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  1. Bugg looked very good all session... he won the time trial yes, but on the final lap he was huffing and puffing while both TMac and ANB appeared to have a lot left in the tank. Bugg’s kicking is looking very sharp as well... I get the feeling he’s working hard to make up for last year’s transgression. Others who looked very sharp were Salem, Hogan, ANB, TMac, Oliver. OMac is looking very fit and seems to have built up his body. JKH is also looking very fit and is moving well. Petracca, Jones and Kent were all in rehab, but looking like they could be ready to participate with the main group... although Kent really doesn’t appear to have his heart in it... to my mind at least. Can’t recall all of those in the rehab group, but Weeds, Tim and Joel Smith, Maynard, Viney and Balic were all there. Saw VDB, who did not participate and did appear to be in some discomfort walking across the ground. My son took lots of photos today and I will provide a link to the album in my Facebook account once I’ve had a chance to get them off the camera and edited.
    20 points
  2. I sense a theme, and it’s already getting tired after just two posts.
    12 points
  3. According to MFC twitter Tom Bugg just won the 2km time trial, followed by Tmac then ANB.
    8 points
  4. Depends if the players want to do it on this day
    6 points
  5. Ok, as promised in my first post, here’s a link to my photos on Facebook... https://www.facebook.com/tim.fleming.75/media_set?set=a.1576469562388321.1073741959.100000758763064&type=3
    5 points
  6. Nothing article - the journo seems to have taken some snippets off Goodwin’s player reviews on the club’s website. That said, I rate Bugg. He brought much needed mongrel, defensive pressure and hardness to the team. He seemed always to do the inglorious stuff. We really missed him after his suspension. The punch was bad. But it was clearly a brain fade - he displayed genuine contrition and remorse after it, and I think he has been unfairly castigated for the incident ever since. I want to see him have a really big 2018. I like what he brings to the team.
    5 points
  7. Frost really is a ridiculous human specimen. If he can improve his consistency he will be so valuable with his pace coming out of D 50.
    4 points
  8. We could win the GF and there’d still be the usual suspects on here complaining because we didn’t win by 10 goals.
    4 points
  9. The players were back at training today and, clearly, everyone involved has moved on. You guys should do the same. Blaming anything that occurs this year on that camp is something a 5 year old might do. It's a reflection on much of our supporter base these days, though - they can't let go of the past and look forward. We expect the playing group to do it, so maybe we should do the same.
    4 points
  10. Jack's fine and right on track, I had a chat to him on way back to AAMI (had to leave early), AVB was walking ok, was next to him, just taking it step by step?
    4 points
  11. Hey Colin Have they shorted the scarf by the mandatory 7mm again this year? I have every scarf since 1989 and that is the average length decrease annualised give a few more years and it will no longer be a scarf What a Gyp!
    4 points
  12. Reckon Drunkn167 might become Hangover167 if that's the case. How proud and excited would a bloke be to see his brother make his AFL debut? Hope it becomes a reality for you bloke.
    3 points
  13. We improved in 2017 and all expect bigger improvement in 2018. Dwelling on what has happened is nothing but unproductive. The 'hype' is the negative media believers who have no inner knowledge of the club and don't go to training but accept whatever rubbish the media whip up as being a true reflection of where the club is at. If you seriously think that any Melbourne supporter doesn't want the club to be successful, or that the players aren't aware of what's required by the FD, god help you.
    3 points
  14. I like Bugg. Think he was treated poorly by the club over his brain fade. From all reports he has been contrite and has worked hard to regain 'trust' among the playing group. Could be a vital part of our future if he focuses on the right things. Kicked 7 g 12b and I suspect if he kicked 15 goals we would be talking about him differently.
    3 points
  15. More than welcome Faulty. Will get more on Wednesday (closed session but will ask if photos are ok) and Friday. We’re also hoping to get along to the AFLW session either tomorrow or Thursday. We head back up the highway to Sydney on Saturday.
    2 points
  16. You will be pleased to know his outside game is coming leaps and bounds as well frighteningly good I have put pics on Insta of today Demonpk
    2 points
  17. Liked his write-up on Keilty, makes me think he should debut early in the season hopefully
    2 points
  18. I want the club to be successful... I just see no point in dwelling on the past. What’s done is done, so look ahead. I don’t accept the hype at all.
    2 points
  19. Only one small throw away line at the end linking him to Geelong, the rest of the article refers to his time at Essendon. Love it.
    2 points
  20. Ah at last, something to take the spotlight off the Melbourne player being investigated for assault. Time to open a bottle!
    2 points
  21. No we wouldn't as players would be meeting our expectations. Some supporters want us to be successful and not accept anything less others are just passive and are still accepting hype
    2 points
  22. To be honest i dont bet much outside of the carnivals. I like to do a bit of margin multi betting on say 4 to 6 matches under or over 39.5pts....So many times the Dees are under 39.5pt winners, so its an easy leg as are Sydney winning many close games. I also recently discovered online stock broking where you can buy shares and login everyday to see if your up or down. Its quite fun and then theres Crypto Currencies which have really caught my eye. I have made some big percentage gains on some of the newer coins lately, but its a whole other conversation really. Still very akin to punting tho Keep the tips coming guys!
    2 points
  23. This doesn't look good for him. Sounds like he's coming from a long way back. Having a look at him prior to Christmas, it looked like he struggled to maintain muscle during his rehab. Here's wishing he makes it back and soon.
    2 points
  24. It was tired before Christmas, hardtack. Every time something like this comes up we'll have the usual 'hilarious' comments about the cancelled camp, not going hard enough etc.
    2 points
  25. Cut him some slack. No way the slack buggers missed the finals, the weak pea hearted bastards.
    2 points
  26. Interested in Goodwin's assessment of Hogan: "...we’re looking forward to continuing to build Jesse as a forward and midfielder as we move into the season." Always liked it when Jesse was moved into the midfield...things just "happened..."
    2 points
  27. That I can agree with. The ability to make the decisions that put us to advantage at each contest is a critical skill.
    2 points
  28. That's the spirit! Just think we'll have a new rebuild to look forward to in 10 years
    2 points
  29. buck_nekkid said: I still think it is less effective than structured, flexible rule based operation where team and coordinated action is required. I would have thought that structured, flexible, rule-based operations were part of the decision-making, orientation and action loop in the first place, enabling enhancement of executable speed and still leaving the opposition in a delayed, observational-orientational state. This is opposed to 'automated' responses of players to get rid of the ball by reckless kicks, handballs and placing teammates under increasing pressure to take on this role on their behalf. We must remember that the mind executes actions far more quickly that its analysis outside the field may justify. The mind can be acclimatised to making rational, all-loop processes at remarkable rates of progress.
    2 points
  30. Collingwood had this sort of system in place under Malthouse. It made for very fast options as they were all on exactly the same page and knew exactly where the play was going to go. Using the kickout example, their frequent play was kick to a marking player on the HBF near the 50 line. Option A for that player was to give a quick hand pass to the runner going past. If that runner was covered or not in position, option B was switch to the opposite flank. That all sounds very simple, but they were so well-drilled in these options that they happened almost without thought. That meant that they moved the ball faster than their opponents could react. The marking player knew before he took the ball that there was a runner coming past. If the runner wasn't viable, he knew exactly where the outlet player was on the far side of the ground, meaning he could play on and kick without having to look around for the option. I really liked that system. It was maybe a little rigid, but it let them get a hell of a lot out of a side that really wasn't that talented.
    2 points
  31. If it means giving up our 2 home games interstate I would be all for it, not the worst idea I’ve heard...
    2 points
  32. Yep, very good interpretations. It cannot be too clay-footed. It must remain flexible and dynamic. See, think, decide, do, review. Most of us can achieve those factors within a visual array, in a second. Nice one, Buck.
    2 points
  33. Most people are happy to put the boots into the ABC (Television and Wireless), but if it ever goes completely, then I guarantee within hours it will be missed. Try to imagine a Journalism standard akin to “Today Tonight” or “FOX News” as the ONLY News Source.... Kill me now
    2 points
  34. “Be part of the Victorian journey - BYO kevlar vest and pump action shotgun”
    2 points
  35. "Be part of the journey" An overworked and overused phrase that is used by politicians, bureaucrats, and just about everyone else that has no conviction or passion. Perhaps they could have added ""as we go forward, be part of the journey" And perhaps qualify the slogan by stating that Rome was not built in a day. From a marketing perspective, a big fail. Bleed Red and Blue, Raise Hell or something that stirs something, anything.
    2 points
  36. Slightly wrong mate. The real effects are highly subtle but amazingly powerful. Decision rules can be read and understood by the league, and used against us (Bernie Vincent kicking out to a pack aka 2015/16). The key to the OODA loop is recognising that your opponents have one too. I.E. whenever you Decide and Act, the opponent is stuck Observing and Orientating before they Decide and Act. So how do you make it work? You make your decision cycle (OODA loop) quicker than the opponent. Consider a mark, handball, side handball and a kick forwards. By the time you're on your kick, the opponent has scrambled to tackle the handlballer (only able to Observe and Orientate behind your action), only freeing up the marker who has run into space through anticipation - or rather - a well trained team action to assume that your fellow team mates will act in unison. He who has the faster decision cycle wins. Like I said, for militaries who apply this (second timeframes of advantage, for banking corporations, milliseconds on the hedge funds) It's that simple. As the opponent reacting to your initial action might fall two or three possessions behind. Meanwhile, you have a paddock in front of you to push forward. The frenetic possession pace that I referred to earlier has merit, only if used in this way.
    1 point
  37. I hope that wasn’t part of Goodys list updates. I’ll need a degree to watch the footy.
    1 point
  38. All supposition, but I see this as a cumulative miscalculation or error of judgement on behalf of both parties. If AFLPA involvement was "seriously considered" after the resulting effects of the previous bootcamp, were the coaching dept made aware? Can't imagine anyone casually letting their superiors know that they considered taking formal action in regards to an incident, but then erred on the side of caution. It's an invitation to be shown the exit. However, Goodwin & co did not seem acutely aware of the general sentiment within the playing group towards the camp, and further consultation may have been sought if they had known. Or even more notice given, and greater depth of detail provided regarding the contents & intended benefits of the camp. I expect fewer "nasty surprises" for the playing group going forward. I also think the AFLPA propaganda will have played a part here, not that they're necessarily to blame. I'm certain the AFLPA line they feed to all players in the league is that if you find yourself in a situation like this, bring it to us & we will make sure you are protected and can maintain some anonymity (albeit thinly veiled). And it has some merit, when coming from a player's perspective. You don't want to be branded a trouble maker, but what do you do when you truly believe you're being put in a dangerous situation & don't feel like your concerns will be seriously considered, and could even place your position on the list in jeopardy? The AFLPA will be doing what they can to protect players, but also to be involved where not necessary, to increase their prevalence and influence. Maybe the AFLPA could have been excluded from the equation & this would have been sorted out more privately. But what this actually may also be indicative of, is a failure by the leadership group to properly represent, communicate or understand the feelings of the lower profiles within the playing group. Ultimately, I can understand the feeling of players who have prepared their bodies in mint condition for a successful season, not wanting to recklessly expose themselves to risks beyond their control. Yes, there are inherent risks on the training track, but a bootcamp (especially a poorly run or resourced one) that has previously resulted in avoidable serious injuries, is different. Momentum is everything, and I can sympathise with not wanting to ruin months of hard work building it, through a poorly considered camp that appears to contribute very little to overall performance.
    1 point
  39. Makes one think the AFL has an agenda.... and guess what.. MFC is not part of it
    1 point
  40. I see it the other way around...for an average club, it has quite powerful membership.
    1 point
  41. For a so called power club that gets prime time games & privileges , Carltons membership is very average.
    1 point
  42. Send them into a Myer or David Jones Boxing Day sale... that’ll sort them out!
    1 point
  43. I still love Buggy and I hope he doesn't lose his brashness in trying to redeem himself.
    1 point
  44. I've not heard the speech but men and women are being raped in Sweden by Muslims and the feminista govt thinks these crimes should be repressed,as in, not disclosed. These actions by idiot policy will lead to vigilante actions ,then chaos. understand the reality to preserve peace.
    1 point
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