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Training - Monday, 26th November, 2012


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.......Mitch Clarke and Chris Dawes spent a lot of time talking with each other, laughing, High 5’ing. They seemed like they got along very well and enjoyed each other’s company. ........

Begeeuz....just the final bit of "evidence" that Ms Wilson will need to complete her next update on our entrenched tanking culture

And how dare they even smile when they haven't won a flag for nigh half a century - shame!

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Begeeuz....just the final bit of "evidence" that Ms Wilson will need to complete her next update on our entrenched tanking culture

And how dare they even smile when they haven't won a flag for nigh half a century - shame!

No doubt. Along with CS's ashen face the evidence is mounting. Lay down misere if ever i've seen

P.S. the latest I've heard is that they have hired a lip-reader to go through all MFC related video since 2009

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Taggert ran with Blease and Blease kept up pretty well.

Blease ran with Strauss, but, as you say, did pretty well. Blease has a long way to go in the endurance stakes, but he's well ahead of this time last year. And I mean a long way.

It's also worth noting how injury free we are. There are a few players working into it, most noticeably Clark, but even players like Evans, who is behind the rest of the group, is doing solo laps at a good speed. I can't remember having such a large group doing the bulk of the work at this time of year.

There's a lot more talk at training, it's very professional and you can sense a pep in everyone's step. I agree with others on Howe. He's a freak of an athlete. He has that rare combination of speed and endurance. It will be interesting to see where he lines up next year, but for me he'd be a great wingman/outside line breaker. With Dawes, Clark and Pedersen in the forward-line I expect to see Howe up the ground even more than last year. He makes a great marking target on the wing from a kick off half-back.

Viney really does try his guts out. In the last sprint around the boundary he was running with Byrnes and they were paired behind Trengove and McKenzie, who had been having a good battle. Viney pushed past them right at the end to beat them to the line. He's not built for endurance, but he's already worked so hard to build an engine that he's better than many senior players. And as stated yesterday, his work in the match simulation around the stoppages was great. He has an ability to get a clean short handball to a teammate even when under extreme duress. And his initial burst speed away from a pack is a real weapon. At top speed his pace is average to good, but it's those first 5 metres where his speed is noticeable and a distinct advantage. And for an inside mid it's unusual.

And as others have said, Hogan for a 17 year old is huge. He's the perfect height for an agile combative CHF with good speed, agility and endurance. He looks really happy, but no doubt is itching to ramp up his training. It's as exciting to get Hogan this off-season as any other player.

Dawes spent time with the 4 draftees and had a handball drill with them. I'm not certain whether he lost the contest, or not, but at the end of this short and sharp session each of Toumpas, Kent, Jones and Terlich took it in turns lining up behind him while he faced away and flicked the back of his ear with their index finger. It was rather amusing and showed leadership on Dawes' part to make the newcomers at ease.

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Blease ran with Strauss, but, as you say, did pretty well. Blease has a long way to go in the endurance stakes, but he's well ahead of this time last year. And I mean a long way.

It's also worth noting how injury free we are. There are a few players working into it, most noticeably Clark, but even players like Evans, who is behind the rest of the group, is doing solo laps at a good speed. I can't remember having such a large group doing the bulk of the work at this time of year.

There's a lot more talk at training, it's very professional and you can sense a pep in everyone's step. I agree with others on Howe. He's a freak of an athlete. He has that rare combination of speed and endurance. It will be interesting to see where he lines up next year, but for me he'd be a great wingman/outside line breaker. With Dawes, Clark and Pedersen in the forward-line I expect to see Howe up the ground even more than last year. He makes a great marking target on the wing from a kick off half-back.

Viney really does try his guts out. In the last sprint around the boundary he was running with Byrnes and they were paired behind Trengove and McKenzie, who had been having a good battle. Viney pushed past them right at the end to beat them to the line. He's not built for endurance, but he's already worked so hard to build an engine that he's better than many senior players. And as stated yesterday, his work in the match simulation around the stoppages was great. He has an ability to get a clean short handball to a teammate even when under extreme duress. And his initial burst speed away from a pack is a real weapon. At top speed his pace is average to good, but it's those first 5 metres where his speed is noticeable and a distinct advantage. And for an inside mid it's unusual.

And as others have said, Hogan for a 17 year old is huge. He's the perfect height for an agile combative CHF with good speed, agility and endurance. He looks really happy, but no doubt is itching to ramp up his training. It's as exciting to get Hogan this off-season as any other player.

Dawes spent time with the 4 draftees and had a handball drill with them. I'm not certain whether he lost the contest, or not, but at the end of this short and sharp session each of Toumpas, Kent, Jones and Terlich took it in turns lining up behind him while he faced away and flicked the back of his ear with their index finger. It was rather amusing and showed leadership on Dawes' part to make the newcomers at ease.

A real get out of jail free card when other options are covered or under pressure just put it out to Howe, one on one he will be his opponent in the air pretty much every time.

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And as others have said, Hogan for a 17 year old is huge. He's the perfect height for an agile combative CHF with good speed, agility and endurance. He looks really happy, but no doubt is itching to ramp up his training. It's as exciting to get Hogan this off-season as any other player...

God, I hope he doesn't play half back flank at all in his first couple of seasons BH!

I do think we should be right though. As you said, he's perfect height (and build) for a combative CHF. Surely when people see The Hulk that they realise that Watts shouldn't be criticised because he isn't that type?

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Viney really does try his guts out. In the last sprint around the boundary he was running with Byrnes and they were paired behind Trengove and McKenzie, who had been having a good battle. Viney pushed past them right at the end to beat them to the line. He's not built for endurance, but he's already worked so hard to build an engine that he's better than many senior players.

People who were arguing whether we would take the great kid with pick 3 if forced to or let him go to GWS/GC (lol) take note; this is why people were willing to "overspend" (lol) on Viney- not only is he hard and skilled he has a winning attitude that will take his game and the game of those around him to the next stratosphere.

He is a leader on the training track and will be a leader on the field, and all else will follow him.

The prototype of the guy you would want on the front line with one self.

Such a happy melbourne supporter I am :)

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People who were arguing whether we would take the great kid with pick 3 if forced to or let him go to GWS/GC (lol) take note; this is why people were willing to "overspend" (lol) on Viney- not only is he hard and skilled he has a winning attitude that will take his game and the game of those around him to the next stratosphere.

He is a leader on the training track and will be a leader on the field, and all else will follow him.

The prototype of the guy you would want on the front line with one self.

Such a happy melbourne supporter I am :)

Yeah, not a top 3 pick my arse...

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Viney brought it on himself :)


Am I the only one that is intimidated by Craig every time I see him - even in a photgraph??!!

This is a good photo of him, but he's got that look of "Jack, if you don't slam him in to the turf, it will be deemed a failed tackle and you will sprint laps as a result".

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Surely when people see The Hulk that they realise that Watts shouldn't be criticised because he isn't that type?

You don't have to be a hulk to have courage in the air. Just ask Fyfe, Cameron and our own Jeremy Howe.

Watts has found his best position in footy - playing behind the ball. I hope he stays their for the rest of his career and becomes the competitor he needs to be. He's a long way from that, but his talent is undeniable.

But please, don't stalk me regarding Watts. There are plenty of other players I'd rather discuss.

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You don't have to be a hulk to have courage in the air. Just ask Fyfe, Cameron and our own Jeremy Howe.

Watts has found his best position in footy - playing behind the ball. I hope he stays their for the rest of his career and becomes the competitor he needs to be. He's a long way from that, but his talent is undeniable.

But please, don't stalk me regarding Watts. There are plenty of other players I'd rather discuss.

Considering I haven't spoken to you about Watts for quite a while, I am concerned with your definition of stalking.

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Whats your thoughts on Flash, where he's at and the role he plays in the group?

PaulRB, I honestly think there could be a role for Flash. I admit it might not be a full game, however impact player of the bench could suit us and MN. MN and NC were constantly speking with him on the field. I am unsure of the conversation, however it didn't look bad and I did hear MN say "Good work Flash". He was being used a lot by the players and his kicking was excellent.

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PaulRB, I honestly think there could be a role for Flash. I admit it might not be a full game, however impact player of the bench could suit us and MN. MN and NC were constantly speking with him on the field. I am unsure of the conversation, however it didn't look bad and I did hear MN say "Good work Flash". He was being used a lot by the players and his kicking was excellent.

I think the whole situation with Flash is a bit enigmatic. If he can regain full fitness he could play a number of roles but the reports to date haven't been promising. I though initially that it was a case of the Demon fans at training being over critical of him but the media is also starting to take notice - Melbourne Demons have a heavenly draw in 2013

David Rodan, from Port Adelaide, was also one who impressed, but veteran Aaron Davey appeared to struggle at times as he recovers from a left knee injury.
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After seeing reports that Davey is really struggling and his performances over the last couple of seasons, I really can't see him playing many games at all this season. However I really hope he is offered some kind of assisstant/mentor role next year which I personally think he'd be very suited to. Seems to be a real father figure at the MFC.

Davey may be the one to go on the long term injury list for Magner if he is struggling as others have said.

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Davey may be the one to go on the long term injury list for Magner if he is struggling as others have said.

Can we all chill out a little on Davey, he is completing pre-season, thats better than nothing. I appreciate the reports and love being told everything about them, including the negatives. Davey may or may not be in the team next year and he may or many not recover his speed and increase his endurace. As a Melbourne supporter I will be hoping for the best and supporting him in his attempt to regain his old form, there is far too much writing him off completely so early for my liking.

Edited by deejammin'
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Flash is a tough one, game day evidence suggests he is not the player he was. Seeing him on the early (and good lord it is still early) form in the preseason he does look, in the repeat efforts, like he is off the pace. His skills are still fantastic and I think we would all love to see him return to form. The majority have faith in Neeld to turnt he club around, what about turning Flash around?

One thing I noticed from training Mon was when they broke into fwds, mids and def, Howe went with the defenders which I thought was interesting.

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Was at training to-day, flew down from FNQ to watch all the new recruits. Please accept my apologies if I miss anything.

Support Staff arrived about 1015 and set up the ground. Trainers, water boys and coaches arrived at about 1035. Dave Mission and his staff set up a running track and modified programme training area. The team arrived in whole at around 1045. It was very impressive. Most notable was every player was introducing themselves to each of the four new recruits and the whole team was training to-day

There were a lot of people watching training. Todd Viney arrived with the all MFC administration staff and introduced the four new recruits to the staff. He asked the four recruits to get to know the staff and asked the staff to know the new recruits.

The team broke into five groups:

I hope this is OK. FNQ Demon.

Geez, the training reports have just been taken to a new level. Well done!!

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I can't help from here in the West, but is there someone that can make themselves available to pick FNQ up from the airport on a Mon Wed & Fri, take him to training with a flask and some sandwiches, generally help out if he needs it, like, "run over and get some goss out of Craigy" etc. Be sure to take a watch, Landers are loving the minute by minute report. Then, drop him back at the airport?

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Hasn't even been a ball bounced this year, prob bit early to be writing him off. How about a bit of positivity... Yeh I've been to training and seen him struggling, but here's hoping a more successfull year for the dees, and therefore more opportunities up forward will allow what's physically left of Davey to reinvent himself.

I so hope your right, would love nothing more than to be wrong, and I do think having an improved midfield with the recent recruiting could help take the pressure off, I noticed that when he was playing recently he was always well marked. He is a great and humble guy, I have nothing but love for him and will hope for a father son somewhere down the line. That said soft tissue injuries are the death of speed and that was his ace, it's gone, I know he muscled up but that didn't help Hird and Buckley was stuffed with his hamstrings no matter how strong he got - I just think Davey is cooked I hope it isn't true. BTW I think he deserves his money, people forget how cheap he was at the start and I really enjoyed him playing, I said it before and will say it again, one of the bravest players to take the ground for the MFC.

FNQ, many thanks for the reports they are the best thing about the forum, something actually written that was observed by the author rather than a rumour or an opinion.

If I had my way you would become the MCG Demon and write all the training reports they make me feel much better about the club to know that the team is positive. Things like hearing why programs are modified are gold because I admit in the past to think, 'bugger, another player injured'.

That goes for everyone else that has written a training report, thank-you much appreciated.

edit for the bloody automatic spell checker, gets me every time

Edited by ingeniokinetic
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