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Post Match Discussion - Round 15


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I think I counted five Melbourne players around Bontempelli that were closer to him than any other Bulldog player when he kicked that final goal. Surrounded by 5 Melbourne players! The guy didn't even want it, he tried to dish it off but no one else was there to help him. And we couldn't even get off our flat feet to attack the ball or the man with the ball. Only at Melbourne...

This is the sad optimistic in me, but that kick (on his non-preferred foot) could literally have done anywhere. Our players didn't over commit and they kept him boundary side while cutting off an inside kick or handpass. The bloke got lucky. Yes, maybe we do more, but if that kick goes the other side of the post it's game on.

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Far be it that I would question the wisdom of Roosy, but I'd rather he didn't tell a room full of media that we don't have enough talent.

I mean everyone knows and can see that we don't have enough talent, but surely he needs to have the players believing that we do have enough talent. He said he believed in the list at the season opener. If he wouldn't say it to the players' faces, then don't say it. Just my view.

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That may be so but one of the best players for the winners today was Bontempelli, pick 4 this year.

Then you have several players picked after Toumpass playing regular one's and playing well.

I understand we picked Toumpass and he's a Melbourne player now so I hope he starts to play some good football. Thing is it's just as bad to try to justify the choice as it is to denigrate it; there's no way you can argue we made the right choice.

We are in an awkward position, Roos has to try to win games to keep the supporters happy; Casey doesn't allow him to develop those new to the club; we have to balance out picking youth over experience at draft time.

It's not a great position to be in, the Dogs and Brisbane have gone for youth but if it fails they are in the shyte,; should we do the same or try to rebuild using trades and later draft picks.

who is trying to justify picking toumpas? Is that the point of rabbiting on about toumpas in a post match discussion thread? OK I get in now. How about those who are annoyed we chose the toump start a thread, call it echo chamber and complain to each other
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This is the sad optimistic in me, but that kick (on his non-preferred foot) could literally have done anywhere. Our players didn't over commit and they kept him boundary side while cutting off an inside kick or handpass. The bloke got lucky. Yes, maybe we do more, but if that kick goes the other side of the post it's game on.

Sorry Wiseblood, but I'd much prefer they stop the kick than rely on the chance that it may or may not go through for a goal, especially when Bontempelli's only about 10m from the goal and it's plainly obvious he's a highly skilled player.

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Umpire 32 has to be held accountable. If I was that bad at my job I wouldn't have one, simple. Like most umpires, he wasn't there to simply umpire it, they now want to be a part of and influence it.

I'm certain the umpires are told to pick out a free kick if there is a massive pack and multiple ball-ups to try and break up the play.

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who is trying to justify picking toumpas? Is that the point of rabbiting on about toumpas in a post match discussion thread? OK I get in now. How about those who are annoyed we chose the toump start a thread, call it echo chamber and complain to each other

"They give the young ones time. Give the likes of Toumpas, Salem and Barry time to grow.

​That was what I was responding and the fact that there are many players that were picked around the same time as Toumpass and they are playing good football so you can't just say he needs time when all around him don't seem to need it.

Toumpass is just one in a litany of errors our recruiters have made and we have to face up to it that we don't have talent below waiting to push their way in to the side.

I'd like to see him promoted in to the team next week and given a chance to see what he's got; I certainly don't want to see him go the way of Strauss, Blease and Tapscott who are struggling after a few years in the seconds.

i was totally p1ssed when we didn't pick wines but I'm over that I was totally p1ssed when we picked Cook, over anyone but I'm over that; I just get sick of hearing that Toumpass needs time when other players of similar vintage are al performing well.

We have picked several players that have played well in the SANFL and I'm beginning to think that it is a very poor competition and that we shouldn't take much notice of the form there.

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That may be so but one of the best players for the winners today was Bontempelli, pick 4 this year.

Then you have several players picked after Toumpass playing regular one's and playing well.

I understand we picked Toumpass and he's a Melbourne player now so I hope he starts to play some good football. Thing is it's just as bad to try to justify the choice as it is to denigrate it; there's no way you can argue we made the right choice.

We are in an awkward position, Roos has to try to win games to keep the supporters happy; Casey doesn't allow him to develop those new to the club; we have to balance out picking youth over experience at draft time.

It's not a great position to be in, the Dogs and Brisbane have gone for youth but if it fails they are in the shyte,; should we do the same or try to rebuild using trades and later draft picks.

Yea that is an example of one out of the box early but it usually takes more time, the minor few are exceptions most take longer.

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who is trying to justify picking toumpas? Is that the point of rabbiting on about toumpas in a post match discussion thread? OK I get in now. How about those who are annoyed we chose the toump start a thread, call it echo chamber and complain to each other

People sooking about other peoples opinions about players and the club are far worse than the supposedly annoying people they are whinging about. At least theyre talking footy and not rabbiting on about cross-dressing freaks and other such rubbish like a few posters in particular tend to time and again.

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where I htought the game was lost was

Vince shanking his kick and passing overturning it to the dogs player who ran in and kicked the goal

That stupid umpiring decision where bail got paid for a deliberate rushed behind. For gods sake he was about to be tackled

When we let the dogs get out to 6 goals

Watts missing that goal in the last quarter. I would have backed my house on him to kick that. He played a great game and whenever he has the ball he uses it well

we also missed some other chances but geez once we got out to a 1 goal lead we just couldnt keep the ball

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Just for some perspective, this is Roosy from the Presser tonight....

"I'm paid to teach these guys what AFL footy is. They had no idea. So that's my challenge, to be able to do that and teach them as quickly as we possibly can."

How many other coaches are spending the year teaching the entire list what AFL standard is? It's probably us and GWS.

If one goes back to the start of the year, one of the things Roos said was not to expect a huge number of wins this year, but to expect a decent improvement in our percentage. So far we have won 2x the number of games as 2013, and, so far, certainly with a run of games vs some top teams ahead, our percentage is significantly better.

It will be interesting and enlightening to see if we can avoid blowouts against these top teams, especially as our young list tires probably more than hardened teas late in the season.

If we can avoid blowouts and perhaps sneak a surprise win I would give Roos and the team a definite "pass" mark.

It certainly isn't where we all want to be, but it is a start......or I guess it could only be called a start if we progress again next year. Demon fans have become very very wary of false dawns.

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"They give the young ones time. Give the likes of Toumpas, Salem and Barry time to grow.

​That was what I was responding and the fact that there are many players that were picked around the same time as Toumpass and they are playing good football so you can't just say he needs time when all around him don't seem to need it.

Toumpass is just one in a litany of errors our recruiters have made and we have to face up to it that we don't have talent below waiting to push their way in to the side.

I'd like to see him promoted in to the team next week and given a chance to see what he's got; I certainly don't want to see him go the way of Strauss, Blease and Tapscott who are struggling after a few years in the seconds.

i was totally p1ssed when we didn't pick wines but I'm over that I was totally p1ssed when we picked Cook, over anyone but I'm over that; I just get sick of hearing that Toumpass needs time when other players of similar vintage are al performing well.

We have picked several players that have played well in the SANFL and I'm beginning to think that it is a very poor competition and that we shouldn't take much notice of the form there.

The VFL is obviously of such a high standard, just look at Casey. Bendigo Gold reek of talent. You have players standing at the interchange gate with arms folded watching the birdies fly past and not wanting to go out onto the ground when it's their turn to go. Wow, Robbie, your post could actually rank up there with one of the more ridiculous. And that's saying something because you have quite a bit of competition on DL.

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I actually don't know what the rules of the game are anymore......

I know what the rules are its the maggots with the whistles and the morons they report to who wouldn't have a clue. Its not hard, you can actually find the rule book online if you're so inclined. The thing is the AFL/umpires are trying to manufacture the game to play out a certain way through the incorrect application of the rules. I have no idea why they think this is a good or appropriate idea because the game is the rules and just deciding how you want them to be applied on a whim fundamentally changes the game. The other thing is also it is having the opposite of the desired effect as they are making the game impossible to watch and making supporters turn off in anger or frustration. Far worse than the price of a pie or beer is the standard of umpiring, at least I can choose not to buy food or drinks; I guess I could choose not to go to the footy as well....

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If one goes back to the start of the year, one of the things Roos said was not to expect a huge number of wins this year, but to expect a decent improvement in our percentage. So far we have won 2x the number of games as 2013, and, so far, certainly with a run of games vs some top teams ahead, our percentage is significantly better.

It will be interesting and enlightening to see if we can avoid blowouts against these top teams, especially as our young list tires probably more than hardened teas late in the season.

If we can avoid blowouts and perhaps sneak a surprise win I would give Roos and the team a definite "pass" mark.

It certainly isn't where we all want to be, but it is a start......or I guess it could only be called a start if we progress again next year. Demon fans have become very very wary of false dawns.

Outside of a few players we would have hoped to have kicked on by now Roos has delivered on his promises for this season. The team has a clear game plan, the percentage is better and we are far more competitive. Plus the recruits have been excellent.

As you say the next few games will tell us alot as Freo and Geelong normally smash us, so if we can keep up with them and snag a win or two before seasons end then it's a positive for us going forward.

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"They give the young ones time. Give the likes of Toumpas, Salem and Barry time to grow.

​That was what I was responding and the fact that there are many players that were picked around the same time as Toumpass and they are playing good football so you can't just say he needs time when all around him don't seem to need it.

Toumpass is just one in a litany of errors our recruiters have made and we have to face up to it that we don't have talent below waiting to push their way in to the side.

I'd like to see him promoted in to the team next week and given a chance to see what he's got; I certainly don't want to see him go the way of Strauss, Blease and Tapscott who are struggling after a few years in the seconds.

i was totally p1ssed when we didn't pick wines but I'm over that I was totally p1ssed when we picked Cook, over anyone but I'm over that; I just get sick of hearing that Toumpass needs time when other players of similar vintage are al performing well.

We have picked several players that have played well in the SANFL and I'm beginning to think that it is a very poor competition and that we shouldn't take much notice of the form there.

Robbie I agree. My thoughts are that a number 3 or 4 or any pick under top 10 should not be needing too much time. If you have picked right, the body is fit, the mind wants success, the ambition is there, as is the leadership potential and agression and the talent is there at under 18 level. I am tired of these discussions, why are we always having them about our top 10 or 20 picks? Other clubs are able to rejoice in their new top end talent but never us. For us it is either they don't have it or are one game from injury

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Robbie I agree. My thoughts are that a number 3 or 4 or any pick under top 10 should not be needing too much time. If you have picked right, the body is fit, the mind wants success, the ambition is there, as is the leadership potential and agression and the talent is there at under 18 level. I am tired of these discussions, why are we always having them about our top 10 or 20 picks? Other clubs are able to rejoice in their new top end talent but never us. For us it is either they don't have it or are one game from injury

Listen to Roos presser, our whole list don't know what afl footy looks like! How are the young supposed to go with that sort of leadership around them. The better clubs have leaders to guide and teach the kids. Roos himself has said that the kids ate not going to be our saviours, so let's give it a rest.

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Simply we lost the game because we lacked class. We turned the ball over when we shouldn't have, we didn't execute when we had chances and we couldn't win the ball cleanly in the middle for long periods of the game.

We have the plan to win games (or stay close when we aren't playing well) but we lack the crispness to move the ball quickly and accurately to take advantage of our tall forward line.

Bingo. Agree 100%. Throw in some shocking umpiring and a poor shot for goal by Watts and there you have it.

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