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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/12/17 in all areas

  1. If there was an incident but the woman involved doesn't want to pursue it for whatever reason then to me no further comment is the only feasible outcome. Should the club come out and name the player involved in said incident when he could be totally innocent? should they say it's been investigated and handled when maybe there is no conclusion because she doesn't want to speak to the club or AFL?I mean why should she, they are hardly relevant & non biased legal authorities. I know it would be good to have a conclusion, everything nicely wrapped up but sometimes this is not possible. I would be interested to know who leaked the story though....
    9 points
  2. It might be a choice between Xmas lunch with Uncle James or 100 100s...
    6 points
  3. Belated Merry Xmas to all. But all have a Happy , Healthy and Safe New Year.
    4 points
  4. Drawing against England is like a win given the circumstances ... and it looks like we're going to get out of this match with a draw Losing anytime to England is like the Demons losing anytime to the Pies, Dons, Tiges, Blues, Hawks etc etc etc! Not long to race time ... let's hope we all get a collect!
    3 points
  5. Cannot tolerate this thread, at all. Poorly managed alleged incident; poorly developed into a real witch-hunt. In Melbourne during the week, without encouragement, guys in a pub we convinced of some errant insider information that the player concerned in the allegations was identifiable and outwardly stated that case. Rather sickening, really. Speculation and all-knowing rumours destroy one's faith in the processes of law and/or the sanctity of innocence before proven guilt. Sorry state of affairs.
    3 points
  6. Ha ha ha! That's probably a more interesting link Wadda ... sent the link out to a mate who follows cricket fairly closely. It is a good extensive list in that it breaks up the captaincy records series by series. Here's the proper link (fingers crossed) ... Bernborough Hcp Doomben 5.40pm For what it's worth my top 3 picks are the 2, 3 & 6
    2 points
  7. Vale the Zephyr for 2017 ... may he come back and sweep all before him in 2018. In the "old" days there would perhaps be talk of putting him over the jumps but alas no longer
    2 points
  8. .....um thats a list of Australian Cricket Captains, not sure who the winner would be but the top weight could use a few more runs.....hehe ....and actually, just reading through it, thats quite an amazing list. Looking at you can see what happened when WSC came to be.....BoB Simpson coming back after 10 years, the sheer number of matches the later captains AB and Greg Chappel and Ricky Ponting played. Quite amazing.
    2 points
  9. Yeah, it's been a decent prep. I think his best is behind him but we shall see where they go from here with him. A winless year for the Zephyr, now we move on to Doomben for the rest of the day.
    2 points
  10. The winner looks a decent horse ... running good times too. The horse looks like it now knows how to win after being in contention for a lot of it's runs. Bad luck for the Zephyr .. never really in it but the horse has had a lot of runs of late. Had the winner but didn't have the 2nd or 3rd horse ... ah well, it's on to the Bernborough Hcp Doomben 5.40pm
    2 points
  11. Winner had no weight, listening to Weir just before the race, he was very confident. The Zeph just looks like he needs a rest, more or less the 6th run of the campaign time to hit the paddock for a well earned rest. The 3rd placegetter 6 duck eggs before this run, just shows its a matter of finding the right track and race
    2 points
  12. No good again, disappointing run in the end. The winner just played with them.
    2 points
  13. Is there anything else you'd like to add Pro? I'm sure you'll find more 'evidence'. Just keep 'investigating', but please don't forget to eat your greens and get some exercise because everyone on this site fears you might be becoming too just a wee bit obsessive...
    2 points
  14. Go The Zeph......light it up!
    2 points
  15. Belated update, the Zephyr is in good order, track is playing evenly. Hoping for 1 out 1 back sit during the run and a long overdue win.
    2 points
  16. The topweight has claims as well given it's great record but meets this lot with a big discrepancy in the weights. The race being only 1400m helps 'Burning Front' though But we need the Zephyr to feature D77 ... Go the Dan!
    2 points
  17. Agree with you Macca, I've also come up with Ozi Choice and Thelburg as my top 2. After the claims they both meet Dan better at the weights again. An interesting runner according to the market is Lite'n In My Veins. Former WA horse and didn't really flatter in two spring runs but he was contesting group and listed races over in the West.
    2 points
  18. Spot on as usual Macca.....im off to the TAB. Actually England are 6/1....if they can get Smith out soon its game on there as well.
    2 points
  19. 2 scratchings so we have a field of 9 Wadda. However, the multiple dividends can still pay well with the right combo. A number of horses can win whilst all of the runners are genuinely capable of running a place or in the first 4. I do like Ozi Choice to win though. Thelberg is another to watch out for ... ran 2nd to Ozi's Choice last start and will only carry 51kg again.
    2 points
  20. Waiting for the latest as we speak, I know connections are happy to have the "Dee" on board. As far I know they will push forward again but unsure if they will lead with him at this stage. Hopefully I have some news soon.
    2 points
  21. Whats the inside scoop from trackside at lakeside D77? It certainly is a good betting race, 6 dollars the field. I notice Robert Hickmont has a horse in as well. Its the first time ive ever seen one of his in a 1400m race. Maybe hes got some more license as a trainer since he left the Lloyd Williams camp.....I will certainly put him in a few multiples...
    2 points
  22. but......assuming the result is no further action and the incident is closed......what can they say that will satisfy everyone? I'd suggest they would say nothing of any great substance and all that would achieve would be raising more media, public awareness and discussion let's not forget (a) we don't know the complainant (b) we don't know the accused and (c) we don't now the details of the complaint. We have been told the complainant doesn't wish to make a formal statement. In essence this issue hasn't even got to first base and we would have known nothing if someone hadn't leaked it and the media ran with it. Interestingly the media dropped the whole story after one day. I agree with rjay's post above
    2 points
  23. The nature of the allegation and the widespread publicity it briefly received, mean no further comment is not a feasible outcome. I imagine if the woman is unwilling to return to Bali to make a formal, criminal complaint that there may be some attempt at mediation between the parties in order to give her a respectful hearing, even an apology if that is what she wants. (I am not suggesting I know anything about what actually happened - the possibilities range from a grievous assault through to a misunderstanding between two young people as to what their respective feelings and intentions were at the time of the incident.) Even if mediation satisfied the woman's concerns the AFL and the club must make clear how the issue resolved or a cloud is left over too many players. But if the woman returns to Bali to make a complaint then we could be waiting a long time to hear more.
    2 points
  24. Merry Xmas to all of you people this year and God willing we'll all be here for the next. Everyone contributed and no hard feelings to anyone from me. Amazing how wins help your health compared to losses. Thanks Team and thanks MCC from my five sons for something they waited so long for, as did i....... 2018 awaits
    2 points
  25. You realise it is a commercial decision by BHP not an ethical or science driven one? The filthy capitalist company are opting for greater profits over providing cheap, reliable energy for the greater good of the people.
    1 point
  26. Is there a double face palm emoji? Hey mods, I think we need one and a tongue in cheek one while your at it.
    1 point
  27. Spot on dc. Further statements would only give oxygen to rumours. If the case goes no further the two parties, the club and the AFL would be best served by saying nothing and getting on with life. It's a delicate situation for both accused and accuser, the worst outcome without a formal complaint or charges would be for them to be publicly named.
    1 point
  28. It's nearly always a curious week (week 17) ... the teams in contention that have to win, usually win, and those teams that don't have to win, don't usually win. Teams that have secured a playoff berth and can't move from that spot often rest their starters and other teams that are completely out of it only have pride & future contracts on the line. It's reflected in the betting markets. The lines & head-to-head odds are a lot different to what we normally see - it's actually a good betting week if you can get your head around what is going on. It wouldn't surprise to see the Bills, 49ers, Titans, Denver & Dallas all win ... all 5 of those teams are favoured to win where as ordinarily they'd nearly all be underdogs. And every season in week 17 it's a similar story. It's hard to see any of the Ravens, Chargers, Vikes, Pats, Steelers, Seahawks & Saints losing either.
    1 point
  29. Can't believe the Jags & Panthers are such outsiders, both serious value in the H2H betting
    1 point
  30. I never visit Breitbart, but come across an article occasionally linked to them. After all, they'll report what Left-wing alarmists won't. Not that it would matter if I did, because any articles of theirs I've shared are from scientists, who they happen to be quoting. You're right about more stuff coming. I have at least 50 articles or videos I could share within the next 5 minutes. Be patient though... Btw, if Breitbart quote a legitimate scientist, or study, why is that scientist or study not relevant because of who's reported it ? As for a predilection for climate ? I love learning and find the science and debates fascinating. While I don't post on science blogs the amount one learns from the comments section is extraordinary. There are a lot of people out there who have incredible insight into temperature and the atmosphere on BOTH sides of the argument.
    1 point
  31. Is he 27 today? If so, he was born on the same day as Joe Root. But I think he might be 26(I hope!)
    1 point
  32. Decided to make Monday's games a little more interesting. Took the Panthers to win by 13+ Eagles to win 7-12 Jacksonville 13+ And a 4 leg multi with eagles, pats, jags and niners to win.
    1 point
  33. You're a couple of days late. Festivus is a secular holiday celebrated on December 23 as an alternative to the pressures and commercialism of the Christmas season. From me I wish all a Merry Christmas and a great new year, its a time for celebration and hopefully that will extend for us until at least the end of SEPTEMBER NEXT YEAR.
    1 point
  34. Merry Christmas to all my fellow dees supporters. Hope 2018 is filled with positives of which one of those is finals or a premiership for us. Stay safe.
    1 point
  35. Cheers ladies and gents. Hope everyone is enjoying their christmas day with a few (or several) refreshments. Drive safe, as you dont want to miss a second of a cracker season for the dees in 2018!
    1 point
  36. Merry Christmas everyone. If you are out and about, make sure you get home to your families in one piece.
    1 point
  37. Merry Christmas everyone and here's hoping we all have a very happy New Year ?????????????
    1 point
  38. and a happy saturnalia to you, and everyone on 'land
    1 point
  39. Yeah, Merry Christmas to everyone (Especially those I regularly argue with, we are Demons after all) *raises glass.
    1 point
  40. A Christmas cheer, To all on here, May the Red and Blue, Make a dream come true!
    1 point
  41. Merry festivus, mate, and to all Demonlanders. Hope everyone has a safe and happy time with family and friends, and that 2018 brings us finals and potentially more.
    1 point
  42. Merry Christmas everyone. Thank you all for another great year of news and discussion. Stay safe over the holidays, particularly if you're one of the many that does a long road trip on Boxing Day. Cheers
    1 point
  43. Merry Christmas to all on Demonland. Hope you have a great day and stay safe.
    1 point
  44. Merry Christmas ? to all Demons Eat Well, Drink ? well and get ready for 2018 SWYL
    1 point
  45. Blessings to all from The Reverend. May we all have a wonderful Christmas and a flagtastic new year. Go Dees!
    1 point
  46. Happy, healthy and safe holidays everyone.
    1 point
  47. Hutchy may have business acumen, but if anyone has listened to his inane banter with Liam Pickering, on their Saturday morning show; "Off the Bench", you would know that Marko and Ox are oracles in comparison.
    1 point
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