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  1. My thoughts are that I would be thrilled to watch Melbourne win a premiership at 11:32am on a Tuesday.
    23 points
  2. Finally Bedford gets dropped. Sick of this guy getting 0 touches a game week after week without consequences.
    15 points
  3. You remind me of the kid in primary school who would call you a dobber (my kids would say “snitch”) if you told the teacher that the kid was giving you grief. As if exposing the behaviour of others is a greater crime than the initial behaviour itself. Lumumba would have recorded that conversation as a result of his belief that he was being consistently mistreated. He wouldn’t have just randomly started doing it out of the blue. He would have thought nobody would ever believe him if they didn’t hear it for themselves, and he was absolutely correct. I agree that recording private conversations is extremely unpalatable and I’d be horrified if I learned someone was doing that to me. But put yourself in his shoes. What other choice did he have?
    10 points
  4. I'm for the second option! Their fans have been merciless to visiting teams so not sure I can afford them to much sympathy or for very long. I mean they had to support us or Geelong (PF) or the Bulldogs (GF) so no choice but to support the Dees. This is the team that reportedly included the words "Demons are sh-t" when they sang their song after beating us in 2019 rubbing in the 2018 PF demolishing. I would like revenge at the scene of the crime in a similar way we avenged 186 at Kardinia Park in round 23 and the PF.
    9 points
  5. Club just emailed to say we broke 60,000 members! What a great achievement. GO DEES!
    9 points
  6. If you are like me, you are still coming to terms to us being Premiers and being 8-0. Ten years ago we were the laughing stock of the comp and I honestly thought I would never see a flag in my lifetime (I was 32 then). I was watching AFL360 tonight (stay with me) and they were talking about North and how to rebuild and not to blame Noble etc. Kingy brought up stats from the teams that had rebuilt successfully - namely Brisbane and us. There were no jokes, no mention of the previous 10 years of failed rebuilds, Jack Watts did not even get a mention! They were seriously talking about us as having a fantastic rebuild and now being a great team. The scars from the last few decades sit with us supporters but the media and pubic have moved on. We have respect. Actual respect. Not pity. Might just be me but it finally hit me that the dark days are over. Not just for the next few years, but we are a quality organisation that we can proud of full stop. Not sure where I am going with this, just wondering if people feel the same or am I just rambling? Us long suffering supporters (Im sure many longer suffering than I) have been through a lot. And I for one, am ready to let all that [censored] go and say we are a [censored] good team!!
    8 points
  7. Presumably Bedford out so he can actually play a match, albeit in the VFL. Otherwise, presumably no change and Chandler and Mitch Brown being rewarded for decent performances in the VFL and being take across as insurance. Interesting that Daw isn't an emergency, either Max is a certainty or Daw is injured (though not listed anywhere).
    8 points
  8. OK, but I don't want to be missing any of the news at 6 because the second quarter went longer than expected.
    8 points
  9. You only have to look at the overwhelming positive response to deejammin's excellent post to realise that you are part of a very small minority here, Franky. Like some others, you seem to confuse "woke" with common human decency and respect for others.
    8 points
  10. The troubling thing about veils is they store quite well. You just pack them away and then hand them out to your children or grandchildren when needed! On a totally unrelated note, when positive matter meets negative matter, both annihilate one another.
    8 points
  11. We should try holding them scoreless. That would be a great outcome.
    7 points
  12. Good call giving Weed some game continuity WC team is not as bad as people are saying - around 14 first 22 players are there.
    6 points
  13. They can get stuffed. West Coast are easily one of my most hated club's right up there with Essendon. Perennial whingers the lot of them.
    6 points
  14. The VFL has a bye next week, so giving Bedford a game at Casey makes sense.
    6 points
  15. I view the Yze thing the same way I do when I lose a good member of my team to a promotion elsewhere that wasn’t available with us: we’ll miss him, but our overriding emotion is we’re stoked he’s got the opportunity that we know he deserves. I don’t believe in stifling people’s growth so we can selfishly keep them on our team.
    6 points
  16. 6 points
  17. mfcss always lingers at the edges... what i have thoroughly enjoyed about watching us over 2021/22 is that you can see how organised we are on-field, how well run we are off-field, and how much of a unified club we appear to be these days it's a far cry from as little as a decade ago, which goes to show that things can change quickly...hence the mfcss lurking...
    6 points
  18. We need serious and Sustained Success to erase all of the previous desolate decades We must keep nailing Talent in the Draft and employ the Best Coaches available The Hawks didn’t collapse after 1 Flag. I have seen them win 12 and countless runners up Young Kids come to our Club and learn how to win, as a team
    6 points
  19. Club emailed me. I'm offering up a 666 membership to anyone or anyone who knows anyone who might be hard up, or wants to introduce someone new to football, a refugee especially. I can't attend the games. Sounds shallow, but the person needs to be politically aligned. No bigots please. Otherwise, DM the details and I'll buy them a membership. Easy as that. Let's get to 65,000!
    5 points
  20. Very reassured by Goody’s presser. You can always take him at face value. It seems unlikely Gus is going.
    5 points
  21. as little as a couple of years ago i was dead set against any other time than the traditional mid afternoon. i've now come around to acceptance of a twilight time to be just as good, maybe even better. not sold on a full night game but
    5 points
  22. I recall a game against the Weagles maybe 10 years ago. Was a Thursday night clash. We were getting flogged, which was expected, but the free kicks at half time was 20-0. We got the first free of the second half which was obvious and the whole of Subiaco booed. Cup cakes.
    5 points
  23. Just on this - not sure how many of you watch Port games closely, but I am not sure how he would fit with you guys given the role he plays. From where I sit, you play Langdon on one side of the ground and rotate Jordon with Harmes, ANB, and Brayshaw in the past - all these players have significant defensive sides to their games that Amon simply does not possess. He is a great runner and will work into the rotation to clog up space, but he is not a ball-winner in contested situations the likes of the three I listed. I am not sure he will be one to keep his width and spread the defence the way the others do. Sure, he can be taught, but to pay overs for someone that will play a role that four others already on the list can play... seems a little out of character for the current Melbourne team. Far be it from me to tell you blokes about your team - I know how much attention to detail there is on this board - but I watch the wingers pretty closely across the league, and on face value, he does not appear to fit in with what you're doing at the moment. Anyway, happy to be corrected
    5 points
  24. I dunno. I watched that AFL doco series on Amazon from 2020 and Cameron just didn’t strike me as being much more than fury. I sometimes think the world mistakes seriousness with intellect and capability. Modern players need more evolved relationships. Just ask David Noble.
    5 points
  25. MFCSS never really goes away. It's just goes into remission. North supporters of the 90s are suffering badly now.
    5 points
  26. I don't think we were unlucky, I think Watts, Scully and Trengove were. They were forced, via the draft, to join a dysfunctional club which didn't provide an environment for them to thrive within. Compare that with players drafted today who join aware that the club knows what it's doing.
    5 points
  27. Who do we think offers more as a first choice on baller Viney or Brayshaw? My suspicion is protecting Gus RE: Concussion and keeping him on the park has been part of the decision to get him more on the outside, as well as his obvious quality on the inside and outside.
    5 points
  28. Thank goodness they didn't put Hird in charge!!
    5 points
  29. "How funny is it when you’re at the ground and Karl directs your attention to the big screen at the start of the 2nd quarter where the animated giant Eagle stomps on the opposition jumper and we’ve got 0.1 on the board and the games already over. Really pumps everyone up... "...Or when they play Foo fighters The Pretender at 3QT and real off all the highlights from the goals we've scored, and we've only scored one.... so they just show replays of guys taking a chest mark instead." Given the pain the Eagles have dished out to us on many occasions (1990s and 2018 Prelim losses to name a few) over the decades, these two comments are particularly satisfying.
    5 points
  30. Still no game 'preview' thread on their flying high site. No interest? Bigfooty: Latest posts show widespread disinterest in attending and can't even give tickets away. A bit of humour showing through! I’m attending with my demons supporting father. Existence is pain. I've thought long and hard about how we can compete against Melbourne this week. Normally I assume that the Eagles powers that be know what they are doing but that apparently isn't true...My comment: Poster then gives a role by role plan which is a bit long winded and a bit boring to post here. Do we get to chain the opposition full back to our full forward so he's trapped in the goal square too? Interested to see how many turned up. I got the ITW email about tickets.... straight in the trash bin How funny is it when you’re at the ground and Karl directs your attention to the big screen at the start of the 2nd quarter where the animated giant Eagle stomps on the opposition jumper and we’ve got 0.1 on the board and the games already over. Really pumps everyone up... ...Or when they play Foo fighters The Pretender at 3QT and real off all the highlights from the goals we've scored, and we've only scored one.... so they just show replays of guys taking a chest mark instead. My favourite: I've got corporate hospitality tickets I can't get rid of for love nor money at the moment. I am going to have to drink quite a bit to get value out of the tickets this week
    5 points
  31. Hi, I think what has happened is that initially when H came out with these claims publicly in 2017 the club, Bucks, Eddy etc tried to play it down, said it wasn’t a big deal and denied several of his claims. The only footage of the first press conference with Bucks is here excuse the inflammatory title it’s the only version I could find: As you can see in the video Buck’s denies knowledge of the nickname, which he later admitted he had heard but thought H was ok with, smirks and consistently implies that H isn’t ok by saying he hopes he’s ok, attempting to play down H claim as implying he’s not well. He doesn’t engage on the “threw him under the bus” comment in this conference but in a subsequent one the same month of the year of this video he denied ever saying it/played down what it was even if he had said it. The point is clearly H showed the club that he had proof of the nickname, the conversation and other incidents including as part of the do better report. The issue is that every time the CFC has denied, then attempted to paint Lumumba as an antagonist, then admitted it but said it wasn’t a big deal, then said it was a big deal and apologised, then been upset that Lumumba didn’t see it as a genuine apology given they only did it when he dragged them to it through proof. The reason he’s leaking it now is because the do better process fell apart with him, Krakeour and Davis and the only way to make CFC admit what they need to get better is to once again prove he’s not lying. Theres a pattern here. Step one, deny racism: ”what that 13 yo girl said to Adam Goodes isn’t racist” “ they’re not booing him because of racism” “ the nickname wasn’t racist, he was cool with it” “Eddy was joking about a musical, not being racist” “Kennett wasn’t being racist he was making fun of her pants” “everyone’s mean on the internet it’s not unique to racism” Step two, admit racism but minimise it: ”yeah what the girl said was racist but he she’s 13 what does she know” “ some people are but not all of them are booing him cause they’re racist” “ yeah it was a racist nickname but they didn’t mean it like that” “it was a bad joke but Eddy’s not racist he made a mistake” “ it was a bad joke from Kennett buts it’s been blown out of all proportion” “I mean it’s gross but there’s far worse insults and language on the internet” Step 3 assassinate the victims character: ”yeah it was bad but what kind of man points out a 13 year old girl, Adam Goodes is arrogant” “ he did a war dance when they wouldn’t stop booing him, what did he expect, he should be grateful to the AFL” “ Lumumba is a lunatic on a crusade, he’s a terrible bloke and makes grandiose speeches, he’s just an attention seeker and probably just wants money, he should be grateful to CFC” “Cyril is clearly having a hard time, he’s on the outs with his family, he’s in a bad place and just lashing out” “Eddie’s an attention seeker, he does media and DJing, you put yourself in the spotlight you gotta take it” Step 4 paint the perpetrator as the victim: ”Adam Goodes ruined this girls life!” “Adam Goodes and Lumumba ruined Bucks and Eddie’s careers! They made mistakes but overall they’re good blokes, they didn’t deserve this” “Cyril is trying to bring down strong successful leaders of a great football club” “Eddie’s trying to guilt the fans for being passionate” Step 5 apologise, then immediately expect the victim to be cool with it, if they refuse or seek change, say they will never be happy with anything and are totally unreasonable then…. Step 6 restore the status quo until next time. You watch, the next indigenous player to have a hard time will go through this again. It happens every time and this is the exact culture and cycle that needs to be broken.
    5 points
  32. How about a compromise? We take whatever they give without a second thought, and give them nothing in return except destruction and humiliation?
    4 points
  33. Wow! Just amazing! 60,000 Melbourne Football Club members! What a wonderful milestone! It almost brings a tear to my eye. I remember when we were struggling to get to over 20,000 members back in the late 1990s. Well done and congratulations to all those paid up Melbourne Football Club members! Let's get to 65,000 members! That's the next achievement! GO DEMONS!!!
    4 points
  34. Like when Carlton would have fireworks pre game and were winning 3 games a year.
    4 points
  35. Well done Melbourne faithful! We've arrived!
    4 points
  36. Culture is the killer at GWS. I watched them the other week and their so called leader who is really just a thug, only has the captains role because he is their best player and they needed to keep him at all costs. If you compare them to our culture (which was terrible for a long time). The other week when Sparrow made that unbelievable effort to dive and tap the ball to Frisch for his easy goal. The team ran straight for sparrow and it was the team effort that was recognised. I watched GWS who had a young player who made a great effort around the 50m area to get the ball out to Toby who ran in a pretty easy goal. All Toby did was puff out his chest and walk slowly back to his position. they are a team of (so called) champions not a champion team.
    4 points
  37. FWIW . . . I have no idea if Cameron can coach or not. I do know this first hand though. There's been deep discontent within the playing group about the money some players are being paid relevant to their footy output. Or said another way, their highest paid players are not necessarily pulling their weight nor rowing in the same direction. There have been many peculiar management decisions at GWS. And as far as I know, the most dysfunctional decisions didn't have Cameron's blessing. The organisation escapes deep scrutiny in Victoria because they are off-broadway.
    4 points
  38. The only 2 I feel sorry for are Trengove and Grimes...they gave 100%.
    4 points
  39. Gus is a key part of our club and played a huge part in our premiership. He’s got great mates at the footy club and a definite profile in and outside the club. The joy last week when he kicked the goal was an example that he enjoys his footy and enjoys being at the Demons. I’m optimistic once the CBA gets worked through that Gus and Jacko will sign on.
    4 points
  40. I shall miss the Red Sherrin
    4 points
  41. Yuck. Just wanted one normal one before they ruin it with disco lights etc.
    4 points
  42. Yes but fortunately the number of people that support or believe something has no impact on whether something is true or not. And I don't think decent people secretly tape a private conversation and then without consent leak selected parts to the public.
    4 points
  43. It is clear he is lying every time he scratches the left side of his face. Goes back to the right side as soon as an non contract question comes. He is Gone! kidding obviously. The bloke is so genuine. Nothing in that interview aside from a bloke concentrating on winning footy matches and waiting til mid year or later to sign the most important contract of his life. Nothing wrong with that. He will stay for sure unless we don’t offer him a reasonable deal or have cap issues
    4 points
  44. Normally I would agree. But GWS is an AFL - owned franchise and not a traditional team in the historic sense. AFL can't risk the next coach as a newbie, no matterhow good they are. And Yze is good alright. Must be a big name for marketing etc. Theyr'e not the Swans and never will be with ingrained history and culture. Clarkson or bust IMO
    4 points
  45. Not to be a smartass but that seems to be our aim every week.
    4 points
  46. Been going since 1955 so have been very fortunate to see some brilliant times BUT have stuck fat since then and it's like a second lease of life. I shall enjoy every day our club dishes this type of football out to us. With astute draft selections of new players long may this continue.
    4 points
  47. Formula remains my own, but I use a combination of disposals/efficiency/metres gained, inside/rebound 50s, score involvements, goals,, turnovers, as well as player ratings every week decoded by the writer reviewing the game. They go in with the special herbs and spices every week to give a score and we get the cumulative amount. Hope that helps
    4 points
  48. He also said Andrew should come to Melbourne….
    4 points
  49. So surreal that they are talking about our football team. Ok. I just got to know. Which one of you sold your soul to the Devil? Thank you for your sacrifice.
    4 points
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