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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/03/14 in all areas

  1. Reading the Geelong Advertiser yesterday and told the missus how much things have suddenly changed as 9 out of their 10 tipsters picked Demons to win. She asked who tipped against us. It was Mark Neeld.
    9 points
  2. What a negative bunch of so called supporters you lot are.
    7 points
  3. Which bit? If you mean Frawley, no way. The guy asks for direction and success then totally bails on contributing to it.
    5 points
  4. Yeah, Salem was shithouse tonight.
    5 points
  5. Notwithstanding the scores, that 5 minutes of play beginning with the Matt Jones run down was what I bloody love about our game. Tough and hard from both sides. Really got my blood pumping.
    5 points
  6. Jeez you're a bunch of sad sacks. I'd forgotten.
    5 points
  7. Scorps win after a Neville Jetta goal with a minute to go. Casey Scorpions 3.1.19 7.5.47 7.7.49 11.8.74 Port Melbourne 4.4.28 4.5.29 7.11.53 10.11.71 Goals Gawn 2 Barry Best Blease Hunt Jetta King Salem Smith Tapscott Best Evans Jetta Blease Clisby Gawn Salem
    5 points
  8. I was a member of the cheer squad in the early '60's, and have great memories from that time. I'd catch the first train (5:15am) to the footy, or we'd sleep out (every ground except Vic Park - too dangerous). For home games at the'G we'd raid every toilet block around the area where the tennis centre now sits, grabbing toilet rolls to throw. I would have spent the best part of two hours on Friday night tearing up phone books (remember them?). Many of us in the cheer squad were responsible for a banner. Mine was 'The never-say-die Demons' - fortunately one of the shorter (lighter) ones to carry. At the 1964 GF, as a 13 y-o, I was seated on the northern flank. Gabba stumbled and fumbled right past me to score 'that goal'. I vaguely remember having thoughts of jumping the fence and tripping him up! A shout out to cheer squad leader Malcolm Turner if you happen to be a DL'er.
    5 points
  9. Sorry WJ. Usually love your posts but I just can't abide being gracious toward Essendon. I didn't notice any graciousness from them when our backs were against the wall re 'tanking'. Also, can't forgive them for their thuggery in 2000 Grand Final. I won't bag the players but I just can't bring myself to have nice thoughts about them.
    5 points
  10. Jack Watts, 96.3% efficiency and a lot of that was from in the middle of heavy traffic. Great work.
    4 points
  11. For gods sake, calm down people. Zero forward line means no production, this is something that will be naturally fixed by returning players. Some players were very positive. Watts was terrific through the middle, so much potential over time. Tyson was great, toumpas took the game on. When keys forwards come back and you have targets up the ground the whole shape changes. I am a lifetime supporter, so I have felt what you have. But some people on here are ridiculous. I choose to look at the positives, do as you will...
    4 points
  12. Geez picket, Lyon was rather better than "reasonably good". He was bloody good!
    4 points
  13. i would prefer to see JKH sit out the first 20 minutes or so, as the saints will be hard at us. let him come on after the initial rough stuff has died down and the saints players have been using up their energy, then they can spend their time chasing him. I would prefer to see matt jones as the sub. Georgiou has to be on the field to help handle the st kinda talls.
    4 points
  14. Liked Garry Lyon as reasonably good footballer, just wish he would now not offer comments relating to demon matters and perhaps save his best work for the comedy segments which footy show faithful seem to enjoy. Interested in what others think?
    3 points
  15. No offence, but it's probably a good idea to watch the game and vote or not vote at all
    3 points
  16. Nat Jones was best for me and Lynden Dunn didn't do a whole lot wrong. Wattsy pretty solid also. Not sure what Byrnes brings. I would persist with Blease over Byrnes every day of the week. Hated the result but loved the endeavour! The head hanging which started at half time round one last season was missing which i liked. It's a long road but we are moving forward imo, which is all I'm asking for.
    3 points
  17. Toumpas and Trengove are still making their way to the change rooms.
    3 points
  18. Howe and Fitz needed to stand up with the lack of forward options. I'll let Fitz off, but Howe had a shocker. Some poor skill errors didn't help as well, and we seemed to panick a lot. We need to learn how to brush and side step tackles better in contested situations. The Saint seemed to move the ball quickly from contests and back their teammate to run onto the loose ball or to evade the tackler. The injury to Tommy Mac also didn't help at all
    3 points
  19. Lost two players very early, but other than that there were no excuses. We should have won that game. We didn't. That isn't good enough.
    3 points
  20. Disappointing result. Could have won this easily. Nick Riewoldt was probably the difference in the end - you see the way he goes about it and then you say down our end, our #1 target Pedo missing shots at goal 10m with no pressure, that's what kills you. Howe was also MIA tonight. I saw a few positives tonight: Watts being the obvious one. Tyson (after a few early errors) was terrific. Vince and Jones very good. Toumpas had a great first half (unsurprised to see more criticism on here, from the usual suspects). Bad kicking is bad footy. I'm not feeling as hollow as I did 12 months ago. The predictable "I'm done with this club" brigade are just getting caught up in the moment. I wonder if we'll get a "Sack Roos" thread tonight??? Will be a long season but if we can get Dawes and Hogan out there, we should win a few games.
    3 points
  21. I think Matt Jones has tried hard, he has shown a bit.
    3 points
  22. I've got tickets but I hope your little girl's ok.
    3 points
  23. Paul Roos succeeding Paul Roos. That's what i'd like to see.
    3 points
  24. The only thing I hold against Lyon is his role in the selection of coaches. Otherwise, a great servant of the club.
    3 points
  25. If the Hird's have any grasp on reality they should consider the last 36 hours in relation to their importance at Bomberland. After valiantly trying to derail the Bombers on the eve of their start to the 2014 season The bombers come out under their new coach and win reasonable easily last night. Well there you are Mr. Saviour and assistant. The current management and Coach do not need you. They can win without your omnipresence. GET A GRIP GUYS YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED!
    3 points
  26. so what time are we all meeting at the Westgate bridge if this all goes pear-shaped again>?
    3 points
  27. The side picked is exactly the side I would have picked based on available players. Its not the best in name but it is the best based on fitness and filling the required roles of the side. Anyone wanting Blease in the side ahead of Bail or Byrnes did not watch the pre-season. I go tonight confident. I go expecting to win and win well. Leaving with a loss will not be satisfactory under any circumstance. If we adhere to a consistent level of good intensity and adherence to the game plan the result will look after itself. GO DEE's. Give em hell.
    3 points
  28. What I like about you OldDee is that you never miss an opportunity.
    3 points
  29. At this point in time we should be gracious enough to acknowledge the performance of the Essendon team against North Melbourne last night after the pasting their club's been receiving almost right across the football world. Whether or not you like what's been happening at their club, to do what they did against a well regarded opponent shows great character.
    3 points
  30. Done. Earlier this evening, a decision was made to ban this poster for a month. On reviewing his posts and his record over time, I've overruled that decision. The ban is now permanent. Please let that be a warning to posters who believe they can constantly offend against our code of conduct and behave in an offensive manner to others on this site. And finally, please show the appropriate respect to Mitch and to all players on the club's list.
    3 points
  31. In attendance along with 102468 others, Old Southern Stand, Punt Road end, HFF.
    2 points
  32. I was in me fathers testicles (he was 13 going on 14) where I stayed until the Kilkenny Beer Festival of 1971 when I moved address for 9 months to my mother
    2 points
  33. I was at the opposite end sue, in the old southern stand Richmond end. Would you believe standing room. We were there when the gates opened, saw the under 19's then reserves GF's
    2 points
  34. My Dad took me and we were right on the Fence! Seems appropriate.
    2 points
  35. I'm confident that, in time, Brad Scott will be seen as not a coaches a - hole.
    2 points
  36. Hyppocrisy is amazing WJ is tough & I'm sure will be fine. as far as I know he can look after himself well.
    2 points
  37. Predictions as to who gets the votes? i reckon 3. Bernie Vince 2. Jack Trengove 1. Jeremy Howe
    2 points
  38. Excited, nervous, can't wait. Georgiou has spent no time with forwards or mids during all the preseason training sessions. He is a backman at SANFL level, recruited to booster our backline, has played all preseason down back and will play backline tonight.
    2 points
  39. Forward pocket at city end south.
    2 points
  40. IT"S FINALLY GAME DAY!!!!!! All the talk can finally stop! All the speculation, all the rumours, all the news stories, all the "training the house down", all the "Mark Neeld era", all the admin can finally STOP! IT'S FOOTY'S TURN TO TALK!!!!!! Round 1 2014 is a fresh slate. The past years mean nothing. Right now we are in the exact same position as every other club. Today we are as close to a flag as anyone and its what the 22 lads who pull on the red and blue do between now and the last Saturday in December that makes the difference. Today we get back to what all of this right here is all about and that is 120 minutes of the greatest game there is. The Demons future starts today. GO DEES!
    2 points
  41. I have loved the game in every era, with each having its strengths and weaknesses. The late 70's, early 90's and early 2000's were three great phases of footy. And what stands out in each of these eras is the direct down-the-line style of footy. The modern two-way-running football is incredible from a fitness point of view but it diminishes two great strengths of our game: 1) The run and carry, and 2) One player beating one opponent, Both these things happen, but are getting less and less in the 36 man crush of modern footy. The main frustrations for me now do loom rather large on the footy landscape. Constant behind the scenes news, footy politics, TV rights etc... have their place but take up too much air time. Journalists drive this stuff and it is simply boring. Watson last night was exceptional - let's talk about him. The amazing coaching of Ken Hinkley - let's talk about that. Freo's demolition of the Pies - let's talk about that. Melbourne's resurgence - let's talk about that (hopefully!)
    2 points
  42. I have a feeling that we will see Mitch in the team by mid season.
    2 points
  43. It will match our list availability due to injuries each week.
    2 points
  44. Is that the Davis we delisted at the end of last year?
    2 points
  45. Tbh I'm shiitin bricks about tonight's game. Never been this nervous before a rd 1 game before. Please for the love of god win tonight DEES. We ALL deserve it.
    2 points
  46. 2 points
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