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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/01/24 in all areas

  1. The problem is the work experience kids who run our communications haven't returned from school holidays. Same situation as last year when the club site said training at Gosch's only for the people who turned up to find out it was at Casey. How hard is it to update a website? We don't need 50 photos each day, we need information.....try writing something! @Six6Six does a better job with the photos anyway!
    13 points
  2. No idea if we're at Gosch's or Casey, I'm going to take a punt and head to Casey. This is what my life has come to, heading to random football grounds with no guarantee of the event actually being on and even if it is I'm relegated to standing behind a cyclone fence.
    9 points
  3. Agree wholeheartedly Kev. It’s like training lotto. Are they at Gosch’s or are they at Casey. If it’s at Casey will it be an open session or watching from a perimeter fence. It’s school holidays and a great chance for the club to engage with younger supporters by encouraging them to view a session. The players are great with the kids when the opportunity presents itself but the club does a real poor job of promoting / advertising training and quite frankly it shouldn’t be that hard to do in this day and age.
    8 points
  4. My buddy who’s at Casey right now said they just opened the gates for the five spectators that are there. Hopefully this is something they’ll do regularly 🤞🏼 @Matt Demon: we all expect a detailed training report on our desks by midday. 😉
    8 points
  5. Here is something for those looking for a training report. Very basic! https://aflratings.com.au/2024/01/15/training-report-melbourne-2/
    7 points
  6. Apparently it’s Richo’s choice as to whether the gates are open. Today he’s decided to have them opened. I’m guessing it’s because there’s so few spectators. It’s something we won’t know in advance. Also confirmed by one of the trainers: While the tennis is on, training is at Casey on Mondays and Fridays and at Gosch’s on Wednesdays.
    7 points
  7. Didn’t we move to Casey to build our supporter base as it was in the major growth corridor of Melbourne? So it’s great that we are training at Casey at times unknown and when you do, you keep the sessions closed during school holidays and all other times for that matter lest a fan stumble into the inner sanctum. Of course I understand the need for utmost secrecy regarding our game plan, the new one we develop around this time every year that starts out with a few nuances but by the second half of the season looks exactly the same as it has for the past 5 seasons. Using a boxing analogy the Goodwin game plan reminds me of a heavy weight slugger who only knows one way to fight, keep moving forward throwing as many punches as possible hoping by sheer strength to overpower your opponent. It works most of the time until you run into opponents who know how to really box. That said for one glorious period of 10 weeks in 2021 we boxed like Ali and destroyed all before us. Where did that magic come from and where did it go?
    5 points
  8. According to Ch7 the aFL have made the move so that players won’t be “Fat Shamed”, what an absolute load of garbage. Oohh I am so Woke I can’t stand up straight. Lol.!!!!
    5 points
  9. Thanks Kev, Yep wouldn’t think it is that hard to put training times up on website, North has theirs up with times and location. I have 2 young children 8 and 6, who are on school holidays, it is the ideal time to get the kids down to training, seems a missed opportunity. Might email the club for some feedback 👌
    5 points
  10. It’s called having a different view and opinion. The Misery was losing to The Filth and Carlton in Consecutive weeks during September. The forward Gameplan needed adjustments after the ‘22 Season…..
    5 points
  11. Apologies @WalkingCivilWar, @Roy Boy, and others. Without my intervention about the MFC training times post we may had had more observers down at Casey, and therefore a training report. The club is yet to update the information about the training schedule. So misleading and unclear is the communication to us. "Training sessions are scheduled to return to Gosch's Paddock in the week beginning Monday January 15." Wish they would get there act together. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/teams/training-times Thanks WCW for your information, please keep me in the loop.
    5 points
  12. I will be able to file a report next Monday assuming they are at Casey,would like to be able to do it this Friday, but depends on other commitments😇
    5 points
  13. I don't care where training is just get the report up by lunchtime FFS!
    5 points
  14. The media division went $h!t when Ben Gibson left
    4 points
  15. Kade Chandler is from a town 300km further away than Harry Petty, seems equally close to his family yet isn't hankering to get back to his home state.
    4 points
  16. Except for the Wednesdays, where it’ll be at Gosch’s. As always, that’s not set in concrete, but as of now that’s the plan.
    4 points
  17. A news grab on Ch 7 says that Clayton Oliver completed his own running session at Gosch’s. A two hour session with a friend. Sounds like good progress
    4 points
  18. Could we please move the training ground discourse to the training ground thread?
    4 points
  19. It is a shame the Club is bereft of information, whilst Young Demon Blood is on School Holidays We need Kids to bond … Watching Training up close is huge for little kids
    3 points
  20. I’ve just booked as nice room for you @Macca and @Sir Why You Little. All this erotic chat is getting my ticker going.
    3 points
  21. Only if his surname is "Choad"
    3 points
  22. Why? Because he's good at running at a steady pace over 2km? Still can't move sideways. Think you need to take your rose coloured glasses off and accept that Tom is in the shape of his life and giving it a last good crack. He most likely won't make the team but it's a bloody good problem to have if he does put pressure on the selectors. Stop being so pessimistic.
    3 points
  23. Stop offending people…..
    3 points
  24. Don’t think we can expect anything from Clarry this year. I think he has a lot to work through. If he plays 5 games i’d be surprised
    3 points
  25. Every players height and weight gets done from development through seniors and done every season
    3 points
  26. well, i now won't be able to say "who's that big sheila in the ruck" and presumably "who's that big fella in the ruck". 😲
    3 points
  27. dp while i admire your enthusiasm, do you really know what's required to mount an alternative option to the Club? Do you know what physical facilities are actually required by the Club? Do you know how much physical space would be required to house these facilities? These are the very first steps before you can look at any possible alternative site. I'm guessing you don't really have these basic ingredients yet. Only then can you go out looking for suitable public land. I say public because any privately owned land would have a price tag that we could never afford. Then the hard part begins. Looking for public land that does not have heritage issues (ie the MCG Precinct); does not cause a loss of public visual amenity (ie the Yarra Park proposal); does not make homeless other sporting or recreation bodies, does not take away much required public open space; a site that can provide public benefit from some of the proposed works; a site that is easily accessible etc etc etc. Then when you think you have all that nailed down, you have to find the financial backing for that site. Therefore, it ain't as easy as seeing a vacant block of land and declaring that would make a good site! I'm afraid dp, that without having these basic initial criteria in hand, the Club - while they might appreciate your effort - will not take you seriously. That is most likely why you have not had a number of your questions answered. But on a more positive note, the Caulfield site really excites me as a proposal - much, much more than anything we had previously proposed in the MCG precinct. (I've been in the Master Planning game for a long time, so i do have some knowledge of these processes). I think we will all be extremely happy if we pull this proposal off. It's almost like we have waited 20 years for Caulfield to come along.
    3 points
  28. Your eyes don’t deceive you, not on this occasion anyways. Fritta not only completed the time trial, he did it in just under what they were hoping for. The coaches are “thrilled to bits” with his progress.
    3 points
  29. ha ha crappy crappy crappy
    2 points
  30. Matty get that report in, my day is relying on you ,go you good thing
    2 points
  31. I love a good plan that way when it all goes to [censored] we can blame the planner or is that plannee
    2 points
  32. No, you’re a cert Gorg 🤣
    2 points
  33. I think WCW has mentioned on here it is Casey until after the Aus Open
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. How would he look at 0 and 6 in 2024? my view is that Goodwins' gameplan is toast and if we are to figure in Sept it needs a major overhaul We make it so hard to attack because the players are too defensive minded and are chained to a style Needs to be more freedom in attack we have the players for gods sake.
    2 points
  36. Kozzie played the first half for the centre bounces against the Crows and was dynamic. I saw enough that night to be convinced that he's good-to-go for cameo's But I'd like him in for the bounces, not as an extractor, but for the 2nd or 3rd possession on the back of Clarrie or Viney winning the ball. In those instances, Petracca could start as a high half forward Kozzie bursting out of the middle after being given the ball by our extractors and then hitting a forward on the chest is entirely possible as he has great skills and excellent pace (and he's elusive) He's good enough to play 2 roles (forward as well) And a nightmare match-up I'm expecting a big year from Kozzie
    2 points
  37. I was being flippant, PSD Although, I do question the actual height of a few players but I won't name names!
    2 points
  38. Yes but with much the same list we lost 18 games in 2014. And Roos cleared out over 30 players over 3 off-seasons I can't argue with you about the coach but we had some deep problems throughout the club which led to the CEO going and a board reshuffle Some were saying that the AFL bailed us out but the AFL intervention was required Looking back, we were a real mess especially when you look at the club now
    2 points
  39. Our facilities are NOT more than adequate. We share facilities at AAMI with 3 other codes with multiple teams themselves, and have 4 teams of our own. When you lose two finals by a mere 9 points then having something better than what we have could have been the difference. When players have to drive 45 minutes one way and then another 45 minutes back from Casey and do it multiple times each week, surely that time would be best spent in recovery, training, physio etc. That is what makes the difference between winning and losing at the sharp end. Ours facilities are the worst in the league. There are multiple examples in this thread of what others already have, and what others are planning. Go an look at what Essendon have had at Tullamarine for 20 years to see how far behind we are. It doesn't matter if our own facility is in the middle of a race track. We are the only club in the competition without a home base.
    2 points
  40. What would you rather shout at. The clouds or your missus. Clouds are much safer.
    2 points
  41. Don’t get me started on cloud seeding, Chem trails etc. It triggers me.
    2 points
  42. Or old woman!!!! 🤣
    2 points
  43. But it shouldn’t be more to do with the AFLW. Why would/should it be? It’s not like the no white shorts ruling - which only applies to the AFLW - a decision that was made because research was showing that having to wear white shorts was stopping many young girls from continuing to play footy once they reached early teens. There’s no reason for the W comp to be any different to the M in terms of disclosing a player’s weight.
    2 points
  44. Hello, AFL WOKE DEPT, non binary,niether he, she, gender neutral, unearthed,unhinged,non person nor animal,generic,wholistic entity here,... how can I assist with your enquiry tofay?
    2 points
  45. So, how much would it cost to arrange a return charter flight in a light aircraft every second week during the season and a few extras during pre-season? Call it 20 return flights a year, at $10k per round trip. Probably get a discount for regular business. Bonus points we can collect the Tholstrups first and refuel at Wudinna on the way. Actually, it would probably work out cheaper for the club to just fork out $2m and buy ourselves a Cessna Grand Caravan and have a contracted pilot. Throw in a bit of fun with taking people on tours for the NT games, and we can even offer pilot's licence courses as a bonus for players and staff, we're golden. Would we be able to recoup the half million a year financing and operating costs? Um... maybe? I suggest we should name it the Petty Wagon.
    2 points
  46. dp, what exactly is "our project group"? how many members does it have? does it have a web site? does it hold regular meetings? etc etc
    2 points
  47. No. 2022 was crueled by injuries and we did not allow for recuperation and recovery during the season. 2023 was crueled by losing Petty and Melksham (who surely would have been worth 1-2 goals) and the illegal hit on Angus that affected our options in the first week of the finals. Maysie was right - we are as good as them. Let's hope that better injury management and greater fortune with the timing of injuries will enhance our prospects for this year.
    2 points
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