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Demons Grand Plan for Yarra Park Training HQ


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5 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

couldn't we find a cloud based home? everyone else seems to.

Isn't that what we have now as I can find no evidence of an earth bound one.

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Why does this club reveal its plans to the public?

Why are we always run by self- aggrandising Nuf- nuffs?

Just make a plan. Execute it step by step and announce it when it is signed, sealed and delivered.

One sure way to have the Gods mock you is to reveal your plans.

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4 hours ago, Biffen said:

Why does this club reveal its plans to the public?

Why are we always run by self- aggrandising Nuf- nuffs?

Just make a plan. Execute it step by step and announce it when it is signed, sealed and delivered.

One sure way to have the Gods mock you is to reveal your plans.

With a few slight variations Biff we have been doing this for 50 years with no success.

Might be time to admit defeat and move to Casey or is this part of the 100 year plan?

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12 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

I have to say the silence on this issue from the club since last year has been nothing short of disheartening.

I haven't given this issue much thrift previously other than to thinj it would be good for the players to have better facilities. However I am now firmly of the view that the lack of a proper home is THE major issue facing us. Footy clubs are community hubs (not as in local community but for the players, coaches and admin). They provide the sense of history and identity for the players to feel connected and inspired by the past.

I've been listening to the Kick To Kick podcast which is a must listen for anyone who loves the history of the game. The 3 guys are going through each VFL/AFL season since 1897 and currently up to 1927.

The main thing that has stood out for me is the identities of successful clubs, the fact they are actual "clubs" and not just teams of players. This is something Smith fostered for us in the 50s and I assume something he inherited from Checker in the 30s.

Most clubs these days have not just modern training facilities and home bases, but club museums proudly displaying their heritage. Where is ours? In the MCC? How accessible is this to our players (nevermind the supporters)?

It is an indictment this has been allowed to go on for so long, the members need to agitate the board about this to make sure it is their number 1 priority. The longer we stand still the further back we go.


Gonzo, back when Paul Gardner was running thr show i wrote him a letter that clearly stated how bad it was for Melbourne supporters that they had nowhere to walk into and say this is my club, this is what we have achieved in the past and this is what i support today. I told him all i pay my membership for is to watch 18 red and blue jumpers run around playing footy, and maybe sing the song at the end of the game if ya lucky, then go home and read about it in the paper the next day.  These are the basic things that all football clubs have whether it be suburban,  or country football, and here we have the oldest club in the country and we still have zero. Its nothing short of a [censored] debarcle.

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On 5/24/2019 at 7:38 AM, Sorry kids said:

Well then, and I do not mean to be argumentative but either Pert thinks the project is a goer to keep pursuing or he does not have the ability to persuade the Board to drop it. Every day lost continues the embarrassment of Goschs paddock and lost opportunity. 

maybe they don't have a viable plan b is the other possibility

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Maybe we just sack all the tools employed in Marketing, business development, liaison support, etc and get one decent manager.

The amount of nice boys employed to wear mole skins and shiny RM.Williams boots with a Demons corporate jacket is appalling.

Things are definitely going south since Peter Jackson.resigned.

The off field team is a poisonous influence on the players/ coaching group.

The members are happy to go and watch a losing team and head for the snow.

Thing are bad.Zero  has changed culturally. We are going down the tube.

There is no mongrel, no intensity, no desire for success on or off the field.

The odd win papers over the structural defects in the foundations and walls.

The problem,as always,is a desire to be nice, to be liked, to fit in and appear to be a “good” club.

I’d suggest that Pert is the problem. I reckon Bartlett and Pert must go. 

No vision, no mongrel, no success.

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4 hours ago, Biffen said:

Maybe we just sack all the tools employed in Marketing, business development, liaison support, etc and get one decent manager.

The amount of nice boys employed to wear mole skins and shiny RM.Williams boots with a Demons corporate jacket is appalling.

Things are definitely going south since Peter Jackson.resigned.

The off field team is a poisonous influence on the players/ coaching group.

The members are happy to go and watch a losing team and head for the snow.

Thing are bad.Zero  has changed culturally. We are going down the tube.

There is no mongrel, no intensity, no desire for success on or off the field.

The odd win papers over the structural defects in the foundations and walls.

The problem,as always,is a desire to be nice, to be liked, to fit in and appear to be a “good” club.

I’d suggest that Pert is the problem. I reckon Bartlett and Pert must go. 

No vision, no mongrel, no success.

Welcome back. You’ve been missed

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4 hours ago, Biffen said:

Maybe we just sack all the tools employed in Marketing, business development, liaison support, etc and get one decent manager.

The amount of nice boys employed to wear mole skins and shiny RM.Williams boots with a Demons corporate jacket is appalling.

Things are definitely going south since Peter Jackson.resigned.

The off field team is a poisonous influence on the players/ coaching group.

The members are happy to go and watch a losing team and head for the snow.

Thing are bad.Zero  has changed culturally. We are going down the tube.

There is no mongrel, no intensity, no desire for success on or off the field.

The odd win papers over the structural defects in the foundations and walls.

The problem,as always,is a desire to be nice, to be liked, to fit in and appear to be a “good” club.

I’d suggest that Pert is the problem. I reckon Bartlett and Pert must go. 

No vision, no mongrel, no success.

You may well be right Biffen. The fact that the place has fallen over as soon as PJ left his post does concern me

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5 hours ago, Biffen said:

Maybe we just sack all the tools employed in Marketing, business development, liaison support, etc and get one decent manager.

The amount of nice boys employed to wear mole skins and shiny RM.Williams boots with a Demons corporate jacket is appalling.

Things are definitely going south since Peter Jackson.resigned.

The off field team is a poisonous influence on the players/ coaching group.

The members are happy to go and watch a losing team and head for the snow.

Thing are bad.Zero  has changed culturally. We are going down the tube.

There is no mongrel, no intensity, no desire for success on or off the field.

The odd win papers over the structural defects in the foundations and walls.

The problem,as always,is a desire to be nice, to be liked, to fit in and appear to be a “good” club.

I’d suggest that Pert is the problem. I reckon Bartlett and Pert must go. 

No vision, no mongrel, no success.

I have had one experience with the Club this year which was very disappointing. Long story but the senior person talking to me about my concern told me she was disappointed in me for not appreciating her sub standard effort. When I looked up her position-job description  with the Club it was less senior than she announces on social media. I was finally put onto someone more senior who wrote to me but never followed up on my return email. 

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5 hours ago, Biffen said:

Maybe we just sack all the tools employed in Marketing, business development, liaison support, etc and get one decent manager.

The amount of nice boys employed to wear mole skins and shiny RM.Williams boots with a Demons corporate jacket is appalling.

Things are definitely going south since Peter Jackson.resigned.

The off field team is a poisonous influence on the players/ coaching group.

The members are happy to go and watch a losing team and head for the snow.

Thing are bad.Zero  has changed culturally. We are going down the tube.

There is no mongrel, no intensity, no desire for success on or off the field.

The odd win papers over the structural defects in the foundations and walls.

The problem,as always,is a desire to be nice, to be liked, to fit in and appear to be a “good” club.

I’d suggest that Pert is the problem. I reckon Bartlett and Pert must go. 

No vision, no mongrel, no success.

It also disturbs me how far we've fallen since PJ left. On that score its undeniable something seems to have gotten lost. 

So I agree with you in the main but  I dont think ANY of the members are happy to go and watch us lose...this has to be one of THE most disappointing seasons in all my time. I dont know any dee fan that isnt hurting big time in 2019. Its bad enough dee fans get attacked by the media we dont have to do it to ourselves. In my experience we're a committed, passionate and steadfast group! 

Secondly I think ( on field anyway) all we have is frikn mongrel , intensity and desire . Its why we win contested possessions and the i50 count so often. What we dont have is a decent game plan ( to suit the players we have available and the game as its being played THIS year) and we also just lack leadership re playing smart. eg lewis getting suspended when we most need him, viney and Jones bombing it in long , trac missing from 15 metres. We have the worst i50 retention record so far since records began on that stat (2006) . Im satisfied with the mongrel in the team just not the nous. 

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1 hour ago, Moonshadow said:

More SWYL hyperbole and outrage

No not outrage, just observing. 

Over many years, other clubs get stronger through adversity, but we seem to always struggle. 

This is not random, there must be a reason. It happens too often

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Just now, Redleg said:


Will only be there for 1 Season at that level if current trends continue. 

We cant even kick goals on our own home from 20 Metres out. 

That has nothing to do with injuries...

That is attitude 

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4 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

Will only be there for 1 Season at that level if current trends continue. 

We cant even kick goals on our own home from 20 Metres out. 

That has nothing to do with injuries...

That is attitude 

No, stick to the topic and your post.  You said since PJ left we have stumbled at every step. 

I then mentioned membership and you have ignored this year and guessed it “will” be less next year.

How is next year’s unknown membership number a stumble when this year is a record number?

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5 minutes ago, Redleg said:

No, stick to the topic and your post.  You said since PJ left we have stumbled at every step. 

I then mentioned membership and you have ignored this year and guessed it “will” be less next year.

How is next year’s unknown membership number a stumble when this year is a record number?

Clearly at this point it is a false dawn. We have all seen them before. 

Meanwhile The Filth are playing a home game on our soil, whilst we are shipped off to the NT for a game that is not on FTA. 

I am BANG on Topic, we have no home, because we have never worked hard enough, for long enough...

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1 hour ago, Sir Why You Little said:


elaborate, rather than just throwing insults. 

Results do not lie. 

Since P.J. Left we have stumbled at every step

Yet you never elaborate with hard facts or nuanced detail SWYL. It's always doom and gloom and finger pointing, and then referencing 50+ years since our last flag, as if the players and coaches could care less about then. 

Tell me...

Have our finances deteriorated in the 6 months since PJ left? No.

Have we lost significant personnel within the club? No.

Do you hold GP responsible for our on field results? For our amazingly poor run of injuries? Or for the run of player operations and interupted preseasons over summer? Probably.

Do you blame GP for Hogan leaving and the recruitment of May? Probably, despite it being before his tenure.

Is it GP's fault that PJ's Yarra Park plan was never likely to take off, especially given the park has significant protective overlays, no political party supported it and the vocal residents group hated it? No.

Whilst our on field results have been disappointing this year, our list is still strong (not complete but strong), our membership is at record numbers, we are getting good tv coverage and our sponsorship levels are strong. This is not "stumbling at every step", as you misleadingly claim.

Our injury list is shrinking, good players are coming back and we are about 2 weeks from fielding our best side this year. I hold hopes of winning about 7 more games this year and seeing us have a real crack in 2020. Not dissimilar to the lead up of the Dogs/Tigers recent successes.

May not happen like this, but a first round pick, chase a key forward lump, snaffle a FA mid and things could very quickly turn around again. 

I'm glass half full (which doesn't equate to being easily pleased), as opposed to being outraged at every setback.

And this is elaborating. 


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2 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

Clearly at this point it is a false dawn. We have all seen them before. 

Meanwhile The Filth are playing a home game on our soil, whilst we are shipped off to the NT for a game that is not on FTA. 

I am BANG on Topic, we have no home, because we have never worked hard enough, for long enough...

Err....... try Channel 7 at 7:30. 

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56 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:

Yet you never elaborate with hard facts or nuanced detail SWYL. It's always doom and gloom and finger pointing, and then referencing 50+ years since our last flag, as if the players and coaches could care less about then. 

Tell me...

Have our finances deteriorated in the 6 months since PJ left? No.

Have we lost significant personnel within the club? No.

Do you hold GP responsible for our on field results? For our amazingly poor run of injuries? Or for the run of player operations and interupted preseasons over summer? Probably.

Do you blame GP for Hogan leaving and the recruitment of May? Probably, despite it being before his tenure.

Is it GP's fault that PJ's Yarra Park plan was never likely to take off, especially given the park has significant protective overlays, no political party supported it and the vocal residents group hated it? No.

Whilst our on field results have been disappointing this year, our list is still strong (not complete but strong), our membership is at record numbers, we are getting good tv coverage and our sponsorship levels are strong. This is not "stumbling at every step", as you misleadingly claim.

Our injury list is shrinking, good players are coming back and we are about 2 weeks from fielding our best side this year. I hold hopes of winning about 7 more games this year and seeing us have a real crack in 2020. Not dissimilar to the lead up of the Dogs/Tigers recent successes.

May not happen like this, but a first round pick, chase a key forward lump, snaffle a FA mid and things could very quickly turn around again. 

I'm glass half full (which doesn't equate to being easily pleased), as opposed to being outraged at every setback.

And this is elaborating. 


And a considered and optimistic post which has no place on this site. 

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3 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:


elaborate, rather than just throwing insults. 

Results do not lie. 

Since P.J. Left we have stumbled at every step

Pert didn't organize to have such a large group of players to have post season operations, they just required to have them like all clubs, mfc just unlucky to have so many. He didn't cause pre season injuries nor injuries during games.It would not have made any difference  to the outcome if Jackson was still at the club.

The Yarra Park training venue was released when Jackson was still CEO, if you need to blame someone for releasing details to the media or coming up with this idea, blame Jackson.

Your'e just having a hissy fit due to the season not panning out to your liking and are looking for a scapegoat.




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