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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/06/16 in all areas

  1. Wilson is not popular with many ... it seems most clubs supporters feel she has singled them out over the years. Whether she has or hasn't doesn't matter. But she is a prominent AFL personality. And two club presidents have said they would pay money to have her drowned. (And one of their cronies said he would personally hold her under.) If that in itself does not ring alarm bells, then to cap it off, it's right on the heels of the "white ribbon" thing AND the announcement of a women's team playing for one of the two clubs. Imagine if the tables were slightly turned. If there had been a recent campaign to raise awareness of and prevent one-punch king hits. And then Eddie says on air "while we're on the subject of king hits, you know what, that Robbo, I would pay good money to see someone king-hit him from behind." (Or imagine the outrage if anyone had dared make a similar level of threat against McGuire himself.) The crassness and lack of awareness would be something to marvel at. If Eddie hadn't repeatedly shown it all before. Fact is, he has low impulse control and is a classic example of "engage brain before putting mouth in gear". But he is "too big to fail". I think the AFL *are* scared of him and his influence on his sizey radio audience. So of course Gil says Eddie's "apology" is enough. Hey Gil. He didn't apologist for making the comments. He didn't say he was wrong for making them. He said he was sorry if anyone took them the wrong way. Was there a *right* way to take them? "There was no malice involved" says Eddie. After suggesting he would pay to have a journalist drowned. Actually I think there was no malice. It's Eddie doing what he always does, which is belittle his perceived enemies in public. That's part one: tear strips off them in public in a jokey fashion. But part two, which is always to say "ah, but we're all mates here, no one's taking offence, it's all in good spirits" and deny his victims right of reply, has failed him again. As it did in the Goodes affair. When will he learn?
    13 points
  2. Eddie, Brayshaw and Frawley - what a trio of Bogans!
    10 points
  3. 2 years or so out of the game ...3 games back & what you expect him to be at the top of his game...he has truckloads of improvement in him & is performing adequately enough....that is the nucleus of our team ....heaps of improvement to come for the majority of our players so how about you temper your expectations slightly
    10 points
  4. From a female perspective this is just another example of everyday casual sexism. Sure, Eddie and Co didn't really want to drown Caroline, but they certainly wanted to embarrass and make a fool of her. And why - cause she's had the audacity not to play by their school boy rules. They wouldn't degrade another bloke in public like they did Caro - the bro code doesn't allow for that. The same bro code that has allowed was someone like Wayne Carey - who glassed his girlfriend - to be accepted back into the media. Eddie McGuire is comfortable ignoring Wayne's track record but can't handle a journalist suggesting it might be time for him to give away his club presidency. Any one saying this is the PC police overreacting is totally missing the point - have a look at the current 'Stop it before it starts' campaign. It's about changing attitudes. Or maybe think about the fact today would've been Luke Batty's 14th birthday.
    8 points
  5. Thought he was a VERY lucky boy. Expected him to get a week, so it's nice to get a bit of luck this time around.
    8 points
  6. Start by taking away his knighthood!! He can become 'Why You Little' again! On a serious note. As a female poster, I am greatly heartened by the number of men on DL who get the issue and are standing up for what they believe (and by implication for the women in their lives).
    8 points
  7. Eddie is just a bully and obviously has an IQ equivalent of his shoe size. When will he ever learn? You just cannot say things like this and pass it off as "boy club" banter. He disgusts me and I just refuse to listen to him and his cronies on Triple M. I am no great fan of Caroline Wilson but she is a wife and mother to young children and does not deserve this sort of treatment. Shame on Gil McLachlan and the AFL for brushing this under the carpet with their weak response.
    8 points
  8. Lumumba averages 15 possessions, Salem 16, Brayshaw 12 and Neal-Bullen 10 over the past two years, and Trengove gets potted for averaging 20 in 3 games?
    8 points
  9. It's no surprise the posters on here who don't get it. Try looking at the problem through the eyes of a sections of the community who have been abused and vilified for decades (sometimes centuries) instead of through the eyes of the white middle class male. You may find you see things in a different light.
    7 points
  10. I had a chat to him at training on Friday Yes it is the return of the same issue Yes he has shed a bit of weight Yes he is on a different medication Yes he thinks the medicos are on track to 'fix' the issue Yes he is seeing a specialist in the condition Yes he is [censored] off the issue has returned
    7 points
  11. See, this is exactly the point with domestic violence. 'Mates' just 'joke' with each other about it and 'don't mean anything by it'. Except that this is exactly what fuels the attitude that it's ok. And I'd argue it's a hell of a lot easier to attend some stupid event and give lip service to a cause (any cause, that is) than it is actually back it up with consistent words. What you call a 'slip up' I call 'their real attitude'.
    7 points
  12. How many of us have threatened to kill another poster Saty? Name one. They certainly wouldn't stay on the site long if they did.
    7 points
  13. The comments were completely disgusting but totally true to form for ol' Ed. Fancy saying that in the week the AFL lanches a women's league and your own club receives a licence for one.
    7 points
  14. No, we don't. Yes, there will be a spot. Do you really think they'd put all of this time and effort in and then cut him? And 'only' 20 touches a week? Come on. Is that really a problem? What I've seen so far is consistency, effort and fairly solid output.
    7 points
  15. Hahahaha contract should be reduced... that's hilarious. Jesse Hogan is the wet dream of 17 other coaches, the most talented young forward in the comp by a mile and doing things no other forward in the history of the game has done at his age. we will pay him whatever we have to if it means keeping him because he's just that good. this is our Wayne Carey 2.0
    7 points
  16. Unless you take offence to the boys' club laughs you'll be hung drawn and quartered by the professional offence takers that reside here. You really are on a hiding to nothing, which is why there's little point raising your head. Best move on to the next topic... You'll be accused of condoning or worse encouraging violence towards women, of being a relic from the 1950's, of not understanding what is acceptable in modern society, of showing your true colours, and being told by others that they hope there are no women in your life. But in reality, the criticism of what took place is overblown. Why I'm most bemused is that I don't think of Wilson first and foremost as female, I think of her as a journalist. She's a professional, who happens to be female, which is irrelevant to me in her position as head football writer at The Age. Clearly no right-minded logical thinking person's first thoughts would be that men were sitting around encouraging domestic violence. If that was your first thought you really lack common sense or are liberal with the truth. these remarks could have been said about Mark Robinson, Purple, Ralph or any other journalist. And I dare say your first thoughts wouldn't have been about domestic violence or any other kind of violence (although some might pretend otherwise). It's a discredit to Wilson and other professional females that she's being treated differently because of her gender. Those shouting the loudest are usually the first to condemn stereotypical attitudes towards women, yet this is exactly what you're doing in this instance. And the bows being drawn are over the top. It will get to the point where some won't be able to rationalise different situations without first leaping to illogical conclusions. Anyway, I'll let the snide remarks and those holier than thou continue.
    6 points
  17. I wasn't going to post anything in this thread because it upsets me (and to be honest plain makes me sad) the views of so many Australian men on this issue. And i'm not going to post another comment. To be clear i'm not having a shot at you AZZKika per se but this post is representative of how far we have to go before we can end family violence, in large part because so many men share such a view. Why does violence against women get singled out. Are you serious? I mean really? Do yourself a favor and do some research. There is plenty. As a starter read the executive summary of the Royal commission into family violence to get a sense of the pervasiveness of violence against women in our society. Read some of the victims statements. Or don't. Remain ignorant and continue being part of the problem And don't bother with the brown shirt brigade bemoaning men's right being taken away, conflating (excusing) use of violence with issues such as having no role in the family, loss of identity or not having access to their kids as that knucklehead Latham did. Lets be clear family violence is a gendered issue. The overwhelming majority of family violence is perpetrated by men against women and children. Family. Loved ones. This is fact.
    6 points
  18. Does she threaten violence SWYL? That is where the line is. Go her all you like about her work but DO NOT threaten violence or demean her due to being female. It is really a very simple concept.
    6 points
  19. Speak for yourself. You are no better than the three bogans with comments like that. Shameful
    6 points
  20. Yeah no worries Ned Flanders You take personal shots at Posters on here more than anyone else total Hypercrite...
    6 points
  21. The best comparison for Trengove has always been Bartel. Never fast, but usually gets to the right places at the right times and does the right thing when he gets there. That's always been Trengove's best attribute. The thing about Bartel (and Mitchell and Watson and a number of others) is that they're rarely put in a situation where their lack of pace can be exploited. We don't seem to be that well-organized at this stage.
    6 points
  22. I'd offer him two years at the end of this year- he's done everything asked of him and if we don't offer it, someone else will. He's rebuilt his body, consistently dominated vfl level after two years out, does the 1 percenters, tackles fiercely. He's best 22 imho. At worst, he's our best depth midfielder.
    6 points
  23. This is a really uneducated comment. Tyson is slow in the legs (he's most definitely not slow in the head), he's probably our slowest across the ground. He is a very strong and smart footballer, didn't have a good one on the weekend when I thought conditions would suit. He had a ripper against the Hawks in the wet, not so good on the weekend I'm not going to buy into the Trengove witch hunt...
    6 points
  24. Selection failure? Nah. We were just beaten by a better side today who hunted the footy more and used their bigger bodies and experience to run over the top of us. So we drop Dawes for Michie, for example. How do we know Michie doesn't just get 8-10 disposals and have no impact on the match? We've given his type a run before and they haven't exactly set the world on fire. The loss yesterday had nothing to do with selection.
    6 points
  25. This kid already has a thyroid problem and now an enlarged heart. Delist.
    6 points
  26. Jack Watts had more than a baptism of fire. I cannot think of any player that has been the subject of so much criticism and ridicule from the football world and Melbourne supporters. His form this year tells us a lot about his talent and his character. We knew he had the talent but not the physical and mental toughness to make it. He proved me wrong and many others. It also shows good judgement by the club in sticking by him. I was as frustrated as many others with his game. So happy for him to see him emerge from the darkness. In this dog eat dig world that craves immediate success, it is a lesson that patience and persistence can pay off. It shows that Jack despite being labelled as soft has a resilience and toughness that has sustained him. He has succeeded when many would have failed under the weight of public opinion.
    6 points
  27. Not before he was tracked down, apparently has been reported to police. Perhaps not smart to link your Twitter and Linkedin accounts. Still, you wonder (or not) how much of this kind of abuse goes on unacknowledged every single day, and just on Twitter. Having to comfort your 18 year old daughter who has just been groped in a crowded train carriage doesn't give me much tolerance for the "it's just a joke" brigade. Respect for women starts with the way we talk about/to them.
    5 points
  28. Meanwhile, in another universe not that far away, Emma Quayle has just been abused on Twitter by a guy (@magpiefanatic = Rod Davies) sending her graphic pornographic images. Of course, re the subject of this thread, this is just a coincidence.
    5 points
  29. "Hurr hurr hurr, hold her head under, I'd pay to see that, hurr hurr. Black widow spider! Hurr." Remembering that each of the speakers is part of a clique that has sustained a running campaign to keep Wilson as an 'outsider' in the footy media, despite the fact that she's done more actual journalistic work than the lot of them combined. They're talking about ritual hazing of the outsider, a nasty little schoolboy routine, physically dominating someone - the humiliation and powerlessness of being 'held under' is not an accidental symbolism here. They're reliving childhood memories (or fantasies) of back in the day when yep, violence was an ok way to make other people submissive. And they think it's ok because "hurr hurr just kidding obviously I'd never do that", but the next dumb drunk thug still living in the 80's or earlier knows exactly what is being talked about. You can absolutely bet that in the next few weeks there will be an extra scattering of women having their heads held underwater until they begin to panic-inhale, and being threatened with a fresh dunking if they don't "show some proper respect". It's just something that will happen, accept that fact. Good job, Brayshaw, McGuire and Frawley. At Least Brayshaw and Frawley have stepped up and said 'yes, what I said was unacceptable and inappropriate'. But Eddie? "Anything at all that can be perceived to promulgate domestic violence is unacceptable," McGuire told Triple M's Hot Breakfast. [censored]. Collingwood Football Club President.
    5 points
  30. Yes they do, you must be one of those who think violence can only be physical, I knew a lady who was beaten up mentally every day by her partner till she eventually killed herself just to make it end I do hope that is a joke on your part
    5 points
  31. Biff knows what Stuie did last summer.
    5 points
  32. The thing about Jack is, everyone in our bloody team is a terrible kick. I still remember going to the first training session Jack attended. We had the four new draftees off to one side doing short passes (20-30m) to each other. When the other kids passed the ball, their target had to move to one side, or forward or back, to mark it. When Jack kicked it, they never had to move their feet. Every pass was dead centre of the chest. There are plenty of players around the league who are short on outright leg speed yet still considered to be A grade stars. They all have quality disposal, good game sense and a high workrate. Jack has all of these in spades. Given how desperate we are for quality ball-use, especially when moving into our forward 50, I don't see how we can afford not to have Jack in the side.
    5 points
  33. Look after i wrote what i did have have thought about it, while i didn't think i was saying it in the manner that you represent here, i can see how it goes that way. I understand that attention needs to be focused on individual issues, like stuie pointed out, it's the coward punch now not king hit. Some people are like me coz they know no other way until they are forced to change their thinking, i can see where i am going wrong now.
    5 points
  34. He had sooky tendencies last year. I pointed them out on this board and got shot down. I think he just feels more comfortable on the field now, so there is perhaps a sense of entitlement to complain more than he did last year. His body language has gotten better the longer the season has gone on, but he is not a perfect player and anyone who refuses to see that is just being blinded by the potential. Is he an amazing talent? Yes. Is he playing beyond his years and experience? Yes. Does he need to do better defensively and watch his body language? Yes.
    5 points
  35. He is improving every week and still he cops it. One day he will hold a big key forward goalless, and people will still say he isnt up to it.
    5 points
  36. picket must seriously have a personal gripe to pick with these guys- he comes across as the most nasty miserable man, and i would hate to live in his head!
    5 points
  37. so let me get this right....oscar was the only player who dropped an uncontested mark on the scg on sunday in the rain?
    5 points
  38. I think that the conversation was only identified by someone listening to a podcast of the radio show a couple of days ago hence it being well after the fact. As for the comments making light or suggesting it is funny, the issue at hand is trying to create change in attitudes amongst the general public towards women. Love her or hate her Caro is disproportionately set upon due to her gender. To say that you have a joke like this with your mates does not make it right; rather it demonstrates how much of a problem it is. These guys do have a moral compass (Barrett actually distanced himself from the joke at the time - kudos to him) but they choose not to use it. As long as the people who are making these comments are white middle aged powerful men we have a problem that needs changing (Spoken as a white middle aged man BTW)
    5 points
  39. They may be bogans, but this suggests that only bogans would behave this way. It does bogans a great disservice. Comments like this come about because of the boys club type mentality. They also come about due to bias, ignorance, over inflated egos and inappropriate attempts at humour. It comes about due to a misguided attempt to entertain. In one case, it comes about because the guy also has a bully type mentality. Most of us have also had occasion to make or have a cheap laugh at someone else's expense. Most of us immediately regret and feel guilt in so doing. Most of us learn from our mistakes. In this case, these guys and one in particular do not learn.
    5 points
  40. I prefer to berate the poster and question their worth as a Melbourne supporter than to simply click "disagree".
    5 points
  41. The point Stuie is making is did she cop threats of violence (smashed to a pulp)? Nothing wrong with questioning her writing or integrity, heaps wrong with threats of violence.
    4 points
  42. 4 points
  43. He is adjusting to the pace of AFL (after a long time out). I think he is doing a reasonable job.
    4 points
  44. Last pre-season would have just been about re-building him and getting back, this one can be about building a bit of strength and power. I don't think he's ever going to be that long-striding, smooth-moving wingman we saw in 2010, but he's earned the right at another year on the list. He's an extremely popular clubman and when we get to a point where a bloke who finds it 20 times, makes good decisions, and is a neat disposer, is 25th-30th on our list then we'll be in good shape.
    4 points
  45. For someone who who is having 2nd year blues yet has only played 31 games and 21 years old he is well on his way to 50 goals this year. Some of the comments are harsh.. He is still developing as a player and has a lot to learn in regards to defensive side of things but that will come with more maturity and experience. Hogan is going just fine.
    4 points
  46. This is a weekly occurrence, not just yesterday... Love his strengths, but hate his weaknesses and they go against everything Roos preaches.
    4 points
  47. Why can't the rest of the team play more like Bernie Vince does in the wet ? Runs hard, keeps his feet, majority of his disposals are by foot, and most of those kicks are getting as much distance on the ball as possible. 29kicks 7handballs vs Hawthorn in the wet, 21kicks 7handballs in the wet today, he changes his game in the wet and thrives, why can't other's learn and copy how he plays in the wet?
    4 points
  48. He looked like a beast vs Swans, couldnt believe what I was seeing. Standing up in tackles and busting through packs, I honestly thought it was Hogan a couple of times.
    4 points
  49. I only caught the second half, but I had Watts as BOG for us. When everyone was fumbling and slipping around in a 30-man rolling maul, he repeatedly picked the ball up cleanly and managed to find a teammate. 10 of his 18 disposals were contested which is amazing for a guy who has spent his career being knocked for soft play. Also 4 marks and 5 tackles.
    4 points
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