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I love this "it's only a practice match" mentality some of us have on here, like its miraculously going to click in round one. The only teams who can take this attitude are top 4 teams that don't start training till after Christmas. We have been on the track since October for the last 6 years and we still look like a locals side. Wake up, we're rubbish!

The issue here is people and expectations. We were rubbish last year. What do people expect this year? Are we miraculously going to hit every target and consistently compete with mature bodies (granted Suns are not). I expect gradual improvement and I expect it when we have close to our best side on the park. How surprising that the Suns tall forward line played well when had no Frawley, TMac and Garland (second half). How surprising that we struggled through the midfield. We will improve this year but it will be inconsistent and frustrating at times. It sounds like most here wont be able to handle that.

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The issue here is people and expectations. We were rubbish last year. What do people expect this year? Are we miraculously going to hit every target and consistently compete with mature bodies (granted Suns are not). I expect gradual improvement and I expect it when we have close to our best side on the park. How surprising that the Suns tall forward line played well when had no Frawley, TMac and Garland (second half). How surprising that we struggled through the midfield. We will improve this year but it will be inconsistent and frustrating at times. It sounds like most here wont be able to handle that.

I like your positivity BRFE, but geez, the above has been trotted out for far too many years. I'm not slashing the wrists just yet but i'm experiencing serious deja vu.

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Is this all because it was Gold Coast? If we'd done the same against Hawthorn would everyone still be threatening self harm?

Not that it makes it any better to do it against a team who finished below us last year (still makes it worse) but it's a practice match. If you thought we were going to make the finals you deserve to be let down. If you thought we were going to improve you may still be right, and if you're dying for us to be rubbish so you can go wild on forums maybe you'll get your chance too but we won't know for a few more weeks which way it's really going under proper match conditions.

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For what it's worth, he apparently scored 165 SC points today.

Fantasy Freako ‏@FantasyFreako

Full Time Suns v Demons #Supercoach Watts 165, Ablett 138, O'Meara 115, Gillies 111, M. Jones 111, Terlich 106 and Grimes 95.

Looks like our defenders are going to see a lot of ball this year.
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Count the positives... Another game together for our squad, Terlich stands up, Sellar continues to hit the scoreboard, Jamar continues good form, Watts doing what was predicted by observers at training, Matt Jones developing nicely, Another game on the road (how far have Geelong, Carlton and .................. <- insert other AFL favourites here... travelled in this preseason?)

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Just got back from the game, and although a little disappointed, we did have our best backs and best forwards out of the game - and that's where we lost the game in the end - no marking power. But a couple of other disappointments regarding a few players who just didn't show anything today:

1. Jeremy Howe - No real awareness today and his marking (or attempted marking) was nowhere to be seen. Got a few possessions, but was caught with the ball, or turned it over.

2. David Rodan - Honestly, he was blowing and struggling to run 10 minutes into the first quarter, and went downhill from there.

3. Luke Tapscott - Got the ball a few times, but on at least 2 occasions kicked the ball to Rodan, who was surrounded by Gold Coast players with the inevitable result.

4. Colin Sylvia - Starting to play like Moloney - gets the ball but half the time ends up giving the ball to the opposition.

Overall, disappointed with our spread today, particularly after half time - but it was damn hot! And I did like the looks of Terlich, Watts, M.Jones and HOGAN!!!

Edited by Buffalo
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Count the positives... Another game together for our squad, Terlich stands up, Sellar continues to hit the scoreboard, Jamar continues good form, Watts doing what was predicted by observers at training, Matt Jones developing nicely, Another game on the road (how far have Geelong, Carlton and .................. <- insert other AFL favourites here... travelled in this preseason?)

Now that is a "glass half full post". You are a genuine optimist w wus!!!

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Apologies if I've missed it in the orgy of wrist-slashing, but what happened to Garland? Posters say he didn't play in the second half, yet the 'official' report says nil injuries.

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Yes it was a practice match, but lets not give players the excuse its ok to loose. We played badly for at least 2 out of 4 quarters by the sound of things. We cannot hope to improve if we keep our trying to convince ourselves we dont have a problem. We need to assess what went well and what or who failed. This will ultimately mean we need more players so a number of those that played today or did not play at all will need to up their performance drastically else they will be leaving at the end of the year.

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Apologies if I've missed it in the orgy of wrist-slashing, but what happened to Garland? Posters say he didn't play in the second half, yet the 'official' report says nil injuries.

He is a member of Demonland and he promptly removed himself from the game to proclaim that his life is over!

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Apologies if I've missed it in the orgy of wrist-slashing, but what happened to Garland? Posters say he didn't play in the second half, yet the 'official' report says nil injuries.

Apparently copped a bit of a knock to the head before half time. I heard a report on SEN saying they took him off for the rest of the game as a precaution and that he's OK.

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Apparently copped a bit of a knock to the head before half time. I heard a report on SEN saying they took him off for the rest of the game as a precaution and that he's OK.

Thanks SP. The quote from Neeld says 2 down in the second half. What's the story there?

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We cannot as a team make excuses for the fact that our best players are not playing, every side has injuries we can only do what we can with the players as does every side. Our best in the practice matches so far has been disappointing to say the least.

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Thanks SP. The quote from Neeld says 2 down in the second half. What's the story there?

I'm only guessing but if James Frawley pulled out before the game then we were one player short to start with and then losing Garland at the main break would have left us two down. Both are tall defenders and with both out and less players available to rotate, we would have been at some disadvantage.

If someone knew how to access the match stats this could easily be confirmed.

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We cannot as a team make excuses for the fact that our best players are not playing, every side has injuries we can only do what we can with the players as does every side. Our best in the practice matches so far has been disappointing to say the least.

I think we can make that excuse (provided the other team isn't also playing its B-team). But it does show a lack of depth, such that if a few good players are injured we will get done for sure rather than probably (as appropriate for our current status). For example, the loss of our only forward last year was fairly disasterous. A top side may have several to step up.

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I'm only guessing but if James Frawley pulled out before the game then we were one player short to start with and then losing Garland at the main break would have left us two down. Both are tall defenders and with both out and less players available to rotate, we would have been at some disadvantage.

If someone knew how to access the match stats this could easily be confirmed.

No emergencies?

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Just got back to Brisvegas and walked in the door and jumped straight on Demonland. Not sure how much analysis from those who were at the game exists above this post but I thought I'd share my thoughts anyway.

Firstly, I love going to Southport. Ground is always in good condition and there's lots of good vantage points. I was lucky enough to be standing on the fence for the whole game directly behind the Melbourne interchange entrance. I really enjoyed this unique perspective as I was able to get a bit of insight into the personality of the players in terms of their footy brain, communication, positivity etc . . Interestingly one of the most quiet players appeared to be Jack Grimes. Rodan (who didn't seem to get much of it) was really impressive. At one point when Watts marked on the wing closest to us, he was basically coaching him. Told him to slow down, look through the options, pick the right one and then when his kick went to the right option reinforced his effort with a positive. Might seem like a little thing but highlighted for me why he and Dawes and Byrnes have been brought to the club.

Before I talk about the match, it's important to note that it was bloody hot. Hottest day we've had up here in over a month and 11. 50 - 2.10 would be the hottest part of the day. Little breeze to speak of. We noticeably tired in the second half.

The main reason I ventured down to the Coast today was to watch Hogan and Toumpas and in the first quarter I could have happily headed back up the coast because Hogan made it pretty clear that he is the real deal. He faded a little in the last quarter but he took a series of contested marks and could have easily taken more. More than once he overcame being in the least preferred one on one position to win the ball (in the air and at ground level) and created space for those around him. Can't wait to see him in 2014! Casey watchers are in for a great year. Like many have suggested throughout the pre-season Jimmy Tompas has given an obvious insight into why he's so highly rated but it also becomes obvious that he will need some time. He had one sublime moment on my wing when the ball was poorly handballed by a team mate and he was seemingly left to contest a hot 50/50 ground ball. I thought to myself at the time, that I would find out whether this kid goes hard or not. Not only did he go low and hard, he actually beat his opponent to the ball and spun imperiously out of confestion. Smacked of class. Give him time but he'll be a beauty. Don't think he's played too many games in heat like this. He was really struggling with the conditions but kept working hard. He's a confident young kid and seems to be coping well with the structural demands of the team rules and doesn't hesitate to tell his team mates where they need to be.

My other highlight for the day was Dean Terlich. I really like the cut of his jib. He's an intelligent footballer who seems to have jelled really well with the team. He knows his role, he knows the team structures. He'll become more and more comfortable with the tempo and he'll better utilize his good kicking skills. I'd definitely have him in the team ahead of Strauss at the moment. Strauss had an intersting game. He was really good in the areas that I have questions marks about him. He competed well one on one and was strong in the contest but his run and carry and end product was a little disappointing. Matt Jones shows a bit too. It was clear that he got better and better when the early fiz had gone out of the game. He got alot of the pill. He's clearly a neat kick who works hard from contest to contest. Decision making and adjusting to the tempo of AFL footy will be his challenges.

When we were up and about and travelling well in the first half I was marvelling at the fact that with what was basically our entire spine missing we still had some quality tall targets up forward. In addition to Hogan, Pedersen and Sellar are genuine players. They both have big bodies are flexible and can take a mark. Pretty good back-up in the key position department. Likewise down back with Frawley and McDonald out we still had Gillies, Garland, Dunn and Watts capable of matching it with the bigger Gold Coast bodies. But just as I started to marvel at our depth in this area, Dixon started to get on top of Gillies and the game turned. Gillies tries hard and is a great size and certainly worth persisting with. Dunn was ok one on one but his much talked about kicking was poor today. Watts was good. Calm with the ball in hand and made good decisions but didn't do anything over hard or courageous that would have you going home thinking we'll see a pack bursting Watts this year.

Also wanted to make mention of Magner. I've had him pigeon holed as a slow, hard working trier but having seen him today and watching the Renmark replay I think he deserves a spot in our starting 22. He reads the ball really well in the centre. Today he got it first dibs numerous times and his hardness and tackling pressure are of a very high standard. He and Jordie might find them fighting for a position if Viney consolidates as expected.

Good to see Grimes get a few touches. He spent alot of time off the ground early in the second half. He's clearly being carefully managed given his history of injury and if this has been the case all pre-season it could account for his lower than usual disposal numbers. Sylvia was Sylvia. He failed to find much space when in the midfield and didn't hurt on the scoreboard when he went forward. He's at the crossroads.

I thought Jamar looked it great nick and was getting around the ground pretty well given the conditions. I think he'll definitely have an improved season if he stays healthy.

All in all, I wouldn't be slashing my wrists over the final result. McDonald, Clark, Dawes, Frawley, Trengove, Blease, Viney and Jetta all out of my best 22 missing and the heat was a genuine factor. Disappointing we couldn't get anything close to our best team on the park this pre-season but the positive is that we're not far away from doing exactly that and it might make round 1 all the more interesting.

Potato cakes surprisingly good.

Happy to answer any specific questions.

Edited by Goodvibes
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What have we actually gained in these practice matches, other than practice at making excuses for poor performance?

For one, Hogan has stamped himself as a player with a future.

Terlich seems to have been good too. Has he played himself into the Round 1 team?

The other one is probably Sellar, who has hit the scoreboard better than most of us would have expected.

Apart from this, we've got very little out of this preseason.

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This is what I take from the pre-season to date. We are entering fifty more than previously but miss the marking power of Clark and Dawes. We are getting our share of the taps but the various mid-fields we have employed have been out-gunned. (Trengove, Viney and McKenzie may help here but we desperately need another gun midfielder). We have missed the run and contesting ability of McDonald and he is now an essential part of our backline mix (particularly post-Rivers). Gillies seems to be solid and consistent and a good decision maker. Dean Kent, Matt Jones and Dean Terlich have all shown positives and are of a size that can compete come Round 1. Sellar is by far the best option as a pinch-hitter going forward, also has the ability to play key-back (we have a keeper there!). Sylvia has had a full pre-season. None of our games have been at the MCG (where we play our best football). Davey is able to make a better contribution than 2012, if called upon, due to improved fitness. Dunn has found his position. Toumpas and Viney have shown they will be very good or better in the years to come. Hogan is a great pick-up as a leading/marking key forward of the future (also a good kick for goal).

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The papers didnt spew vitriol like: 'Putrid, pathetic, embarrassing and smashed' when describing us.. They said we were a couple talls away from being more competitive..

Big difference.

Whats the matter MJT - you gutless little thing you - Turned me off so i cant reply?

Here, let me call you a Wambulance.. Waa-waa waa-waa..

The papers also didn't have the word "we" in their article when talking about the MFC. They don't get emotional about a team they love. I'm allowed to get upset mate. Don't think that makes me a troll.

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What have we actually gained in these practice matches, other than practice at making excuses for poor performance?

For one, Hogan has stamped himself as a player with a future.

Terlich seems to have been good too. Has he played himself into the Round 1 team?

The other one is probably Sellar, who has hit the scoreboard better than most of us would have expected.

Apart from this, we've got very little out of this preseason.

Thats quite a bit

We have a centre half forward, and a back flanker that can hit targets, two massive gaps that could be filled...and possbly a reserve KPF who has found some confidence.

I think that there are some very good signs down back and up forward. I expect the resurgence of Frawley, the continued improvement of Dunn and Watts, the addition of Terlich.

Up forward Byrnes and Kent, continued improvement from Howe, the addition of Dawes and the return of Clark.

The concern for mine is whether we can fill the gaps in the guts, and how much Kent, M Jones, Rodan and Viney and whoever else can contribute. Add to this the massive addition of Hogan post 2014.

It feels like we are building a proper footy side of strong bodied players with football skills,it feels right. Whether our midfield will be ripe enough to impact 2013 remains to be seen.

I am actually pretty upbeat about the pre-season, because i can see that the pieces are being put together despite the underwhelming results.

Edited by dandeeman
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