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  1. Get excited y’all. 🥳 He’s definitely ready to play imho. Not just physically ready, but mentally so. I just had a long chat with him (he’s new, he’s not yet aware of how much of a nutcase I am 😁). He’s mature beyond his years. He said the players are “amazing” with how they’ve made him feel welcome and that they’re all super close and he loves our Club environment. He’s “stoked” to have been selected by the MFC. I said, “what about this go home factor with you young blokes, especially you WA boys?” I barely finished the question and he said, “Nah, no way. No way at all. I’m a one-club player.” He told me he asked for jumper #39 because he loves Lewis Jetta. He is such a great addition! Caleb and Kynan both look as though they need to fill out quite a bit.
    26 points
  2. Agree, but let's spin it the other way. He's taking the time he needs (and has been granted) to enjoy his off season, get away from the city and reset. I'd rather him be happy, healthy and start on time instead of rushing back just to please people.
    25 points
  3. My big thanks to all our trackwatchers. It's so good to have you back. By the way, is Satyricon in attendance? (Saty, if you're reading this, I miss your reports, although I can understand why you may have chosen to withdraw.)
    18 points
  4. New fellas joined in the second rotation of that set of drills. Koltyn seems to be pursuing a strategy of following Tracc everywhere. Kynan had a couple of inside 50 kicks that looked good. Windsor had some nice one touch gathers. Might be because he’s dressed like an 18 year old girl about to hit a wall King street nightclub but he seems to have really long arms From the new veterans for want of a better word: Shane Mc looks comfortable out of the square and snaps on both sides. Fullarton has a tan that won’t survive Melbourne winter
    16 points
  5. No sign of Saty - I think he went back to England. But I watched for about 90mins and while it was all light drills, it was good to see the new faces and there were quite a few of the old brigade - gees Gawny's a good leader and he had his understudies Trac and Lever there as well. Sallo was also there which is good after last year was a bit of a wipeout for him. Maysie on a boys golfing trip to SA I believe. Petty may have been there, but I didn't see him. The three teenage newbies all looked switched on and I was interested to see that Koltyn could match renowned runner Kynan Brown and speedster Caleb Windsor in their handful of repeat run-through sprints. The two standouts, in my view, were McAdam and Roo, who both led and finished well in the wet conditions - but don't get too excited, these early training drills suit the finishers and with Fritta on light duties they will get plenty of chances. I was initially impressed with how much more balanced Adams was - gone is the gangly kid - but then he went and did another horrific spray left footer in the rain that made me think he still may be another year away. It is way too early to be confident that positional moves will stick, but T-Mac was doing defensive work - maybe they've decided that with Petty forward, they need another tall defensive back-up.
    15 points
  6. I’m pretty crrapp at guessing height. But I’m 165cm, maybe someone else can guess.
    14 points
  7. #26 is Jed’s number but this was definitely Harry. He was on the boundary 10 feet away. I said, “hey Harry” and he turned to say hi. Was definitely him. Also, he was very slightly limping after the session but gee it was great to see him running.
    14 points
  8. He’s great. Up until today I was having trouble warming to him. I got the impression he was a cocky little upstart. I even told him this. He said he appreciates my honesty and that he understands how people may see him that way. He’s definitely confident and seems really self-assured but not overly. I’m sold on him.
    13 points
  9. The three that caught my eye today: 1. Woey. On a similar path to Sparrow as someone who for a couple of years (not so much now for Tom) has just come back noticeably thicker. We might have our answer for who can go on ball if we're shorter on depth after losing Harmes and JJ. 2. Rivers. He just looks cherry ripe. Leaner than before without losing strength. No idea how much they'll try him in the midfielder but if nothing else he'll be covering more ground. 3. The 2nd year talls. Jefferson is the obvious one because he was skinny to begin with and isn't now. But KFW is a unit. Jed Adams looks good. And Verrall for a 199cm ruck is looking strong without losing mobility.
    12 points
  10. Photo gallery is up. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/albums/1470139/afl-training-gallery-pre-season-begins?modal=true&type=gallery&playlistId=1470139&playlistSize=10 Jefferson certainly looks like he's added a little bit of weight on. Sparrow is a pure ball of muscle. Blake Howes looks like he's put on a bit of weight as well. Woey looking very fit.
    12 points
  11. I waited ‘til he’d strayed from the pack then I pounced, (imagine David Attenborough saying this). It was as swift as it was brutal. The poor thing didn’t stand a chance.
    11 points
  12. It’s too late for Kol now that he had been WCW’d (he’ll probably ask for a transfer now), but for the Club’s sake, please keep WCW away from the other newbies.
    11 points
  13. Fantastic to see Tmac up and and about. It's worth remembering that this time last year Tmac was still rehabbing his foot injury. In hindsight they made an error, albeit a very understandable one given a premiership was on the table, trying to rush him back at the end of the 2022 home and away season. But that decision stuffed Tmac's 2023 preseason as he struggled with complications for months. It's accepted fact that players who have interrupted preseasons struggle to get back to their best that season. I suspect that was particularly true for Tmac, one because he had a foot injury which would have negatively impacted his aerobic conditioning. And two Tmac has said he needs to a mountain of work to get into peak shape. Tmac ended up having surgery last season (2023). I cant recall the specifics, but given it was foot surgery i assume it was likely related to his 2022 injury. He never got back his full mobility and speed over the ground when he came back in but at least it appears his foot was ok. A full preseason and no further injuries and Tmac still has a big role to play. Similarly, great to see Salo on deck. From memory he had a great pre xmas period last year (and maybe Jan too?) training wise but it all went pear shaped in Feb with his thyroid issue. Another season impacted by an interrupted preseason. A full preseason and no further injuries and salo will be a critical piece of the puzzle next season. We desperately need him to get back to his 2021 form in terms of his ability to make high risk kicks. If he can get back to that level it will massively help our transition game, but perhaps more importantly our ability to retain the ball in our back half and on transition. Turnovers in our opponent's half of the ground back cost us dearly in our home and away and finals losses to the blues and our QF loss to the Pies. An in form Salo also takes some pressure of McVee and Bowey. Ideally both can be get more offensive and take on some high risks kicks too but that's harder if Salo is not at his best.
    10 points
  14. Hey! I’ll have you know I was warmly greeted by Choco, Staffy, Richo and Reece (Conca) who reiterated that I can have his job when he retires, (I don’t even have to ask anymore). Richo even said, “Good to see you back.” As for the other noobs, their time will come. No one escapes the clutches of this slightly deranged fan. 😜
    9 points
  15. Absentees from the track (not all required at this session of course): Chandler Oliver (maybe still with Kade in SA?) J Smith May Viney Brayshaw Hunter B Brown Petty Kosi Langdon Schache ANB Tomlinson Tmac moving freely - nice to see. Fritta did not join the group - rehabbing, but didn't look serious. All the draftees and rookie picks were there, plus Fullarton, McAdam, Billings. Marty Hore, fit and firing, like he never left...
    9 points
  16. 9 points
  17. You’ve really got to applaud his professionalism and work ethic. Didn’t get his shot until 23, looked good at the level, gets a season ending injury, delisted, does absolutely everything he can to keep at it, and gets another shot. I’ll be cheering extra hard for Marty this year. I love these kinds of stories. It’s good for footy.
    8 points
  18. Hore might just be wearing this number temporarily for training. I don’t think they’ll take Jake’s number off him!
    8 points
  19. Billings 14 Shane Mc 23 Fullarton 33 Windsor wearing a dress length 6 Hore 18 Kolt 39 McVee 4 K Brown 41
    8 points
  20. I was told it’s temporary. Melks will be back in #18
    7 points
  21. We have strengthened our forward half not including organic growth in existing kids, we have added run and carry and retained and strengthened our backline. Only bad luck and severe injuries will stop us, 2024 is a Premiership year for the Dees.!!!
    7 points
  22. Yeah that’s what I wondered but he definitely said Lewis 🤷‍♀️ My eyesight may not be great but my hearing is.
    7 points
  23. The Collingwood players should enjoy Bairnsdale. It would put them close to their supporter base at the Fulham Correctional Centre.
    7 points
  24. Never seen a set of heads like the class of 2023.. gee I hope they can play
    7 points
  25. Better to go out in straight sets with a million dollars than in straight sets without any money
    6 points
  26. I’ve been told training is scheduled for Wednesday and Friday this week at *9:30am, both days at Gosch’s. Next week all training sessions will be at Casey due to the Foo Fighters concerts at AAMI Park. *as always, the start time is subject to change.
    6 points
  27. You’ve said this a few times now. When we speak of Top 4 it’s always been about the end of the H & A season. We haven’t failed to finish top 4 the last two seasons. Position after finals is irrelevant.
    6 points
  28. Surely the Club have learnt by now and have included WCW warnings as part of the new players induction. Kol either missed it, or he decided to just take his chances. Mind you, he wouldn't has stood a chance if WCW was stalking him. And by the way WCW, next time you do your makeup, please use a mirror.
    6 points
  29. Excellent to hear that he’s running even if he was limping after. I expected him to still be in a moonboot so to be running pre Christmas is brilliant news.
    6 points
  30. I don’t mind Marty Ho and good luck to Oscar, incredibly determined hard work workers to climb back on to AFL lists. If they don’t turn out as good as Sashy and Laurie, I will eat my hat
    6 points
  31. Thanks to all those reporting... great to have you back!
    6 points
  32. 100m or so boundary timed jogs for the young boys. Longer, quicker runs for the main group up the middle of the ground. McAdam, Sestan, Gawn with the 2nd year talls in the slightly shorter distance group. KFW is leading them out well Laurie, Judd, Spargo, Bowser maybe some others and with some effort the Tracc are in the group doing the furthest by a few extra metres. Obviously many of the best runners aren’t on deck today. Everyone out there looks good tho
    6 points
  33. Same number his dad started wearing in his MFC career. Nice.
    6 points
  34. You look slightly different to how I’d imagined, Chook. I thought you’d have longer hair.
    6 points
  35. 6 points
  36. The latest in ‘Things that didn’t happen’… Honestly, there is plenty evidence that we need to evolve - no one needs to make up [censored] like that.
    6 points
  37. Relax. We’ll play finals. And if we keep our forward line fit we’ll get close to winning the flag.
    5 points
  38. Jefferson has added some bulk but he’s still a fair way off the size, speed or endurance of JVR last year from a limited look today. I’d have him more on par now with JVR in 2022. Of Chris from camby’s favourites it would be AMW - if nothing more than being healthy to start preseason - who could be in line to make a huge improvement next year
    5 points
  39. Coming from a friendly place - but you need to see a new face painter ..the only thing they got right was the colours :)
    5 points
  40. Seems strange that Jake M has lost his number because he is a rookie.
    5 points
  41. Norm Smith John Lord Tony Sullivan Peter Giles all worthy wearers of number 4.
    5 points
  42. Kate's been working on a home base It's been more than a year or two We don't play home finals at Casey Against the Cats or Roos I guess patience is a virtue I got the straight sets red and blues
    4 points
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