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Umpiring focus of the week


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Last round - 15m chip kicks.

This round - 9m ones are OK. Now lets focus on the player that holds to the player for 2ms after a tackle.

3 umps tonight are clowns, with 1970 perm hair-doos.

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I know every supporter of every club feels the same from time to time but I really feel we have had a raw deal with the umpires this season, some of the decisions against the gold coast that probably cost us the game in the end were crazy, and the holding the balls against Sydney left me speechless.

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Forward marks inside 50 on angle.

Pretty simple to work out a line from the mark to the centre of the goals...and extrapolate.

Umpire meekly points the correct angle. Forward semi ignores him. Umpire politely asks via pointing. Forward looks elsewhere. Umpire gives up.

I'll give you the tip. Umps will grow balls and brains one day via the rules.

Umpire will ask once. If player ignores, ump will either call play on or actually reverse it. Mark my words.

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The decision was a howler. But....I hate those Boomer Harvey...KB...cheap handball to the ground....I view it as basically keeping possession; even though the rules don't.

Just call it a bounce, then he's tackled while bouncing and automatic holding the ball.

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Forward marks inside 50 on angle.

Pretty simple to work out a line from the mark to the centre of the goals...and extrapolate.

Umpire meekly points the correct angle. Forward semi ignores him. Umpire politely asks via pointing. Forward looks elsewhere. Umpire gives up.

I'll give you the tip. Umps will grow balls and brains one day via the rules.

Umpire will ask once. If player ignores, ump will either call play on or actually reverse it. Mark my words.

More chance of us winning a flag, against Footscray.

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Seems you're allowed to throw your opponent out of the way in a marking contest in front of goal though, as long as you're a swan. I'll never work that one out.

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I'd love to see a statistical of each free kick type (in the back, holding the ball, throw, deliberate, etc) for all games in each round. Both the numbers of each type and the percentage of total free kicks for the round.

While theoretically it should be pretty consistent over the course of 9 games, 18 teams and a while season, I think the stays would really show "spikes" as particular rules are targeted.

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Seems you're allowed to throw your opponent out of the way in a marking contest in front of goal though, as long as you're a swan. I'll never work that one out.

I don't know why they ever made that a free kick. As long as it's not a push in the back or a hold players should be able to grapple and push in the side. Defenders after all only have to punch the ball, they can play from behind, to the side or in front and if done correctly can be quite forceful in their contact to the forward. If the forward gets the right spot and the defender is vulnerable then toss them out of the way.

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1. Started paying a few "Incorrect disposal" (holding the ball) decisions tonight which i thought was amazing. Very inconsistent though with some being paid and other obvious ones not being called. Call more of these correctly (eg., assuming there is decent prior opportunity) and what do you have? Less rolling mauls/stoppages.

2. A number of times, mostly Hawks players, the player was dragging the ball underneath and not making "a genuine attempt" to get the ball out. 80% to 90% were overlooked and called as a ball up. In particular the Hawk players seem immune to this and are able to create many stoppages as a result. Call more of the obvious ones here against the top players and teams and what do you have? Less rolling mauls/stoppages.

3. Many throws are being ignored. Nothing's changed here though (growing and more common now but has been prominent for at least the last 5 to 7 years for select players/teams) and the Hawks are the best in the business at the throw/shuffle pass/flick scoop (Lewis/Hodge/Cyril big offenders here). This is an AFL lead "ignore" though with the idea to "keep the game in motion" as much as possible so it appears that you're able to shuffle/throw the ball out if you are tackled without prior opportunity. Even with prior opportunity (where the determination of such varies from umpire to umpire and contest to contest) many incorrect disposals are still allowed. Call more of these around congestion and in favour of the tackler and what do you have? Less rolling mauls/stoppages.

4. On a lower scale, players near the boundary (both teams but mostly the Hawks) when being tackled or gang tackled near the boundary, are running towards the boundary (dragging the tacklers with them) in order to get the ball over the line. In rare cases, but they are there, this needs to be called a s a deliberate out of bounds and a free kick paid where it is obvious that is the only intention of the player in the tackle.

But, until or unless the AFL changes direction and holds to the letter of the law via the umpiring fraternity (and i don't believe they ever will), it is imperative that teams lower down the ladder (like us) push the boundaries and learn to "skill up" on all of the above skills/tactics. If we choose not to we will never move the ball away and out of congestion as quickly as those teams (eg., Hawks/Pies/Cats/Coasters), who are well drilled/skilled in these tactics/methods. And in the case of point 2 and 4, we won't create as many stoppages when defending in order to limit quick ball movement of opponents when it is obvious we are outnumbered (or deep in defence) and another stoppage is necessary in order to re-set and get numbers to the drop of the ball.

Edited by Rusty Nails
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I'd love to see a statistical of each free kick type (in the back, holding the ball, throw, deliberate, etc) for all games in each round. Both the numbers of each type and the percentage of total free kicks for the round.

While theoretically it should be pretty consistent over the course of 9 games, 18 teams and a while season, I think the stays would really show "spikes" as particular rules are targeted.

It's a difficult one they. How do you correct and train umpires without focusing on different rules at different times. Just like how players work on certain aspects and over correct.

The solution might be to have an umpire briefing at the start of each month of footy and announce the rules they aren't happy with.

That umpires naturally drift to letting more things go and not paying as many frees is actually a good thing in some ways. Shows their natural inclination is to let play go and step in only when required. So it's hardly a surprise 15m morphs in to 13 then 12 then 10. Maybe just tell the public when you think it's in need of a tune up.

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1. Started paying a few "Incorrect disposal" (holding the ball) decisions tonight which i thought was amazing. Very inconsistent though with some being paid and other obvious ones not being called. Call more of these correctly and what do you have? Less stoppages.

2. A number of times, mostly Hawks players, the player was dragging the ball underneath and not making "a genuine attempt" to get the ball out. 80% to 90% were overlooked and called as a ball up. In particular the Hawk players seem immune to this and are able to create many stoppages as a result. Call more of the obvious ones here against the top players and teams and what do you have? Less stoppages.

3. Many throws are being ignored. Nothing's changed here though and the Hawks are the best in the business at the throw/shuffle pass/flick scoop (Lewis/Hodge/Cyril big offenders here). This is an AFL lead "ignore" though with the idea to "keep the game in motion" as much as possible so it appears that you're able to shuffle/throw the ball out if you are tackled without prior opportunity. Even with prior opportunity (where the determination of such varies from umpire to umpire and contest to contest) many incorrect disposals are still allowed. Call more of these around congestion and in favour of the tackler and what do you have? Less stoppages.

4. On a lower scale, players near the boundary (both teams but mostly the Hawks) when being tackled or gang tackled near the boundary, are running towards the boundary (dragging the tacklers with them) in order to get the ball over the line. In rare cases, but they are there, this needs to be called a s a deliberate out of bounds and a free kick paid where it is obvious that is the only intention of the player in the tackle.

But, until or unless the AFL changes direction and holds to the letter of the law via the umpiring fraternity (and i don't believe they ever will), it is imperative that teams lower down the ladder (like us) push the boundaries and learn to "skill up" on all of the above skills/tactics. If we choose not to we will never move the ball away and out of congestion as quickly as teams (eg., Hawks/Pies/Cats/Coasters), who are well drilled/skilled in them.

Agree on 1-3. On 4 I think you have to call obvious ones but you also have to let defenders be defenders.

The other team doesn't have to tackle the player either. I think more players need to be smart and when they see a guy running for the line to back off and let him walk it over or try to tackle him in to play.

Again the main issue is prior opportunity. If you've had 3 steps with the ball and then keep charging to the boundary just to be tackled over then that's a deliberate or holding the ball. But pick it up a metre inside the boundary and heading in that direction then a ball in is fine.

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It's a difficult one they. How do you correct and train umpires without focusing on different rules at different times. Just like how players work on certain aspects and over correct.

The solution might be to have an umpire briefing at the start of each month of footy and announce the rules they aren't happy with.

That umpires naturally drift to letting more things go and not paying as many frees is actually a good thing in some ways. Shows their natural inclination is to let play go and step in only when required. So it's hardly a surprise 15m morphs in to 13 then 12 then 10. Maybe just tell the public when you think it's in need of a tune up.

I agree, if you train it or highlight it during coaching it will be in the forefront of their minds.

I don't blame the umpires, they do a hard job. I just wish they'd do it better and with less grand standing and with more consistency all around the field.

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Forward marks inside 50 on angle.

Pretty simple to work out a line from the mark to the centre of the goals...and extrapolate.

Umpire meekly points the correct angle. Forward semi ignores him. Umpire politely asks via pointing. Forward looks elsewhere. Umpire gives up.

I'll give you the tip. Umps will grow balls and brains one day via the rules.

Umpire will ask once. If player ignores, ump will either call play on or actually reverse it. Mark my words.

That Franklin one on the LHS just inside 50 was ridiculous. They should get the other boundary umpire (away from goals) to stand in line with the umpire on the mark and goals so they have a clear indication of where they need to be

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I reckon that this umpiring gig must be the hardest job in footy

One mistake is magnified 100 times and replayed 100 times

The priority gets changed every week on which frees should be paid

Players make mistakes all the time but umpires can't..

I reckon they do a pretty good job overall. If they see them....they pay them

If they pay every free they see they are accused of "tiggy touchwood".....If they don't they are accused of letting the game flow to much

As I said.....It's a hard gig

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I reckon that this umpiring gig must be the hardest job in footyOne mistake is magnified 100 times and replayed 100 timesThe priority gets changed every week on which frees should be paidPlayers make mistakes all the time but umpires can't..I reckon they do a pretty good job overall. If they see them....they pay themIf they pay every free they see they are accused of "tiggy touchwood".....If they don't they are accused of letting the game flow to muchAs I said.....It's a hard gig

Absolutely agree. Its this weekly focus frustrates me. It brings in an element of inconsistency and almost feels like a quota (as in they look for things that aren't really there just to make a point out of it).

Just let the umpires run the game like they always have.

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Just call it a bounce, then he's tackled while bouncing and automatic holding the ball.

why.....it's perfectly legit and keeps the game flowing

by handballing away before being tackled it keeps the ball alive.

the handballer still has to win back possession of the ball back which is not a given

only if he handballs to himself should he be deemed to still be in possession

the ump should allow a little bit of discretion to the tackler but only a little. if he fully tackles him and majorly retards him then a free

i can't see any difference from this to a dinky last second 5-10 metre dribble kick

i both cases the disposer still has to win back possession of the ball

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That Franklin one on the LHS just inside 50 was ridiculous. They should get the other boundary umpire (away from goals) to stand in line with the umpire on the mark and goals so they have a clear indication of where they need to be

They were just allowing for his 'natural arc'. Ha.

Probably because I support MFC I over-notice it, but it seems to me our players don't try to improve the angle after taking a mark. A few times theyv'e even made it worse.

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my only real problem goes to the heart of the Viney decision.

The call should be about safety of the players as well as the upholding of the laws.

Players heads and backs should be protected.

over the shoulder and in the back are to protect those vulnerable parts of the body.

While some players (orall players when possible) exagerate the impact in the back, when a player goes face down with someone on top of them it seems likely that it is indeed in the back. To allow this action and then countenance more players piling on top in order to trap the ball and earn a stoppage or free for holding just seems ludicrous.

Often tackles are made over the shoulder to drag a player down and the player is on the ground with an arm still around their shoulder when the free is paid against them.

I maintain we should ask the umpires to come to our training and instruct us as we seem to have difficulty in receiving free kicks for over the shoulder and in the back and seem proficient at giving both away. We can ask the umpires to assist us in getting this important part of the game correct and helping them do their job better.

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