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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/22 in all areas

  1. I had a combined 3 mums/2 birthdays lunch on Sunday so was reduced to picking up scores from my phone. Finally watched the game last night. Also read the bigfooty gameday thread to see how it evolved. It's extremely gratifying to hear the commentators laud our team. It's gotten to the point where it's self-reinforcing. The commentators almost dare not imply that Melbourne aren't the best at defending/pressure/etc etc. But what really caught my ear/eye were the comments in the game day thread made by neutrals. I now bring you: what they said at Windy Hill/Vic Park/Alberton/Carrara/what have you. (You might want to pour a cognac and light a cigar before reading further.) Scary statement by Melbourne here. Hard to disagree with the sentiment that everyone else is playing for 2nd. Bucks right. Melbourne are playing sh** hot, faultless footy . No team would get anywhere near them today. This is so pure. Amazing to watch. Melbourne have to be the most unique dominant team I’ve seen. Teams like Geelong, Hawks, Tigers would smash you with glamouris ball movement. Melbourne thump you in a grind. It’s so impressive. They really are incredible to watch So organised around the footy, never look in trouble when the ball hits the turf This Melbourne side truly is playing some of the best football of the modern era. The scary thing is this doesn’t usually happen until the third quarter. Melbourne are beatable. You just have to play a different game. No one is going to catch Melbourne this year. Essendon 2000 vibes about them. Well played Melbourne. Legit scary good team. The top 4 is irrelevant, Melbourne is a 4 goal better team than everyone else.
    22 points
  2. So surreal that they are talking about our football team. Ok. I just got to know. Which one of you sold your soul to the Devil? Thank you for your sacrifice.
    21 points
  3. Hi, I think what has happened is that initially when H came out with these claims publicly in 2017 the club, Bucks, Eddy etc tried to play it down, said it wasn’t a big deal and denied several of his claims. The only footage of the first press conference with Bucks is here excuse the inflammatory title it’s the only version I could find: As you can see in the video Buck’s denies knowledge of the nickname, which he later admitted he had heard but thought H was ok with, smirks and consistently implies that H isn’t ok by saying he hopes he’s ok, attempting to play down H claim as implying he’s not well. He doesn’t engage on the “threw him under the bus” comment in this conference but in a subsequent one the same month of the year of this video he denied ever saying it/played down what it was even if he had said it. The point is clearly H showed the club that he had proof of the nickname, the conversation and other incidents including as part of the do better report. The issue is that every time the CFC has denied, then attempted to paint Lumumba as an antagonist, then admitted it but said it wasn’t a big deal, then said it was a big deal and apologised, then been upset that Lumumba didn’t see it as a genuine apology given they only did it when he dragged them to it through proof. The reason he’s leaking it now is because the do better process fell apart with him, Krakeour and Davis and the only way to make CFC admit what they need to get better is to once again prove he’s not lying. Theres a pattern here. Step one, deny racism: ”what that 13 yo girl said to Adam Goodes isn’t racist” “ they’re not booing him because of racism” “ the nickname wasn’t racist, he was cool with it” “Eddy was joking about a musical, not being racist” “Kennett wasn’t being racist he was making fun of her pants” “everyone’s mean on the internet it’s not unique to racism” Step two, admit racism but minimise it: ”yeah what the girl said was racist but he she’s 13 what does she know” “ some people are but not all of them are booing him cause they’re racist” “ yeah it was a racist nickname but they didn’t mean it like that” “it was a bad joke but Eddy’s not racist he made a mistake” “ it was a bad joke from Kennett buts it’s been blown out of all proportion” “I mean it’s gross but there’s far worse insults and language on the internet” Step 3 assassinate the victims character: ”yeah it was bad but what kind of man points out a 13 year old girl, Adam Goodes is arrogant” “ he did a war dance when they wouldn’t stop booing him, what did he expect, he should be grateful to the AFL” “ Lumumba is a lunatic on a crusade, he’s a terrible bloke and makes grandiose speeches, he’s just an attention seeker and probably just wants money, he should be grateful to CFC” “Cyril is clearly having a hard time, he’s on the outs with his family, he’s in a bad place and just lashing out” “Eddie’s an attention seeker, he does media and DJing, you put yourself in the spotlight you gotta take it” Step 4 paint the perpetrator as the victim: ”Adam Goodes ruined this girls life!” “Adam Goodes and Lumumba ruined Bucks and Eddie’s careers! They made mistakes but overall they’re good blokes, they didn’t deserve this” “Cyril is trying to bring down strong successful leaders of a great football club” “Eddie’s trying to guilt the fans for being passionate” Step 5 apologise, then immediately expect the victim to be cool with it, if they refuse or seek change, say they will never be happy with anything and are totally unreasonable then…. Step 6 restore the status quo until next time. You watch, the next indigenous player to have a hard time will go through this again. It happens every time and this is the exact culture and cycle that needs to be broken.
    16 points
  4. I watched a show online last night that had Gerard Whateley & David King talking about the weekend's games on SEN and Whateley said that when watching Carlton right now he'll get the popcorn out as they are fun to watch but he watches us with the reverence of taking in a masterpiece on a gallery wall (or to that effect). Someone else said that it wasn't fair to judge any other team on their performance against us, only against each other.
    15 points
  5. The Comment sections on Facebook are so depressing to read, real ugly area. I've reported a few posts as racist but Silicon Valley does very little unfortunately . Also respectfully can we please use the name Heritier in this discourse
    9 points
  6. For those that think he should 'move on' - It's often those who say someone should move on, because a) they don't genuinely relate to why someone is choosing to pursue change, or b) they're part of the problem themselves, but just don't see it. My take is this... (and my client work is with people whereby they feel a system/organisation has never supported them when they've attempted to address cultural or OHS issues (or whatever issue it is). I always ask the question around their mental health and the choice to walk away and have immediate 'stress or anxiety' taken away to 'move on with their day to day living' - or the choice to continue to hold people/organisations to account, which will be demanding and take a toll often over many years. The impact on them and their families is always huge, always painful. When an individual chooses to continue to 'fight' against a system that is stacked against them, it's never about money. It's often about protecting others in the future who will come into that organisation. They are being clear on their values, and behaving inline with that... stepping away is incongruent with creating positive change He is clearly a principled person (whether you agree with his is another story), and actively choosing not to 'move on' is his prerogative. This is not about ego, it's about values. The energy and effort that is required by Heretier, is tremendous, compounded further that his is a minority, choosing to speak out and hold to account a system/organisation that failed him.
    9 points
  7. My favourite is still from The Age: "The Demons then just played out time, always keeping the margin above 20 points after strangling their opposition like a python and putting the game to sleep".
    9 points
  8. I'm tempted to start a company called "Bang ... Bang, Bang, Bang" and get the naming rights to Optus Stadium.
    9 points
  9. If you are like me, you are still coming to terms to us being Premiers and being 8-0. Ten years ago we were the laughing stock of the comp and I honestly thought I would never see a flag in my lifetime (I was 32 then). I was watching AFL360 tonight (stay with me) and they were talking about North and how to rebuild and not to blame Noble etc. Kingy brought up stats from the teams that had rebuilt successfully - namely Brisbane and us. There were no jokes, no mention of the previous 10 years of failed rebuilds, Jack Watts did not even get a mention! They were seriously talking about us as having a fantastic rebuild and now being a great team. The scars from the last few decades sit with us supporters but the media and pubic have moved on. We have respect. Actual respect. Not pity. Might just be me but it finally hit me that the dark days are over. Not just for the next few years, but we are a quality organisation that we can proud of full stop. Not sure where I am going with this, just wondering if people feel the same or am I just rambling? Us long suffering supporters (Im sure many longer suffering than I) have been through a lot. And I for one, am ready to let all that [censored] go and say we are a [censored] good team!!
    7 points
  10. Nice to be going “home” again
    7 points
  11. My favourite was having a look at the neutrals grand final game day threads. People lost their [censored] at the end of the third after writing us off 15min earlier!
    7 points
  12. As much as I love "Bang....bang, bang, bang" - Hamish's call of Maxy's goal in the prelim where he "pulls out the driver, sets sail for home" gets me just as much.
    7 points
  13. Gosch’s Paddock training ground looking good today on my morning ride. Work continues on landscaping around the perimeter. I wonder how long it takes for the turf to fully bind with the sand base so it’s safe for use?
    6 points
  14. Thought you were going to say, "Doesn’t feel like that long ago that a trip to Perth meant producing some false documents and travelling via Darwin."
    6 points
  15. I know this is a family page, but only in your throat?
    6 points
  16. Give away tickets to Freo fans who can send in a photo of themselves in a Dees scarf from last year. West Coast fans will stay away in droves, so we can pack the place and they can play in front of a hostile crowd on their own ground. Seriously though it’ll be great to go back there for the boys I reckon. Happy memories there. Doesn’t feel like that long ago that a trip to Perth meant pencilling in the loss and just hoping for the best. Wonder if I’ll ever be able to see bang… bang bang bang without getting a lump in my throat?
    6 points
  17. You need to go back to the late 90s.
    5 points
  18. Definitely doesn’t sound like someone who isn’t thinking about other options.
    5 points
  19. I doubt our players are going to Perth to bump into people and go nightclubbing.
    5 points
  20. Love this! Who wouldn’t wanna hear this about their team?
    5 points
  21. Think the womans umpire report was even more deafening . Surprised it was leaked when Gil was away ( sarcasm)
    5 points
  22. I can seriously watch these sort of things for ever and a day.
    5 points
  23. Yes… we don’t need a massive win to increase our percentage; just restrict them to as low a score as possible, and a 50-60 point margin is suddenly a big percentage boost.
    5 points
  24. Thankfully our players' parents didn't 20-30 years ago.
    4 points
  25. The video that highlights Neil is no longer able to be the voice of the campaign had me chocked up. Words can express the admiration i have for him,a truly all time great Australian
    4 points
  26. 4 points
  27. It is so hard to be modest when our team is so bloody good at the moment. I’m failing miserably and I love it!
    4 points
  28. Can't wait for BBB to kick a bag at BBBB stadium...
    4 points
  29. That's very funny OD he might have said it from his hearse but his name was Hearst
    4 points
  30. if I could go back to the moment before that all occurred and re live it for the first time… man that would be magical.
    4 points
  31. Yeah I’m usually spent after the bang…bang bang bang.
    4 points
  32. deafening silence from the afl.com site journos
    4 points
  33. Personal view : I think Buckley was right in asking just what outcome is HL looking for? If he could state that then everyone involved could progress towards that outcome and then move on, hopefully all happy.
    4 points
  34. I thought exactly the same thing. Success for Melbourne supporters is a foreign concept, we don't know how to process it
    3 points
  35. And may it continue for years to come!
    3 points
  36. In theory, the game would be in best shape if players who get the ball are more likely than not to receive a free kick (for a push in the back, high tackle, etc) than those who are second and do the tackling. However, because of the incorrect disposal/holding the ball rule, I'm not sure that that logic stacks up. If it did, though, good teams would be more likely to be rewarded.
    3 points
  37. On who/what? He helped bring down Eddie. Buckley is no longer there. CFC discredited and still in the doldrums. Not sure there is much more he can do that will damage them further. Sue them? Then do it and be done with it. Buckley would be well served to ignore the provocations and not respond. No winners on social media t-t for tat posts.
    3 points
  38. It appears to me that Harry wants revenge, mediation is not in his mind. He wants to bring down the CFC. Nothing else will satisfy him. The way it looks to me is he will take this to the grave with him. I feel sad for him that he cannot move on.
    3 points
  39. I am reminded of the Randolph Hearse saying. News is something that someone else doesn't want you to know. The rest is unpaid advertising.
    3 points
  40. I can't even listen to this song without thinking of those marvellous couple of minutes.
    3 points
  41. We could have more fans than West Coast there this week based on how they’re travelling!
    3 points
  42. A cricket analogy. It will be like playing on the same ground you last made a double century on!
    3 points
  43. These “what they’re saying” are my fave so the lack of both “ we’ll be rooned” and “we’ll beat them” posts from the West is terribly disappointing
    3 points
  44. bit hard when there are obviously 2 different narratives one side will have to admit to telling porkies i'm just ordering in more popcorn
    3 points
  45. Might be time for the team to review the 2018 Preliminary Final... ... it's time for the old payback.
    3 points
  46. One of my favourite players. Honest, brutal, perfectionist, heart on sleeve, will die for his teammates. Absolute star and a massive reason why we are where we are as a footy club.
    3 points
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