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  1. I went down to Casey yesterday only to be greeted with a huge storm at the start of of play which made the rest of the afternoon a real slog. There was surface water everywhere and of course the ball was like soap. It made for an ugly spectacle with large packs forming at every contest. Plenty of ball ups. It was interesting to see how the Melbourne players responded/reacted to these conditions. Most of them stuck generally to their role and their defensive work was OK. That said, their offence was strangled by a Collingwood outfit that manned up very well and did not allow the Melb players to find space. A few player observations: Sam Blease - I would not think Roos has put a cross through his name yet. I thought he played his role quite well. His second half was excellent as he tried to take the game on with his pace and broke clear on a number of occasions from half back. His fitness level has improved and ran the game out quite strongly. Dean Kent - Was a focal point up forward and was strong at the ball. Switched roles a number of times and gathered contested possessions down back. In the top 3 best in my view. Luke Tapscott - He was one of the reasons I went to the game. I thought these conditions would suit his game but then I thought what is his game? He was a little disappointing. Yes he contested well enough and was at the bottom of packs a number of times but so were a dozen others. Dropped a simple mark in front when Casey was surging. He doesn't do anything special that you can justify him being on the list. It could be a confidence thing as he has had a long list of injuries but sadly I do not see any strings to his bow except maybe his strength at the contest. I hope I'm wrong. Aiden Riley - As you can expect these conditions suited him. He was tough at the contest and tackled with a lot of vigour. As we know, he's a real hard nut. As can be expected he tired a bit in the second half. I don't think he will be pushing for selection in the next couple of weeks, not because of form but I think Jordie is ahead of him at this moment. Will be interesting to see whether he can develop his breakaway skills further as his fitness improves. Jimmy Toumpas - As you can imagine conditions did not suit him but he still contested well and his defensive work was good. I assume the coaches would have looked closely at this aspect of his game as it was not a day to exhibit his offensive skills. That said, he did provide link ups on a number of occasions. Quickly the others Dom Barry - Improved as the game went on and was impressed with his tackling. Read the game quite well considering the conditions. Fitzy - Played his heart out in the ruck all day but was overshadowed by Hudson who did some good work around the ground. I only saw Jack take one chest mark. James Harmes - Like Barry, improved as the game went on. Played both ends of the ground. A work in progress. Dan Nicholson - As usual solid in defence. The conditions made his kicking look good. The umpire even penalised him for deliberately kicking the ball out on the full. He didn't realise that Nicko just shanked it again. He's been consistent and will get his chance if there is an injury. James Strauss - Maybe I missed some of his play but I certainly would not have him in our best. He was steady and I guess played his role but there is nothing special about him. Viv Michie - I liked his game. A slow start but was very active in the second half and was a key player in that third quarter when Casey took control for a short time. He is a good size and its not easy to knock him off the ball. I can see him being a regular for Melb next year. Alex Georgiou - Has lost his way. His confidence seems low and has no energy out there. The criticism did not seem to have worked. Michael Evans - Just a game. His inside work was OK and broke free a few times. Conditions didn't suit. Jordie McKenzie - Really good game. Only played a half but was at the bottom of every contest and tackled like the Jordie we know. BOG in the first half next to Kennedy of Collingwood. Will not be a weak link if he gets called up this Monday. These are just my observations from the grandstand. Obviously Allison and Co will be looking at players from all different perspectives.
    13 points
  2. Win footy games. That is what I would say to anyone from the club who is thinking along the same lines as Bartlett here. That story just had a mish-mash of different image devices that don't do anything bar scratch the surface of our issues; no region to call our own, a dwindling and aging supporter base, and, up to two months ago, a terrible outlook for the foreseeable future. The emblem is a distraction. If you are going to change it, do it, don't talk about how it signifies a change in anything other than the letterhead on press releases. The song featuring the word 'Melbourne' is such an interesting aside but any money and time spent on this in our current predicament is bordering on insane. Let Demonland start a thread and work the word in - save you a few hundred thousand dollars... The desire for a presence in Collins St brings a word to bear - why? Hardly anyone lives there. I won't discuss this any further as 'presence' could mean anything from where he wants the boardroom to where he wants a billboard... The statement that Casey 'is not our heartland' is ironic, well it would be if it weren't so sad, we have no heartland - that's the point; we grew out of a stadium. We have shed so many supporters in the last 49 years. We have no 'heartland.' We are trying to build one out east. If we are not going to bother with Casey anymore the players will be happy they don't have to trek out there but they better have a bloody good business case. Nothing in that impressed me. Winning footy games will impress me, and it might impress a few others - if you really want to be the New York Yankees - you better win.
    12 points
  3. Touch the theme song and I'll go ape [censored]!! Best tune of all time!
    7 points
  4. Went to training today with my lovely lady and walked back towards AAMI with JKH Asked him how he ended up on Wingard during Alice game, said it is a team rule that if you end up caught from your opponent, you are to take the nearest match and stick with it till a stoppage in the forward half allows a safe changeover, Nev Jetta was on the bench so JKH stuck with Wingard till Nev came back on...team first He is really excited about the QB game, I said the team is so close to clicking and winning on a regular basis, he said (paraphrasing) "don't worry we want it now, we aren't waiting 2 years" Other notes, Nathan Jones hopes Macaffer goes to Dom Tyson and Dom Tyson hopes he goes to Nathan Jones, they both had a good laugh about it The training session was excellent, nothing but ball movement and stoppages And Christian Salem thinks Chile are a good outside bet for the World Cup
    7 points
  5. My husband is already making excuses - ha! This person's out, that person is out......... He is genuinely worried. He has however chosen to dump me for game and going with a fellow Collingwood supporter (his son).
    5 points
  6. Agreed. Dawes' quote about Alex Rance surely takes the top price.
    5 points
  7. I'll show him some respect when he shows others some respect. Malthouse losing it - what a beautiful thing.
    5 points
  8. Just read the Age article and it states that the Blues have regularly this year complained about the umpiring to Wayne Campbell and the umpiring body. That is quite funny as they generally get more frees than the opposition. Knowing Carlton and Mick, they no doubt expect every decision to go their way. Wonder if they complained about the mistakes that have gone their way. They would have loved the West Coast game. PS. My most disliked club with my most disliked Coach. They deserve each other.
    5 points
  9. A rendition of "Good Old Collingwood Forever" by the 1964 premiership team: """ Good Old Collingwood forever, they knew how to play the game Side-by-side they fell together to the tune of the Demon's fame Hear their barrackers a-squealing, like their barrackers do All the premierships are cakewalks for the good old red and blue! """ A great event with 14 of the players there - all happy to talk and mingle. See you all tomorrow - I'll be the nervous one! (MFCSS not completely cured!!)
    4 points
  10. I really like his idea for the Dees Toiges pre Anzac game.
    4 points
  11. Let's just hope we don't get turned into the NY Knicks...
    4 points
  12. Nah, they've got Ricky....
    4 points
  13. The article reminded me that all AFL players are humans with all the frailties, problems and joys that the rest of us have. The AFL is a tough gig. Good luck Lynden I hope your life continues down the current track.
    4 points
  14. Damn quote won't work, Machsy I get it, I am unworthy of posting on here, do what I do, and congratulations you have now joined my list, don't read what I post, some others are interested
    4 points
  15. 'Watching too much GoT" may be the dumbest thing you've ever said on here, rp'. Excellent metaphor though, North were Ramsay Snow letting theon off the cross in the first half. You are very right! I took too much joy out of Richmond's misery. I'm still reading puntroadend's match day thread with a maniacal grin.
    3 points
  16. Funny... those who have made it large in the world, whether it be in sport , business or just good ol money will all tell you a common idea. You need to imagine yourself in the role, on the dias as a success etc. You have to run the race in your mind and do it winning. Some paraphrase this in a fashion as Fake it before you Make it. This , to me, is what Bartlett is doing. He's fore-visioning a Melbourne in its new and rightful place as top of the heap in the town it takes its name from. A building is created from an idea, then a brief, a conceptual impression, drawings , plans etc. It doesnt happen by any number of construction workers banging away at some element of building in the hope that some edifice will grow from their labours its about workign to a vision. I see nothing wrong with the club daring to create something. From ideas doth creations come, not the other way around.
    3 points
  17. Jordie is probably next in line for a senior call-up at the moment. He's been getting heaps of ball at Casey and the reports from those games say he's doing well in improving his weaknesses. Add to that his ownership of the coaches award for the past few years and he looks pretty likely. Coaches love him because of his work ethic and willingness to take instruction. The above applies also to those who think he will be de-listed. Not a chance. As I said, coaches love him. I've also pointed out in another thread that Cross is currently doing Jordie's job in the senior side, but he's only here for a couple of years. If Jordie can get his disposal up to Cross' level then he'll be set. He doesn't have to be as good a kick as Watts or Salem, just reliable with his disposal to go along with his high workrate and ability to get his hands on the ball and negate an opponent.
    3 points
  18. This umpiring... wow. I would want to kill myself right now if I was a Richmond supporter, I don't think Richmond have had one free kick all quarter? And North have had about 10?
    3 points
  19. What's rewarding about winning a flag without doing the hard work to get it?
    3 points
  20. Schneider and Dempster?
    3 points
  21. Robbie,I remember posting after we listed him that I thought he was a goer based on a televised game that I had seen. He took a couple of strong grabs and goaled. Then he went to [censored] for a while. Now he is killing it and an integral part of our set up. Maybe the X motivating factor is Roos?
    3 points
  22. If anyone deserves to play finals he does. The thing I took from that article that he a very loyal type. Really deserves his new contract.
    3 points
  23. He lost me when he criticized Addam Maric for claiming he kicked the ball for a goal when he hadn't. Said Maric cheated. Let's forget about players who claim to have touched ball that go through for a goal, staged for free kicks or a hundred other things where they try and put one over the umps. What made it so bad was Maric was just starting to make his way and had an opposition coach publicly call him a cheat. He then put himself ahead of his team with the most unbelievable interview in TFS in August 2011 when Collingwood were just about untouchable. They went down hill for the rest of the season when they realized their coach was more interested in himself than the team. He thinks he's the smartest bloke in every room. His arrogance and disrespect for others is breathtaking. Guess what. i don't like him.
    3 points
  24. Happy 21st to Dom Tyson, let's celebrate with a win tomorrow! #godees #atleastwehaveteeth #regrettingtradingdawesyyet?
    3 points
  25. I pinch myself we got this bloke and Salem, and Tyson. All of a sudden we have three young superstars in the making. Absolute gems.
    3 points
  26. the karma train continues to roll for the drug cheats Nothing will give me more pleasure than to smash them next week... but lets worry about smashing the Pies first
    3 points
  27. Really, it was an all round unbelievable trade period... Vince for Sylvia Tyson and Salem for Josh Kelly and Jack Leslie Daniel Cross for free
    3 points
  28. "Don't worry we want it now, we aren't waiting 2 years..." I would have thought being a professional footballer that would have been a given. A nice statement and fantastic young man however hardly "quote of the year"
    3 points
  29. cant believe this kid fell into our lap at pick 40
    3 points
  30. Second week in a row he has blamed the umps for the loss. Says Robinson was deprived of getting the ball when the Geelong runner touched him. Should have got a free. Only problem is the umpire was holding the ball ready to bounce, time on was going and umpire looked around to see what happened. The umpire did not then bounce the ball and call time back on until the incident was over and Robinson was in position. How then Mick did that prevent Robinson get the ball when it was not even in play? Whinge or deliberate lie Mick, what is it. Next he picks the Menzel passage against Rivers. On the 7 replayed angles I saw Menzel grabs the ball and ducks clearly into Rivers who is waiting to tackle him. Menzel created the situation and the rule is play on or holding the ball when a player deliberately ducks for the free. Umpire got it completely correct. Again Mick is it just a whinge or a deliberate lie? MM is clearly feeling the pressure. IMO opinion he is coaching purely to get the record from Jock McHale and needs a 1 year extension to get it. His behaviour to me is pathetic and disgusting and nearly all journos would agree.
    2 points
  31. The only thing better than seeing Carlton (or Collingwood, EssUndone or Richmond for that matter) being thrashed is seeing them suffer a close loss surrounded by controversy. Schadenfreude reigns supreme
    2 points
  32. Think he mentally checked out after the first 3 games and probably agreed to terms elsewhere. Now just covering his ass with BS spin about needing improvement, blah blah blah. He's gone.
    2 points
  33. I presume this i the quote of the year. Still a better lovestory than twilight.
    2 points
  34. I've got a real problem with the way the game is umpired 'nut'. You don't know what you are going to get which is what Roos has more than alluded to. I think a lot of it comes from head offices obsession with continuous play. They could break up the packs by paying free kicks that are there or balling the ball up quickly and not waiting for the ball to come out of a maul. If a player is tackled it is either holding the ball or he hasn't had prior. Quick and correct decisions would see the game open up more than any other option the AFL are looking at including KB's interchange reduction which would only have effect later in the game. ...the stupidity of the way the game is umpired was made obvious by one it's 2 most stupid commentators Der-Wayne. Justifying a decision his comment was "That's not a rule, it's an interpretation."
    2 points
  35. Great article. I have always liked Lyndon and obviously the responsibilities of parenthood and relationship woes have matured him into a top bloke. I admire couples who come to an agreement that their child together is their number one priority, despite the status of their relationship. Good on him for signing up - he is a true Demon and I look forward to watching him develop even further and get his wish to play finals. Like him better with out the mo as well!!
    2 points
  36. Nothing better than seeing Mad Micks massive ego receive a huge dent. Love it.
    2 points
  37. I expect Kent is much further up the rank than Blease.
    2 points
  38. Wasn't too much to get out of him. Last year when the pies played against Hogan he said how much of a brute the kid is, massive presence on the ground. He is mates with one of the MFC listed players, and they told him after the game that the club has said if Hogan has any slight complications at all in trying to return they will just can it, leave it for next year and start getting him ready for Round 1 2015. Probably not really news of any sort, as it is just common sense really, but there ya go.
    2 points
  39. The thing was when Russian was out he was backing it up each week.
    2 points
  40. It wasn't that long ago that some people questioned the coaching appointments of Malthouse and Roos, citing both were merely topping up their super. Two very different story now.
    2 points
  41. I think Spencer's signing might shed some light on some potential truths. They might include: 1. Jamar might not go around after his contract expires, which is why Spencer will most certainly be required (Helps Gawn out, ahead of Fitzy at this point in time) 2. King might not cut it, and for depth's sake the team needs someone to come in and get the job done. (Jake can do that) 3. Roos and Co rate him, and believe there is room to grow.(Even the haters have to admit his form is getting better each year) 4. The Dees might be looking to up their ruck stocks again this upcoming draft, and require Gawn, Spencer, Fitzy and perhaps King to look after the role post Jamar while we groom a player likely to be picked up in this year's National Draft. 5. List management would prefer to trade for other positions at seasons end, believing that there are bigger issues to address on this list outside of our current ruck stocks. I think Spencer has done enough to get another contract. He will be used as a backup, which will be handy if Russian of Gawn go down.
    2 points
  42. Surprised Gawn survived the cut as I reckon he's the worst player in the squad- at the moment. I don't subscribe to the theory of 'stretching their defence' because as soon as the tall blokes drop marks, the opposition invariably clear it out more often than not. Having said that I'll leave it to Roos who's selections this year have been very good.
    2 points
  43. Looks to be a hip flexor, they're reporting it as a quad but the physio was doing a lot of work on his side and he struggled to put any weight on one side of his body. Happened late in the game. Either way he will be out for a while. ...but, lets take it one week at a time.
    2 points
  44. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/melbourne-demon-lynden-dunn-navigates-stormy-waters-20140604-zrxix.html A nice little insight into the path that has led Dunny to his improved form in 2014.
    2 points
  45. Sorry... What was the actual "quote of the year"? Just trying to find the real words JKH said...
    2 points
  46. Enjoying the Stefan Martin Experience do his best impersonation of a footballer reborn. He always seemed to me to that he should've been a better player than he was, hopefully he's able to keep it up.
    2 points
  47. Spencer is not behind Gawn, because Gawn doesn't have the engine for a full game in the ruck.
    2 points
  48. I am talking about the Coach not forum posters.Roos queried 1 free kick and didn't suggest it cost us the game. MM has done it 2 weeks in a row highlighting a number of frees, basically implying that umpire mistakes cost the Blues 2 games. That is a bit different.
    2 points
  49. "Answer: No, he's still undecided. Stay tuned cause after the break, we have updates on the latest Justin Bieber controversy"
    2 points
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