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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/03/20 in all areas

  1. It is really pleasing to see that people are STILL buying memberships to support the club. Since last Saturday 317 people have effectively made a "donation" to the club, to keep it alive. Total as of today: 37,888
    5 points
  2. We could merge with Carlton and call ourselves Melton... (ducks for cover!) ?
    5 points
  3. another option - by far my preferred one - is that the afl finally embraces it's quasi-socialism and instead of clubs making revenue on gate takings, finals, merchandise etc., the afl takes it ALL and splits all revenues such as those, as well as broadcast rights etc., evenly between the 18 clubs no more haves and have-nots, but instead everyone is on an equal footing
    4 points
  4. Aaaah BB, that old line. OK, Everyone’s entitled to an opinion. But not everyone’s entitled to claim some special authority for their opinion, and not all opinions are equal. First, this article appears under a picture byline on a specialty sports publication or section, just like professional writers like Mike Sheahan and Jake Niall. Now theroar is free and the writer may go unpaid for all we know, but in its presentation this opinion lays claim to authority, not just an opinion like you find on here, so it is judged more harshly. Second, its bold declarations (slow as treacle, cannot kick, one dimensional) are blunt, not supported by evidence and not qualified by descriptions of other attributes the player may have, such as in this case courage, determination, capacity to inspire team mates, and endurance, which you would expect to find in a considered piece. Third, it’s ignorant. Some of the game’s finest midfielders have been comparatively slow yet succeeded due to other positive attributes such as ability to win a contest and release a team mate. And it’s inaccurate. Viney simply isn’t that slow. In full flight he is a steam train. No, this isn’t just an opinion. It’s an amateurish grab for attention based on sweeping and unsupported statements. It’s the work of a try-hard. Let me also point out that his article appears with the word ‘Expert’ next to the writer’s name. Dear me. No, no number of limp-wristed platitudes like “everyone’s entitled to an opinion” or “we all make mistakes” can make up for the fact that this bloke has tried to promote himself by making an inaccurate assault on someone else’s standing. Because it’s ignorant and wrong and ill-timed and ill-considered he warrants the clown stamp. I hereby re-dub Cameron Rose a ‘Clown’. He no doubt will continue to call himself an “Expert’.
    4 points
  5. This should have happened 20 years ago once they began compromising the fixture for tv dollars. If at the end of all this Melbourne ends up merging or dying I'll be lost to the AFL. I don't think that would've been the case in the past but the game on its own is not enough to keep me interested anymore. Without the tribalism of supporting the club I have since I was born, that my family support, footy as it is played in the AFL would hold little interest.
    3 points
  6. Huge difference... Firstly there is a vaccine for the flu, it means people won't be infected in mass numbers and there won't be the amount of carriers. Secondly because of the mass infections there will be a high number critically ill who will need intensive care and we don't have the number of intensive care beds to cater for these numbers. It means a lot of people will die, a hell of a lot more than from the yearly flu outbreak. People who need critical care for other matters such as heart attacks, strokes, cancer, major accidents etc will struggle to get care because the beds are being used and the hospitals are full. Thirdly the % of people dying from this is higher than from the flu, so again the risk is a lot of deaths. ...and finally, I repeat there is no vaccine. This is a big enough reason.
    3 points
  7. Or merge with Sydney and become The Semens??
    3 points
  8. the prospect of clubs being forced to merge as a result of this crisis is real - the senior reporters are all running with that at the moment, so i personally would rather our senior personnel don't run with the 'we'll be okay' narrative of the likes of north, saints, and gc17 because, quite simply, you really can't be that confident
    3 points
  9. I have emails from the club dated March 15 to explain the separation of players/staff and one on March 19 thanking members for their support and asking for them to get more people to sign up. Both were: we are in 'business-as-usual' type messages. The AFL is now in crisis mode: On March 22 the season was suspended. It is no long 'business-as-usual'. Nothing from the club since then. So yeah, I and perhaps the majority of the other 37,000 members, want to here that we will also survive and like the other clubs outline why they think that can happen.
    3 points
  10. There's word of a new treatment in the US, to slow the Coronavirus.
    3 points
  11. As a spin-off from the DVD/Movies topic, I thought it might be an idea to set up a post where we could make film and television recommendations to see us all through the lockdown. For me (and I’ll keep editing and adding to this as I think of more titles): Films on Blu-ray/DVD: Parasite, Joker, anything by Jim Jarmusch, anything by David Lynch, collections of the original Looney Tunes cartoons, NetFlix: The Studio Ghibli collection, Ugly Delicious, Somebody Feed Phil, Midnight Diner (Tokyo Stories), Miles Davis (Rebirth of the Cool), The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Dark Tourist...
    2 points
  12. Sparkes and Ryan played well, yet I barely remember them. We ended up with quite a bit of talent out injured in the Prelim. eg Lyon and Connolly,( can’t remember the others). I notice Flower was missing from the Nat. Panasonic Cup. Danny Hughes made mention of Connolly in his victory speech, and made sure Robbie shared the glory. The fantastic team spirit of that group really shone through in that night final. It very nearly took us through to a proper Premiership. We had some tough players in Hughes, Grinter and Spalding.
    2 points
  13. And of course the incomparable Doug Heywood leading the commentary! Different times.
    2 points
  14. We will see games again this year. The financials demand it. Simply cannot see the AFL not playing any more games. Bennell and vandenBerg will be very thankful to have another 10 weeks to heal before a stack of games are played. Most of the list will get a chance if we are playing a game every 5 days,
    2 points
  15. I propose we merge with Matt Damon. We agree to use his name, but he wears our colours and gives us his fans, and money. Sorted.
    2 points
  16. I believe people are dwelling too much on worst case scenarios at this stage with too many unknowns to play out. Let’s see what happens first. If the season can get going again and completed for 2020 there is a good chance it will all be back to normal or at least a viable competition next season. GWS and GC are the clubs with the most to worry about because they are expendable and few will mourn their loss.
    2 points
  17. Social distancing may be scrambling people's minds... Time for me to have a self imposed holiday from DL...
    2 points
  18. and jack martin, for those who stressed about missing out on him... B: Jetta - May - Weitering HB: Docherty - Lever - Salem ? Walsh - Cripps - Langdon HF: Petracca - Curnow - Martin F: McKay - T Mac - Betts Foll: Gawn - Oliver - Viney I/c: Marchbank - Melksham - Petrevski-Seton - Pickett ?
    2 points
  19. This talk of merging is totally gross. And especially with Carlton who as far as I am concerned can merge with the filth.
    2 points
  20. Like the comments Max made to the media? Or like those Jake Lever said late yesterday about player welfare? Whatever MFC, Norf, Saints or GCS say at this moment is hollow. No one knows where this is going, for how long, or to what extent it will impact our finances going forward (beyond massively, of course). Goodwin, Pert, Bartlett and the rest of the AFL are probably just worrying about their families, relos, friends and their own situation right now. And rightly so for a while. Goodwin is only on deck a couple of days per week, I reckon he'll put out a 'stick fat' Insta clip in the coming week or two. Isolation has only just begun. It's not a race to be first. I like to think I'm as passionate a Dees fan as most. I'm looking at no income for months and my super resembles a lead balloon, but I know others worse off. For now, I personally couldn't give a [censored] what statement the club puts out. But I hear what you are saying.
    2 points
  21. I recommend this show to anyone who'll listen - Babylon Berlin. It's an excellent period piece/crime drama set in Berlin in the 1920's and 30's, with all of the social and political unrest you'd expect. Season 3 just dropped on Netflix, it's in German but there's an English dub (which is terrible, subtitles are much better IMO).
    2 points
  22. The clubs own 1/18th share of Docklands don't they?
    2 points
  23. There might not be a next year as there is no garantee all clubs will survive especially those getting annual afl / mcc hand outs ... when assets get devalued as is happening now, banks come calling to recoup debt ... mfc need to do everything they can now and in the next few years ... suspect they will be calling on only wealthy supporters to help initially ... without income mfc staff will also lose jobs
    2 points
  24. Not the right time, the people and nation currently have other focuses and priorities
    2 points
  25. I've said this a few times on other threads. This is definitely not the time... I sure hope the club is not this insensitive.
    2 points
  26. It would be a brave or maybe brash move right now. There are members who may be looking for membership refunds rather than chipping in some more coin. And it would make more business sense to wait until the AFL package is known and piggy-back off it. At least a DD program would have some context. And it would be useful if they announce some reduction in senior management salary packages at the same time. Btw, didn't Pert say that at EOFY 2019 we only $2.0m in Debt - has it ballooned since then? If @Palace Deesis correct there is a lot the club has to get right to avoid a PR disaster and broader member discontent despite the willingness of DL to chip in. We are the diehards. There are about 35,000 members out there that may not see it as we do. A time for the club to tread carefully.
    2 points
  27. Yes................yes we shall.
    2 points
  28. It's back!!!! I have had a couple of discussions with the club today and members will be getting an email in the next few days outlining a Debt Demolition style campaign similar to the one that Jim Stynes implemented more than 10 years ago. As was the case back then, donations will be tax deductible. It's been touted as a possibility by a few posters and they have been proven correct. Bring it on I say - I want every person as well as my club to survive this scurge of a virus!
    2 points
  29. Don't get me wrong, I'm no leftie! Players often claim the AFL is a 'family'. In reality players are a fraternity within that 'family'. Its time they 'walk the talk' and take care of that family, especially the more vulnerable within it as well as their own blood families. If I was a player under the average pay and have already lost match payments I would be fast losing respect for the so called leaders. Dangerfield etal are letting their teflon coated egos get the better of them.
    2 points
  30. Fair enough Joe but I thought Bedford showed some promise
    2 points
  31. I don't care that they haven't released anything to the members as yet, I do not want to sold some false hope. I would rather wait until the dust settles and then be told EXACTLY what is happening.
    1 point
  32. While I understand your point, I would rather those still working at the club spend their time securing its future rather than worrying about informing members of what they're doing. I know it might seem that preparing a bulletin for members and supporters should be a simple task that doesn't take much time, but given the shifting sands upon which we all stand, I don't think it is that easy at all. Would I like to be informed? Yes. Is it more important than doing everything else to protect the club's future? No.
    1 point
  33. We have already had 2 letters from Bartlett and Pert how many do you want? I suspect they have a lot on their plate and we’ll here from them soon again anyway. Supporters also need to stop putting us in same category as Gold Coast and St Kilda. We have 2m debt 10m in bank and real assets - St Kilda have over 14m debt and who knows how much Gold Coast owes. We are the foundation Club who wrote the rules - we won’t fold - AFL will make sure all 18 clubs come through this seriously if there was no drama around this there would be nothing to report on
    1 point
  34. Anyone got diamond Joe's number? On a serious note, if other clubs are doing it now, then we'll have not choice but to follow suit.
    1 point
  35. I’m predicting this will be over in 4 2 6 weeks.
    1 point
  36. Agreed. I hope the club acts when it has to and not when it’s deemed to be acceptable. “ sorry we had to fold. I know you all loved the club and we would have asked for help but it was the wrong time. Rest In Peace mfc”
    1 point
  37. Thanks for posting the '87 game, Macca. What an effort by the Demons over North. Their pressure, pace, skills were all fantastic. The 2020 team should be made to watch that game. Hard to see any of our current line-up fitting into the '87 team that played that day. Sad but true.
    1 point
  38. David Williams,.......dammit...he should have been selected for the ‘87 prelim.
    1 point
  39. Why would he change his “modus operandi” now?
    1 point
  40. Probably because it has a photo of him and his name in the headline...
    1 point
  41. Absolutely it should be a sliding scale. Top earners (Dangermouse, Reiwoldt, Buddy, Dusty etc) should be showing leadership in this regard to help out their fellow players that are earning base salaries. Totally understand they're feeling a pinch as well but jeez there are others out there doing it a whole lot tougher.
    1 point
  42. Yeah I tend to agree, while I LOVE my club and want it to survive more than anything, people are fighting for their livelihood. To ask us for money right now would just be plain rude.
    1 point
  43. I think the club should be holding off on it for now, there’s a lot going on in the world and people are still trying to figure things out. Australia isn’t even in lockdown. When it happens, I’m on board and will gladly dip in, but it could be a PR nightmare is they don’t time it right.
    1 point
  44. giving the great jakovich a bad name
    1 point
  45. Not quite now. Need to focus on other community vulnerabilities before AFL clubs and players.
    1 point
  46. 2018 T Mac was briefly sighted in round 16 2019, however I fear like you that he'll never be seen again.
    1 point
  47. I thought his nickname was 'Dirty'.
    1 point
  48. Shots of Goody during the third qtr saw him looking like a rabbit in the spotlight, like Don Pyke in the 17 Grannie. Where was the passion? The Fire? Bloody hell, Dimmer gave the Tigers are rev up at 3 qtr time and they were well up. Goody was cold, and he doesn't inspire his troops. The game plan doesn't work. The game plan doesn't work. The game plan doesn't work. Nothing has changed for the better.
    1 point
  49. The players stance is a really interesting one. I totally sympathise with them as a lot of them their playing career is going to be their major life earner so they have to cash in now or risk losing out in the future. But on the other hand the clubs and the AFL can't pay them what they don't have and the simple fact is there is no incoming cash flow. I don't know if there would be an option to defer salaries? But if the players demand to continue with being payed what they are asking they might as well start getting out red pens and striking clubs off the list because they won't survive, and I fear we might be one of them. Well done to Chris Scott as well, fantastic leadership and a great gesture back to the club and the game.
    1 point
  50. Hore? Miles off being an AFL player and is unlikely to improve much more. Better to blood Rivers and invest for 2021 and 22.
    1 point
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