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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/03/20 in all areas

  1. One thing this virus has opened my eyes to is the lack of empathy a lot of people have for each other. "Oh, it'll only kill the elderly or sick, why should my life be affected?" Well guess what, I'm young, but I don't think like some callous [censored] some people are being. I'm not worried about myself if I get it; I know I'll be fine. I'm worried about my nana, my parents, my elderly neighbors, my co-workers; one of which has his own father who has cancer and won't survive this virus. For once would people please stop thinking about their piece of [censored] selves and look at this as a collective? By god it infuriates me.
    10 points
  2. "When my thoughts were going a million miles an hour, things I had previously enjoyed became more difficult." Melbourne Football Club's Mitch Hannan details his experiences with his own mental health challenges and why he co-founded clothing brand Mendl to support men's mental health. Hannan's Mendl Movement
    7 points
  3. Hey od, if you can stick fat with the Dees for 60+ years, you have the endurance to weather any storm. Best wishes mate!
    7 points
  4. Hey Old Dee we may all end up a bit hermit like but always something here to put a smile on the dial. Hope you are ok.
    7 points
  5. I know footy means a lot to many but whether the games go ahead or not should be the least of our concerns. We've still got Books, Radio, TV, Music, access to movies etc etc. No sport means absolutely nothing to me right now. Lets face it, sports fans have been spoilt rotten for decades so surely we can go without for a time. My attitude is that any footy we get this year will be a total bonus. Stay safe and stay healthy demonlanders.
    6 points
  6. "More than 14,000 tests for the coronavirus have been carried out in the state, with 57 cases confirmed. Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton warned on Sunday authorities were starting to run short of testing swabs". https://www.theage.com.au/national/premier-calls-for-us-travel-ban-warns-of-more-coronavirus-disruptions-20200315-p54a73.html Folks need to be more aware of when to be tested. Below is a very good guide: Read more about how to tell the difference: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/coronavirus-symptoms-compared-to-flu-common-cold-and-allergies-2020-3?r=US&IR=T Please pass this on so that we don't clog up emergency wards and doctor's surgeries unnecessarily. We are going to need the testing swabs when things get bad.
    6 points
  7. Thank God we aren't in the UK. Boris is going down the path of 'Herd Immunity': "Britain's approach has three core elements: enact social distancing measures much more slowly than other countries; shield at-risk groups like the elderly and sick from contact with the general population; and then let COVID-19 slowly sweep through everybody else. "Herd immunity describes a scenario where so many people become resistant to a disease – either through vaccinations or exposure – that it becomes much harder for the virus to spread through the rest of the population. In six months we will know whether that was a monumental and deadly mistake or a brave and effective decision to swim against the global tide". Source: herd-immunity-why-britain-is-actually-letting-the-coronavirus-spread Someone forgot to tell them there is no vaccine!! There are parts in that article that make distressing reading, especially isolating the elderly and vulnerable and not allowing visitors to nursing homes etc. No compassion or understanding how distressing months of isolation would be.
    5 points
  8. It's been a weird year. I'll always remember 2020 as the year I got married and then couldn't get toilet paper or go on a honeymoon ? I'll take any success. Even if it's being the last remaining club not to contract Corona Virus.
    5 points
  9. Not sure that AFL football played in front of zero crowds is any more dangerous than a multitude of workplaces not to mention schools, hospitals etc. If the players want to call it off fine...but it's leave without pay. You can't scream professionalism and then say it's only a game when it suits. Harsh but true. On a somewhat related note how dumb is Queensland insisting on holding its council elections the week after next and fining people if they don't vote !!
    5 points
  10. Let'splay nice. We are currently going through something that none of us have experienced this in our lifetime. It's quite obvious now that it'll only get worse before it gets better, but how worse is too much? Economic collapse? Growing number in deaths for not only elderly but people of all ages? We are in unfamiliar territory. Scary times ahead.
    5 points
  11. I work in tourism in NL, everything is shut down and messages from people working in medical care say that the fan has not yet been hit. Am one of many freelancers who have just lost prob months of income. We had to cancel our wedding for August. Hate to say it folks but it will all be cancelled soon. I like the idea of a quarantined 8 week season, and would not give two [censored] about an asterix next to it. But as of this week, the idea of doing anything but suspending it all would be ridiculed here. Get inside Dees, never before has sitting on your bum been so crucial to world health. The positive is that, in the face of great social threat, the power of social unity emerges. We are seeing it here, everyone is in it together and no matter the uncertainty, solidarity will remain throughout. Let’s see what happens. Strength and love to everyone. Don't panic; isolate yourselves.
    4 points
  12. 2021 swansong perhaps having not been battered pillar to post through a 22-25 game 2020?
    4 points
  13. well it’s a crap way to get there but a 17 round season is the first “ fair” season since there was 12 teams and a 22 round season. i’m not sure what the future holds ( who is!) but i’m happy w a 17 game season and hope they stay w it altering home and away each year.
    4 points
  14. All this just coz a guy ate a bat in China
    4 points
  15. A 17 round season does us no favours given the biased draw we attracted due to our terrible 2019. so that is no second game against... Suns, Freo Saints Pies and Adelaide..3 of those are potentially interstate so hopefully we lose them rather than the home fixture.
    4 points
  16. Melbourne to win the first five game and then the season to be cancelled. You know it will happen.
    4 points
  17. My little brother just got selected by Box Hill hawks after strong recommendation from Hawthorn recruiters playing bush footy up here. Spoke to him this morning and he was distraught. Life is getting cruel. But as i said to him, life is more valuable then a game of footy.
    4 points
  18. If the AFLPA decide that they don’t want to play, then they should be forfeiting a very large percentage of their wage. Of course a huge part of their job is conditioning and training, but at the end of the day their primary role in the industry is the performers. I’m not saying they should go without but a lot of the rest of the world will be struggling through times with lesser funds, and with the clubs finances going deep into a hole during these uncertain times it’s only fair they make sacrifices as well. Otherwise what guarantees do we even have the clubs will get through this?
    4 points
  19. It’s obvious this thing is going to take many months, not weeks, to resolve. Understandably the AFL doesn’t want to face the facts at this point, but inevitably thIs season will have to be cancelled. Even if after a couple of months the current measures start to show some promise in reducing the infection rate, until there’s an effective way to immunise those who are most vulnerable, the restrictions can’t be relaxed. If they relaxed the restrictions, it would only take a few infected people to start the infection chain all over again and we’ll be back to square one. If an effective immunisation isn’t going to be available for 12 to 18 months, the AFL needs to start thinking about how and when pre-season training for 2021 can be run and what that means for the start date for next year’s season.
    3 points
  20. We’ll probably play 4 or 5 interstate games with a trip to Geelong and Tasmania.
    3 points
  21. Isnt it only the fairest if 2021 is 17 games with home away flipped? ?
    3 points
  22. I don't think our trade with North had a coronavirus get out clause.
    3 points
  23. Post self quarantine... I must remind myself that if I meet any other JakovichScissorKick's around the street, that not ALL JakovichScissorKick's are like the one currently posting on Demonland...
    3 points
  24. The minimum wage is 110k this year. If you're 19-21 I think you can survive pretty well on 110k a year. If you're 22-24 that means apart from a limited number of mature age draftees you've already had 2 years of around 100k and another 2 years of more (probably 150+ pa) under your belt. If you're manager and financial adviser have overextended your debt buying too much property based on match payments then get better advice. Some AFL players have kids pretty early, but are they really forking out big bucks for private primary school fees? If so, that means they've had at least 5 years of AFL wages. The guys who have school aged kids on the Melbourne list are Nath Jones, Jetta and who else? They might have match payments and performance bonuses in their contracts given their age but they have been on a list for over a decade. I'm sorry but the only players who I can imagine are truly 'desperate' for the match payments are those who have made poor financial decisions and in particular those who have gambling problems.
    3 points
  25. Any chance they'll use the Preseason Ladder as a guide?
    3 points
  26. Agreed DJ ... I know of many people who are quite possibly losing or will lose their primary form of income sooner rather than later. So those in the entertainment business are no different to anyone else. Besides which, if the FD & players continue to get paid the clubs will go broke. Simple maths. And given the money they earn they should have reserves anyway. As it stands, the clubs will need to eat into their reserves anyway and without gate receipts, Broadcast money, sponsorship money and the like, where's the money going to come from? Clubs work in a cash-flow way and often pay any sort of expense from future monies (those monies trickle in throughout the season) We're all going to have to buckle up.
    3 points
  27. Mine has to be midway through the third quarter against the Roos in the PF way back in 2000. Knowing for almost an hour you're through to a GF was a wonderful feeling. Would like to experience it in the big dance.............one day.
    3 points
  28. Good thing we have Casey as a facility away form everything to train at.
    3 points
  29. My tip is that the season will be put on hold today until an undetermined time.
    3 points
  30. Ok live under your rock hide, people most at risk lots of them are in nursing homes already, no need for those to go to hospital, it's serious but is been beaten up to make it bigger, why young footballer are so scared to get this virus, they won't have more then a cold, and if you get symptoms no matter how mild then yes isolate get tested, too much effort is going to people who are not at risk, this is man thinking he can control everything, stopping a big crowd here or there won't stop anything, They already have drugs that can kill this virus, they are being held back from the public by the government, they need to use them on people with this virus now, but the government's are using this situation to see how far they can push the new world order, seeing how much control they can have on people's freedoms, lots of right wing governments with things to hide, notice how climate change is no where in the media atm, brexit nowhere to be seen.
    3 points
  31. I was Row 2, level one right on that left forward flank when Henderson fell over. We all jumped up (as did the majority of the G that night) and had a perfect view from behind when Hannan nailed the sealer!!! Great night. And the start of a great week.
    3 points
  32. MELBOURNE FANS, BREATHE IT IN! (Not the Corona virus, don’t breathe that in)
    3 points
  33. Can I interest you gentlemen in a tape measure?
    3 points
  34. I regard Cam Smith as the most senior playing voice in football in the country. He's not an AFL player but his voice will still be heard. The players will call it off. The AFL should have lead from the front last week.
    2 points
  35. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fe4vW8CfMRjq6WQQru0QyhDIcr3l0hAA/view
    2 points
  36. ‘Dees fans just need to keep being Dees fans to get through this’.
    2 points
  37. Italy started locking down regions in late Feb after the first deaths, then banned crowds on March 4th, then lockdown on March 9. They still took a huge leap in cases and deaths every step of the way. They were chasing their tails. Of course there's thousands of people who catch it and don't have symptoms so don't get tested but 21,157 cases and 1,441 deaths. That's 6.8% right there. Whether it's 5 or 10 it's a huge number of people. Do you know how many ICU beds we have here? And with negative pressure ventilation to keep other safe from catching it? Ventilators and ECMO machines? There's really only about 4 public hospitals in Melbourne I'd want to be in if I needed that level of care. If 5,000 people in Melbourne get it quickly and 5% of them need extensive treatment because they are at risk of dying then that's 250 ventilators and that's probably about us done. Full. Finished. Next person in means someone has to chosen to die. If 10,000 people in Melbourne get it we'd be lucky to do better than 100 dead, probably more. All the issues you bring up are serious but you're pretty much advocating that we choose the Black Saturday bushfires over the recent Gippsland fires. You're saying lets have a couple of hundred people die instead of widespread economic damage. It's a terrible argument, because there's still going to be widespread economic damage. Once 200 people die everyone will know someone who knows someone and will want tougher measures and be afraid to go outside. 200 dead and no one wants to go the funerals, 1000 sick so can't go anyway, 3000 living with the sick people, 10,000 who have had contact with a sick person or a close contact to that sick person. It's better to prevent the spread and prevent as many deaths now whilst we can than wait until after the deaths.
    2 points
  38. A reminder of how good Mitch is...the greatest live football moment of my life!
    2 points
  39. That look on Scotts face..... that will last me a long time.
    2 points
  40. Even better because Gerard is a flat out Cats supporter!!
    2 points
  41. Spoke to my Italian sister-in-law last night (from Napoli no less) - quizzing her and joking about the concept of keeping a country of Italians indoors. She said everyone is actually being super-well behaved, as a matter of proud nationalism.
    2 points
  42. If you want to talk about Coronavirus in general do it here : https://demonland.com/forums/topic/47746-coronavirus-other-sports/ please try to keep this thread to actual AFL & MFC related Coronavirus stuff and implications for the 2020 season. i can’t be [censored] moving current non-AFL/MFC related posts into the other thread but please take those discussions there.
    2 points
  43. But of course Gillian will still take home his Corporate Wage this year, Giving no compensation to the Clubs
    2 points
  44. You would have to be a real [censored] to call the club and abuse their membership department and demand refunds right now. This is not within their control and a club like ours can ill afford cancelled memberships on top of losing home game attendances. The biggest shame is our performance last year probably means lots of supporters were waiting to see how we perform in the first few rounds before deciding to renew this year.
    2 points
  45. At the end of the game it is the team that has scored most that wins, not the team that has most possessions or displayed greater courage or commitment. Sending the ball through the big sticks is the name of the game and why talented forwards have been prized forever. Maxie can get all the hitouts to advantage and Clarrie can get 60+ possessions but unless we score we are toast. TMAC at his best can score. That's why he is the most valuable, even though not necessarily the best.
    2 points
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