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  1. There is a miss conception by some on Demonland. The preferred position by our FD is and has always been for JH to stay. Let me make this point with absolute and clear authority. I have been told directly. The MFC is becoming a destination club. The FD is aware that doing the right thing by players...... even contracted stars to purse their own journey is required to becoming a destination club. As I have said before, this situation only started because JH in his end of season interview said he would not sign a contract extension over summer. He had yet to make a decision on whether he would move at the end of his contract. The discussion went forward from this point. He has never requested a trade. JH is happy to play for the Dees next season and is far from a certainty to ask to be traded next season. Talk that our FD preferred him to leave or thought we would have a more balanced team without him is utter and complete rubbish. I cant say this strongly enough. It is a fact. Our FD is ecstatic that JH appears to be staying for 2019. They are more than hopeful he will end up signing an extension. The FD are thinking this is his Dusty moment.
    28 points
  2. So as things stand right now... I think Hogan has shown great honesty and integrity in the way he's conducted himself. We don't know when the offer was made, or if Freo came to him or he went to them. What we do know is that they offered to use their pick six and a later pick to bring him to the club on a big contract. We know that Jesse came to the club and was open and honest with them. He's lost his Father, he's had cancer and he would like to go home if possible. Those last two words are very important. We see a constant stream of players (Kelly anyone?) making public demands to be traded, trying to force their club to give them what they want at any cost and taking away their ability to bargain effectively. Jesse could have done that and the media would have been right with him. Instead, he's only spoken to the club and his manager, kept out of it and let them do their jobs without interference. He has shown respect to the club and given them the room to make the best possible deal for themselves, even agreeing that they would not trade him unless a suitable deal could be reached. The MFC have also conducted themselves well and professionally. We've seen time and time again that the top clubs don't mess around, they identify the target they want and they get the deal done. If they need to pay a little more than might be warranted they do so, because they have a reason for picking those targets. The MFC have identified that they need someone to play on the monster forwards, guys like Hawkins and Brown who have single-handedly torn us apart in the past. With Jesse asking for a trade home, they identified a target and what they need to trade for him, then made an open and fair offer to Fremantle, even telling them that they could not budge on that deal because it was tied to May. This is a definitive display of good faith bargaining. They price they asked was not over the top and it was entirely within Fremantle's ability to pay. All of this should have gone off without a hitch. The handshake agreement was already in place. The whole deal could have been done on day one without involving the Neale to Brisbane trade. Instead, Peter Bell decided to bignote himself. He took the MFC's professional, good faith bargaining as a sign of desperation and thought he could play idiotic games and get more for himself (not for his club, that's long since taken a back seat to his ego). Rather than taking the win/win he was offered and showing the industry that he is a professional who can get the job done, he tried to shaft two clubs and right now is looking like the worst sort of amateur. As for value, even with questions, however contrived they may be, about his foot, Jesse is the best young KPF in the game. If you compare his numbers to any of the other young stars he has them covered. This is reflected in his Supercoach and AFL Fantasy price, higher than any of his peers. This in a side that has lost the majority of it's games every season he has played before this one. There is no doubt that the club is perfectly happy to keep him on our list. As for people being happy to see him leave, I think it's a simple equation. We are in a position where we can cover his absence if we need to. His absence won't necessarily cost us games even if his presence would make them easier to win. Our inability to stop monster forwards on the other hand HAS cost us games. It's not that anyone values May as a better player than Hogan, or would do a direct swap. It's that May covers a huge weakness on the list, and losing Hogan wouldn't create one. I would love to Keep him on our list. I'd love to see him play his entire career with us. But if he leaves, we can cover the loss and possibly get fill a hole in our list at the same time.
    23 points
  3. What I find distasteful is Freo's reference to discontinuing the 'due diligence' process, implying there is something wrong with Jesse or his character. If there is something wrong don't make an offer. If there isn't, don't infer something that people then start to claim he is 'damaged goods'. Rumours take on their own 'fake news sort of truth' that then need to be disproven. In a way it becomes guilty till proven innocent. An impossible catch-22! I don't know what is behind this talk of 'damaged goods' or if there is any truth in it and I don't really care but this campaign to besmirch Jesse's character to drive his trade value down is extremely unpleasant. Whoever he plays with, I hope he does a Dusty (after he was rejected by other clubs a few years ago for being 'damaged goods') and shows everyone his mettle and becomes the star he is capable of being.
    19 points
  4. It’s been quite a few hours now and I’ve had some time to reflect on the events of this afternoon. Jeez Bell is a [censored].
    19 points
  5. The timing of these “issues” is pretty convenient. Without meaning to add to the speculation, footy is the worst industry in Australia for keeping secrets. Everyone knew Watts liked a party more than hard work. St Kilda would have known Jake Carlisle was a fan of the nose beers beforehand, although him being dumb enough to video it was probably a shock. If it’s “failed a medical”, well dur, he just sat out the end of the season with a serious foot injury. To me the explanation that Freo are circulating rumours on purpose to try and knock down the price still passes the sniff test. I just can’t believe that they’ve unburied some deep dark secret in all their “due diligence”. And whatever it is only reduces his value from 2 firsts to a first and a second? Please. As to the source being of known reliability - obviously moving past Dumber and Dumbest Langdon and Nixon - even known channels of good information can get polluted with incorrect information in a great game of Chinese whispers, especially if there are parties out there motivated enough to be spreading lies intentionally.
    18 points
  6. Jesse Hogan is damaged goods because Ricky Nixon and Karl Langdon said so. Jesus Christ. Just... Jeez.
    18 points
  7. Hogan has behaved with integrity. MFC have tried to deal openly and honestly. Peter Bell is an ego-driven monkey who thinks everyone else is stupid. Nobody thinks May is worth more than Hogan, but he does fill a gap in our list and Hogan leaving does not create one. I think that's about it. If you want detail, read the damn post.
    18 points
  8. Hogan staying is by far the best outcome for the Dees. Jesse is a gun, he is well on the way to being a generational forward. We were always going to be a weaker team next season if Hogan left even with May and another first rounder. Further the rule changes are to Hogan’s advantages. Life just got a hell of a lot easier for the power forward. With Weeds coming of age the Dees have the luxury of moving Tommy into the backline on the rare occasion we come up against 3 power forwards like WC. Alternatively we can play 3 power forwards or move JH into to midfield. However, most likely is the endless rotation of the forwards including Gawn like we saw last season. This confused the opposition and continuously allowed the Dees to find a mismatch in the forward 50. The footy gods have smiled on us. The rule changes are a massive advantage to those who have dominant ruck, clearance and power forwards. They are a massive advantage to the teams that are already very offensive. With Jesse we can win the Premiership next year. In fact we should be favourites. Richmond’s poor clearance work will be a bigger disadvantage with the new rules.
    13 points
  9. Didn't know you could get internet reception from the sewer.
    13 points
  10. A reminder not to post rumours, innuendo and the like, whether it's true or not. Even alluding to something without explicitly stating it can you get you and Demonland in legal trouble. They also have the potential to hurt Jesse and the club. All such posts will be removed. "I saw it on Ricky Nixon's twitter account" is not going to hold up in court.
    12 points
  11. I would have thought Ricky Nixon was damaged goods
    12 points
  12. Wonder if the payment Sheahan received from the Dees for this quote will be included in our soft cap?
    12 points
  13. I get the feeling a number of clubs and managers are not going to forget Freo’s behaviour in this trade period.
    11 points
  14. What I find interesting is that Fremantle have been chasing Jesse for years, surely they know him inside and out by now, I don’t understand why they would make him a long term offer, offer us a deal that we were never going to accept but still quite a lot and go all this way if there was some major Off field issue making him damaged goods. I’ve got no doubt if Jesse went to josh Mahoney today and said I want to sign for 7 years we’d sign without hesitation.
    10 points
  15. Hopefully on Dockerland the 'Is Peter Bell the right guy' thread is nearing 100 pages.
    10 points
  16. For those worries about Preuss's fitness, it was reported on the MFC website that he is at a training camp in Utah at the moment. Looks like he is getting on with business
    9 points
  17. If he does it will be for less than 2 first rounders.
    9 points
  18. I hear that Scully arrived in Melbourne yesterday to tour Hawthorn’s facilities. Apparently told the media he was just “having a look around”.
    9 points
  19. For all of those wondering how Jesse will fit back in given he flirted with Freo, imagine how it will be for Neale and Freo if they don’t trade him. Neale has publically come out and said I don’t want to be at Freo next year! AND he’s a free agent at the end of 19. It’s way worse fr Freo and Neale than the dees and hogan. Not out of the realms of possibility, if Bell doesn’t trade him, that Neale consider sitting out fr the year. Hogan having an outstanding year, and Freo finishing bottom 3 with no Neale or hogan would be too delicious .
    9 points
  20. Sometimes ? I see myself as a miserable pr!ck all of the time. I'm grumpy more than a "flogger", but each to their own. I have no idea what will happen, but my preference is for Hogan to go if it will land May. I cannot accept that Hogan wants to leave when we're finally a top 4 club to go to a bottom 4-6 club. He's spent nearly a third of his life in Melbourne and if he was single minded about a flag he wouldn't leave. I reckon I've been one of Hogan's biggest supporters, but when you lose me you lose me. Entering his prime, having done the hard yards, he wants to go to a [censored] club ? Move him on. And posters here want to "get around" him. Please. Gut feel ? Wednesday 8.30pm is a long way away in trade terms. 60/40 purple.
    9 points
  21. Long time reader first time poster on this subject and most every twist and opinion has been canvassed. My only point I would like to add to the discussion is we should never lose sight of the fact as to how good Hogan may yet become. I think this trade is short sighted. Looking to build a side to win the flag in 2019. And that is fair enough. But if WC get Kelly from Geelong they will be the team to beat. And if we don't win the 2019 flag we could rue our decision to trade out Hogan. Remember he hasn't yet committed to the whole idea of playing professional football. If he does when he turns 26 he will be a superstar. We are being short-sighted. I really hope he stays.
    8 points
  22. What a lot of nonsense talk about there being an issue with jessie slotting back in is. As you say this is a fully professional sport. Dr turf had said a number of times his teammates love him. They won't care a jot he was up for being traded. They better than anyone understand that jessie was no doubt looking to maximize his financial return from his short football career to set him up for the rest of his life (over the next decade he would have earned something in the vicinity of $3 million more playing at freo I reckon - not to mention greater endorsements and future job opportunities playing in a two club city mad about their teams). The players have see the opposite scenario as well in one of their most popular teammates in watts getting traded when he wanted to stay. Or the examples of their teammates lewis and Vince getting the brass after years of loyalty to their former clubs. Or talk of burton being traded for wingard. They know it is a brutal business, with not much room for the sort of (understandable) emotion some fans have about jessie being prepared to leave. And unlike fans who are upset because he wanted to leave the players will just get on with business and leave the fans to deal with their hurt feelings.
    8 points
  23. 8 points
  24. If you have another picture or saying to go with it I'll be happy to oblige.
    7 points
  25. Tie the Suns pick 19 or 24 to that it’s basically the same outcome with Hogan at the Suns instead of Dockers. Hogan must really like the beach and warmer climates or losing or both to agree.
    7 points
  26. Get the feeling that the AFL might get involved with the amount of deals being stuck and players in limbo. It is becoming a farce and a bad look for the AFL.
    7 points
  27. i read it, and agreed with it tl;dr: jesse, his management, and mfc have been respectful to one another, mfc was only going to let jesse go if it facilitated bringing may in, but peter bell has acted like a little napoleon and stuffed up what should have been an easily done deal basically on his first week on the job what's more, it's set an absolutely awful precedent for his tenure in his FIRST WEEK on the job - now fremantle are going to be perceived as difficult to work with by the vast majority of the afl industry, and treated like a pariah accordingly it's a monumental [censored] up from now the plan is: - win the premiership with jesse starring all year long - sign him up midyear after a massive victory against freo over there - get may as a free agent at the end of next year what's the bet freo fans boo him when he lines up against them at their home ground next year?
    7 points
  28. I am boghled by your first comment. Do you really think that Josh has bent over in trades to try and get the media to like him? That's crazy. He got trades done because he knew what he wanted, knew how he valued it and didn't argue over steak knives for the sake of it. All the trades you mentioned were obviously targeted players. Theft might not have worked out based on the players performance (sadly even though Tyson gave us agreat 3 years when we needed it, he has now been pushed out. And given it was Billings vs Salem/Tyson I'd say we won it anyway). We might not have "won" them by paying unders but we paid a pretty reasonable price, and got it done. Negotiatiors who get win win are good negotiatiors. You get your target, all parties are happy, and you'll do business again. Idon't understand why so meant people rate negotiators based on being able to rip off the opposition.
    7 points
  29. Not everyone. As I posted as soon as I heard the news, I could not be happier. Fair dinkum this kid is a total gun. One of the most talented players I have seen at the dees. His output is all people should be worrying about. And his numbers as re the equal of the best forwards at the same age. I mean I can barely believe dees fans of all people querying that. Off field Schmoff field. Look at what the kid had had to deal with in the last 6 years. Leaves his close knit family (and his ill dad - his best mate) to go to the other side of the country to a club in total disarray. At 17. Has to play a season for Casey in the vfl (and dominates) before making his senior debut as the number one forward. At 18. Meets the high expectations and then some, averaging 2 goals a game. Deals with the death of his dad and then soon after, as he is grappling with mortality, is diagnosed with cancer. Jesus. Who wouldn't have some 'issues'. But issues notwithstanding, all the while trains hard and performs on game day. For our club. Can't believe some of the grief he is getting in this thread. Made worse by the fact that anyone posting here is a dedicated fan.
    7 points
  30. Exactly. He has committed to the club by signing his previous extension. And proved his loyalty by knocking back previous offers. Dees fans were ecstatic when he first re-signed when been were are at a very low ebb. Freo at that stage would have seemed better bet in terms of likely success. But he stuck fat, which was a huge fillip for the club. Some of those same fans are saying we should ship him for his lack of commitment. Go figure. I doubt the club will turn on him the way some 'supporters' have. Thankfully.
    6 points
  31. This reflects 100% with the whispers I have heard.
    6 points
  32. Sorry, mate. Don’t believe you. My lying eyes and all...
    6 points
  33. As an aside, Hogan should speak to the Wizz about whether he has any regrets.
    6 points
  34. The 2012 NAB AFL All-Australian team Defenders: Sam Colquhoun (SA), Matt Scharenberg (SA), Luke McDonald (Vic Metro), Jimmy Toumpas (SA), Jesse Hogan (WA), Nick Vlastuin (Vic Metro) Midfield: James Aish (SA), Oliver Wines (Vic Country), Lachie Whitfield (Vic Country), Brodie Grundy (SA), Jonathon O'Rourke (Vic Metro), Nathan Hrovat (Vic Metro) Forwards: Jack Billings (Vic Metro), Taylor Garner (Vic Country), Jack Martin (WA), Ben Kennedy (SA), Joe Daniher (Vic Metro), Matthew McDonough (SA) Interchange: Andrew Boston (QLD), Dayle Garlett (WA), Jake Neade (NT), Jackson Thurlow (TAS)
    6 points
  35. This whole scenario portrays the power of the media. They keep hounding until they get what they want - new Prime Minister - AFL coach losing contract, Hogan leaving MFC and on and on and bloody on! Keeping Hogan would not be the end of the world. Who says he'll just leave at the end of 2019? So might Oliver, or Gawn or Petracca.No one knows - yet the media hypothesize. Mud-rakers and morons like Sam Maclure. Replacing Hogan with May would strengthen our backline but would do nothing for the forwards. What if T Mac or Weideman sustains an injury? How would our forward line look then? And Hogan is 4 years younger than May! At least the backline will see the return of Lever during next season. At one stage this season commentators were speaking volumes of our 'twin towers' up forward - T Mac and Hogan - and what a huge advantage they gave us over most other teams. How has this changed of late? To win matches you have to kick lots of goals - we did this very well most weeks. Why change a successful formula?
    6 points
  36. I hated going to Freo games at Subiaco when he was playing. So many Dockers fans used to carry the little reception bells to the game and every time Bell got a touch the muppets would raise the bell and give it a ring. It was beyond cringeworthy.
    6 points
  37. I thought the statement freo made was pretty embarrassing, it felt a bit like throwing the toys out of the cott and giving Melbourne a clip on the way out. I suspect that’s why our offer was released to purple to just show what we were dealing with. Melbourne, the giants and Brisbane have all complained about the way freo are doing business this trade period. Freo could have had Lobb, hogan and pick 11 in the draft if they didn’t behave like this
    6 points
  38. Yep. My take is that the club was happy to keep Hogan long-term, but not disappointed when he said he had a preference to return to Perth and specifically to go to the Fremantle Football Club. As you know, the club is bullish about Weideman and Tom has become a revelation as a key forward. Structurally, we're better with May in the 22 than with Hogan. And yes, Hogan could become a quality key back, but I doubt he wants to move to defence. Certainly not long-term. More specifically, I cannot fathom why he'd go to a bottom 4-6 basket-case club, when we're on the precipice of a successful era. It makes me question lots of things about him, including his drive and competitiveness. “I asked him if he wanted to have a chat to Peter Bell and he said, ‘I don’t want to do it’. “He said, ‘I will stay at Geelong or go to West Coast’. But I don’t want to go to a club down the bottom of the ladder because Geelong is a good club. Tim Kelly gets it, as you can see by the quotes above. If Hogan said his preference was to go to Freo, and I don't doubt it to be the case, then my whole view of him has changed. Clearly, he's gone to the Jack Watts school of dedication. And just as clearly, a flag means little to him. I hope he's traded before Wednesday's deadline.
    6 points
  39. Only a fool would wonder that. After everything Jesses been through, how could anyone begrudge him at least looking into going back to his home town? I hope hes a Demon for life, but I will not mind at all if he decides to go home to Perth.
    6 points
  40. Freo do have a way of getting Hogan and importantly still save face: trade Neale to Brisbane, then include pick 5 in a trade to us. They can save face by saying 'we now have the picks to satisfy Melb in a trade'. But can't see them being smart or humble enough to be that sensible!
    6 points
  41. I can give you a summary - vic bias media -hogan always injured - dees asking way too much for hogan - he’s a free agent next year lots of absolute dribble.
    5 points
  42. 5 points
  43. Cool, calm, direct. BS free zone. A first class operator. Ordinary player, gun administrator.
    5 points
  44. You can't be serious. Mahoney could not have played it anymore on the down low if he tried. Basically said nothing publically except our non negotiable is two first round picks. Which, by the way was a public statement of how highly we rate jessie. For christ sake jessie 'toured their facility'. How could he keep freos interest out of the public domain?
    5 points
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