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  1. Training Gallery Friday 19-1-2024. Enjoy = https://six6six.smugmug.com/Video-Folder/MFC-Training/n-P5DBPr/i-cGsLq8G/A
    18 points
  2. ANB is much maligned and seriously underrated- his turnovers usually occur because of his hard running and don’t occur as much as they used to. His goal smarts are much improved. He will end up with a 200+ game career and is a premiership player. Deserves more respect.
    13 points
  3. Those critical of ANB are four years behind the times! What are you watching? ANB is one of the biggest improvers in the comp! He is very close to top 5 on our list. Enjoy what he brings instead of staring into your outdated rear-vision mirror.
    12 points
  4. So we can't avoid pessimism during the season, we can't avoid it in the trade period, now we can't even avoid it in January? Is nowhere safe anymore? [I'm taking the proverbial here a bit] Anyway, to the substance of what you're saying - in the opening paragraph you raise the issues of Oliver missing (he missed 10 games last year when we made top 4), TMac and Brown over the hill (neither was important in 2023 nor, barely, in 2022, both years in which we made the top 4), and May and Gawn are a year older (every single player in every single club just got a year older, including critically important players at other top sides - it's not like reports from training are suggesting these two are struggling). Then you say "no real depth or youth to excite" which is subjective and is really just a reflection of your own pessimism (the OP in this post talks about the excitement of Turner, Howes and Adams, there's been plenty of excitement around Laurie and Woewodin too). As for supposedly "meh" depth, Collingwood won a flag this year with side featuring Frampton, Cox and Cameron. A-graders aren't required on every line. Melksham's injury is a problem for us IMO but it's borderline hypocritical to say "well Laurie and Woey aren't much chop" and then say "we're going to struggle because we don't have Smith". If it weren't for the Oliver/Smith issues I wouldn't look at us and think we're any more likely to slip any more than Collingwood or Brisbane. I think each of us responds to those issues differently or to different extents and largely I think those who are getting really down about our 2024 prospects are those who can't help but interpolate that the Oliver/Smith stuff means broader issues that, quite possibly, just aren't there (and yes, the opposite is also true). The last bit of "don't come for my throat" - why not? You want to lead with your pessimistic chin, be prepared to cop it. Similarly, if you see someone out there going "we're a lock for top 4/the flag", I'm sure you'll be ready to clip them back.
    12 points
  5. Ahhh ... Harmesy. The lifelong Demons supporter who managed to pull on a Melbourne jumper and win us a drought breaking flag. He'll be forever smiling at me with his premiership medal from my shed wall. Good luck in all future endeavours to a forking legend.
    12 points
  6. Magnificent I50 kick to Fritschy that really got us rolling.
    8 points
  7. It’s one thing to criticise Nibs (which imho is unwarranted) but if it has to be done, does it have to be in such a smart-[censored] way? Yes, I know, everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but ffs taking disdainful swipes at him is so unnecessary, and definitely not funny (as I’m sure the posters were thinking).
    8 points
  8. Thought it best to start a separate training thread: Training at Casey...what could be more of a simulation of winter football conditions....wet, raining, windy....yep it's the middle of summer, but no sunscreen required. Even @picket fence's slippery mates would have taken the day off and retreated to more habitable locations. Advertised as a match simulation session, it was hard to draw any conclusions or real observations. This was because of the absence of numerous player for whatever reason, or players who were on some sort of restricted programme, or just plain injured. As a consequence, there were numerous Casey listed players filling in, but obviously getting plenty of good experience themselves. On the sidelines, we know about Melksham, and of course no Oliver or Joel Smith. Salem, Billings & Sparrow were just running laps, with Sparrow looking to be the one doing it at full stretch. No sight of Hunter, BBB, McAdam & AMW, while Jefferson walked on and off the field to physio areas. Every year it is a concern when players aren't on the track post Christmas break, and you can utterly guarantee for every week they are not there, you can take a week off the season for them. 11 missing out of a list of 44 isn't good! There was all the usual warm-up's and drills but the match simulation was the most important. But, as said before, what can one take from it with so many sidelined? What could be taken away were things like: TMac playing permanently in the backline. For those that have been around from when he played their last, be prepared for much of the same. Indecisive about where the ball is going, strong marking, but watch out for the kicking. One wonders how he will find a hole to fill with May, Lever, Tomlinson, Turner, Rivers, Bowey, Salem, Adams, Hore & Howe all vying for the back 6 positions. Blake Howes and Disco Turner are going to be putting up their hands fairly soon for a role in the senior defensive structure, and both stood out on multiple times during the sim. But don't discount Adams, who probably is 3rd in line, but having built up considerably in the off-season is showing some real promise with genuine football skills. Interestingly, Judd McVee was playing further up the ground, and found himself taking shots at goal at one point, so maybe the coaches have something more planned for him. Petty was back for the drills, but didn't compete in the sim, likewise Brayshaw, and to a certain extent Gawn, who came back for only a short spell in the sim. Probably to give the backups some time for assessment. In this respect Verrall is streets ahead of Fullarton, and I suspect Fullarton will only find a role as a forward....although we need plenty of those options given the situation at the end of last season. JVR almost took mark of the year reminiscent of the one Michael Roach held on to many, many years ago, but unfortunately he spilled it in the end, but he truly was sitting on top of the pack to attempt to take the ball at waist height. If he connects something similar in the season, he will be taking home the MOTY easily. Pickett spent the whole session in the middle, and like most years, nobody can lay a hand on him. He just dances through traffic when he has no right to do so. And with questions over Oliver, both he and Laurie can expect more opportunity in the engine room. ANB gave a clinic on how to kick to the opposition when under no pressure. So no change there. Rivers was magnificent to watch as he streamed from HB and delivers accurately. Chandler was very involved and seemed to be on the end of numerous chains. But he was also active in contested situations, so maybe a mid-field rotation role might be on the cards in season proper. Woewodin showed glimpses of what may be possible, but with these types of simulations and with tackling and pressure not at the levels of AFL games, it is difficult to judge. Still he looks more and more like his old man, and is obviously benefitting from the training programmes. I know people will ask about the new draftees, but sorry, not much to report. They after all are just starting out and some of the Casey players show more, simply because they are stronger, fitter and accustomed to the speed of the action. Just give them time. And don't expect to see them playing any time soon, unless we hit a huge injury problem. That's all from me but wait for @Six6Six and his photo's to appear, as he was busy with the telphoto lens and should have some great shots of the action
    7 points
  9. It’s not often BT says something intelligent but when he said, “Alex Neal-Bullen, a heart and soul player for the Dees…” he nailed it. Thanks for posting these highlights, WW. 🙏
    7 points
  10. Also on Nibs: you want someone for our young boys to look up to? He’s your man. Yeah there’s Tracc and Max et al but not everyone will turn out to be a Tracc or a Max, that’s unrealistic. Nibs is a perfect example of what they can be if they put in all they’ve got at all times and stay dedicated and committed, even if they’re not a household name. I oftentimes get to talk to the players and Nibs is one of the most invested there and he has an irrepressible enthusiasm. This is what we want rubbing off on our young kids. He’s an absolute asset to the side.
    6 points
  11. The thing I really respect and admire about ANB has been his determination to continually work on and improve his basic football skills. He has always been a great athlete, but his ball handling skills, until this past year in particular, have been, imo, well below the standard required to maintain a permanent position within the team. In his early years he rarely had clean control over the ball - he seemed to almost always fumble. Hence, he became a whipping boy on here. But those days are hopefully fully behind him as he has worked his butt off to improve these skills, as the last half of last year showed. He is not a natural footballer like a McVee, so he has had to work harder than most to reach his current standard. He was never a favourite of mine, but because of the skills improvement he has achieved, ANB is now a Dee's player I admire more than most.
    5 points
  12. I only missed one home game last year and was at both finals as well, did you notice that when Trac comes out of the centre square with ball in hand he is rarely run down, he has pace agility and brute strength. Watch the granny in ‘21 they couldn’t lay a glove on him.
    5 points
  13. We will be doing very well to stay top 4 at this rate. Likely to be missing our best player in Oliver for who knows how long, Tmac and BBB seemingly over the hill, May and Gawn a year older and at the moment, no real depth or youth to excite this year other than perhaps Rivers/McVee continuing to progress. I like Laurie and Woey, but if our midfield depth has become those two, Chandler and ANB in spurts, that spells trouble. Add to this the long absence of useful swingman/forwards Smith/Melk, McAdam so far appearing as injury prone as he is famous for, a big question mark on how Gus looks on return as well as some pretty significant mental scarring at this point (across the team, not just Gus), and it honestly feels like we are a Petracca injury away from missing the finals or even bottom 6. Sydney's list is stronger, Carlton are improving quickly and Collingwood's fan base won't let them complacently carry on. Adelaide are also improving rapidly and should compete if Walker can keep defying his age. The middle of our list is thinner than it's been for years. Just feels like we are slipping off the best teams at the moment. Don't come for my throat - just can't shake the feeling we are due to tumble. It's not MFCSS either - i haven't felt this way about the list in at least 5 years I think.
    5 points
  14. Geez he has some skill below the knees and his balance is just as impressive
    4 points
  15. Where has this idea that Brayshaw is not slotting straight back into the midfield come from?
    4 points
  16. A spicy training thread, haven’t seen one of these in a while. All we need is a bit of Saty to blow the top right off it.
    4 points
  17. No one’s saying midfield depth was our issue last year. We’re saying it’s going to be an issue THIS year. How can you not see that? When we lost Oliver, we could’ve called on Jordan, Harmes, Dunstan if we wanted to. Who are we calling on this year if need be? Oliver will not be there at the start of the season, Brayshaw will not be there in the midfield at the start of the season. It’s a completely different ball game this year.
    4 points
  18. Oliver was injured for 10 games between R11 - 21, and we won 7 of those without him including against Collingwood, Carlton and Brisbane*^. That win ratio of 70% was higher than with him which was 60%. *The ones we lost were by an average of 8 points per game. ^Interestingly, we lost against those same three clubs when Oliver was in our team (Brisbane R2, Collingwood QF, Carlton SF). Perhaps not having him made us more unpredictable? Bit to think on that. Midfield depth or structure isn’t the issue, it’s been our goal kicking.
    4 points
  19. George went fishing i suspect. I was happy to oblige. Bit of fun. But leaving that aside, I don't mind posters or fans knocking the skills of players, assuming it aint needlessly rude or insulting (eg the puerile use of spud). Hell, kicking skills is my thing and I'm happy to pot poor kicks. What really frustrates me is when the criticism is unfounded, or when it might have been fair at some point but is no longer accurate. Even more frustrating when some players get held to some ridiculous standard (ALL players turn the ball over and make poor decisions) and others consistently get a free pass (tracc says hi). Some posters seemingly refuse to change their view, even when the evidence flatly contradicts it. Nibbla's supposedly poor kicking and decision making is the perfect example. I've posted at length on the data at seasons end that completely contradicts that view (one being he was our best kick inside 50 last season). So won't bother doing so again. It won't matter for some anyway because they will poo poo the data and pick out specific examples to generalise from - the exception to prove the rule school of analysis. Perhaps the go is to use that same approach, but in reverse. I'll learn how to video edit and put together a package from last season of all nibblas brilliant kicks that set up goals and examples of elite decision making. And then claim it as evidence he is the best kick and decision maker in the AFL.
    4 points
  20. I guess I have a different opinion. Injury list is good, mainly getting some transfered players into shape. BBB has always had is own program, Hunter is a worry, old man niggles, Fritta is back, as is Petty, and Melky not too far to go I reckon. I think the culture stuff has been blown out of proportion. Oliver only knows footy and being sidelined for 'weeks' last year, hasn't done him any favours. I believe he will play well when he is ready. The opinion of doom just doesn't fit well with me. In my opinion I see us as a dangerous side. Opposition teams will fear us. I was expecting a training dialogue not an opinion piece, though thanks for the reply and am happy to engage.
    4 points
  21. ANB critics still on his back? Bloody hell, we would’ve been in a much worse space without him last year. Was one of the only ones who hit targets inside 50 consistently. Most underrated player in our side. There’s a reason he’s got a cemented spot in the side every week.
    4 points
  22. His training has been good. Getting better as he matures. A practice match doesn't really play to his strengths of, gut running, getting to the contest when others tire, his heart must be like Pharlap, I can even see him as a future captain, he always has something to say to the group. I am sure he is not undervalued at the club. There was a period a few years ago where he was on the periphery, and in and out of the team. More recently he has it cemented and I cannot see that changing.
    4 points
  23. https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/teams/collingwood-magpies/hasnt-gone-down-well-hidden-issue-in-magpies-training-video-sparks-controversy/news-story/6d2558c331d399203a31258961769eb7?fbclid=IwAR0xFpc4YZ7GYgJTqpMGd1bfuVnKtfMD7GDid1GlaD5AltXWUsYW9K5ZcNo_aem_AVfKNo2ursbmqIShFp4Jr71P6SKOXnhoAPTpz31kSEbuQu05N1OQ98jbQUu85BFhzIU Good to see the Pies being called out for siphoning taxpayer money for women’s sport
    3 points
  24. Well done. Got all the validation by telling people ignorance is bliss. It's not pessimistic, it's realistic. Yes, Oliver missed half the year last year and we managed ok in the middle. This was for a variety of reasons - Viney stepping up, Melksham allowing Trac more time in the middle to name a few. We could very well find solutions again. But unless you really don't rate Oliver or his contribution to the team, his absence is overall a net negative. That's realistic, and any opposition supporter would tell you they'd rather face us without him. You can try to wash away the problem with hopes and dreams of youth filling the gap, but he's a generational player. His output week on week is irreplaceable, individually or in the aggregate. His continued absence makes us a weaker side than last year - and we finished what, 5th? Tmac and Brown were missing for large chunks of last year. Guess what - we didn't win the flag, and a big reason was our inability to find competitive, consistent, stable key forwards to kick goals. These two were a massive part of 21 and we miss them as individuals and a combo, and we haven't addressed the deficiency. Oppo teams know we aren't potent outside of Fritsch. So yes, them being over the hill and showing no signs (yet) of returning to their old selves is a net negative, considering they were both very good players in their prime that we have really struggled to replace. Even one of them getting back would help us immensely. Every player is a year older. Very astute. But an extra year is not the same for all, and you know it. Gawn and May are both probably 2/3 years off retirement, and they will decline at some point. Gawn last year had his worst year statistically for some time. With every year that passes the likelihood of their form declining increases. Net negative vs last year. Realistic. Frampton, Cox and Cameron aren't world beaters, but are established senior depth who have played a lot of footy and are reliable (yes, even Cox). Them being that depth was critical to the Pies flag, whether you realise it or not. Laurie, Woewodin, Turner or Howes can't be considered senior or reliable (yet), even if they do have more upside. They'll improve for sure, they might be solid, they might be great. But right now, they're not. That's realistic. This is the exact point on Smith. No world beater, but reliable senior depth of which we have precious little. He, like Frampton, could play in a flag side and do a job. You know it. We might like to think Turner could do the job, but we don't know yet. Realistic. I am optimistic (yes, really) about our chances to improve. I'm excited by Bowey, JVR, Riv, McVee growing, Trac getting his goal kicking together and putting us on his back, a youngster or 3 injecting themselves into the side. I'm excited for what McAdam can bring together with Pickett, and intrigued by the prospect of Billings rediscovering his once blistering form. I have a lot of faith in our senior players and leaders like ANB, Lever, Trac and Viney. I'm excited to see if Mcqualter has any impact on our style of play. But do I realistically think all these points above will be enough to both offset the inevitable negatives/declines (some of which I covered above, others will be unforeseen), our inarguably thinner senior depth, the improvement of other teams AND bridge the gap from 5th to 1st? On balance, no. Do I think if things go more wrong than right, like a Petracca long term injury for example, that we could fall from 5th to 8th? To 10th? Yeah, probably. Yes, most teams can't handle the loss of their superstar. Difference is we've (seemingly) actually already lost 1, whilst also being drained of senior depth. I could post more about all the things I'm excited about. On this occasion I chose to post about what I'm concerned about. It's not supposed to offend you and if it makes you uncomfortable, that's perhaps telling you're not quite as confident as you might think. It's not pessimistic - just honest discussion. Try it.
    3 points
  25. Apparently in other recent crime news the police received a complaint from a Braynard Maynard of the CFC that someone had been tampering with his mailbox. The claimant told Victoria Police "he had not received a single Christmas card from any of his friends."
    3 points
  26. I assume it's due to his concussion, but the issue with Gus is not where he plays but how he plays. You only have to watch his efforts on the wing in the GF, pushing back in to packs and getting smashed, to know that he'll put his body (and head) on the line wherever he plays
    3 points
  27. Yes I agree, he does put himself in good positions to win the ball and that's through his elite work rate. During the finals series there were crucial moments of the game where he simply coughed up the ball (had a few teammates mind you) that either cost us a direct score to the opposition or he fumbled whilst we were in transition. If you ask me, I want the ball in his hands when delivering the ball inside 50. He's one of the best kicks going into a leading forward and I think that's one part of his game that isn't utilised much by his teammates. He's a much better kick then the likes of Viney, Oliver and Petracca and his leadership is pretty crucial especially for out next wave of talent coming through.
    3 points
  28. Not having a shot DD but if his turnovers occur during critical stages of the game, doesn't that mean that he actually HAS the ball whereas twenty or so others do not. As i recollect at least two maybe three occasions last year at critical stages he was the one who had the ball and kicked two or maybe three of those clutch goals.
    3 points
  29. That is true Jeremy and that is where Billing’s, Kozzie, Laurie, Woewodin, Salem and Rivers will help maintain the rotations with Trac, JV and Sparrow until Clayton gets back to business.
    3 points
  30. Confidence is a wonderful thing, we have seen what it can do to a players performance, we have seen how our senior players influence and lift the spirits and performance of our younger players and how that escalates their development. Why is this now going to stop? We have seen Petty, Sparrow, JJ, Kozzie, Rivers, Jacko, Bowey, JVR and McVee rocket up the charts. Now we have Laurie, Woey, Turner, Howes searching for a spot in the side and we are seeing positive signs from AMW, Verrall, Adams and Farris-White, plus we have our new group of Windsor, Tholstrup and Brown finding their feet at the club. On top of that we have bought in McAdam to bolster our Fwd line, Billing’s to add class to our mid/fwd and Fullarton a youngish ruck/fwd to support Max and yet we have supporters that see our demise as a force in the AFL. We can’t fit them all in the side but given our success rate they will be ready when and if we need them. Have some confidence in the club. Plus Oliver Sestan and Marty Hore. Can’t believe I left out Jefferson airplane. We really are loaded aren’t we.
    3 points
  31. There’s ways of saying things and there’s ways of saying things. If I take issue with the manner in which someone chooses to express their feelings about one of our players, am I not entitled to my opinion, just as much as they are??? edit: as for your “guess what… they’re on huge coin…” line, I visited Fritta at his house yesterday with his mum and I went for a ride in his brand new Ford Raptor with his girlfriend today… I know how well paid they are. I also know that it comes with a big cost: the Club owns them. I also know the difference between scrutiny and straight-up derision.
    3 points
  32. Bit of a worry for the rest of the team then given he was number one last season for average kick to score ratio with kicks inside 50; ie hitting targets. By the by, the bottom three? Maxy, Tracc and Clarry. #nibblamthys #sonochangethere #confrimationbiashardtoshake
    3 points
  33. GEORGE ON THE OUTER’S MATCH SIM OBSERVATIONS Training at Casey...what could be more of a simulation of winter football conditions....wet, raining, windy....yep it's the middle of summer, but no sunscreen required. Even @picket fence 's slippery mates would have taken the day off and retreated to more habitable locations. Advertised as a match simulation session, it was hard to draw any conclusions or real observations. This was because of the absence of numerous player for whatever reason, or players who were on some sort of restricted programme, or just plain injured. As a consequence, there were numerous Casey listed players filling in, but obviously getting plenty of good experience themselves. On the sidelines, we know about Jake Melksham, and of course no Clayton Oliver or Joel Smith. Christian Salem, Jack Billings & Tom Sparrow were just running laps, with Sparrow looking to be the one doing it at full stretch. No sight of Lachie Hunter, BBB, Shane McAdam & AMW, while Matt Jefferson walked on and off the field to physio areas. Every year it is a concern when players aren't on the track post Christmas break, and you can utterly guarantee for every week they are not there, you can take a week off the season for them. With 11 missing out of a list of 44, it’s not good! There was all the usual warm-up's and drills but the match simulation was the most important. But, as said before, what can one take from it with so many sidelined? What could be taken away were things like: TMac playing permanently in the backline. For those that have been around from when he played their last, be prepared for much of the same. Indecisive about where the ball is going, strong marking, but watch out for the kicking. One wonders how he will find a hole to fill with Steven May, Jake Lever, Adam Tomlinson, Daniel Turner, Trent Rivers, Jake Bowey, Christian Salem, Jed Adams, Marty Hore, Blake Howes all vying for the back 6 positions. Blake Howes and Disco Turner are going to be putting up their hands fairly soon for a role in the senior defensive structure, and both stood out on multiple times during the sim. But don't discount Adams, who probably is 3rd in line, but having built up considerably in the off-season is showing some real promise with genuine football skills. Interestingly, Judd McVee was playing further up the ground, and found himself taking shots at goal at one point, so maybe the coaches have something more planned for him. Harry Petty was back for the drills, but didn't compete in the sim, likewise Angus Brayshaw, and to a certain extent Max Gawn, who came back for only a short spell in the sim. Probably to give the backups some time for assessment. In this respect Will Verrall is streets ahead of Tom Fullarton, and I suspect Fullarton will only find a role as a forward....although we need plenty of those options given the situation at the end of last season. JvR almost took mark of the year reminiscent of the one Michael Roach held on to many, many years ago, but unfortunately he spilled it in the end, but he truly was sitting on top of the pack to attempt to take the ball at waist height. If he connects something similar in the season, he will be taking home the MOTY easily. Kozzy Pickett spent the whole session in the middle, and like most years, nobody can lay a hand on him. He just dances through traffic when he has no right to do so. And with questions over Clayton Oliver, both he and Bailey Laurie can expect more opportunity in the engine room. ANB gave a clinic on how to kick to the opposition when under no pressure. So no change there. Rivers was magnificent to watch as he streamed from HB and delivers accurately. Kade Chandler was very involved and seemed to be on the end of numerous chains. But he was also active in contested situations, so maybe a mid-field rotation role might be on the cards in season proper. Taj Woewodin showed glimpses of what may be possible, but with these types of simulations and with tackling and pressure not at the levels of AFL games, it is difficult to judge. Still he looks more and more like his old man, and is obviously benefitting from the training programmes. I know people will ask about the new draftees, but sorry, not much to report. They after all are just starting out and some of the Casey players show more, simply because they are stronger, fitter and accustomed to the speed of the action. Just give them time. And don't expect to see them playing any time soon, unless we hit a huge injury problem. That's all from me but wait for @Six6Six and his photo's to appear, as he was busy with the telphoto lens and should have some great shots of the action.
    2 points
  34. I agree.And l am buoyed by our new recruits too. Can’t wait to see Koltyn play.
    2 points
  35. Great photos 👌 Can already see the benefits of a full pre season for the likes of Adams, Sestan and Verrall. They look bigger and have certainly changed their body shape. I believe Adams and Verrall both missed majority of last year's preseason so the upside of doing a full one will benefit them. Even someone like JVR who looks bigger and imposing for a guy that's still only 20 years of age. Scary..
    2 points
  36. Was that chandler who trapped the ball, controlled it and hand balled it ? That was so classy
    2 points
  37. It's the same situation with all top clubs. A couple of key injuries are always hard to cover. Particularly in areas where you might be light on to start with...
    2 points
  38. Don’t confuse burst speed with what I said as a midfield that is one paced. Do you really think Trac could run at pace all game, do you think he could keep up with a daicos all game at pace and other players of that ilk? he is a power burst player .
    2 points
  39. I still reckon that SB was more about the incredible comeback by New England more so than Atlanta losing control of the match. Still, hard to cop even 7 years hence, JV They (NE) played lights out and everything went right for them. It took a champion team to do it and enormous self-belief. No other team could have done it So if you get Belichick, that's what he will bring. It will be an exciting time for the Falcons. He's still got it To me, he's the best coach I've seen across all sports. Better than Alex Ferguson or Jose Mourinho or anyone else But he does need a talented roster, any coach does
    2 points
  40. Some of the training remarks are opinions backed by observations, some are purely observations. Though some of what I say is opinion with more of a positive empathise. I was suggesting that this is a training thread and found your opinions a little left field, but you graciously replied with some reasonable rebukes. The on-ballers still have Tracc and Viney to lead them. Tracc can turn a game with his plays and Viney can do the same with his will. We have lots of options to join them and I can see plenty in the mix, Kossie, Rivers, Gus, Sparrow. Our contested footy stands up with the best of them. I reckon you're right about the forward line, and may I add our ability to kick to the forwards advantage is shaky. We also need some smalls to kick goals and get the ball front and centre, especially if Kossie plays mid. I believe the coaches know this and have been working hard to create a well oiled machine, that will also scramble with the koas ball and work hard to get multiple entries. We'll see. The other worry I have is the wing. Hunter (I reckon) has seen his best, and I wonder if we have a player with the understanding and engine needed for that position.
    2 points
  41. He would be handy if Brayshaw has lingering head issues and Oliver doesn't come back for a while.
    2 points
  42. Goody and the Club rate him highly, and for good reason. You’d struggle to find a player who tries harder. He simply does not stop running, gives 100% at all times. Dedication in spades. Beats me why he’s so maligned, especially by supporters of his own club. 🤷‍♀️
    2 points
  43. One thing I forgot to mention was the drill/sim after the match sim. It started again and again on the HBF with the exercise to find a way into attack. It is probably much needed with the emphasis on rebound goals, which happen more often than pack marks in the forward line that the fans love so much. Since half the side was trying to attack, the other half was having to defend, and then they changed the roles around. It was interesting how little of the conventional "switching" happened, but that was typical for the top 4 sides last year. The good sides just have it covered so well, and if sides try to do it, they just get locked in with nowhere to go. Anyhow it was a great spectacle, as each exercise produced different results, sometimes back and forward, sometimes through the middle, sometimes lightning fast down the wings, but the common factor was the running required, both to attack and defend. No room for slouches these days.
    2 points
  44. Also i thought noah yze looked very good. Small forward but was agile and elusive.
    2 points
  45. Too soon for Jefferson. Needs 2024 in Casey and development of his physical strength and competitiveness. He is a prospect but key position forwards need 2-3 years development. High risk but also potential high reward strategy in drafting key forward in 1st round !!!
    2 points
  46. I took my last bag of yabbies from there in about 1964. Took them home put them in a large plastic bucket and was going to cook them the following afternoon. they must have known cos they were all gone in the morning Smart thing’s yabbies
    2 points
  47. I think they're orange-bellied yabbies, or something like that....😉
    2 points
  48. Forever be a premierships Dee’s player , unfortunately need list mgt will always see premiership players moved on. Ellis from the tigers etc wish him the best
    2 points
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