that period and thought it was one of our players, as they didn’t seem keen to lay a finger on us.
    8 points
  4. Not me. I'm trying to corrupt it with poor jokes and blasphemy.
    7 points
  5. I'm going to spend Christmas morning by attaching a giant novelty bow to the bonnet of my car, parking in front of a random house until I hears squeals of delight then speed off around the corner to find my next victim.
    7 points
  6. 7 points
  7. Beating the living suitcase out of them in the Prelim 😁
    6 points
  8. You would know if they had -- they'd immediately look 20 years older
    5 points
  9. You would pay $15 for a test if it meant not lining up for a couple of hours. Just need government to change the rules for casual contacts to use Antigen tests. The bottom line is we have made the decision to live with the virus, we have done everything we can to protect ourselves(well 92% of the population has) we just need to get our yearly boosters like the flu shot and try to minimise the deaths and hospitalisation. The only number we need to watch it people in Hospital and ICU, as long as that can be manged we live life as normal. The QLD and WA premiers have never been more popular, they will keep saying stupid stuff as they believe this is what their population wants to here. You watch the WA bloke change his tune if he doesn't open up in Feb, all of the sudden WCE and Freo will be forced to relocate to the east coast no footy is WA, he is already copping it losing the ashes not sure if Basketball and Soccer teams have relocated, I know the Scorchers have.
    5 points
  10. I thought we were celebrating the birth of Santa Claus? Veering further off topic, it's a good time of the year to be an ice addict. No more sleeps until Christmas!
    5 points
  11. Wow, that's quite a rant Deiter. You nailed: Scomo Christianity Capitalism Western civilisation Democracy Merry Christmas mate. I hope you enjoy the day off for Jesus' birthday.
    5 points
  12. As title suggests and may I take this opportunity to wish all Demonlanders the best of Christmas cheer and luck as we approach Changing and challenging times PF
    4 points
  13. Got a new email too saying my order has had its status changed. Upon checking I'm getting my premiership jersey but not the three other items I ordered - stubbie holder, t-shirt, pennant. When I queried my order about a month ago I was told those items were waiting on the arrival of the premiership jersey before they could be sent all together. The irony then - the jersey is now coming but not the other items. Good thing waiting my entire life for a premiership has given me patience.
    4 points
  14. another thread corrupted by partisan politics silly me thought this was a footy forum as if there aren't enough internet sites already for political brawling and virtue signalling one's political ideology
    4 points
  15. I hear a geriatrician is the latest addition to their medical department
    4 points
  16. The spoiled brats who have 5000 toys too many, you mean? Another way of putting it, F.D, Christmas is the day when families who mostly dislike each other gather around a table, eat too much, drink too much and listen to mental midgets crooning Jingle Bells. Late in the afternoon, some blokes fall asleep, others continue to argue about who got the smallest piece of pav and the homicidal bitchin, to quote Leonardo Cohen, continues. In the meantime, the floor is littered with wrapping paper, presents are opened and taken home to be collected by the next dumpster in the neighborhood. In the meantime, Santa keeps floggin his reindeers and I'm still waiting for my electric train set 65 years later.
    4 points
  17. That will explain why they slammed the ball over the line when it was already going out, and why they left Max on his own in the last few seconds when all they had to do was punch the ball away. Mass idiocy caused by tummy virus. Definitely not panic induced by shell shock.
    4 points
  18. Christmas is the day when children around the world celebrate the arrival of toys.
    4 points
  19. Big jump in case numbers today both in Vic and NSW. Lucky the cricket is not on in another 10 days... Reading a UK non medical forum and the general vibe is that for the vaccinated Omicron symptoms are typically a runny nose and a scratchy throat. Hopefully they stay that way
    4 points
  20. During the pandemic, I've read and heard the most, shall we say, idiotic and plain ridiculous commentary I've read or heard in my life. Most of it has come from the anti-vaxxers, next in line is the rubbish from a man called Scomo and his band of merry men and women, and the various commentators on Sky News, and the Murdoch Press are not far behind. The bottom line, is that there is not one person on the planet who knows exactly what's going on with this virus, let alone one person who knows for sure how to deal with it. We are in the midst of a very dark unknown, and it just makes me so sick and tired and angry that it now seems to be reduced to the phoney baloney called Christmas and the urgent need to 'have a holiday'. I guess this is the sum of how spoiled rotten first world countries respond to any inconvenience to their pampered sense of entitlement. In the meantime, and for the record, my arm is till sore from my Monday booster jab, I get very tired very quickly, but so frigginvillia what? In the meantime, the 'Free Marketers' still feel affronted by the notion of compulsory mask wearing and so it goes, the demented ramblings of a so-called democtaric system which has so many echoes of the fall of Rome.
    4 points
  21. I bought one of these. It arrived in 2 days, I opened it and started bawling. It is sensational and will last the test of time next to my herald sun poster. Couldn't be happier
    4 points
  22. Our crushing Prelim Final win will do for the time being,
    4 points
  23. Slightly off topic! but I lost my keys on w/e and spent two days searching and stressing. Then a phone call from work... had I lost my keys. They were found in an office supplies car park and keys were traced back to my workplace. The demon lanyard and Angus Brayshaw key tag were described and manager knew keys were mine. Brilliant work again, Angus making something out of nothing.
    4 points
  24. Jeerlong still making excuses! As if they dont. Now under the guise of explaining to the moggie members about players being ill on eve of our Preliminary final thrashing of them. Still sounds like a weak attempt to excuse what for them was a pitiful performance. No wonder they are my most hated team. Cry me a river and wallow in your own sullage Jeerlong!
    4 points
  25. Already returned. 83 with the last ten mins with May, Lever, Oliver, Petracca, and Gawn on the bench. That’s humiliation. We kicked them over the cliff.
    3 points
  26. I was almost too afraid to read the next line.
    3 points
  27. Am excited about the prospect of seeing young JVR develop over the next couple of years under the expert tutelage of our merry band of coaches. Seems to have the attributes to be a terrific swingman for us a la T Mac which would be invaluable. Players that can play back and forward don't come along that often.
    3 points
  28. … and you’re succeeding!
    3 points
  29. Aren’t they dutybound under OHS rules to notify AFL medicos and MFC medicos they are sending potentially sick players out there. They only had a minor final - we had a Grand Final to play. What if Trac and Fritter got infected with cat flu?
    3 points
  30. Apparently his real name is Andy. Andy walks with me, Andy talks with me etc. His dad's name is Harold. Our Father, who art in Heaven, Harold be thy name etc.
    3 points
  31. The belting we give them in 2022 followed by Scott getting the sack.
    3 points
  32. Well they have to come up with some excuse for their members to swallow for their PATHETIC performance It just makes me laugh at the bs coming out. Wonder what bs they will come out with next season when we beat them again on their home turf. They are a bunch of entitled sooks and it starts with the coach, captain and players. God I hate geelong.
    3 points
  33. Brought to you by the same artists who draw Adam and Eve with navels.
    3 points
  34. Given the rate of infection now and that they are asking people to get tested so late in the days they need to allocated days where certain sites are either open 24hrs on certain days, or simply after hours (open until say 11pm). My mum had her booster shot booked for Monday, got told Sunday at 6pm to get tested because she was classified as a close contact to someone at a cafe 2 days prior. Ran around like a headless chook trying to get to a testing centre only to be 3 cars from the end of the line before they called it quits. She went first thing Monday, rescheduled her booster for the following afternoon, but didn't receive a negative result until Tuesday evening. She had to re-reschedule her booster for Wednesday morning and drove on to Canberra so they can get to Sydney to be with my brother and his wife for Christmas. I'm sick of our governments making these rules and regulations, without the infrastructure to assist people in completing them, not to mention making the rules up with little to no warning. That stress (all for a negative test which we expected because we also bought a home kit to try to calm her that told her she was negative) was totally unreasonable and avoidable if they provide the opportunities for people to get tested out of normal hours. She was in tears at stages because she was worried she'd miss Christmas. She's 73 and doesn't need this **** (not to mention the added stress it gives to everyone else). As for everyone at the B&F, hope you all get the good news of negative results. EDIT: (Apologies for the rant!)
    3 points
  35. They are now saying that the PF flogging was all to do with a virus that swept through 6 of their players. IIRC we were struck down with Flu the weekend of 186 but it was never used as an excuse.
    3 points
  36. "The list of people who have passed away too young is so long" is the sentence preceding the list. I suspect it was an honest error and perhaps it was meant to read Steven Clark, who died aged only 44.
    3 points
  37. https://www.myheartbeatstrue.com/ now includes a search feature so if there's something you remember reading but can't put your finger on it, try the search feature and work your way through the nearly 5,000 items collected on the site so far.
    3 points
  38. Lookee here what I bought today! I bought two of them. One to use and one to keep unopened. They were the only two Demons calendars among a tonne/ton/tun of the other clubs. I remembered someone here on DL posting that an AFL shop had no Demons apparel amongst the abundance of other clubs’ stuff. A little chagrined, he questioned the manager as to why. He was very pleased to hear that it wasn’t because of lack of interest but because they’d sold out! With this is mind, I commented to a section manager about how there was only two Demons calendars and they must be flying off the shelves coz that’s what a Premiership will do. He says, ‘nah, it’s coz I ordered bugger-all Melbourne ones coz, pfft, who barracks for Melbourne?’ He noticed my disdain and said, ‘nothing against Melbourne. I don’t hate them or anything like that.’ I said, ‘You don’t hate Melbourne, huh? Well, stick around for a couple of years and you surely will.’ Me: 1 Manager: 0 😁
    3 points
  39. Had the test, lucky to live in the country with easy access. It hit me that this inefficient and inconvenient process is only occurring because there are some people without vaccination. If the vulnerable are protected with vaccination and the most fragile with additional isolation and distancing then should they get symptoms they go to hospital. initially when there was no vaccination available and confusion over the best etc it was necessary to have testing and tracking. Now with most protected only those who choose to not have vaccination who will get worst outcomes. Testing is almost useless as you can be negative at test time and go to the supermarket or chemist and pick it up. We are all constantly at risk of picking it up, unavoidable. Vaccination means I won't get too crook. Let the people who are unvaccinated get crook and take their chances at getting treated. If intensive beds are short they go to the back of the quee they have made their choice. I'm happy to take my chances with no mask and self distancing.
    2 points
  40. I posted this on another thread. Should have known there'd be a near-Christmas specific thread!😄 Our Captain is a master of understatement. His caption for Tom Sparrow's kick for goal in 'that 32 seconds' is "Tom Sparrow gets the ball away". And for Clayton Oliver's post-goal glory arc it's "Clayton Oliver celebrates a goal". LOL. Really.
    2 points
  41. I’ve bought 3 and can’t wait to give 2 to family members for Christmas. Thanks so much Webber
    2 points
  42. Overnight sensation. Assuming of course overnight is defined as 30 odd years of being one of the best operators around. But sure let's wait to judge.
    2 points
  43. I wonder if the guy who went to Perth was there? But, seriously, best of health to all.
    2 points
  44. With the current day advances in medical care, I'd go out on a limb and declare the vaccine effective after an individuals 28th dose
    2 points
  45. But Cassie, remember that if not for cricket footy wouldn’t be a thing.
    2 points
  46. I can't remember if I've said on here before, but I'm gonna say it again, so glad someone thought to go with the jumper point during the many goal celebrations in the game. Such a classic but you can really only bring it out in big moments, otherwise it's cheapened. So to very legitimately do this in a GF and actually remember to do it among the chaos was great.
    2 points
  47. The previous president wanted to oust Goodwin from my reliable sources and it was a non-starter from the board and particularly Roffey. Not many cardboard cutouts can do that.
    2 points
  48. She has been on the board for 8 years already, but of course that means nothing….
    2 points
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