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About MyFavouriteMartian

  • Birthday 01/04/1878

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    Robbie Flower

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  1. Yeah, I've just been reconsidering that now myself. I had Tomlinson at CHB. But I think I'd be better off with Brown back there in my team. I still want Lever forward to general/instruct. He's meant to be smart. Well there's a challenge for him. To make the forwardline function smarter. A bit like Lewis's role And i think Smith has a longer career in the back line than Lever. Smith does have to learn it. But his attributes I think can/will work, in the longer term. Tomlinson has to be more physical and contest more bodily, than what he's shown so far. Weak effort.
  2. I would have thought that it means being fully committed to the club, jumper, everything. But that's just me I guess. Giving it all for the club, is playing for the jumper. Or its how I've always thought of it.
  3. Well I want your permission, to speak to you. for you to have your ears on, instead defences up.
  4. Well, don't you wanna know why i say that.?
  5. This isn't right. He's not the Goodwin prototype.
  6. I'm with you soup. I thought Vandenberg started to move around better, and uses his body moving opposition out of the way, and often on the ground. This helps create opportunities and space for teammtes. So many times when our team tackles, the opponent is left standing upright. Put them on the ground, and let them spend petrol tickets.
  7. It might have resulted in 2018 form. I do not share your enthusiasm for the negative, of how things might have been in the early part of the season. Form over the next 6 weeks, I reckon will show us where we are.
  8. How can you say that, we had the players cherry ripe fit with the new fitness guru and then a sort of Rnd 1, under the knowledge of a cancelled season, and then nothing but lock-down and and players distanced and at home. Loss of fitness and regular contact with one another at training. And then it gets worse, the AFL shortens the Qtrs of the game we had trained specifically for. Truth is, we just don't know how our team would be going, if none of this CoVid19 had happened.
  9. That's judgement at the time, as you well know, the player with the ball will make that judgement there and then, and hopefully they won't burn a teammate in a better spot.. What I'm getting at is, I don't want him to stay in his shell. I want to see him, (now he is starting to develop), to really take the game on. Not to just scrap, for scraps on the ground; because Tracca is capable of using his bulk to the teams advantage.
  10. We had stationary players across the ground numerous times when they could have been presenting. Backs and forwards. Disappointing.
  11. It's true, and i want to say, that when we pump our players heads up 'in comparison to other clubs players or lines', we end up hurting our players minds. They slowly ease off developing, and stagnate. Remember all the talk of the best midfield in the AFL, a few short years back. that was our talk, and soon after the media jumped onto that bandwagon. Well we still have the same midfield group, and look where we're at. Our disposal issue was there before, But it wasn't as exposed via opposition pressure. Now it is, and we can see we weren't as good as we thought. Fluffing up young developing players heads for them, is just as bad as constant negative criticism.
  12. He's messing up the balance in the back half with Smith, and Hibbo who has just found the go button again. We need some brains up front, and courage. Because there aint none up there, between them.
  13. All our Prospectives are either wearing Corduroy Jackets and plaid pants, Or they're in the Media somewhere.
  14. Maybe, maybe not. But if he breaks free thru an attacker, He might be able to do the finishing himself. I'll be satisfied when he's a well rounded RuckRover and forward.
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