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I think Nicho broke every Richmond tackle didn't he...Top game from number 49. Go Dees.

He's a beauty, takes the game on with his pace and is as hard as nails, took a good gutsy grab too. It's my opinion that had Bennell taken the same approach as Nicho to the start of his career, he'd be a lot further advanced than he is now.

On PuntRoadEnd they reckon Nicholson must've been covered in vasoline.

... I might be when I watch the replay...

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Guest milpod

The funniest thing I've heard in a long time was a toigs fan ringing triple M saying if it wasn't for the umpires Richmond would have won by 12 goals...... he's trippin'

He doesn't even keep his ammo dry for the customary 9th place.Please toigs fans,you were lucky to escape with a loss as against a flogging if a 1/3 of our shots on goal in the 3rd Quarter hit true.

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

One bloke rang up 3aw and was threatening to kill himself - it's a game of football. Hopefully just an attention seeker. Actually, they shouldn't have put that to air, I presume they're in 7 sec delay for talkback.

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Is that what he said? I heard him calling Richmond pea hearts and how crap they were for not beating the 'refined' Melbourne - whatever that means - and how he'd torn up many membership cards over the years. I figured it was another clubs supporter taking the [censored].

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He's a beauty, takes the game on with his pace and is as hard as nails, took a good gutsy grab too. It's my opinion that had Bennell taken the same approach as Nicho to the start of his career, he'd be a lot further advanced than he is now.

On PuntRoadEnd they reckon Nicholson must've been covered in vasoline.

... I might be when I watch the replay...

Thought he was abit small when I 1st saw him .

Makes up for that with the balls to take 'em on , blistering pace and the strength to shrug a tackle .

Enjoying this kids work here .

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I'm sure other clubs' supporters say the same things about us.

The guy two seats down from me was whinging about how every time Watts came to the bench he was clapped off. 'Wow, he kicked a goal, so let's give him a standing ovation'; words to that effect. In some ways, I know what he's saying. But really, just shut up and sit there you Tiger-supporting moron.

I do love how the Richmond supporters felt the need to yell ball at every tackle.

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Is that what he said? I heard him calling Richmond pea hearts and how crap they were for not beating the 'refined' Melbourne - whatever that means - and how he'd torn up many membership cards over the years. I figured it was another clubs supporter taking the [censored].

That's the way I heard it, hopefully your interpretation was closer than mine. Not really a joking matter either way.

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It's so funny you started this thread.

My girlfriend is from France, but has lived here long enough to understand the game. She understands the cry of "ball" and the purpose of having a "holding the ball free kick", but we were joking about how every single time a player was tackled, the crowd cried ball.

If she noticed it, anyone can.

That said, I think Richmond fans are generally a pretty ignorant, dumb bunch. Or they're so one-eyed that they can't make an unbiased opinion as to an umpire's decision.

The fact is that Richmond players threw themselves onto the ball far too often, and if you do that when you have a clear passage in front of you, the umpire will ping you if you're tackled and the ball held to you. The idea is to punish players the cover the ball -- they want players to keep the ball continuously in motion.

They saw the amount of free kicks we were getting, and so therefore seemed to believe Richmond deserved retribution in the form of a free kick.


Great atmosphere there yesterday though.

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Pretty ridiculous to have preconcieved ideas about any supporters, and even more ridiculous to have one person change them. I have been to games against all teams where I came away thinking they were the worst of the worst, and I have been to game where I came away thinking they were all lovely. I've seen MFC supporters who I wouldn't even talk to let alone befriend, and I've met filth supporters who are awesome people. And for the record, I don't own a Chalet at Mt Hotham, drive a Range Rover or live in Toorak.

My point was more about the fact that he looked rough-as-guts, but was a really friendly bloke. Missing teeth, tatts all over, crusty old Richmond tracksuit top. A real feral. That was why i was so surprised.

Of course it doesn't matter what team, all clubs have feral supporters. But he was just so typical of a die-hard, feral, 'insert team name here' supporter, yet was far from it.

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I took my 8 yr old little bro and his mate from school a richmond supporter to a game a few years back and we sat a few rows back from the cheer squad behind the goals SS. Not long after we sat down 2 harmless enough looking older women, both Melbourne supporters came up and got stuck into this 8 yr old Tiger fan telling him he couldnt sit in this section of the ground. Wrong colours. Well ive never been so ashamed to be MFC. We stayed there for 5 minutes but i was fuming so we went and sat up in the heavens. Theres an ugly side to Melbourne supporters too.

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My point was more about the fact that he looked rough-as-guts, but was a really friendly bloke. Missing teeth, tatts all over, crusty old Richmond tracksuit top. A real feral. That was why i was so surprised.

Of course it doesn't matter what team, all clubs have feral supporters. But he was just so typical of a die-hard, feral, 'insert team name here' supporter, yet was far from it.

I got that part of your post, and liked it. I was making a point about the following bit though: "Totally changed my preconcieved ideas about RFC supporters." It wasn't even necessarliy aimed at you, because I appreciated that you were trying to make a point about this guy being nice, so that's my bad cause I didn't explain as well as I can. I just find it stupid when people say "these supporters are this" and "those supporters are that". God knows I've seen plenty of MFC suporters who'd rival the best in the business. Far as I'm concerned they are all pretty much as bad as each other, it just depends on which section of their community you are either lucky or unlucky enough to be exposed to.

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I took my 8 yr old little bro and his mate from school a richmond supporter to a game a few years back and we sat a few rows back from the cheer squad behind the goals SS. Not long after we sat down 2 harmless enough looking older women, both Melbourne supporters came up and got stuck into this 8 yr old Tiger fan telling him he couldnt sit in this section of the ground. Wrong colours. Well ive never been so ashamed to be MFC. We stayed there for 5 minutes but i was fuming so we went and sat up in the heavens. Theres an ugly side to Melbourne supporters too.

Know what you're talking about. Seen a couple of the old "dears" tell a couple of freo supporters to leave the area for the same thing. And they also had a go at my mate who also barracks for the dees for saying poo when I can't remember who stuffed up

Edited by Scooter Mcgavin
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I have just spent a really enjoyable 15 minutes reading the after-game ranting of Tiges supporters on "one-eyed richmond" forum. If anyone thinks we can get negative and impatient about Morton, Bennell, Jetta, Blease etc... you should read their stuff. It is true - Tiges supporters eat their own!!! Some of the great lines about Melbourne players (Watts is a an umpire's favourite, Green and Pettered are soft) are nothing compared to their scathing attacks on Gourdis, McGuane, Farmer and wait for it - Miller. Yep, they rant about the same things we used to. One poster wrote "he needs 10 shots at goal for 4 goals".

If you want 15 minutes of pure, self indulgent and gloating pleasure visit the site for yourself.


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We were enjoying ourselves last qtr singIng ou regular soccer chants when some Rfc supporter threatened to take me outside. Other Rfc supporters backed me up saying he was way out of line. I then saw him at the cricketers arms where he totally retreated NO harm dOne. Stay strong ye faithful the best is yet to come

Cricketers Arms was epic last night

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I'm MFC Cheersquad & I have to admit the RFC Cheersquad are great people to know. OK, I sit at the opposite end of the ground but before a game, after a game, at other times when cheersquads come together they're terrific & I envy their passion and the remarkable power to still draw a crowd despite all their hard times..and their terrific volunteer numbers. If only there were such passionate Dees supporters prepared to give their time to the Club we all love

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I have just spent a really enjoyable 15 minutes reading the after-game ranting of Tiges supporters on "one-eyed richmond" forum. If anyone thinks we can get negative and impatient about Morton, Bennell, Jetta, Blease etc... you should read their stuff. It is true - Tiges supporters eat their own!!! Some of the great lines about Melbourne players (Watts is a an umpire's favourite, Green and Pettered are soft) are nothing compared to their scathing attacks on Gourdis, McGuane, Farmer and wait for it - Miller. Yep, they rant about the same things we used to. One poster wrote "he needs 10 shots at goal for 4 goals".

If you want 15 minutes of pure, self indulgent and gloating pleasure visit the site for yourself.


Petterd soft?????? Soft guys don't lay 13 tackles I50.

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Haha Petterd soft... Yeah, damn near killed himself throwing himself at a loose ball in the dying minutes. It wasn't long after he was gut running Alex Rance literally off his feet.

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Oh I just got back to the chalet after taking a trip in the range rover to the snow. I hope number 9 played well....

I couldnt get to the snow I was at the head of the river.

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Guest Gotzy15

Absolute ferals. I think myself and a couple of mates had the worst end of the stick on Saturday though. We were just enjoying the game and behaving ourselves as normal and we had 3 richmond supporters behind us have a crack at us for standing up after a goal and high fiving each other- because they were missing the action (the umpire running the ball back to the middle) We stood our ground and explained to them politely that they werent missing anything and that there is no rule against standing up after a goal and that if they looked around the stadium theyd notice that it happens everywhere (kids even stand up and wave flags for goodness sakes). They then said we were the biggest smartasses ever and went on to abuse us for the next 10 minutes with profanity after profanity and one of them even suggested that they wouldnt need security to have the issue sorted out. We then came back to our seats after half time and found some random sitting in the middle of our seats (obviously shed been put up to it by the ferals) and she announced that she would not be going anywhere and that we were to move. Everyone around us thought it was a ridiculous situation and that these ferals behind us should have been booted out for being abusive,threatening and a nuisance. I can tell you it was very satisfying when the final siren went and they walked off with their tails between their legs. What a disgrace

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Going back a few years now, a bunch of us were sitting up back of the Southern Stand, a few rows from the very back.

A Richmond supporter behind us was getting quite frustrated at proceedings, my female friend turned to see what all the noise was (banging and kicking the plastic chairs) and he said to her 'what the f**k are you looking at you stupid b*tch'. I heard it but let it slide.

At half-time we were talking between ourselves and I started to notice some foul language again being directed our way. Another female friend had made eye contact as he came down the race.... with his 4 or 5 year old son!!! and he was giving her an almighty spray.

I stood up and told him to go and get effed etc. and he invited me outside the G for a rumble. My nutter cousin then caught on what was happening and started to jump seats in pursuit of him, knocking over my beer in the process, but the Tugger fan made a hasty exit and didn't return.

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This from the Richmond Message Board....

Seems they didnt enjoy the loss...

"Oh and Melbourne fans (particularly the [expletives] in the MCC) are the effing pitts. I had to restrain myself from going postal on this one [censored] who would not stop giving Jack poo the whole game, I want to bury his face in the snow at Mt. Buller and urinate on his French Poodle."

I just had a thought. Despite our hatred for each other. The Demons and the Pies supporters cop the most abuse out of all teams in the AFL. I've always wondered why this is?

Collingwood = bogans (no teeth, stupid, violent, poor)

Melbourne = toffs (Portsea, Range Rovers, Mr Buller, rich)

I don't think supporters of other clubs cop the kind of abuse that we endure. At least we have something in common with the Pies I guess?

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I stood at the back on level 1 on saturday with all the 35-50yo, feral, disgusting Richmond fans and it was an absolute shock.

I'm no prude, and I love to yell out and get involved cos I love my footy, but even I was disgusted by their behaviour.

I heard racial abuse towards Jurrah, jokes about Jim Stynes doing sexual acts to the umpires during half time, language flying around AND directed at people sitting infront and more. RFC should be absolutely ashamed of their supporters and the AFL should not let behaviour like this happen!

I had a minor arguement with the bloke standing next to me and I thought I was gonna get my head punched in.

My most hated club WAS Carlton, now it is Richmond purely because of their pathetic supporters!

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I heard racial abuse towards Jurrah, jokes about Jim Stynes doing sexual acts to the umpires during half time

I hope you reported that.

Look I'm a fair [censored] at the footy, but there are some things which are totally unacceptable. Racial abuse being one of those things.

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