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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/02/20 in all areas

  1. Sorry at work today, have to do it sometime I had a chat to Vanders last week, there was no worry from him about reoccurrence of foot issues. Just annoyed he got involved with the fence Being Vanders he was chasing an opponent
    13 points
  2. I really liked the bit about the importance of maintaining a positive body language, demeanour when you are totally 'stuffed'. Don't give the opposition an inch .....
    10 points
  3. To be honest I’m more excited at the prospect of Tomlinson, Langdon and Vandenberg also playing Round 1. Add LJ and Kossie as icing and talented kids learning the game, while the seasoned men provide the mettle and meat required to knock the Eagles off at home.
    8 points
  4. I was only at training for 45 minutes or so but Brayshaw was most definitely in the main group and fully involved. Suspect Smith was also.Barring unforeseen mishaps Gawn, Tmac & May almost certain starters for the Hawthorn game going by the banter in the rehab group. AVB no show. Petty is a worry.
    7 points
  5. it's 17 of February. Season starts in a month. Cool ya jets. May will play Marsh Series Game 2. Max Gawn the same. McDonald also overcoming a minor setback. Likely to play Marsh 2. I have no idea about VDB. Would love to know if he trained.
    7 points
  6. Our club has access to our club. Unprecedented indeed.
    7 points
  7. This was my wife's message to me when we were trying to have kids and all I wanted to do was go to sleep.
    6 points
  8. It's nut up or shut up time now. I wouldn't expect another failed year to save the board and CEO regardless of this plan. It does make me a little warm and gooey though. Hope it comes to fruition. Go Dee's.
    6 points
  9. Well they've planted their flag regarding the new facilities, stating they will begin construction by 2023 and it will be in the MCG precinct. I like the ambitions overall, some will see them as unachievable I see them as aspirational.
    6 points
  10. I think we should debate this more
    6 points
  11. Darren Burgess is a very very impressive individual. That was a great episode btw!
    6 points
  12. Initial takeaway: loved that Darren Burgess used the word WE when talking about 2019 even though he wasn't there and bears no responsibility.
    6 points
  13. Looking forward to getting a glimpse of these two in red and blue during preseason practice games. That will give an indication as to their readiness for R1
    5 points
  14. Reckon the "Title Wars" about this docco can be forgotten now. Im feeling BACK already. My Credit card is getting itchy for a membership after that.... I wont make it to round 1 unsigned if the next episode is as good as this one. I wanted the team to show something first, but have the feeling in my plums we will be better than many this year. #postingpositivewhilesober
    5 points
  15. I’m an absolute sucker for this stuff. I love this club.
    5 points
  16. Favourite line... *Richo looking at a picture of Bennell in a Dee's jumper* "Geeze he looks good doesn't he"
    5 points
  17. 4 points
  18. Didn't watch it last week; was a bit worried it would be too much of a fluff piece for my liking. Decided to give both episodes ago yesterday and was completely blown away by the content. My favourite parts aren't the interviews with Viney and Co, but rather the parts like AVB's rehab. Watching the toe stretches with the bands really shows how much work goes into getting the players fit again to play. Also loved the raw emotions of players during their training sessions where it looks like their giving everything and then going the extra mile. Burgess' comments during the sessions has also been amazing. Loved the bit about not hunching over and showing the opposition that you're exhausted. Never give an inch.
    4 points
  19. Good episode. Interesting Burgess warned them about doing 36-37km of running coming up the week after the hill sprints and they didn’t clock over those figures once last summer. I believe there’s 5 episodes in total.
    4 points
  20. By going on the MFC website you can access the plan. Here is a snippet.
    3 points
  21. Big call, but I suppose I thought the same about Brendan Gale’s plans and they succeeded.
    3 points
  22. We've already got an Oscar. Of course, some will say he doesn't help us win games of footy.
    3 points
  23. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/564750/a-message-from-our-chairman-and-ceo Let’s hope they walk the walk for once...
    3 points
  24. See you all at 2:30pm on Saturday September 26.
    3 points
  25. Anyone got a fork handy? Stick it in us, we’re done MFCSS in full effect
    3 points
  26. Let's hope they're just being cautious and deloading for a bit but given the history here I'm not overly hopeful.
    3 points
  27. I think Burgess’s point to the players that, having done “another 35-37km week”, that the team didn’t get to that point ever in their preseason last year, AND that next week they were going 20% higher. This is Key to title, and reason for optimism. To use another phrase from episode two, last year we couldn’t “control the controllable “ (preseason, player prep, season prep, etc...) that’s was “Hell” and flowed through the year. This year, as both episodes have touched on we’re “back”, in control of those elements we can control and optimise. For professional football people we were in Hell in 2019 months before the season started. So we can (and hopefully are) be “back” in the preseason too... love the videos and like the title.
    3 points
  28. Loved Maxy giving a rev up before the first time trial, outstanding leadership to recognize that's the point it starts, not round 1. And the production quality went up a notch this week too I felt. The media team have done a sensational job with this.
    3 points
  29. This was my favourite part too, if you do it at training you will do it in games
    3 points
  30. There are eight spots up for grabs, not two. It's up to us to claim one of them.
    3 points
  31. We were supposed to be certainties this time 12 months ago.
    3 points
  32. To be fair that's a killer hill to start a 3km Time Trial. The direction they went is on an incline just not as steep Anderson St. I'd be more critical if the Time Trial included the down hill portion of the hill.
    2 points
  33. Is it just me or are there others who thought that Harley was not entirely convincing? Perhaps it was just his personality coming through? Having said that, when on song, the bloke is a gun footballer. I am praying to the footy Gods that he rises to the challenge and puts past issues way behind him. Players with his skill set don't come along too often. Particularly not for free.
    2 points
  34. The name of this series really is the worst part, thoroughly enjoying it all.
    2 points
  35. 2005: Franklin - round 1. Roughead and Lewis - round 3 2006: Birchall - round 1 2008: Rioli - round 1 Back when Hawthorn used to actually draft players with first round picks they did.
    2 points
  36. Both Santa Ana Lane & Gytrash are sired by 'Lope De Vega' and both horses on the Dam side are sired by Fastnet Rock. And like Santa Ana Lane, there is a somewhat unfashionable view of the horse (Gytrash) so the odds could remain attractive. Having said all that, the horse has just come into 4-1 favourite for the Newmarket Hcp!
    2 points
  37. Yep ... it never gets old Wadda Incredible really ... all 4 hit the deck where as 1, 2 or maybe 3 going down could have been expected in a frantic finish. But all 4? I'm still happy for the bloke (Bradbury) all these years later. What many don't know is that previously Steven was rated high to win Gold in prior Olympics but bad luck befell him to deny him victory. He certainly got the last laugh. A Hollywood ending and apparently there is a film to be made about the famous win entitled 'Last Man Standing' (could there be a more apt title?)
    2 points
  38. Fingers & toes crossed he is training tomorrow.
    2 points
  39. Makes you appreciate how hard these guys train to play footy.
    2 points
  40. “Hey its Harley, Call me Back!!!”
    2 points
  41. Not sure what’s the point of this video , to Hell & back signifies that they have overcome adversity & achieved success? They haven’t achieved anything more than any other afl club getting ready for a new season! Stop the fluff & win games of footy, don’t see clubs like hawks doing stuff like this , show this after you run a flag ffs! When will this club Learn to less words & more actions!
    2 points
  42. And will, in turn, somehow secure him another long term contract, which will make the smile even larger.
    2 points
  43. i want darren burgess to motivate me every day of my life he's seriously impressive god i want avb to have a decent run of it
    2 points
  44. That's big coming from someone like Lewis who has come from a club that didnt just hand out debut games right away.
    2 points
  45. Fire ? in the belly can only help him.
    2 points
  46. Daniel Kerr had a rough summer That game was classic (was 1990 you're thinking of) Players walked off the ground arm in arm giving the supporters the finger while singing Grand Old Flag (Bennett, Grinter and Wilson being prime offenders from memory). Unfortunately they had the last laugh knocking us out of the semis one month later Collingwood was always my most hated team but Hawthorn and West Coast weren't far behind as a kid. We won the 88 Elimination Final but they knocked us out in 90, 91 and 94 and then again in 2018. I really hate the Eagles, arrogant tossers as well who always get away with the home cooked umpiring and then still have the nerve to whinge
    2 points
  47. It goes without saying that Daisy is the true champion of the league she helped create. Elise O'Dea will just become unstoppable as the benefits of professional level conditioning and preparation have their effect. I do feel a little sad that O'Dea couldn't get any of that, say, ten years ago. But my gut says she'll be around for a while yet to reap the benefits. May even play out the later years of her career as a difficult forward. But what I can't shake is the regular feeling that Karen Paxman is just that much more poised and fluent than most of what goes on around her. That collect and snap for goal sums it up - with the general skill levels still needing years to consolidate it could well have gone astray whether with finding the handle on it or get it cleanly to boot in a rush. But with Paxman, I never really doubted her kick would go through and I don't think she did either. I really enjoy the women's game because it's in red and blue, it has real meaning away from the grounds, and the variability of individual quality means the better players do stand out. But what I'm really, really looking forward to is AFLW in about 2025. We'll start to see players who were the first to really believe that AFL could be their path, back when they were 15 or 13. Girls who would have been able to say to trainers and friends and that uncle who played seven games for the Bears or whatever, "Hey, I want to be good at this, genuinely good. How about we head to the park and work on my ball drop/marking/etc." And as of now, compared to even five years ago, they're about a hundred times more likely to get a "Yeah, sure." I wholly expect Daisy to guide us to a premiership or two as a player and then do a few years of development before returning for a full Norm Smith and coaching us to another half dozen.
    2 points
  48. Have you boys not been told before never argue with an idiot Especially one with a selective agenda
    2 points
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