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Why do i go for this football club?


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We follow this club because we know nothing else, and as much as this season hurts, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I posted similar hopeless murmurings after the West Coast debacle earlier in the season, and walked away, and as much as it drives me crazy, I can't help but continually take an interest in what's going on at the MFC, and I can't shake the emotional attachment I've grown to this club over my 30 years of support.

Today was the second game I've gone to this season, and the first since declaring I couldn't take this [censored] anymore and would walk away. And today, I left with hope, and resolve.

We have players who aren't going to make it. If you can't kick, you have no place on an AFL list. Bartram and Morton, good luck. Bate, Warnock, thanks for the efforts, in another era, you might have been champions, and to the rest, I'm sure they know all to well, come to play and come to play soon, or you'll be looking for work elsewhere.

West Coast were a joke last year. Worst disposal in the comp by a long way. Now they have a great game plan, and confidence to match and they are a potential top 4 threat. They are organised... we are miles from it

Our game plan; all the hard yards put in over last preseason...the best it can deliver against a top 4 team is an 8 goal loss. Today at least, we had a crack. Any thought that you can carry players with sh1thouse disposal is folly.

The names I've names are the obvious; there will be plenty of others to fall by the wayside. and we will come again. A good coach will make a huge impression on this group and club, and it's time we source the best. And when training starts, we'll all be looking for reports on how the kids are getting bigger and better, how anyone could have written off Jack Watts, questioning his #1 status. We'll see how not having Grimes in defence had a huge impact, that it's great to see Aussie running around, Jurrah doing things that he, Cyril, and no-one else can do, and Green, relieved of his captaincy and it's burden, re-invigorated responds to a younger more capable leadership group taking the leadership by the horns and running with it.

And to Tom Scully...If you spent as much time trying to get the football and improving your skills and your team, rather than demanding a contract way beyond your current ability and output, you would have my respect. But you don't. 19 yr olds should concentrate on playing football and nothing else. I hope you're successful, but know you won't be because you lack the nous to have never allowed yourself to be put into this position, and this sort of decision making will haunt you until you retire an unfulfilled 'could have been' who held a football club to ransom with the sort of greed that has no place in a successful team, and struggled to deliver anything with a group of young guns who play their hearts out for GWS because that's who drafted them... not who offered them the biggest contract.

To Jack Trengove... Respect.

Bring on 2012

The ironic thing is that this is what he is doing, and weak idiot "supporters" such as yourself wont let him, 18 disposals today isnt a bad result, trouble is the bar is set so high for him

Also i wouldnt care if many of the [censored] ants in this thread go support another team, WE MFC SUPPORTERS DONT NEED YOU AT OUR CLUB, i would take half a Scully over everybody who says that they dont know why they support my GREAT club

really weak comments imo

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The ironic thing is that this is what he is doing, and weak idiot "supporters" such as yourself wont let him, 18 disposals today isnt a bad result, trouble is the bar is set so high for him

Also i wouldnt care if many of the [censored] ants in this thread go support another team, WE MFC SUPPORTERS DONT NEED YOU AT OUR CLUB, i would take half a Scully over everybody who says that they dont know why they support my GREAT club

really weak comments imo

Not many of us left..we are a dying breed


Lets not lose any more

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The ironic thing is that this is what he is doing, and weak idiot "supporters" such as yourself wont let him, 18 disposals today isnt a bad result, trouble is the bar is set so high for him

Also i wouldnt care if many of the [censored] ants in this thread go support another team, WE MFC SUPPORTERS DONT NEED YOU AT OUR CLUB, i would take half a Scully over everybody who says that they dont know why they support my GREAT club

really weak comments imo

The fact that you are so proud of our defeat of Adelaide this year that you mention it in your signature shows you set the bar too low and you are soft and naive. Looking back now that win epitamises what is wrong with this club.Get real.

Edited by stranga
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The fact that you are so proud of our defeat of Adelaide this year that you mention it in your signature shows you set the bar too low and you are soft and naive. Looking back now that win epitamises what is wrong with this club.Get real.

Mate its more of joke than anything, i dont hang my hat on this performance or any other, you need to make what you can out of our wins, it seems some people can forget what this football club has given them, only focusing on the hard times and the loses

BUT, nothing this season or in the past has made me waver my commitment for this club which i adore

And if you cant handle losing then im sorry for you, i dont enjoy it, or accept it but i will never question my commitment to this club or its commitment to me ,

others have, they talk about the players rolling over and accepting it, thatwas the lst thing they did today imo it was one of the few times they have fought back this year in the face of adversity,

quite a few supporters have rolled over and given in imo, they will be back the next time the bandwagon offers hope of glory and good times no doubt

I dont see how coming on this site and being negative helps the situation, internet tears dont mean jack to me, if you dont like something try doing something to fix rather than crying me a river about how it disappoints you, i dont need it, and neither do the players or the club

You want to know what is mediocre about this club??? some of its supporters,

EDIT - " favourite players - not the leadrship group" wow you must like alot of players....

Edited by Jordie_tackles
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I wonder if any of the drama queens on here have any experience in competitive level sport. These guys have just played their 4th consecutive game against a top 5 team - all of which have separated themselves from the rest of the competition all year - and they act like the team have layed down and died from the first bounce.

They weren't far off the pace today.

1. Take a way even half of our turn overs

2. An even free kick count

3. Play the game at our actual home ground

If the above was done, West Coast would have been in a lot of trouble.

Can't question the effort

Lot of gutsy team play throughout the game

Assuming Viney has made some alterations to Bailey's style of play, they have adjusted pretty well. Can be very disruptive.

I cannot believe people consider this week's result to be further below the bottom of the barrel than the last couple.

Edited by mrtwister
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Simple Answer to title of this thread is Because I love the Dees and will until the day I die. That is why times like this hurt so much if we didn't love the club we would just move on and jump back on when good times and finals appearances returned.

I didn't start supporting this club because they were a powerhouse (Irish Immigrant kid who turned the Winners on in 1980 and saw Melbourne v Fitzroy, so picked the team in blue) I copped years of torment at school from the kids who followed Carlton, Essendon and Hawthorn. In 1987 there was the fairytale and hope and there have been ups and downs for many years since, but there has and always will be hope. Unfortunatley I spent the early to mid 90's in Ireland so missed a big chunk of our good years barring RTE/BBC highlight packages

I am nearly 40 years old now so have not been alive for a premiership. The thought of actually watching the final 5 minutes of the last game of the season knowing your team is going to win the Premiership is something I could only compare to watching my lotto numbers being drawn (either would be unbelievable). But I live in hope I have faith one day it will come and it will be wonderful thing to witness and yes worth all the pain we have endured. As we say in Ireland Tiocfadh Ar Lor "Our Day Will Come"

Red, Blue & Proud

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obviously im not going to be changing clubs. but why do i still follow this 'football club'?

my old man supported them and I have since the day I was born, I was running around in a demon jumper when I was 12 months old so I will never change no matter what.

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I'll continue to support Melbourne until the day I die. I was born into a Melbourne supporting family and I was always told there were two things in life you never changed... your religion and your football team. And in my family the football team is the religion. I have seen a premiership and I want to see more before I die, but I will die still supporting the Dees no matter what. Don't give up on the boys. No matter what we may think sitting in the stands, no one goes out there and doesn't try. They might not have the skills or mindset right but everyone of them is trying their hearts out.

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awwww...c'mon chaps and chapettes...its not all gloom.. ( just mainly ) Occasionally the Sun shines...so Im told.

As to the why ? Because as a kid from somewhere not here and attending first day of school in grade one another kidasks...as was the way, "Hey, what team do you go for ?"

Now me, being of at least averag eintelligence , realised this could be a momentus occasion in my life ( al 5 -1/2 years of it ) answered in the only way I knew. I guessed. I now lived in Melbourne, so like the place from whence I came where football teams were invariably named after teh city you were in I announce MELBOURNE. I thought this had to be the smart answer, the endearing one. My peers would accept me instantly. And they did for this was Feb 1965 and the mighty Demons were reigning premiers of a game I doidnt even know. !!

But all thought this was a most fortuitous choice and my colours were stamped for life.

Little did I know what was to follow. Some of you lament the 5-10 years of pain. Others scoff with a generation aat least up their sleeves and others still wince at the notion that theyve no only suyffered for years but they now inflict this curse upon their kids.. Some like my self have wandered aimlessly in the land of football for over 4 decades. Im nearing 5.

Why do I follow this team? Because I love it. What I hate is the misery it has inflicted over the years. What I detest is half baked trumped up egos parading as footballers. What annoys me are Football Departments incapable of delivery 22 blokes on a day that can ALL kick a football. What pisses me off are young men who allow the boys to carry their load . What deflates is the perrenial game of raise the flagof hope only to see it fly year after year at half mast in respect to anotherr season dead of unrealised dreams.

Why do I follow Melbourne ? Because its in my blood. Whilst I see around me in my family and freinds the enjoyment they experience as their clubs hold cups aloft and continue to tease me mercilessly I could never imagine barracking for any other team otherr than the Red and the Blue.

Why do I foillow Melbourne? Truly ??

[censored] if I know anymore...but I do

Maybe...just one day....maybe.............................

yours sincerely


Edited by High Tower
Language !
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awwww...c'mon chaps and chapettes...its not all gloom.. ( just mainly ) Occasionally the Sun shines...so Im told.

As to the why ? Because as a kid from somewhere not here and attending first day of school in grade one another kidasks...as was the way, "Hey, what team do you go for ?"

Now me, being of at least averag eintelligence , realised this could be a momentus occasion in my life ( al 5 -1/2 years of it ) answered in the only way I knew. I guessed. I now lived in Melbourne, so like the place from whence I came where football teams were invariably named after teh city you were in I announce MELBOURNE. I thought this had to be the smart answer, the endearing one. My peers would accept me instantly. And they did for this was Feb 1965 and the mighty Demons were reigning premiers of a game I doidnt even know. !!

But all thought this was a most fortuitous choice and my colours were stamped for life.

Little did I know what was to follow. Some of you lament the 5-10 years of pain. Others scoff with a generation aat least up their sleeves and others still wince at the notion that theyve no only suyffered for years but they now inflict this curse upon their kids.. Some like my self have wandered aimlessly in the land of football for over 4 decades. Im nearing 5.

Why do I follow this team? Because I love it. What I hate is the misery it has inflicted over the years. What I detest is half baked trumped up egos parading as footballers. What annoys me are Football Departments incapable of delivery 22 blokes on a day that can ALL kick a football. What pisses me off are young men who allow the boys to carry their load . What deflates is the perrenial game of raise the flagof hope only to see it fly year after year at half mast in respect to anotherr season dead of unrealised dreams.

Why do I follow Melbourne ? Because its in my blood. Whilst I see around me in my family and freinds the enjoyment they experience as their clubs hold cups aloft and continue to tease me mercilessly I could never imagine barracking for any other team otherr than the Red and the Blue.

Why do I foillow Melbourne? Truly ??

[censored] if I know anymore...but I do

Maybe...just one day....maybe.............................

yours sincerely


Similar to my story, in Prep i had an American teacher, who made us all declare what side we followed and to do tipping etc

When we picked it was off a sheet with all the logos, heaps of kids told me to barrack for Essendon, the red sash compared to the MFC's V neck printing wasnt great back then, black and white and i picked the great MFC instead of the advised dons......

Thank f.... for that, cant imagine being one of those Pr%&ks

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I actually have no family allegiences. In fact, I come from a family of bulldogs (so I guess it could have been even worse!). My dad played in the ammos, colours same as dees. So of course when asked at school I say "demons cause my dad plays there". When asked for his name, I got many blank looks. But hey I was convinced!

Since then there has been no looking back. And in any sport I tend to lean to the underdog.

Now with a family of my own, I tell my young kids they can support any team they like but if it is not the dEes they cannot come to the footy nor sleep under my roof.

Needless to say they are both demons. The little boy is asa tough as nails, so will get him signed up for the red and blue in 2016.

I just hope that they see a premiership in their lifetime. Still waiting patiently for mine...

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We follow this club because we know nothing else, and as much as this season hurts, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I posted similar hopeless murmurings after the West Coast debacle earlier in the season, and walked away, and as much as it drives me crazy, I can't help but continually take an interest in what's going on at the MFC, and I can't shake the emotional attachment I've grown to this club over my 30 years of support. Today was the second game I've gone to this season, and the first since declaring I couldn't take this [censored] anymore and would walk away. And today, I left with hope, and resolve. We have players who aren't going to make it. If you can't kick, you have no place on an AFL list. Bartram and Morton, good luck. Bate, Warnock, thanks for the efforts, in another era, you might have been champions, and to the rest, I'm sure they know all to well, come to play and come to play soon, or you'll be looking for work elsewhere. West Coast were a joke last year. Worst disposal in the comp by a long way. Now they have a great game plan, and confidence to match and they are a potential top 4 threat. They are organised... we are miles from itOur game plan; all the hard yards put in over last preseason...the best it can deliver against a top 4 team is an 8 goal loss. Today at least, we had a crack. Any thought that you can carry players with sh1thouse disposal is folly. The names I've names are the obvious; there will be plenty of others to fall by the wayside. and we will come again. A good coach will make a huge impression on this group and club, and it's time we source the best. And when training starts, we'll all be looking for reports on how the kids are getting bigger and better, how anyone could have written off Jack Watts, questioning his #1 status. We'll see how not having Grimes in defence had a huge impact, that it's great to see Aussie running around, Jurrah doing things that he, Cyril, and no-one else can do, and Green, relieved of his captaincy and it's burden, re-invigorated responds to a younger more capable leadership group taking the leadership by the horns and running with it. And to Tom Scully...If you spent as much time trying to get the football and improving your skills and your team, rather than demanding a contract way beyond your current ability and output, you would have my respect. But you don't. 19 yr olds should concentrate on playing football and nothing else. I hope you're successful, but know you won't be because you lack the nous to have never allowed yourself to be put into this position, and this sort of decision making will haunt you until you retire an unfulfilled 'could have been' who held a football club to ransom with the sort of greed that has no place in a successful team, and struggled to deliver anything with a group of young guns who play their hearts out for GWS because that's who drafted them... not who offered them the biggest contract.To Jack Trengove... Respect. Bring on 2012

Well you are the prize goose aren't you! You have just demonstrated how little you know about one T Scully. I think that even the most dedicated Scully criticisers from the Scully thread can even admit that his focus on footy and training is second to none. The guy is a machine. And as to him "demanding a contract".... F it, I'm not even gonna bother getting into it.

who? Jurrah's lost interestGrimes can't get on the parkScully is off to GWSMorton just plain sucksThese guys are supposed to be our future headliners, apart from Watts and Trengove we have NOBODYThen you look at the later pick guys like Blease, Gysberts, Bennell, Jetta, Maric, Wonaeamirri.. they are all [censored]We are stuffed

Blease was really good this week and Gysberts has had a good year this year but has lost his way a little. As for Wonna, this proves the pea heart supporters theory. The bloke was fantastic up until he got ravaged by injury. He is still young, is still very talented and has plenty of time to get it right. Look back a bit, 2008 he played 18 games for 24 goals and ranked equal third goalkicker with Cyril Rioli out of the first year players. Not a bad first year at all, which included the comeback against Freo, dominated by Mr A Wonaemirri. 2009 was gone completely through injury. 2010 only managed 8 games through injury and we all know what has happened with him this year. Give the guy a break.

The ironic thing is that this is what he is doing, and weak idiot "supporters" such as yourself wont let him, 18 disposals today isnt a bad result, trouble is the bar is set so high for himAlso i wouldnt care if many of the [censored] ants in this thread go support another team, WE MFC SUPPORTERS DONT NEED YOU AT OUR CLUB, i would take half a Scully over everybody who says that they dont know why they support my GREAT clubreally weak comments imo

This is a "nail on the head" moment J_T

I just love them. If it was the wife causing me so much pain she would be gone by now.


I moved to Albury at the age of 5, with my family, none of whom support AFL at all. Growing up in a place like Albury though, meant that I had to choose a team to follow, and in 1987/88 it was a choice between the Hawks and the Dees for me. Fortunately, I preferred Red and Blue, Stynes and Lyon. And this has shaped my football loving life ever since. I'll admit that it has been a rollercoaster ride, albeit not too scary as there hasn't been loads of ups, but it's one I don't want to get off. It's easy to get down about results, but then something will happen that just erases all of that. For me it has been Jack Watts (specifically his evasive goal from 55 against McLean) who is keeping me going at the moment. And after him, there will be another, and somewhere along this line I believe that I will see the result that we have all ached for, for so long. As Pennant St Dee said "The thought of actually watching the final 5 minutes of the last game of the season knowing your team is going to win the Premiership is something I could only compare to watching my lotto numbers being drawn". Amen Brother! Bring it on!

Edited by Kento80
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im sorry that i'm frustrated and am sick of this crap football, and the lack of heart by the players to play for this club which has over 150 years of great heritage. I clearly stated in my first post that i'm not going to change. I'm a full paid member and i have been for seven eighths of my life; and i dont intend to change clubs, never. Im, as everyone else. am over it! enough is enough.

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im sorry that i'm frustrated and am sick of this crap football, and the lack of heart by the players to play for this club which has over 150 years of great heritage. I clearly stated in my first post that i'm not going to change. I'm a full paid member and i have been for seven eighths of my life; and i dont intend to change clubs, never. Im, as everyone else. am over it! enough is enough.

I don't believe you, or anyone in this thread, who says "they're off."

This isn't some halfway house you writing this in - this is a diaspora of Demons whose passion is unquestionable.

We will rise, you will love it, and that is that.

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I don't believe you, or anyone in this thread, who says "they're off."

This isn't some halfway house you writing this in - this is a diaspora of Demons whose passion is unquestionable.

We will rise, you will love it, and that is that.

You are so right! It is through pain and frustration that we put down these lines on this website and it is a sort of therapy that we do so.

I'll rant and rave but there is no chance of me jumping ship!!

Too much emotion invested in "em"

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I'm Melbourne through and through and I ain't going anywhere. All clubs go through their ups and downs. We've had our fair share and unfortunately continue to do so. I'm hoping things will get sorted out very soon. At least our club has seen more than a few premierships and yes, it has been a long time since the last one but I am an optimist. I believe we will see a flag in the next five years. (fingers crossed).

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"I am Melbourne Tony....I am Melbourne"

Anyone thinking of jumping ship should this week...READ THE "RED FOX" (again)

I shall never follow another Team....I am Melbourne.B)

Or, just watch this.

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