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Christian Petracca

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56 minutes ago, At the break of Gawn said:

I completely forgot about this tweet, and I scoffed at it at the time, but it’s turned out to be true. Note the date of the tweet. Only 4 days after KBD and also 4 days before Morris reported that Petracca’s family were unhappy with the club’s treatment in the days following the injury.

The tweet could have just been a lucky strike for this acct, but If not, this has been a really long run up for Trac. Maybe the club has known since June too.

The tweet doesn't add any more or less validity to the claims, as Morris/McClure would share the same source - if not the account also being one of their own. 

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So every other club in the competition is bigger than the malfeasant confusion bent Media........except for us.

Don't we know anyone in the AFL. Don't we have any balls to show the AFL, that we want this crudely reported situation resolved in house.

If we need their help to do it, well bloody well ask for it.

Carlton and Essendon would have said, i'll wager, to the AFL at some point in the last few years that they want players , they want a favourable draw and a good training  complex. Did they get good players, of course they did.


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4 hours ago, Jjrogan said:

Would you take pick 11, 31 and future 1st for Petracca?  

Cameron was 13,15,20 but there was 2 second rounders coming back so it's around the same value.    

I reckon that's the best we can conceivably get. 

Alternatively, we can hold him to his contract and watch him run around half rat pace for a year.  If the guy doesn't want to play, he doesn't want to play.  Good luck with that. 


Did Cameron have 5 years left on his contract at around $1.7m pa?

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5 hours ago, Jjrogan said:

Would you take pick 11, 31 and future 1st for Petracca?  

Cameron was 13,15,20 but there was 2 second rounders coming back so it's around the same value.    

I reckon that's the best we can conceivably get. 

Alternatively, we can hold him to his contract and watch him run around half rat pace for a year.  If the guy doesn't want to play, he doesn't want to play.  Good luck with that. 


I agree that this is realistically what we’re looking at, and I’m in the ‘trade Trac’ camp if the right deal comes along. But I would honestly hate this trade. Yuck. 11, 31 and F1 (likely teens) are picks that will get us Tholstrup/Jefferson/Bowey/Spargo/Sparrow/Jordon type players. Nothing wrong with those guys per se but I’d honestly rather we tried to mend things over getting a few OK picks and giving an arch nemesis a leg up. A top 5 pick being involved or a genuine gun player coming back the other way is a different story. 

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4 hours ago, BoBo said:

From memory, I don't think Whateley said that Roffey claimed 'that the whole issue' was a media beat up. That's you saying that's what he concluded. Is that what he said? If you can find a quote then I'll happily take your point. As I said earlier, my memory was that he said 'if melbourne thinks this is a media issue then that amounts to denial'. Again, going off memory so maybe I'm wrong…

Thank you for your detailed response. We may disagree on some points but I respect your opinion and your willingness to provide balanced discussion.

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5 hours ago, At the break of Gawn said:

I completely forgot about this tweet, and I scoffed at it at the time, but it’s turned out to be true. Note the date of the tweet. Only 4 days after KBD and also 4 days before Morris reported that Petracca’s family were unhappy with the club’s treatment in the days following the injury.

The tweet could have just been a lucky strike for this acct, but If not, this has been a really long run up for Trac. Maybe the club has known since June too.

I remember a mention , or someone referencing it ( not an Xer myself ).  I remember it because of the emphasis placed on "family" .  This I feel has been underplayed by many.  The Trac story has been very family influenced over his journey and suspect still is.

My thoughts go along these lines.  Personally I have no time for celebrity, and total disdain for "influencers/influencing"..  ppl 'influenced' must be short of grey cells imho ... Have they no self evaluation etc. To me it's like fashion,  another world of stupidity.  I say all that but I do get it "eXists" ...I do get it has weight.   

Christian is a wanna be "star"... a major "influencer" .. he is all about Brand . He gets 'influencing' but from my cheap seats the irony is he 's being more influenced than he is others.  He's got his 'mrs' pushing him along, he's got his big time sporting mates from 'other sports' shining the way and he has his FAMILY  getting their two bobs worth of being in his ear. They always have.

I remember way back, and when that tweet popped up thinking... who's running the show..... and that's what all this is in a fashion a SHOW..  Welcome to Trac5 coming to a channel near you etc etc.

For all his talent as a footballer ( though I wonder if he'll ever get back to his 100% best ) I find his positioning a worry.

I'd rather a dedicated footballer than a showman giving cameos.

Without doubt there are serious concerns at Melbourne,  I just wonder if Petracca might be one himself. 

Still much to play out.

I don't want this club to revolve about one person. You  need 18 blokes on a field playing good footy together. Not someone more concerned about clicks.

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Another quiet shift covering the foreign newsdesk. So as not to give my Demonland teammates the impression I'm just swanning around here beside the bay whipping up delicious and nutritious frittatas with @australianeggs, I took the initiative of typing up a transcript of the club's interview with Christian Petracca published in July. 

A couple notes:

It's long, as I didn't want to cut anything out, such that I might be seen as unprofessional in my journalistic duties by framing the story or manipulating the content. That said, it has been very lightly edited for clarity. Please watch the video and let everyone know if you think any of those tiny edits are in any way disingenuous. 

The interviewer's questions are in bold, followed by Christian's responses. I put a few of the latter in italics, where it was especially pertinent to some of the apparent mistruths being commonly stated as fact on here and in the media. That said, I have no idea if what is said in the interview is factual.

As per the above point though: I accept that people were upset by the Roffey interview, without maybe bothering to read (if they could) the transcript published in the Age, and determining for themselves what and wasn't actually stated on record. It's the nature of our society, or even just the human condition.  

The ironic part, and why I'm here, is I imagine a lot of people haven't bothered watching the Petracca interview. I urge you to do so, if you take body language and tone etc. as more instructive than words on 'paper'. I'll let you decide for yourself, but you should you watch it first before commenting on the current situation. 

See below for the full transcript. 


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How are you feeling?

It has been interesting.

The first couple of weeks I was kind of in my own bubble to be honest.

I wasn’t really on my phone much.

I was in ICU for a bit, and then in hospital.

And then just being home with B pretty much, being in isolation.

Because of my spleen, and the impact it had on it, unable to see people.

I had to get a lot of vaccinations done again.

So it has been challenging, as I’m a bit of an extrovert.

I love hanging around people, so that has also been quite tough.

But at the same time it has been quite nice to switch off, and relax.

And spend some real quality time with B, do some cooking, watch some TV.

I’ve been trying to find the positives in a tough situation.

So you go to hospital, and the first few scans show broken ribs. What happens then?

(trying to recollect) Umm, what happens after the two broken ribs scan?

I think, great, it’s only a week. Maybe I can play. Maysie played with two broken ribs.

Then they notice my blood levels start dropping. My haemoglobin.

Which I think signifies, resembles internal bleeding.

And then got a re-scan again at Epworth, and noticed that it had significantly gotten worse.

They’re not a trauma hospital, so they rushed me straight to the Alfred in an ambulence.

The last thing I remember from that point of view was my mum bringing me a pizza.

Then the nurse ran in and said no we need him to fast, as he’s about to go into surgery.

I mean, it wasn’t a surgery, well technically it was.

I wasn’t allowed to go to sleep.

Because of the anaesthetic, because my haemoglobin levels were so low.

I had a gas mask on, but they only do so much, I feel.

They sent a coil up through my groin, to stop my spleen from . . .

I think just stopping the bleeding there, and protecting that.

(my only note throughout this transcript: Petracca was asked on the Howie Games podcast if he felt the surgeon cutting into him, and he said no. But – even though it makes no difference in many ways – were there any serious incisions involved? If not, why not just say that?)

It’s been an amazing support network, in those few days you were in isolation. Who’s been reaching out? Has your phone been going off?

It was pretty nuts to be honest.

My phone was popping off from everyone.

It was a really tough period, the first two and a half weeks.

I literally haven’t been able to see anyone.

So it has all just been through text messages.

The support I have received has been incredible.

From Roffey – Kate – down. It has been awesome.

And now that I’ve been kind of out of this isolation period -

Gawny came around, which was awesome.

No doubt I’ll be back in the club in the next few weeks.

But you know, it has been great. It has just been tough.

What does the rest of season look like for you?

Rehab, recovery. It will be a long stint on the sidelines.

My biggest one in a long, long time, since my first year.

So it is going to be a tough one. It is going to be an emotional roller-coaster.

But one that, I guess, I can kind of look forward to.

That’s something I’ve always loved challenges, being willing to learn and develop.

And get better as both an individual and a footy player.

I’m excited. I’m nervous. I’m anxious.

A range of emotions; self doubt, lack of – there is just everything.

But that’s just natural, and you expect that to happen with the injury.

It’s going to be exciting. Hopefully get on the bench. Be a coach.

We can sub Melky out when he’s playing, and I can hopefully take his role.

Which would cool. Bring some positivity back.


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7 hours ago, No. 31 said:

That Fox Footy article was full of nonsense. 

I have no inside knowledge, just going by what I read in the media, online and my gut feeling.

If Petracca and MFC can't sort out their issues I would say that a trade with CFC could be possible. I would guess it would involve Pick 11, Adam Cerra, a future 1st round pick and Tracc taking a haircut on his contract. The Blues haven't poured any cold water over this story so the idea of a trade is probably being entertained, numbers crunched and calls being made ...

Silvagni isn't going anywhere, he has a destiny to fill ... two flags in Navy Blue like his grandfather and his father! 😁

No offence but MFC doesn’t have to deal with Carlton. As mentioned previously 5 more years are left on his contract. We will want a top 5 pick or quality player to even consider entering negotiations. Are Carlton willing to deal TDK or Curnow? Didn’t think so, so that’s where I’d hope discussions will end from Melbourne’s point of view.

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Without doubt ( well in my mind ) the most pivotal person in all of this, besides Petracca himself is Max.

I sense Max is one of those who you would follow out of the trenches. He seems grounded , very aware of his surroundings and his role in them.  

I have no idea really if Trac will stay or go, whether indeed he should stay or go but he might want to have a few more heart to hearts with Max.

At the end of the day Melbourne will continue,  Christian will continue. I'm really not fussed where . Us good, elsewhere, so be it. I just want this club to sort its mess out and play decent footy. We seem a very distracted,  sometimes destructive place. This needs to resolve.

In Max I trust..... strangely very few /others at the Club have my confidence. 

Interesting times ahead

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9 hours ago, waynewussell said:

Kossie is scary good in our team. We beat PA by 7 points earlier this year and they beat us by 2 in the return match. I don't see them as being far superior to us.

Perhaps you need to re-watch that 7pt win we had over Port in Adelaide.  Our mids got slaughtered.  I have no idea how we managed to win that game.  But it wasn't because we were the better team (all things considered).

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11 minutes ago, Frosticles said:

Perhaps you need to re-watch that 7pt win we had over Port in Adelaide.  Our mids got slaughtered.  I have no idea how we managed to win that game.  But it wasn't because we were the better team (all things considered).

Good point -> our problem is that we don’t win enough of those games and indeed, we failed in 2024 because we lost a number of close battles e.g Carlton, Brisbane, GWS and the recent Port Adelaide game, the last 3 being without Tracc. Win them and we finish top four.

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1 minute ago, Freddy Fuschia said:

Good point -> our problem is that we don’t win enough of those games and indeed, we failed in 2024 because we lost a number of close battles e.g Carlton, Brisbane, GWS and the recent Port Adelaide game, the last 3 being without Tracc. Win them and we finish top four.

This is exactly what Collingwood was so good at in 2022/3 and it helped them win a flag last year, only two years after finishing 17th as a near basket case with only six wins. 

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32 minutes ago, Frosticles said:

Perhaps you need to re-watch that 7pt win we had over Port in Adelaide.  Our mids got slaughtered.  I have no idea how we managed to win that game.  But it wasn't because we were the better team (all things considered).

Unsustainable accuracy and an amazing ability to convert our chances that night.

ie - BBB nailing a shot from 50 on the boundary.

Still, it was an inspirational win against the odds and was my favourite win of the year. 

Hard to believe we knocked off Dogs, Hawks, Port and Geelong given the second half of the year.

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I’m sorry but anyone wanting to be an influencer of any kind really needs to get a life. That word just makes my blood boil, like it’s actually a thing. 

Not even sure if that’s related to much, I just hate influencers they are as much a pox on this world as social media…the world is a better place without either of them!

Edited by Young Angus
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5 hours ago, DEE fence said:

I just find this so much more credible than anything else out there.

I feel for Max having to take the brunt of all this yet he finds a way to get a 7th AA and wants to be apart of the solution. Very sad to see Trac of how happy he was with his teammates & wonder were it’s all gone so wrong 

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9 minutes ago, Young Angus said:

I’m sorry but anyone wanting to be an influencer of any kind really needs to get a life. That word just makes my blood boil, like it’s actually a thing. 

Not even sure if that’s related to much, I just hate influencers they are as much a pox on this world as social media…the world is a better place without either of them!

Just goes to show how gullible and stupid human beings are .

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18 hours ago, 1858 said:

At some point the AFL will send out the memo to the media outlets to STFU about all this stuff as it is detracting from finals.

100% - it's ok for the dead week between the news cycles of end of season and finals anticipation...

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7 minutes ago, Roost it far said:

That he can make around $350K through paid ig posts and that changing clubs likely won’t change his audience size. 

That's about it. But it takes over 4000 words to say it.  

Edited by sue
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