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Given it is a few days since Sunday's game and I have partially recovered, this is my take on things so far:

We have played two games of the season proper so far.

Game One:We competed well, had our moments, copped injuries, kicked poorly, but could have won. Not too bad a performance.

Game Two: Got plenty of the ball (better than last season), butchered the ball when we had it and over possessed the ball. Only one player was prepared to be first in for the ball, the rest happy to sit back wait for the opposition to get it and then tackle.

I think it is hardly a "Chicken Little" situation just yet though.

The biggest concern for me is from Game Two. If you don't move the ball quickly into the forward line you can't possibly kick a winning score or as we saw it a score at all.

We gave the Eagles defence a decade to set up with our slow ball movement.If our players thought their defence would simply let us short pass our way into our forward line in range of goals and then just simply slot a goal from a mark they are clearly delusional.

We may not currently have much up forward, but I believe if we replayed that game, left a couple of contesting forwards up there, for arguments sake Watts and Dunn and moved the ball quickly into them with a couple of crumbers front and square, we would have got a lot closer than 93pts.

Over possessing the ball just sets you up for turnover goals which is currently killing us. No problem with Roos' game plan the boys just HAVE to move the ball more quickly into the forward line.

I don't cop the argument we don't have any forwards. We have the guys that we choose for that match in the forward line. At least give them a chance to compete and we will score goals.

Edited by FairBump PlayOn
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Yep jr

For a lot the disconnect has happened and may never reconnect

I get my money back this month from receivers, & another account tomorrow. this week I'll renew my membership from 2012... but I don't know if I feel like I can go on next year, & I'll be over 2 hours from the 'G'.

trying to find some inspiration & enjoyment somewhere, going back over old ground, fishing, golf ??? women, nah!!!

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I get my money back this month from receivers, & another account tomorrow. this week I'll renew my membership from 2012... but I don't know if I feel like I can go on next year, & I'll be over 2 hours from the 'G'.

trying to find some inspiration & enjoyment somewhere, going back over old ground, fishing, golf ??? women, nah!!!

I feel similar. Spent the weekend in Sydney.

There is life away from the MFC dee- luded. You might be pleasantly surprised.

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I get my money back this month from receivers, & another account tomorrow. this week I'll renew my membership from 2012... but I don't know if I feel like I can go on next year, & I'll be over 2 hours from the 'G'.

trying to find some inspiration & enjoyment somewhere, going back over old ground, fishing, golf ??? women, nah!!!

I would love a hand rubbing down the HK Panno!!

How big is the roof on that bloody thing??

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I feel similar. Spent the weekend in Sydney.

There is life away from the MFC dee- luded. You might be pleasantly surprised.

I reckon most posters here are stalwarts. They might post [censored] but they stick.

Yet now I sense many are being worn down (myself included) by the constant failure of our club. Alternatives beckon. I fear for our survival.

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I feel similar. Spent the weekend in Sydney.

There is life away from the MFC dee- luded. You might be pleasantly surprised.

2 to 4 acres of rolling hills, a shovel & wheel barrow may be the ticket, & the fishing rods & reels I've been buying? saltwater fly gear?

we'll soon see.

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I reckon most posters here are stalwarts. They might post [censored] but they stick.

Yet now I sense many are being worn down (myself included) by the constant failure of our club. Alternatives beckon. I fear for our survival.

I think it is way closer than many of the Pollyanna's on here think Bbo
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I preface this by saying that I didn't see the game, and won't. I was able to listen to short passages but the SEN commentators seemed intent of kicking the boots into a struggling team at avery opportunity.

is Roos just seeing what he has to work with?

No other reason why we would carry so many hacks in the team

...and please name with whom he should / can replace them?

We won the contested and uncontested possessions, the tackle count, 1%'s and took more marks inside 50. Our efficiency was 72% to 74%.

Got to ask the question, am I reading the stats correctly? Unbelievable we can get towelled up by that much with those numbers.

One big contribution is the total absence of a forward line through events totally beyond Roos', Missen's or Jackson's control.

I understand we have no forward line, but this game plan is not helping the few we have left. Is roosy just content to not kick any goals till we get some back?

...so are you seriously suggesting that Roos doesn't want to devise a plan that would lead to some goals being kicked? Or what do you actually mean?

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I reckon most posters here are stalwarts. They might post [censored] but they stick.

Yet now I sense many are being worn down (myself included) by the constant failure of our club. Alternatives beckon. I fear for our survival.

and the club has been hijacked by the new breed toffs in the MCC northern stand... they got rid of smithy... not the old guard MCC toffs. the new breed that were after the war.

... when 'political correctness' was becoming.

and it still is, & this is where our fearless leaders have run the Mfc from since the 60's.

since then apart from buying a ditterich, or a durnan, or tilbrook or miller, we've been largely soft, compared to the Hughes/Smith Demon teams. all our good players of 40 something years all seem to be gentlmen, & play like it too.

Brereton wouldn't have lasted, nor Lockett, or even Archer would have been too straight a shooter.

how can we stop the suits from the north, from continually turning us to Mush?

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I think it is way closer than many of the Pollyanna's on here think Bbo

I just wish there was a viable way of protesting. Feel so powerless at the moment. Boycotting games is counter productive and thousands do it anyway with no traction.

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I preface this by saying that I didn't see the game, and won't. I was able to listen to short passages but the SEN commentators seemed intent of kicking the boots into a struggling team at avery opportunity.

...and please name with whom he should / can replace them?

One big contribution is the total absence of a forward line through events totally beyond Roos', Missen's or Jackson's control.

...so are you seriously suggesting that Roos doesn't want to devise a plan that would lead to some goals being kicked? Or what do you actually mean?

Its plain to see, when backs are to the wall, & all chips are down, who has the heart to play for the jumper & their own pride, & who don't...

who has the pride to put in 100%, & are smart enough to stick to the team disciplines & the club.

when so many of our better players are out, it exposes the others with nowhere to hide.

# lazy & uncommitted players, are worse than honest players who aren't good enough, but keep on trying. the lazy ones are where the rot sets in from.

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I just wish there was a viable way of protesting. Feel so powerless at the moment. Boycotting games is counter productive and thousands do it anyway with no traction.

Not sure you can fix it adc

I don't think the majority who have stopped going are boycotting games.

I think they are tired of continual losses and big losses.

How many games can you go to over a period of years where the game is over before quarter time and you lose by 15+ goals.

We have largely been irrelevant to the competition for two years and will be that way again in 2014

It wears down the very best of supporters.

I have no idea what the fix is as our playing stocks are very low and the fix is a long term replacement.

Edited by old dee
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and the club has been hijacked by the new breed toffs in the MCC northern stand... they got rid of smithy... not the old guard MCC toffs. the new breed that were after the war.

... when 'political correctness' was becoming.

and it still is, & this is where our fearless leaders have run the Mfc from since the 60's.

since then apart from buying a ditterich, or a durnan, or tilbrook or miller, we've been largely soft, compared to the Hughes/Smith Demon teams. all our good players of 40 something years all seem to be gentlmen, & play like it too.

Brereton wouldn't have lasted, nor Lockett, or even Archer would have been too straight a shooter.

how can we stop the suits from the north, from continually turning us to Mush?

Please DL not the Toffs again please.

This disgusting mess the MFC is in now is a direct result of Schwab's "Red & Blueprint" which failed completely in all departments.

It isn't the Northern Stand. They are all long dead.

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Not sure you can fix it adc

I don't think the majority who have stopped going are boycotting games.

I think they are tired of continual losses and big losses.

How many games can you go to over a period of years where the game is over before quarter time and you lose by 15+ goals.

We have largely been irrelevant to the competition for two years and will be that way again in 2014

It wears down the very best of supporters.

I have no idea what the fix is as our playing stocks are very low and the fix is a long term replacement.

2-3 more performances like sunday and that will be it for me.

I can handle losing. But i cannot handle inept skills and not learning after 7 years.

We have been very patient.

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Don't give up after 2 rounds OD! It's only been one pasting so far this season.

Given the team we had on the park and the opposition we were up against I was thinking we would cop about a 10 goal beating. It blew out an extra 33 points due to the slowness that we moved the ball forward, when we did move it forward at all.

Hang in there OD! Give Roosy a chance to turn it around and reserve judgement until we have closer to our best team on the park.

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It has been a long while since I had the opportunity to watch the Dees live because I have been living in Europe for a number of years. When possible I watch replays and every now and then a live streaming. I have been able to watch replays of the first two rounds and my observation is that I really feel for the players and the way that they have been coached and treated for the last 3-4 years.

They have had to go through 3 different coaching setups and styles. 3 (at least) different game plans. That is assuming none of the three Coaches Had/have a plan B. They have faced the internal upheavals to the club management and the death of a club legend who was the President and driving force. On top of that, a media blitz and detailed analysis of every event.

Early on in Neeld's coaching stint I questioned his methods. I did not think his 'My way or the Highway' attitude to the players was correct. Instead of looking at any strengths there were within the group and working to those strengths while also working towards a game plan, he stopped them dead in their tracks and said 'This is the direction you are taking. No exceptions. Do it now.' To my mind this completely demotivated individuals and destroyed any group culture. It sucked the life out of the team and there was no enjoyment in it for the players. Over the last few seasons this has just compounded into to an endless downward cycle.

The task Roos has is a formidable one. He has to restore the individuals and also the fabric of the team. To my mind, work with the individual players as closely as possible. Give them the framework in which to work (game plan) and make sure that they know they will need to take risks to succeed. Some of those risks will work and some will not. The only repercussions of failure will be because of failure to learn from the mistakes.

I would love to see my team winning. It has been a while and that will take a bit more time to come about. What I want to see every week from my team in the interim is that they go out there and provide some excitement. They go out there and show enjoyment in playing the game, some passion. The game plan is important to long term success but to expect them to go out there and execute it 100% from day one is a fantasy. We are playing a high passion game with limited skills and practice at doing so. we have had exactly 2 competitive games to express this style of play and very limited opportunities at turning possession into attack with confidence and speed. In any team sport one of the keys to success is sped and precision of transition from defence to attack and vice versa. Our team has not had the experiences to execute these important phases of play.

Look at he West Coast game. Their speed and precision on the turnover was great. One big factor in this was that they knew that their team mate would compete for the ball and they started their movement for space half a pace (at least) before we could react.

With our lack of a workable coaching structure and lack of success over the last few years the club has retarded the development of a number of key players. We will need time to bring them on and make sure we can get the very best out of them. 1 pre-season is not enough to complete the job. I will be very disappointed if Roos walks after 3 seasons and equally disappointed if Jackson leaves after this season. The team and the club need a period of continuity and stability if they are to survive and give themselves and opportunity to thrive.

I am as [censored] off at the results such as last weekend as the next supporter but I believe I have an understanding of how we came to be in this situation. I still need to see that we have the tools to dig our way out of the present situation.

All I ask is that the team and coaches give me a bit of excitement each week. Something to enjoy. Forget about media scrutiny and Political correctness. I know that the team is just as [censored] off with losing as I am. Be mindful of the long term ambitions of the GAME PLAN but play with passion and enjoyment each and every week. Do handstands, climb a goal post, run circles around someone that is standing you. Enjoy yourselves, take us along for the ride.

I care about the results and will always follow the Dees but I would like return on my investment of time, money and passion over the years. Not asking for much. A bit of excitement and a bit of enjoyment, a laugh or two.

End of rant and if you have read this far, I salute you.

Nice to see you're still in the land of the living CHF, no answers for you unfortunately. Very very frustrating start to what looked to be a promising 2014, injuries are killing us and although we are getting our hands on a fair share of the Sherrin we continue to butcher the thing. Check out demonology.me if you haven't already done so.


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Don't give up after 2 rounds OD! It's only been one pasting so far this season.

Given the team we had on the park and the opposition we were up against I was thinking we would cop about a 10 goal beating. It blew out an extra 33 points due to the slowness that we moved the ball forward, when we did move it forward at all.

Hang in there OD! Give Roosy a chance to turn it around and reserve judgement until we have closer to our best team on the park.

it's the complete lack of skills and absolutely no trust in team mates, whilst not running that kills us.

An honourable loss on sunday would have shown something.

That was not VAFA standard.

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While I have some sympathy for those looking on, spare a thought for those players who just make it into the 22 that played.

By just scraping into a team means you are looking for the stars down field that lift you to your own best game.

Its soul destroying when at least 3 of the best 10 players that you train with, aren't leading the way.

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After seeing the replay id drop James Frawley

What a pathetic clown he is


A tough call. How would you like to be full back for this rabble? I think Chip tried to go forward and set up some scoring shots to compensate for the WC goals, unfortunately that failed. Clown I don't think so.

The ball just keeps coming in at low level to the key forward. No hope for a key backman. Frawley is on his way just a matter of who puts forward the best offer. Why the hell would you stay at MfC?

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