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  1. Thought it didn’t deserve more than two as he has no previous record and didn’t pin both arms. They are just making an example using a low profile player. Its not right, but it’s the way the AFL is , very knee jerk and inconsistent.
    8 points
  2. Article in today’s Age discussing Oliver’s recent turn around. One observer of our current #13 is former #13 Jordie McKenzie who appears to take quite a lot of interest in Clarry’s progress, loves watching him play and feels he can go on to greater heights while admitting that he (Jordie) was not quite good enough. I always liked McKenzie, a player who just didn’t quite have it but certainly gave his all.
    8 points
  3. I thnk every side thinks they can beat Melbourne. Particularly the bottom sides. Pressure them hard early and they will fold. Its been a recipe for success over the years. The Crows tried it.
    6 points
  4. Which is not too dissimilar to Rance when he belted Watts in the back of the head for no reason - I remember Carey trying super hard to defend Rance's action by saying he is just 'frustrated' after a tough night at the office. If it was someone else they would have been condemning it from the moment it happened.
    6 points
  5. Isn't the key difference here that Hamill spent the entire game on the bench with concussion, whereas Burgoyne's two targets weren't injured? In other words, yet again, the AFL is focusing on the outcome not the action. IMO the failure isn't ANB being suspended - don't pin someone's arm and then sling them into the ground. The failure is Burgoyne escaping without suspension, twice.
    6 points
  6. I'll say this 1 The club SHOULD appeal 2 The AFL NOW MUST rub out any player who does the same thing for 4 weeks. Let's see some consistency then. Bet if its a star it will just be a Fine or at best a week! Garbage Decision!
    5 points
  7. As I posted before, the words “inconsistent” and “corrupt” are interchangeable when discussing the AFL.
    5 points
  8. Ah those pesky facts... Like the fact that we have 2nd, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 15th, 16th and 17th to go... bodes well if we can get rolling.
    5 points
  9. very hard to reconcile your observation with that facts that: we have lost to 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th we currently sit 12th we have defeated 11th, 13th, 14th and 18th
    5 points
  10. I'm for minimal changes. Assuming ANB reported and out, would bring in Pickett for him Gawn and Viney, give them up to 10 min before game to get and feel ready. Must beat teams like North if we're going to keep out season alive. No point holding anything back.
    5 points
  11. As you all know, I am not a fan of ANB and the AFL clearly wants to get rid of dangerous tackles and rightly so. But, as many have posted, ANB who is not a star player, will have the book thrown at him, as an example, that the AFL is doing the right thing by its players. There is no reason the MRO couldn't have simply given him 2-3 weeks and end of story, but they are clearly milking the coverage by the media on this, showing how caring and protective they are of their players. Who would have complained if a 2-3 week penalty was given? I think quite possibly Hocking could have told Christian to send him straight to the Tribunal. Hocking has admitted he is involved in the MRO process previously. In ANB's favour was the fact he left one arm free, only grabbing one arm and the jumper, allowing the player to brace for a fall with his other arm. The fact that the player didn't come back on, obviously goes against him. But it is far from the worst of these incidents, that don't usually go to the Tribunal. The Burgoyne incidents earlier this year were a disgrace, as they were far more dangerous and yet because of who he is, he got off. I recall Jack Trengove getting 4 weeks for a sling tackle on Burgoyne's first victim, who was allegedly never going to play again and then the next week played and was BOG. Since then, worse sling tackles have never received 4 weeks, with many getting off completely. We have seen so called "clean star players" like Cotchin, repeatedly commit dirty acts, resulting in players being put out of games, even finals and nothing happens. With the AFL, I think the words inconsistent and corrupt may be interchangeable
    5 points
  12. My first reaction is Boooooooooo to finals at 'Boo Stadium' because of the obvious advantage it gives WCE. But then Tigers, Hawks and Pies have had that advantage with little travel and 'Home' finals at the G for eons. I just hope that Eagles get eliminated early in the finals series so we don't have to listen to their supporters and watch the biased umpiring. And that the AFL negotiate a deal that if finals are in WA that they make adjustments to quarantine rules so that opp fans can attend.
    5 points
  13. Accidental. Good tackle. Condemned by Brereton on the commentary, one of the biggest offender thugs in the game who did it deliberately. Burgoyne and Ablett get off. Get [censored] AFL.
    4 points
  14. It’s not the 4 weeks I care about. It was dangerous and it caused serious damage. Its simply the fact that the treatment of the AFL is completely inconsistent between big name players, big clubs, no name players and small clubs. And that is not a just or fair system. But the AFL isn’t alone. People with money are often able to get away with a lot more in the criminal justice system. It’s unfair but it’s life.
    4 points
  15. As I can recall, only 2 players have got 4 weeks for sling tackles. Both had no priors and both were Melbourne players. Clearly from a lesser club in the AFL who won’t do anything about it and upset head office. I feel sorry for ANB as he is the sacrificial lamb.
    4 points
  16. It's a celebrity based league.
    4 points
  17. If Preuss is alive and can even trot, as he knows Norf’s game and players strengths and weaknesses why not try him? Moving Weed from FF would be counterproductive. Jackson can take advantage of his youth and run them off their feet after half time.
    4 points
  18. if gawn doesn't play then preuss comes in to play against his ex team mates we recruited him for this very reason
    4 points
  19. I would definitely not like to see Tommy Mac back...
    4 points
  20. They changed the wording in the rules after Burgoyne's both tackles so that it covers instances where one arm is free also. Previously it had to be both arms pinned, which is apparently why he "got away with it"
    4 points
  21. Nibbler threw a guy down by dragging his jumper. Burgoyne twice body slammed his opponents into the ground. Nibbler’s was trivial by comparison. If he gets any more than Burgoyne then the tribunal is officially corrupt.
    4 points
  22. It was definitely accidental, never had control of the tackle.
    4 points
  23. Buggered if I know. I can't even figure out when the round started or when it ends!
    4 points
  24. AVB has been cleared of bone damage, however, that head clash early in the first quarter required 15 stitches above the eye on the same side as the cheekbone damage. Unbelievably tough.
    4 points
  25. I don't see a problem with complaining in public if you have brought it up with the AFL and nothing changes. It's not just Gawn, but anything Gawn-related. As I and others have mentione elsewhere another standard tactic used to curb Gawn's dominance is to start tackling our mid-field players before the ball arrives. Happens all the time and rarely is a free paid.
    4 points
  26. I have it on reasonable authority that Gawn and Viney won't play this week due to injury. I also understand a couple of others are carrying injuries and may not get up in time. Take this with whatever grain of salt you'd like.
    3 points
  27. Woo-hoo man posting on FB. Mods please delete if this breaks any rules/regs.
    3 points
  28. Agree with this 100%. Hamill still had an arm free and could have used it to protect himself from hitting his head. He chose to use it to try to get a kick away. It was his choice, effectively, that led to his head hitting the ground. I don't see why Nibbler (or anyone else in a similar situation) should be penalised for someone else's bad decision.
    3 points
  29. People will see this as victim blaming but Nibbler had Hamill by the wrist and by a stretched piece of jumper. Hamill had an arm, both legs and his core free. It was Hamill’s decision to spin with the tackle and get a kick off and his slight build that saw him go flying. Not to say Nibbler isn’t responsible for part of it but the idea that he’s all of a sudden some kind of destroyer is really misrepresentation of what occurred
    3 points
  30. The article just regurgitates what was said in Gawn’s post March interview and then suggests he’s in doubt for North. Doesn’t give any sort of hard fact or source for this speculation.
    3 points
  31. Yes, and after this clip over the head, Derm and Kingy were very jovial about him ‘wearing one’, after spending half time talking about having to protect the head. How contradictory! They also had no reaction to the instance when May was bumped heavily in the head while picking up the ball and no free kick was awarded. Apparently that sort of attack on the head is fine with Kingy and Derm. I found the narrative repulsive last night on Fox. There are too many commentators on that channel with a clear hatred of the MFC
    3 points
  32. Jacko has been super impressive. It's hard to believe he is an 18 year old who is 200cm and had played only a few games at AFL level. He does the basics well combined with athletic ability both in the air and at ground level, has a health degree of self assurance and just slots into the team beautifully. Really enjoying seeing him develop each week.
    3 points
  33. I disagree with you. I've seen the same tackle, it was a case of momentum and an attempt at restraint. ANB has no track record for reckless tackles. And. as you point out, how does Burgoyne, a repeat offender, keep getting away with it. Everything about this SUCKS. Burgoyne's tackle on Dangerfield was much bloody worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    3 points
  34. I understand the issue with concussion but IMO the whack Tom Lynch gave to the back of Alex Witherden’s head was much dirtier and more worthy of suspension than ANB’s tackle.
    3 points
  35. ANB intro to the Tribunal . Your honour my name is Ablett Never done anything wrong Burgoyne. Can l go now?
    3 points
  36. Tough on Nibbles but it’s something they want to get out of the game*. *As long as it’s not a star player they’re putting out for 3+ weeks.
    3 points
  37. In all seriousness - I get the protect the head/player thing- what was Nibbler actually meant to do? - he is tackling a bloke who is resisting being tackled and off balance trying to kick while being turned 360+, he can't just let go mid tackle - would be crucified by all and sundry I don't get that he really had any other choice but to complete the tackle
    3 points
  38. 3 points
  39. AVB can be excused for his poor night considering the knock he took early in the game.
    3 points
  40. AVB is fair dinkum. He is already an icon. He'll be up for next week, coz he was out for so long. He makes our team accountable and straightens us up. Even Taylor Walker (who thinks he's tough with little guys) side-stepped and got out of the heat. All AVB was doing was walking past, silently. We love that contribution. For some of us, it is like having both Ray Biffen and Rod Grinter in the team.
    3 points
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