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Angus Brayshaw Re-Signs Until 2028


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6 hours ago, DeeSpencer said:

Gun on ballers get 700k+. They are the driving force behind teams winning. Only talls get paid the same and that’s often due to scarcity and potential as much as talent.

Zac Williams left GWS to get a midfielders pay packet at Carlton. Turns out he hasn’t been fit enough to play on ball but that’s really a different story.

Half back flankers or wingers only approach the same pay packet if they are two way weapons. Salem at his best qualifies for that. Someone like Saad fits the bill. Or Brad Hill (in theory). Gus does not.

If Gus wants a bigger pay packet and bigger role that’s entirely reasonable. I wouldn’t begrudge him one bit. That’s entirely in line with my thoughts that he’s our 5th most important defender and can only be paid as such.


I think you'll find that there's quite a few half backs on over 700K+. If you are considered an elite distributor off half back, then clubs will pay big bucks. Off the top of my head, Whitfield, Saad, Lloyd, Rich and Hurn would be in that bracket. Brodie Smith would be on good coin at the Crows. I'm sure Maynard, who was due to be a free agent this year, would have re-signed on good money. And it won't be long for Young to be in that bracket.

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4 hours ago, 1964_2 said:

Did Viney jump on SEN after R19 (when 2nd on ladder, and in contention for a flag) and make sure every club out there is aware that if they promise him midfield time, and a decent contract he is willing to talk

I think you're making that up mate. Gus didn't say that at all. In fact, he said he loves playing in the backline

There are a lot of myths being thrown around this thread: only wants to play inside, doesnt want to be a defender, is greedy, doesn't want to play for us anymore, puts himself above the team, etc.

Not that you have said all of these 1964_2, but they are myths that no one inside the club has come out and said


Edited by Stiff Arm
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6 minutes ago, Stiff Arm said:

I think you're making that up mate. Gus didn't say that at all. In fact, he said he loves playing in the backline

There are a lot of myths being thrown around this thread: only wants to play inside, doesnt want to be a defender, is greedy, doesn't want to play for us anymore, puts himself above the team, etc.

Not that you have said all of these 1964_2, but they are myths that no one inside the club has come out and said


You're not this naive are you? Do you think Gus, or anyone from the club, is going to say 'yeahnah I hate playing the backline hey, I should be playing mid but the coach is a dud'....

And that of course ignores the fact Gus' brother came out and said he'd spoken to Gus and it was clear he wanted to play midfield and would potentially leave for that and a "lofty contract".

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1 minute ago, Lord Nev said:

You're not this naive are you? Do you think Gus, or anyone from the club, is going to say 'yeahnah I hate playing the backline hey, I should be playing mid but the coach is a dud'....

And that of course ignores the fact Gus' brother came out and said he'd spoken to Gus and it was clear he wanted to play midfield and would potentially leave for that and a "lofty contract".

It's also naive for Gus to think that a new club will keep him in a midfield role long term, if his performance or the team results are not going as planned.

It's seems like one of his suitors in Essendon are a classic example. They've had a midfield merry-go-round over the past 2 seasons. Certain midfielders can't play another role (Shiel, Parish, Merrett, McGrath) so their match committee will say to Gus "we know you are a proven half back, we need you to play there for team balance."

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Just now, mo64 said:

It's also naive for Gus to think that a new club will keep him in a midfield role long term, if his performance or the team results are not going as planned.

It's seems like one of his suitors in Essendon are a classic example. They've had a midfield merry-go-round over the past 2 seasons. Certain midfielders can't play another role (Shiel, Parish, Merrett, McGrath) so their match committee will say to Gus "we know you are a proven half back, we need you to play there for team balance."

And he's potentially one head knock away from either being an outside player guaranteed or even career in trouble.

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1 minute ago, mo64 said:

It's also naive for Gus to think that a new club will keep him in a midfield role long term, if his performance or the team results are not going as planned.

It's seems like one of his suitors in Essendon are a classic example. They've had a midfield merry-go-round over the past 2 seasons. Certain midfielders can't play another role (Shiel, Parish, Merrett, McGrath) so their match committee will say to Gus "we know you are a proven half back, we need you to play there for team balance."

Like Howe going to collywobbles as a forward. Laughable. 

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19 minutes ago, Lord Nev said:

You're not this naive are you? Do you think Gus, or anyone from the club, is going to say 'yeahnah I hate playing the backline hey, I should be playing mid but the coach is a dud'....

And that of course ignores the fact Gus' brother came out and said he'd spoken to Gus and it was clear he wanted to play midfield and would potentially leave for that and a "lofty contract".

I dunno whether I believe that Nev, no one's brother would say that as a joke.Thats involving one's self unnecessary in someone else's business.

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4 minutes ago, willmoy said:

I dunno whether I believe that Nev, no one's brother would say that as a joke.Thats involving one's self unnecessary in someone else's business.


7 hours ago, Lord Nev said:

Hamish Brayshaw: “If he leaves Melbourne it’ll be for a position in the midfield and on a pretty lofty contract.”

"...I don’t think he’d leave Melbourne without a midfield opportunity elsewhere.”



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Notionally, I'm not overly fussed if Brayshaw leaves, although I don't think he will.  He's never finished top 5 in our B&F and in terms of importance I wouldn't have him in our top ten players.  I rank him about twelth.  For me, he's behind Gawn, Oliver, Petracca, May, Lever, Fritsch, Salem, Viney, Langdon, Pickett, Jackson, and Petty (not in order).

He's a solid B grader, maybe B+.  He has no dash and doesn't create, but he's terribly brave, smart, and reliable.  Unlike DSpencer, I think his kicking off both feet has been very good this year.

I'd rather he stay because we won't get commensurate value if he leaves. 

I attended a Q&A night with Brendan McCartney a few years back and he was no fan of Angus and was very unsure if the ''penny would ever drop''.  He was questioning his maturity.  Clearly it has and Gus has become a much-loved member of the footy club and also a leader.

The fact that he's a Melbourne premiership player is also important to me.

From a playing perspective I won't be too perturbed if he departs, but from a cultural aspect I hope and suspect he stays.

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21 hours ago, DemonWA said:

This thread is 34 pages long. The Jackson one is much larger. 80% of the posts in both of the topics of late are people taking cheap shots and making backhanded comments about 2 current players, both of which arguably won us the flag with their individual performances in the GF. 

I might be old school, but I think it's unnecessary. 

Agree, completely unnecessary 

I want both boys to stay, but some posters are careless in reflecting on the possibility of losing both and are portraying their fear in an unsavoury manner

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1 hour ago, Stiff Arm said:

I think you're making that up mate. Gus didn't say that at all. In fact, he said he loves playing in the backline

There are a lot of myths being thrown around this thread: only wants to play inside, doesnt want to be a defender, is greedy, doesn't want to play for us anymore, puts himself above the team, etc.

Not that you have said all of these 1964_2, but they are myths that no one inside the club has come out and said


“Making clubs aware” is very different to him directly saying what you have suggested

“a lot of due diligence to do”   
“not even close to a decision”

”decision will be what’s best for me and knowone else” 

”position is a key consideration” 

And to be fair and balanced, yes he said “he loves playing backline” but as Nev said, he is a smart bloke, and knows it’s not in his interests to be too blunt and [censored] off the coach/club 

yes in my view this was putting himself on the market &/or attempting to pressure Melb to lift their offer.

Confirmed by his brother’s less subtle representation of the situation (and I doubt his brother would have said what he did, without Gus’ approval) 

To be clear I am not attacking him, just an opinion on the situation, and calling it as it is. If Melb’s offer is well below other clubs, and he feels he will get greater opportunities at other clubs then so be it. 

Edited by 1964_2
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I'm having trouble reconciling the Gus we've seen over the last few years (heart and soul, play any role the team needs and put his body on the line) with the me, me, me Gus that's been portrayed on this thread.

I'm not saying it's not true. But it just doesn't feel right to me.

I still think this is a due diligence, and eventually he'll sign on. And it's up to the club to make sure they manage the cap for whoever else they need to sign

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2 hours ago, Lord Nev said:

You're not this naive are you? Do you think Gus, or anyone from the club, is going to say 'yeahnah I hate playing the backline hey, I should be playing mid but the coach is a dud'....

And that of course ignores the fact Gus' brother came out and said he'd spoken to Gus and it was clear he wanted to play midfield and would potentially leave for that and a "lofty contract".

And gee, his brother wouldn't possibly be stirring the pot, seeing that Freo would be one of his main suitors? Wouldnt want him to come over and play with him at Freo? Nah... wouldn't be that naive

I reckon they'd both be having a laugh at it all, doubt Andrew would seriously reveal his brother's intentions

Gus might stay or he might leave, none of us have a clue really. Its hilarious reading posters jumping at shadows at every turn!

Maybe ask the team bus driver if he knows more, lol

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9 minutes ago, Mickey said:

I'm having trouble reconciling the Gus we've seen over the last few years (heart and soul, play any role the team needs and put his body on the line) with the me, me, me Gus that's been portrayed on this thread.

I'm not saying it's not true. But it just doesn't feel right to me.

I still think this is a due diligence, and eventually he'll sign on. And it's up to the club to make sure they manage the cap for whoever else they need to sign

I don’t think there is a problem with Gus ensuring the last big contract he signs is the right one for him. He signed on last time in the middle of his 4th in the Brownlow midfield performance and would be taking a sizeable pay cut to stay with us considering that he wouldn’t be in our top 10 most important players. You just can’t pay a HBF or a wing $700k+. Which is what I suspect is near to what he is on. Plus he would prefer to play midfield. 

I think he stays too but I understand the delay till when he actually becomes a restricted FA.

Edited by rpfc
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2 minutes ago, Stiff Arm said:

And gee, his brother wouldn't possibly be stirring the pot, seeing that Freo would be one of his main suitors? Wouldnt want him to come over and play with him at Freo? Nah... wouldn't be that naive

I reckon they'd both be having a laugh at it all, doubt Andrew would seriously reveal his brother's intentions

Gus might stay or he might leave, none of us have a clue really. Its hilarious reading posters jumping at shadows at every turn!

Maybe ask the team bus driver if he knows more, lol


Might be worth getting up to speed mate.

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5 minutes ago, Stiff Arm said:

And gee, his brother wouldn't possibly be stirring the pot, seeing that Freo would be one of his main suitors? Wouldnt want him to come over and play with him at Freo? Nah... wouldn't be that naive

I reckon they'd both be having a laugh at it all, doubt Andrew would seriously reveal his brother's intentions

Gus might stay or he might leave, none of us have a clue really. Its hilarious reading posters jumping at shadows at every turn!

Maybe ask the team bus driver if he knows more, lol

Wrong brother. Hamish made the comments. 




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4 hours ago, Lord Travis said:

With what though? Pick 14 from Jackson trade and a future first? Would you accept that for one of the best young key forwards and former pick 2 and 21 years old?
We have a poor draft hand to put forward, so unless we're giving them one of our young stars, then there's no hope they'll ever accept and let him go. 

The only way we can squeeze a King brother or the like out of another club is to snag a top 5 pick and pass it straight on, potentially with more.

Freo seem to think they can get LJ for that. Don’t see why we couldn’t do the same for Kings. Of course they will fill him up with 1 team player, building for premiership nonsense etc. but end of the day, does he want a premiership or to fade into mediocrity at the Saints? The other KPF probably have a better chance for a premiership in the next 5 years. 

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4 minutes ago, rpfc said:

I don’t think there is a problem with Gus ensuring the last big contract he signs is the right one for him. He signed on last time in the middle of his 4th in the Brownlow midfield performance and would be taking a sizeable pay cut to stay with us considering that he wouldn’t be in our top 10 most important players. You just can’t pay a HBF or a wing $700k+. Which is what I suspect is near to what he is on. Plus he would prefer to play midfield. 

I think he stays too but I understand the delay till when he actually becomes a restricted FA.

3rd in the Brownlow.

Was in good form when he signed, but had also been dropped for the start of the season.

He's said previously (about his current deal) he wishes he was on anywhere near the 600k the media had reported.

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Just now, Stiff Arm said:

Yes, indeed. Still the point remains that he could be saying it to stir the pot and plenty around here have reacted with panic

He said he had spoken to Gus about it all, and I highly doubt his brother would 'stir the pot' for the sake of it when talking about his brother's career.

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7 minutes ago, Stiff Arm said:

Yes, indeed. Still the point remains that he could be saying it to stir the pot and plenty around here have reacted with panic

Mate, there is no panic or attacks. 

And no, with the full context of what he said, there was no “stirring the pot” 

If he wants to go and get paid higher elsewhere to play midfield, he has most posters blessing (from what I have read) 


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