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  1. I arrived about 9.30 to have a look at the Casey squad train, and the midfield group was out on the ground already doing walkthroughs with Craig, Royal and Greaves The Casey group was just warming up and then they trained, one noticeable thing, Hogan bouncing around like a caged animal Jack Viney was doing laps under the supervision of one of the fitness staff (see below for more) The main group started to train at 10am sharing the field with the Casey group Main emphasis today seemed to moving the ball, at the end of session both groups joined in this drill type Some points Jack Grimes was off on the other field doing some training including hitting the tackle bag, asked him at the end and he said he will be back in full training next week Jack Viney got thrown off the training track for being out there too long, I spoke to him afterwards and he confirmed that was what happened, he is putting on some serious size and admitted doing heaps of weight training whilst off his feet, told him he would get thrown out of that as well for doing too much, of course said he already had, he reckons he is about 2 weeks away Chip Frawley did the whole session, didn't look inconvenienced at all, asked him why he wasm't playing, said the Physio said no for this week Jordie McKenzie is a week away, hyperextended his elbow, had a strange looking brace on it Joel Macdonald was doing laps, looks a week away as well Jack Trengove said that the last couple of games before the bye were when he felt he was back at full match fiitness after his foot injury, freshened up with the bye and is ready to go Mitch Cliisby is excited to be 'living the dream', wants to just play his role as well as he can Tom Couch left the session early, seemed to have a bit of stiff back or hammy Tried to engage Josh Mahoney in a conversation but seemed to have his Football Manager face on, just hoping for a good showing and a week without a headline in the paper Craig took a few players asisde one on one during the session, saw him speak to Couch, Gillies, at the end of the session he kept back Toumpas, Nathan Jones, Watts and Trengove to have a chat, in the middle of the ground, so couldn't hear a thing I asked a few players about how they felt and they all gave the same answer as Col Garlland in his presser this morning on the Club website Bit shocked at what happened to Neeld All had a good relationship with him (contrary to reports) They have to support the decision and move on Felt partially responsible for what happened Absolutely no idea and are frustrated by why they can't take the training track form onto the field during games Looking now to giving Craig the support and having a real crack to try and prove everybody wrong Any questions I will try and answer
    20 points
  2. "The MFC members voted for the merger". I am sick to death of this statement being made in the media. It is used to denigrate the club and members. The truth is that many MFC members were denied a vote on the issue, many were refused entry to the meeting and the vote, if one can call it that, was carried by proxy votes, kept in a safe, for a time they were needed to stack a vote. The people who provided thoses proxies, had absolutely no idea they would be used in a merger vote. They were obtained from people who were given free memberships and told to sign over proxies. To call that a proper vote, on the most contentious issue in the club's history, is nothing short of a disgrace and an insult to the members of the club at the time. I wish someone would make this perfectly clear to the media and get this stopped once and for all. We should not allow this denigration to continue.
    16 points
  3. Not Rumour, big news. The AFL has, for all intensive purposes, taken over the MFC. The AFL alone will determine who will be Coach, President and CEO (Jackson). In my opinion this is a good thing. The AFL/MFC have had further discussions with Roos and the MFC in conjunction with the AFL will make him a very lucrative offer which will include full power over the football department and priority or mini draft picks. The AFL/MFC are currently working on the offer after feedback from Roos and have informed Roos that the role is his if he wants it. The AFL/MFC are confident enough that they will not look at other coaches until Roos rejects the offer. I understand that the AFL/MFC feel he will likely accept the offer and consider him a better than 50/50 chance. Make no mistake, If we land Roos it will be our Chris Judd moment (aka Carlton). I would argue this would be even bigger than Carlton's moment. Interestingly the AFL have rejected Kennett, Stockdale and Freeman as President. All have had meetings with Demetrio, all have been told they don't have AFL support. Although the AFL can't stop these people standing and winning, the AFL has let the MFC know that getting their choice in President is part of the rescue package and if their choice does not get the role the AFL support can't be guaranteed. It is understood they have their own very high profile President in mind. Still no word on who this is. Again this is all confirmed and not rumour. It comes from the same sources as my previous comments (for those who have been following)
    10 points
  4. There are no regular elections of the entire Board anyway... Members have every right to organise a call an election - but the AFL is not relocating us here, they are not merging us - they are trying to organise a Board of Demons that is industry standard and attempt to get us a very good FD head and one of Roos, Williams, or Eade as coach. I am comfortable with this scenario.
    8 points
  5. Members have no idea. remember the push here for Kennett and Schwartz to go on the board? Both terrible ideas for lots of reasons but willing members are ready to vote them in. I'm fine with being run by the AFL. I know I cannot do the job, I don't know anyone who can do the job and the current group sure as hell cannot either. WE need a benevolent benefactor. It is pathetic, but it is also our position and railing against it is counterproductive. Unless you can do it better.
    7 points
  6. Jack Watts - 139 James Frawley - 261 Now we've established that you can pretty much disregard these rankings.
    7 points
  7. Just watched Colin's Press Conference this morning. Really impressed with Colin. He has certainly developed in leaps and bounds, both on and off the field, as Neil Craig has also been quick to point out. Really handled himself extremely well in front of the media, and answered some potentially awkward questions very well. Good on you, Col.
    6 points
  8. From what GNF and a few others have heard about us landing Roos and extra picks we will be one of the most hated teams in the league by opposition supporters. Thank god for that.
    6 points
  9. the 5th person is clearly paul roos...
    6 points
  10. youd think theyd just throw a Premiership in as well for the hell of it !!
    5 points
  11. 1. We still get a vote, I'm pretty sure it would occur at the AGM unless there is a spill and enough people petition for an EGM 2. What would the members know anyway? I'm a member and have a vote as are my family and none of us would know the difference between Freeman or Kelaher or whoever anyway. The candidates who people might know (like Schwarz or Kennet for instance) are likely to get votes through name recognition and not for any reasons of good governance. I think the AFL's heart is in the right area here, they are actually trying to help us not kill us and if their board does try to merge or relocate us the members will have the vote on that anyway.
    5 points
  12. HT the problem is that bad. We need a large injection of AFL money. Blame Schwab and Don for all this.
    5 points
  13. The players should have performance-based contracts. Right now they'd be paying the club to let them play.
    4 points
  14. Lets just get it out there....the MFC has totally f****d things up !! To get a few things wrong is just luck of the draw...to systematically get it wrong...well Its official....we are just pitied !!!
    3 points
  15. St Kilda will win comfortably.
    3 points
  16. I dare anyone to look at Jack's expression and tell him he doesn't deserve to be on there. For me he gives more effort than most of the other players.
    3 points
  17. I'm usually a strong believer of the democratic process but I'll take the alternative at a time when the vultures are circling and there's been so much misinformation and speculation and the past, the present and the future. In those circumstances, an administration of the type that we have with Jackson running the show under the imprimatur of the AFL and our board sitting in the background rubber stamping the decisions that are being made. At least we know that we'll survive and we won't have to put up with challenges from main chancers like Kennett and his crew who are probably more interested in their egos than anything else. At least this way, I'm more confident of us getting the best possible coach, retaining who we want and recruiting the best possible players at the end of the year. In any event, it's been 11 years since we voted anybody in and look at where we are today?
    3 points
  18. I think right now the most capable body to save the club is the AFL itself, so I am happy with this situation. We need them
    3 points
  19. Quality names on Demons' board list
    3 points
  20. Patrick Smiths source was Andrew D apparently. I can't find an unlocked version of the article. KB and Greg Denham were discussing it this morning. Apparently the article says they ruled out Stockdale. Kennent and Freeman and given Roos first dibs on the spot. KB asked Melbourne how they felt about the AFL choosing our CEO, President and Coach. My though was bring it on. Bagdad Bob has shown great restraint i have to say. His analysis of how dysfunctional the board and governance of the club has been has turned out to be spot on. Well played sir, even if you had a clear agenda (joke). GNF your predictions haven't been too shabby either. Also well played sir.
    3 points
  21. I suppose in light of the allegations made about the past couple of coaching appointments we've made, all candidates will have to submit to some form of psychological testing in the future but what do these tests really tell you? Surely, if someone's clever enough, these tests could be manipulated? Then there's the question of how you approach the subject. Imagine telling a seasoned, experienced coach like Roos or Sheedy that you wanted them to submit to that sort of testing as part of the selection process. I'm sure Carlton didn't do that with Malthouse. Perhaps we just have to accept the fact that all coaches are nut cases.
    3 points
  22. Lot of interest in the game for us, down a fair few players and certainly missing a large chunk of our best 22. Will be keen to see the effort the boys bring for four quarters, whether they play with more freedom and take the game on a bit more. Good luck to Clisby in his debut and lets see some fire in the belly Dees!
    3 points
  23. Heya team, Just finished an interview with Mitch for the newspaper in his home town, and thought I'd post it on here for you guys just to provide some insight that city papers probably won't provide. Can tell you guys that you've got a great kid on your hands, and I really hope he does well. Has plenty of class, and if he adapts well to the pace of AFL, should be a very handy player. Haven't submitted this for sub-editing or even spellchecked it yet, so don't hammer me if it's still full of errors lol. Cheers.
    3 points
  24. I heard Choco speak at a GWS Coterie function two years ago. He was absolutely sensational. He is a fantastic communicator in a footy environment - bloody funny, has a bucket of larrikin war stories as long as your arm, clearly a wealth of football experience - and he undoubtedly knows how to control the sheds/motivate players/create a bullet proof culture. I really hope he's our coach at the end of this year. The case for Roos is compelling, but I don't think his heart is in it. Choco would inspire something this club has lacked for far too long - PASSION. For the first time in living memory, the MFC may actually develop a personality/some character. My wish list: Head coach: Choco Williams Assistants: Junior McDonald and Wellman (offer to double his Essendon pay cheque). And then keep the best off the current assistants (Rawlings, Brown etc). Football director: Neale Daniher Fitness guru: Dave Misson Head of other elite performance stuff: Neil Craig Head of player development/recruiting/some other important role: Todd Viney Sylvia, Gawn and Watts to re-sign, and Frawley to sign a contract extension. And secure a couple experienced A grade mids from other clubs in the trade period. I reckon this is achievable if the AFL is committed to assisting us with the rebuild/restructure. C'mon MFC Board - it's about time for some character/personality to be injected into this club.
    3 points
  25. Thanks. A new player will go up each day.All current day players. Enough looking back. It's time to look forward.
    3 points
  26. Lots of talk on 3aw about Choco Williams coaching us. Apparently according to Dwayne Russell, even when coaching at port, he wanted to return to the heart of football and coach a team. The positives about Choco is that he wouldn't give a toss about political correctness, he wears his heart on his sleeve, is cunning, street smart, hard as nails yet has the delicate touch that can infiltrate a players psyche. He gets the most out of his players, is a mans man and makes his team play above their weight. He thinks in abstract, yet can be wild. But most of all, he is a master motivator and is desperate to prove the football world wrong, who have already written him off and selected untried rookies over him. He led pa to be the greatest home and away team for about 4 years running, bringing in one flag. I don't know if the silver spooners would like him tho. All in all, if we don't land lethal or Roos, I would be delighted to follow choco for the next 5-10 years. Happy happy joy joy, the new sun is rising! Ps, we are going to come out and smash the saints. The shackles have been released and now our spirits can fly once again. I am so happy. Carn the mighty demons, rip em apart, kill em all!!!!!!
    2 points
  27. Demonland is proud to announce the signing of a future star of the MFC - Jasmine Garner! The 18 year old, who plays for the St Kilda Sharks, will make history as she dons the famous Red and Blue on the 29th of June to do battle in the inaugural Dees women's team. A profile of Garner can be read here and a summary of the donations page - including the official information of Demonland's involvement - here. We wish Jasmine all the best in the lead up to the game, a wonderful game on the day and a bright and prosperous career. Go Garner, Go Dees!
    2 points
  28. I'll just check my other pocket for $3m so I can tell Dimwit to F*** off
    2 points
  29. No. But our alternative is to fold. If the AFL don't back us we are screwed, we have 33k membership, no one showing up to games, a horrible last 6 years, fines, a poor list, no president or coach, a FD that resembles a bowl of spaghetti. We need the AFL, I don't like it but its a fact. The best thing to happen to us lately is PJ who came because the AFL got him for us. If left to our own we will probably be 10mil in debt by end of next year and had another two coaches. We have proven our incompetence in our governance of our club, we need all the money the AFL can give us. Sad, but true.
    2 points
  30. That's right & in reality what we are asking/receiving is probably more than 3 Mill. It looks as tho they choose our coach, give us draft concessions & choose the board. The coach & CEO alone are probably going to cost the club 1.5 -2mil mil a year. We are facing a 3mil deficit this year so without the AFL's help we'd be looking vulnerable going into next season & wouldn't be able to pay for any of this re-structuring. We don't have much of a choice unless we want a bargain basement coach & CEO or the supporters want to shell up some of their hard earned again.
    2 points
  31. Change it to DHinWA to encompass my personal beliefs.
    2 points
  32. That is certainly the impression the SEN story is giving. In their opinion Peter Jackson's continuation is contingent on it being done the AFL way (which is probably his way or plan). The AFL were never going to hand over 3 Mill without some strings attached
    2 points
  33. hey DeeinWA, do you mind changing your user name, it’s too similar to mine and I feel people will dislike me by association
    2 points
  34. He's not the first Kent to be a man of steel.
    2 points
  35. NO!! The players had a MASSIVE say in our two captains, which has turned out a failure. I hate it when Matthew Lloyd is right.
    2 points
  36. His problems are many. The 15 minutes it takes for him to get the ball to his boot is a fair problem. The fact he struggles to touch the ball away from a ruck contest is another problem. And if he does touch it he's a liability. Someone please end the experiment.
    2 points
  37. Yep, we had heaps of credibility in 2011 - particularly after Geelong thumped us by 186 points.
    2 points
    2 points
  39. Is that including or excluding finals? ;-)
    2 points
  40. Daniel Nicholson LOL Our team already has no skills and we bring this spud in
    2 points
  41. I like the collar on the jumper and the logo. It's being a pathetic club that loses all the time that I hate. How about we fix that first?!?!
    2 points
  42. Everyone is welcomed back, except that pathetic weasel Tom Scully. He needs to stay far far away.
    2 points
  43. Schwab is welcome at the club and so is Moloney, and I am sure that they will both be around the club in the future - be it short term or a bit longer. We have to stop holding petty grudges. There was no malice in the way Schwab poorly ran the FD. There was nothing more than boorish immaturity in Moloney's Instagram image. Garry Lyon was pushed to involve himself against the wishes and advice that he himself gave to others (let that be lesson Re: Paul Roos, Coach 2014). Gardner and McLardy agreed to take on a difficult leadership position at a club constantly on a knife edge - do everything well you break even (and not just in finances), screw up and disaster hits. I have personal experience of how this club likes to factionalise and hold petty grudges against other Demons who have nothing but the best interests of the club at heart. You have to forgive and understand, welcome back, and allow as many Demons through those gates as possible. We need every Demon we can get.
    2 points
  44. Forget Clarkson. If you were him and could stay at a list you'd built and a strong premiership winning outfit, or go join a basket case what would you do ? I wouldn't even take Melbourne's call. First preference would have to be Roos. He's won a flag, helped develop the club with the best culture in the AFL, and was the mentor to two of the best coaches in the AFL in Lyon and Longmire. If I couldn't get Roos I'd target Williams. He's scaled the mountain with a poorly resourced club and won a flag. He's known for being a great development coach. Forget assistants that have a record of great development, clearly being at the helm is a world away from taking directives. Gillard, by all reports, was a terrific deputy, but will go down as the Prime Minister with the worst judgment in history. Being a good assistant doesn't mean you'll even be competent as a senior coach. Mark Williams has a winning rate of 55.47%, which is excellent, especially at an under resourced club. Ten other notable coaches and their winning percentage: Blight: 55.6 Roos: 57.92 Eade: 54.46 Barassi: 53.88 Malthouse: 58.43 Matthews: 58.79 Parkin: 59.27 Norm Smith: 56.65 Clarkson: 59.05 Sheedy: 58.53 If we can't get Roos it has to be Williams for me.
    2 points
  45. You say you're not going to give my post "further thought" and then proceed to write a book. He got rid of 15 players, including Petterd, Gysberts, Martin, Moloney, Morton, etc. after year one, not as soon as he got to the club. You really think he walked into the club and said, "look, I know you've won 8.5 games the last two years in a row, and I know you have a plethora of top 20 draft selections, and I know that senior players, such as McDonald, Bruce and Yze have just departed, and I know that you already have one of the youngest lists in the competition, but I reckon we've got to rebuild the playing list straight away". You really believe he told the Board that a rebuild was required ? And you say you're not going to give my opinion further thought ? No wonder you like Neeld, you're as delusional as him, or at best totally naive and duped by his nonsense. More likely Neeld said, "I'll change the culture of your playing group, we know they can attack, but I'll make them accountable and defend; you've got great young talent already on your list and I'll develop them into quality senior players and I'll move some on after I've had 12 months to look at them." THAT'S a far more likely scenario. FFS, Bate wanted to be traded to the Dogs, but Neeld wouldn't have it, because he wanted a look at him. There was ZERO utterance of a rebuild when he was first appointed. The goal posts moved AFTER his first 12 months when he decided we were [censored]. He rightly knew the midfield was the problem, but he also came from a system that loved big key forwards. I laud the club for getting Hogan, because I recognised he was a once in a generation talent. The targeting of Hogan can be treated as a separate entity and just a really good decision. I accept that Neeld came to the conclusion he needed to rebuild aspects of the list, such as the midfield, but if you think he sat in on his job interviews with Melbourne and said the list needed to be stripped back again and rebuilt, you're mad. And you say, "Why don't I have the right to be angry with the Administration of this club?". Who says you don't ? We all know they've been hopeless. Knock yourself out, just don't be sucked in by Neeld's complete spin.
    2 points
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