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Tom Scully in September ...

Grandson of a gun

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Where in the article is it saying that Tom WILL BE flying to Sydney to check out the facilities? It is another nothing article with absolutely no facts.

It more sounds like a plea from Sheedy to say "don't sign with the MFC until you come up and see what we have to offer".

But, that's been the opinion all year, most read the article and believe he's on the plane, while the minority actually read what is written and realise that there is nothing to suggest anything has changed.

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I know as supporters we have every right to feel let down by a player leaving after only 2 years but i think much of the above is misplaced.

I have said before Scully is not like other players and is more in the Judd mould of being a focussed professional.

So when Gary Lyon says he thinks he hasn't made a decision and Scully himself has said he will do his thinking at the end of the season then without any other reliable information (grandparents of someone who was a mate at school etc) it is fair to assume he has not maded his decision.

If thats right surely we should be displaying that we want him. (i really hope he doesn't read this forum.)

Personally i wouldn't have approached the situation by delaying it but would I rather have him?

I think so.

Every step so far looks to me like someone who is yet to decide and will do so when ALL the factors have been weighed.

Looking at the facilities is the kind of due diligence a focussed professional would undertake rather than an quick decision based on the dollars. The best thing for a person like this is to help them have all the information at hand, I hope Gary said "here is a ticket to Sydney , go have a look and tell us where our offer is lacking."

One big factor is the access to the business community, we have it and GWS wont.

Edited by Robbie57
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No way, disagree. If Tom was in any doubt about going to GWS his "visit" would have been conducted incognito (maybe he has been there already?). Imagine the embarrassment of the AFL & GWS if Tom goes up there with the media in tow and then says "thanks, but no thanks" It is an exercise to appease supporters that he has done his due diligence and carried the making of the "decision" to the very end.

This is a stage managed exercise building up to his signing. Anyone who believes otherwise is just being sucked in IMO.

As part 2 of the exercise you can expect expressions of much regret about leaving the MFC and his team mates, but the $$$ offer and chance to start a new pioneering franchise being just too good.

I almost feel like vomiting just thinking about it.

No way agree with Gareth his season & contract are finished there's no need for any more posturing!

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This is how the article starts...

"TOM Scully is expected to visit Greater Western Sydney facilities in the next 72 hours.

Scully completed two days of season reviews and is not officially required at Melbourne, so a decision on his future is imminent.

The 20-year-old midfielder has received a reported $6 million offer from GWS, and a counter-offer from the Demons, but has been advised to fly to Sydney before making his momentous decision.

Scully's management refused to comment...

Sheedy said he was not aware of any signings.

But he did urge anyone, including players, to visit the Giants' facilities.

"We welcome all the AFL plumbers to come and check out Skoda Stadium ... and see where we are at Blacktown," he said."

* Neither journalist have been told by Scully's management that Tom is going to check the facilities out. They refused to comment, which to me means more speculation from the reporters more than anything else.

* The only source of Tom being advised to check out the facilities is by Sheedy.

* The headline should say "Scully tipped to sign with Melbourne". This is based on him being advised by Russell Robertson to stay. There is absolutely no difference in this headline, as opposed to the one they ran with.

Edited by billy2803
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What a pile of [censored] this is! Do they think we're stupid? Tom stop treating us like fools, take your money and [censored] off.


This charade is an absolute joke. How naive does he think people are? No one is buying it and it isn't going to help save his reputation.

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This is how the article starts...

"TOM Scully is expected to visit Greater Western Sydney facilities in the next 72 hours.

Scully completed two days of season reviews and is not officially required at Melbourne, so a decision on his future is imminent.

The 20-year-old midfielder has received a reported $6 million offer from GWS, and a counter-offer from the Demons, but has been advised to fly to Sydney before making his momentous decision.

Scully's management refused to comment...

Sheedy said he was not aware of any signings.

But he did urge anyone, including players, to visit the Giants' facilities.

"We welcome all the AFL plumbers to come and check out Skoda Stadium ... and see where we are at Blacktown," he said."

* Neither journalist have been told by Scully's management that Tom is going to check the facilities out. They refused to comment, which to me means more speculation from the reporters more than anything else.

* The only source of Tom being advised to check out the facilities is by Sheedy.

* The headline should say "Scully tipped to sign with Melbourne". This is based on him being advised by Russell Robertson to stay. There is absolutely no difference in this headline, as opposed to the one they ran with.

You can believe what you want to believe. I would tip the news Scully may visit GWS was dribbled to the media by his management. Comments form Robbo are nice but Robbo never had wads of cash waved in his face.

Cast your mind back to Judds return to Victoria. I clearly remember media hoards following Judd around Visy Park while he was being briefed on their new training facilities, Judd shaking hands with Swan. Judd even speaking to the media afterwards. There was no similar scenario when he spoke to the other clubs which were allegedly in the mix for his signature (Melbourne included). The reason was that the deal with Carlton was struck weeks, perhaps months earlier sourced all the way back to a chance meeting with Dick Pratt at the Melbourne Cup. Keep in mind also that Judd moved for money, pure and simple, no romance of coming back to Melbourne to lead the club from the mire it was in at that point in time.

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This charade is an absolute joke. How naive does he think people are? No one is buying it and it isn't going to help save his reputation.

Since you are attacking his reputation, I suppose if he stays you and those like you will give us your real names, the names of your workplaces (or schools more likely) and we can all attack your characters.

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i have resisted all year about posting on teh Scully Saga, but it has eventually worn me down and i cant not say anything anymore..

Not that any of this will be any different to what others have siad..

i beleived Tom in saying that he wont make a decision until after the season, its now after the season and a decision is imminent.. Good Bye Tom.. good luck, i hate that you dont want to stay at the MFC, the leaving bit hurts, but i hate and it makes me feel sick that you dont want to STAY with the demons and hope you are prepared for a real tough year next year...

What i want to know is what compensation we will get now. Is 2 picks in first round a real possibility?

Tough year, but we will be ok..

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One observation from this thread... and that is that I would hate to think what some posters would be like under pressure in a real life situation. maybe a little perspective is required... we are discussing a kid who plays a game and who is deciding which team he is going to play with. Whatever the outcome, it is hardly worth some of the angst that is on display here.

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Is getting the equivalent compensation recieved by Geelong for Ablett enough for a 20 yo number 1 draft pick? I don't think it even comes close.

Would GWS trade their number 1 pick in return for our compensatory picks? No chance, they'd still have their hand out for a more.

I hope he stays because there's no way we'll get an equitable return. On top of that I think he'll be a truly great player, something the Dees are desperate for, a bonafide marquee player.

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Guest Gareth Keenan

Please to forgive ifn these matters have been hitherto mentioned :


1. Bearing in mind that the relationship between player managers and their clients is extremely similar to but not identical in all respects to that between pimps and their coterie:

is it not a consideration that there is a vested interest in these PMs driving those under their tutelage in the direction of the highest deal (based on said PM deriving their stipend as a % of the overall deal ( unless we accept the proposition that PMs are prepared to forego a higher remuneration level in order to get feel-good sensation as they go to sleep at night as they contemplate the greater good for their client even though it may delay their eventual retirement and they overcome their memories of how Ricky Nixon's business evaporated due to excesses of which the current group of player managers is no doubt incapable - which is of course precisely the position I adopt )

2. What the hell use are compensatory draft-picks when we might train up other players who will in turn be poached by the worser bad as may be currently unfolding ?

? ?

1. Generally Player Manager contracts do not have the PM receiving a percentage of the contract - it's a flat fee, to avoid a conflict of interest.

2. There will not be new teams entering the League with the power to poach players, as there are now.

This is a special occurrence. Even free-agency won't kick in until after a player's 7th or 8th season (can't remember which).

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Since you are attacking his reputation, I suppose if he stays you and those like you will give us your real names, the names of your workplaces (or schools more likely) and we can all attack your characters.

I'll rephrase it to "perceived reputation" then if it offends you so much.

You dont know Tom any better than I or others on here, so i may be right and then you will be guilty of defending a traitor. Its all perception and opinion. I choose to believe his decision is already made and he is doing this to try and preserve his own reputation. This is not in the best interest of the MFC and thats all that counts to me, not some kid.

Edited by stranga
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Guest Thomo

Do you think they'd bother with the charade..?

I think that they would want their new marquee signing to have credibility and not have damaged his "Brand" by looking like he has lied all season, so if he has already signed, I believe that it is in GWS's interest to run the charade.

play on a suburban ground and possibly end up in hospital after Moloney runs through him or 3 Million for 5 years, play on the mighty G and avoid the whole 'Moloney' situation.

I don't think I have ever seen Moloney run through someone. He might lift a lot of weights, but on the field he would not put fear into anyone.

Then come back into town drop past the MFC boardroom take a good look at the MCG because if you go to GWS you will be lucky to play one game per year there in front of 19,000 people, then go back to Casey again imagine 800 people watching a Casey game at that will be a home game for GWS.

As much as supporters like to believe that their support is important to the players, I doubt the players really care how many fans turn up to see the game, or what the stadium looks like. For most players the challenge is playing at the highest level, not looking at how many flags are being waived in a stand. I don't think that the crowd numbers would have any impact on his decision, and whilst the MFC are trying to build the significance of playing at the MCG to the members, it's just a ground like every other, I also doubt it would impact his decision.

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Just a quick question - What if Tom decides to stay (and thsts a big if IMO) how will he be treated by the supporters?

Based on some of the comments on this site it seems there are quiet a few who now dislike him because of the process he has gone through to make up his mind.

Just curious.

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read this morning the two first round picks we would get would be just after our first pick (12) and then another towards the end of the first round.

Which would be 13, and 31.

Which is why we will trade them or use them the year after when they will be around 11 and 21.

If we trade them for ready made players - our flag window is maintained.

If we use them - our flag window is pushed back.

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As my old man always said,

People may not like what you've got to say or they may not agree with your decisions but as long as you can look a person in the eye and be honest you'll always gain respect.

Wise bloke your old man!

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read this morning the two first round picks we would get would be just after our first pick (12) and then another towards the end of the first round.

But you can use over a few years, I would offer this pick up and a player to try and get one of the 17yo. If we have a bad year next year it could be a top 8 pick.

It would be good to be able to draft a 17yo and get them playing at Casey with Jack Viney next year.

Edited by drdrake
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Guest Gareth Keenan

read this morning the two first round picks we would get would be just after our first pick (12) and then another towards the end of the first round.

Not sure about that.

If we receive the same as Geelong for Ablett, it'd be a pick in the middle of the 1st round (after the picks of the bottom 9 teams), plus a pick immediately after our "normal" 1st round pick that year.

My understanding is that this year, if we use them, our picks wouldn't come into play until after the 1st round, so as not to interfere with GWS concessions.

Geelong traded one of these compo picks to GC last year, in return for pick 15 - higher than their compo picks would have occurred that year.

GC wanted to warehouse compo picks for list building later.

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Just a quick question - What if Tom decides to stay (and thsts a big if IMO) how will he be treated by the supporters?

Based on some of the comments on this site it seems there are quiet a few who now dislike him because of the process he has gone through to make up his mind.

Just curious.

It will be interesting - I have firmly been in the camp of pretty much disregarding everything and opting for "what will be will be" and this has somewhat helped me keep my sanity on this whole issue.

If he decides to stay I think the whole club internals will move on quickly but it will be interesting to see how the supporters react.

Whilst I acknowledge Toms right to make his decision at contracts end he and his management must also acknowledge that this strategy, with all its attached media hype, was sure to cause angst amongst some supporters.

Whether I like it or not there are two sides to the coin and a player protracting/dealying contract decisions which is their right will also cause some disharmony in the supporter group which I understand.

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