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Cameron Schwab Resigns

Steamin Demon

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The calls timing is coincidental. There were volunteers working at the club last night as well, last week also on Monday and Tuesday. They will be there next week on Monday and Tuesday as well trying to get lapsed members to rejoin. I know, as I was there.

Pure coincidence that you received your call tonight

I'm impressed, well done for you and the other volunteer, for doing something positive for our club.

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Macca, is it possible that CS directed all the tanking list management that unfolded?

Is it possible that players were threatened with their livelihood if they didn't follow the rules?

Is it possible that all the players lost their creativity and were afraid to play well?

Afraid to make mistakes, hence MN's address that 'mistakes don't matter?'

Not sure what time frame you're talking about JR, but if we're talking '09, '10 and '11 then shouldn't the club have acted on Cameron then?

Why now? If he meddled, you make a decision on him then, you don't not do that and then in spite of all those previous 'possible' indiscretions, offer him a 3 year contract in August last year. And then because of our current predicament and possible pressure from the outside, make a decision now based on those previous 'possible' indiscretions. (is this sounding a bit 'Yes, Prime Minister(ish)?)

My argument is about the principal of how the club might have acted. The parting of the ways may be the best way forward but the timing of it is a little baffling.

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Partial quote:

I can't believe the departure of CS is going to make Neeld coach any better or the players play any better. From what we can gather, the Football Dept. has been allowed full autonomy to go about their business. We've also been told that Schwab had largely been kept out of the Football Dept.

How is this decision going to make us play better?

Unless I am missing something, Macca is spot on - the coaching is the real issue - the CS show is a diversion.

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ingeniokinetic, beautifully (and accurately) put. What a magnificent contrast to RR you have provided in a single sentence that outweighs every self-serving statement RR has excreted on these boards for what seems an eternity.

Youve thought about this..

So good is this post, that i thought id reply to it just so it would appear again, just in case anyone missed it the 1st time.

Range Rover, Demonland = Dr. Who, Demonology

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You might be right Wyl but we don't have proof positive of that. We probably won't find out the real reasons. If Don acts on every person at the club because they 'Polarise the supporter base', he's gonna have to dismiss a few people - we wouldn't have many players left!

I have no problem with change but it has to be done properly and it has to make sense. As a coach, the threat of dismissal is always there at any time if the team you coach can't win games.

To 'change' a CEO like this is a little unprecedented. Or should I say, it doesn't happen very often after 2 games of footy. I'm not necessarily going into bat for CS, it's just a strange time to do it.

On sunday CS was safe according to the radio interviews.....On Monday Vlad said the AFL is here to help.....On Tuesday CS is gone....

The AFL now have a say who is running the club...

How else could it be?

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Don isn't Eddie, nor is he a Smorgan (thank Lucifer's trident), but for the first time i really thought he took the bat to the press vultures and was standing up for this club.

That's quite amazing given the crap i've seen served up by some of our recent presidents.

That was my take on it too..

Many disagree, but he actually stopped everyone at one point - basically shut them up, seeing to it that they continued from then in a more civil fashion.

He was frustrated, he wasnt going to be bullied - and while he might not look the part, he's put his nuts on the line (something schwab didnt do)

and keeps in touch with supporters.. (again, something schwab didnt do)

..and lets not forget, he was kinda plucked from obscurity and thrust into the situation, after Jimmys illness took hold.

He's not refined our Don, not a media person - but his heart is ALL Melbourne which is a plus right now. Im grateful for his time and happy for him to continue.

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Well it seems a number of folks have got what they wanted even if not in Full.

Will this one sacking make a difference or not ???

I hope the celebrations are not to premature . Who knows only time will tell

But if Melbourne does come out and is more competitive this weekend then it has been so far, then what are we supposed to gleam from that ?

If it was just a case of CS being CO that was causing all the problems I would say our Club and team then have a real problem !!!.

However if they come out and put in a inept performance again are we to take from that they are inept and lack conviction as a team and CS wasn't really the problem ?

Seems to me what ever happens either way now we are Damned if we do and damned if we don't !

Schwab had to go and the main reason was as a means of trying to address the rotten culture of the club. He did not create it but he has presided over its continuation and as CEO did nothing to lead the club away from this towards a better culture setting the standards of the entire club and in fact helped to entrench some of the issues. This being the case anyone looking for this act (sacking Schwab) to have an instant effect to the point of the players running out this week and playing out of their skins will be sadly disappointed and are missing the point.
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Agree mate. Just to clarify as you may have missed my earlier posts, I have no problem with the sacking of Schwab, just like I had no problem with the hiring of Schwab, I'll always have my opinions on things the MFC does but in the end, I don't know the inner workings of the club day to day so there is a bit of trust you have to put in the place.

Fair enough mate, I honestly wish I had your faith. I still can't believe RR sent that PM...shakes head.

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It's entirely possible that CS has been 'moved on' because of '186'. Dismissed 20 months later because of what happened that day. If that is true then the same people who kept him on and later on gave him a 3 year deal, are the same people responsible for today's decision.

"Polarises the supporter base" according to Don. That cannot be a 24 hour opinion or maybe it can. Did Don get a stack of emails on Monday from angry fans saying 'Sack Schwab'? How on earth does the team play badly because a number of our supporters wanted to see the end of CS? Makes no sense to me.

Example ...

Supporters - "We want Schwab out"

The Team - "Ok then, that's gonna make us play really badly now"

I can't believe the departure of CS is going to make Neeld coach any better or the players play any better. From what we can gather, the Football Dept. has been allowed full autonomy to go about their business. We've also been told that Schwab had largely been kept out of the Football Dept.

How is this decision going to make us play better?

It's entirely possible that CS has been 'moved on' because of '186'. Dismissed 20 months later because of what happened that day. If that is true then the same people who kept him on and later on gave him a 3 year deal, are the same people responsible for today's decision.

"Polarises the supporter base" according to Don. That cannot be a 24 hour opinion or maybe it can. Did Don get a stack of emails on Monday from angry fans saying 'Sack Schwab'? How on earth does the team play badly because a number of our supporters wanted to see the end of CS? Makes no sense to me.

Example ...

Supporters - "We want Schwab out"

The Team - "Ok then, that's gonna make us play really badly now"

I can't believe the departure of CS is going to make Neeld coach any better or the players play any better. From what we can gather, the Football Dept. has been allowed full autonomy to go about their business. We've also been told that Schwab had largely been kept out of the Football Dept.

How is this decision going to make us play better?

Schwab had become the story. He was a lightning rod for every footy hack in town keen for an easy story. His sackignation is a pragmatic step to stop those stories. Schwab has also polarised Melbourne supporters with quite a few probably placing him on the Grassy Knoll and Cheviot Beach in addition to his other alleged crimes - tanking/sacking Bailey and Junior) so his departure eases those tensions.

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Im glad you got it after the 15th time i mentioned it.

Not only has he screwed the game in his former football operations role, he then opened an investigation into tanking against one club. Sounds like a great idea if you want an incompetent CEO heading up the club.
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So on that logic we should re-hire Schwab and sack McLardy, based on this 1 press conference...

You've been getting logic lessons from Range Rover.

What I seen was Don McLardy start to get angry every time he was questioned.

Cam Schwab not only spoke well on his own behalf - but he also spoke on McLardy's, because he could see that Don was battling.

Robbo said it on 360 and I agree with him, Don McLardy sank in that press conference this arvo.

I am not saying Schwab should be re-hired, I am glad he is gone, but he certainly handled himself a lot better than McLardy.

Don McLardy said 24 hours earlier that there would be no radical changes - then the next day he asked Schwab to stand down.

The press even took the mickey out of McLardy, because he has flipped flopped so much.

I can only speak for myself, but I don't want a president that flip flops completely in the space of 24 hours.

If I am lacking logic somewhere, feel free to point that out.

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I pray for the day when this club stops lurching from crisis to crisis it's utterly disheartening to constantly be the epitome of dysfunctional.

When will this club unite and put aside the constant calamity of going about its business.

I need a club that lives by its creed not one that just sings a song with themes of unity, common purpose and togetherness then proceeds to do the exact opposite.

I truly wish for much brighter days and the taste of success.

I want to go to a gmae and not know the result before it even starts.

I want to watch real football.

Edited by Diablo Deemon
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Schwab sounded like a president today. McLardy sounded like an extra from Williamson's 'The Club'.

I'm craving stability and unity right now. But when the dust settles . . . .

Funny you say that, I said the exact same thing watching it.

Schwab knows footy, Schwab loves the club - he'd make a better president than Mclardy. Obviously not now, though.

Don was terrible in that press conference and hasn't been great in the media in general. Today may have signalled to him being a good bloke who didn't like to have to do what he did - but his answers made no sense, he didn't explain why Schwab was gone (except to basically blame the fan base) and his saying to Mark (?) that he wanted to finish before calling for questions and, immediately, asking him for his question was terrible.

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On sunday CS was safe according to the radio interviews.....On Monday Vlad said the AFL is here to help.....On Tuesday CS is gone....

The AFL now have a say who is running the club...

How else could it be?

I don't doubt that you may be right but ...

Right now, if we take Don on face value, there will not be any more changes at the club this season. The 'resignation' of Cameron Schwab is according to Don, the only change we will see at the MFC. That's it. At the end of the press conference Don said, "No, Mark Neeld's not on notice at all"

If we continue to play the way we do, it's time to (once again) buckle up for the long haul. A new CEO is going to need a fair bit of time to turn this ship around.

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I am not a Schwab fan but he was professional in the press conference. That is him. Style. But has lacked substance and failed over last 12-18 mths.

Don is struggling under the pressure. Maybe a new president is on the way. Stuart Grimshaw may be our next in line. Has the firepower and corporate connections.

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I don't doubt that you may be right but ...

Right now, if we take Don on face value, there will not be any more changes at the club this season. The 'resignation' of Cameron Schwab is according to Don, the only change we will see at the MFC. That's it. At the end of the press conference Don said, "No, Mark Neeld's not on notice at all"

If we continue to play the way we do, it's time to (once again) buckle up for the long haul. A new CEO is going to need a fair bit of time to turn this ship around.

Neeld will survive if he gets wins. The AFL do not want a team that can't play, it is not good for the Broadcast Deal.

Don will do what he is told imo.

It's got to that stage.

He is a reluctant President, we all understand that.

I commend him taking it on but i don't think he will carry much power from today.

His statement to the members was usurped within 24 hours.

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Funny you say that, I said the exact same thing watching it.

Schwab knows footy, Schwab loves the club - he'd make a better president than Mclardy. Obviously not now, though.

Don was terrible in that press conference and hasn't been great in the media in general. Today may have signalled to him being a good bloke who didn't like to have to do what he did - but his answers made no sense, he didn't explain why Schwab was gone (except to basically blame the fan base) and his saying to Mark (?) that he wanted to finish before calling for questions and, immediately, asking him for his question was terrible.

If Don had followed Cameron's lead and focused on the "fresh eyes" angle he would have been ok. He could have acknowledged that Cameron had done a great job, supported his re-structuring of the footy department but conceded (as Cameron did) that after 4 years and performances heading in the wrong direction that it was time to find someone with new ideas and different experiences. He could have maintained that Cameron was doing a good job but his responsibility and the responsibility of the board (particularly when the team is struggling on field) is to see if we can make the club better and if bringing in a new CEO would do that then that is exactly what they had to do and that's why we had to say, with much sadness, goodbye to Cameron today. It's our genuine hope that history judges Cameron kindly and when this great club does again become a premiership team, we'll look back fondly on the groundwork laid by Cameron.

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I don't know why you are surprised, I got one as well, mine is badge of horiour though

The irony is that petty game playing is partly responsible for our current circumstance as a club.

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If Don had followed Cameron's lead and focused on the "fresh eyes" angle he would have been ok. He could have acknowledged that Cameron had done a great job, supported his re-structuring of the footy department but conceded (as Cameron did) that after 4 years and performances heading in the wrong direction that it was time to find someone with new ideas and different experiences. He could have maintained that Cameron was doing a good job but his responsibility and the responsibility of the board (particularly when the team is struggling on field) is to see if we can make the club better and if bringing in a new CEO would do that then that is exactly what they had to do and that's why we had to say, with much sadness, goodbye to Cameron today. It's our genuine hope that history judges Cameron kindly and when this great club does again become a premiership team, we'll look back fondly on the groundwork laid by Cameron.

Well there you go, it's not too hard to replace Mclardy after all.

Goodvibes for President.

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