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A Letter to Goodwin


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Firstly, about the letter. Seems primarily directed at Goodwin, somewhat on a personal, previous experience. Together with speaking for other people as well.

The "author" did also seem well aware of how this letter was going to be blown to where it would do damage. That said....

This site is a sitting target for haters, it is well versed in sarcastic, umpire abusing, media reviling, side splitting humour that a lot of blokes here love, god bless them.

JKH abuse verged on ra###m for me, and i was not amused.The rest was childish and amateurish in my book and water off a ducks back.

The bloke has been the boss for seven weeks. There are blokes still to play, and we have one of the most lauded outfits in the AFL. Give us a break. It only takes one win "next week"


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2 minutes ago, Bobby McKenzie said:

old dee that's true, but we could have been 6-1 with a touch of luck and no injuries to Gawn and Spencer.Silly play by Lewis and Jesse didn't help our cause either. Surely you would have to agree that our best this year is superior to our best of last year? We were in a winning position in all 7 games. How long since we have done that?  BTW I may be wrong but I think I could call myself older dee on this forum young feller.

That may all be accurate but we have only won three of the seven.

We are losing to the poorer sides not the ones on the up BM.

The draw starts to get harder over the next month. I fear we will be 3 and 8.

Glad to see you are still going older Dee or should that be oldest dee?

Not sure why I am so annoyed in 2017 I have had plenty of practise at this saga.

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6 minutes ago, willmoy said:

Firstly, about the letter. Seems primarily directed at Goodwin, somewhat on a personal, previous experience. Together with speaking for other people as well.

The "author" did also seem well aware of how this letter was going to be blown to where it would do damage. That said....

This site is a sitting target for haters, it is well versed in sarcastic, umpire abusing, media reviling, side splitting humour that a lot of blokes here love, god bless them.

JKH abuse verged on ra###m for me, and i was not amused.The rest was childish and amateurish in my book and water off a ducks back.

The bloke has been the boss for seven weeks. There are blokes still to play, and we have one of the most lauded outfits in the AFL. Give us a break. It only takes one win "next week"


Willmoy can you please explain how you consider the letter racist. 


I would honestly like to know as my initial thought is 'just because you criticise a bloke who happens to be indigenous' that doesn't make it rascist, which is what I inferred from your comment 

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We are the youngest side in the comp and we have no ruckman.

We are about where we should be, not on the bottom, not in the eight, but on the cusp.

We will get better and better and better as time goes on, I know we all want it now but we are learning some valuable lessons at the moment that will make us stronger.

We are being hardened,it's all part of the process.

Im certain the inner sanctum still has faith and belief despite all the noise.

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28 minutes ago, Wolfmother said:

I really don't think he was humiliated but his performance was questioned and in particular goodwins decisions were questioned. 


Whilst not mainstream, I work in an environment where you can be told your performance is sh^t and not look to blame someone else. Most look at their performance and know they can improve it or if not find out what they are doing wrong.

Sorry, but I see it very differently. He was called out for being physically inferior, not AFL standard and essentially not contributing anything at all worthwhile to the club's onfield presence, to teh point where the club is taking to the field with 21 players rather than 22.  If I were a player in the AFL trying my hardest to help the team, I would be pretty humiliated seeing those comments being put out there in a letter that is condemning the club with me being seemingly the only player who is worth identifying as letting the club down.

Perhaps you do work in an environment where you can be told your performance is sh!t, but I'm sure your performance won't be criticised for all to see outside of your workplace... in fact, I'm sure that JKH would have no issue with being told such by his coaches or fellow players, but I doubt he would like to be wandering out in public wondering who has or hasn't taken note of the letter writer's words.

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2 hours ago, small but forward said:

What I get really peeved with is the club statement "we're preparing for their best"

Not 100% sure we did that, and therefore what the eff that means.

Singling out anybody after that first half is bu!![censored].

Maybe we 100% did and perhaps therein lies the problem. Why prepare for a team's former best when that team is no longer capable of it? Determine how the opposition is playing in general, examine their current strengths and weaknesses, work out a plan to maximise our performance, and prepare accordingly. I doubt Clarkson spent much time in previous years preparing for some fanciful Melbourne best and preaching respect for us as opponents.  

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It wasn't sent to the club. It was sent to SEN. To get media attention.

Mario from Doncaster in other colours.

Or maybe Mario is an SEN character. 

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1 hour ago, Bobby McKenzie said:

Also not factual, Jack Reiwoldt hardly got a touch in our previous three encounters with the tigers. Due to have one good game. 

No respect? Rubbish! All 7 teams who have played us this year know they have been playing! Have a look at the relieved faces of the teams that scraped home against us.  Richmond players were ecstatic to have won against an injury hit team with only two players on the bench. No doubt because they had not beaten us for three years.

Sad that the writer saw fit to criticise Goodwin after just 7 games. Already, Simon has instilled hardness and a strong never give up attitude. We are certainly not a bruise free football team anymore. 

Simon just now has to develop that all important facet of our game CONSISTENCY! He will I am sure. Our best quarters are blindingly brilliant. Wait till we put four of them together and feel pity for the opposition. It's going to happen oh faithful ones. Go Melbourne!

Absolutely agree with all of this and yes, unfair to single out a young player like that. 


What also irks me about this clown's attention-seeking dummy spit is this:

A dear friend of mine had his heart broken into many pieces in 1996 when his beloved Fitzroy folded and merged with the Bears. He has a brilliant football mind and supported his team through some bleak decades with great, unwavering passion. An avid football fan, he couldn't bring himself to even watch another game until only recently, the pain of losing his club was so great; let alone consider supporting Brisbane. When listening to people talk passionately about footy, he describes a deep envy for their ability to invest emotion into a game they love and take the ride with their team. That was taken away from him. 

So when I see of this dlckhead behaving like a petulant, 2-year old Richmond supporter and trashing his membership, I would urge him to consider losing your club. Just think about that. We would know, as we came so close to merger ourselves. Yes, we have the right to our expectations and our reactions. But through all the highs and lows, the frustration, angst, nervousness, adrenaline and joy we experience, we have this club and they have us. Let us not take that for granted.  

To to this guy I say grow the [censored] up, get a grip and have some perspective. If you think publicly denigrating the club and unfairly singling out a young bloke who is trying to find his way and a new coach after only 7 games is okay, then you don't deserved to be a part of the MFC. 


End rant.


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I don't agree with cutting up a membership or writing to the coach but also don't begrudge a suffering supporter his right to vent.

There are plenty of people on this site much older than me but I still find it hard to front up each week and spend hours of my time getting my heart broken. Barracking for the MFC is a traumatic experience and most of us are hovering somewhere in the latter stages of grief (anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance).

The cycle we are in has been going for a long time and while there are real and obvious improvements, old dee is right when he says we still don't win. That's what it's about after all. We have all just become used to looking at other indicators (young side, close results, individual performances, draft picks) because it's almost all we have had to cling to. Supporters of good clubs by and large don't care about this stuff because the W column tells them everything they need to know.

I absolutely love the club but I hate that we are still in a rebuild that started in 2007. I hate that while things look so much better than five years ago there is no guarantee this group will take us anywhere near a flag. I hope and expect that we actually will see success with this current crop which is refreshing compared with expecting to be belted every week but, perversely, seems to make it even harder to cope when we lose.

So I understand where the writer, old dee and other are coming from when they find it hard to keep the hope alive 24/7, even if I sometimes disagree with the method. Slinging barbs at these guys is a bit disrespectful, naive and frankly almost as irritating as throwing the baby out with the bath water in the first place.

PS Go Dees. May this week see us mercilessly [censored] Adelaide and start something truly beautiful.

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I feel sorry for JKH, and I agree, SEN should've blacked out his name.

Having said that, Goodwin's decision to play him 3 straight games without any influence whatsoever did seem a bit strange. He was almost a sitting duck for this form of criticism, and if wasn't done by a fan (or anyone on this site), then even those in the media who normally stray away from targeting young players* would've been tempted. 

*Jack Watts the exception who started getting criticised by the game's greatest ever player (Leigh Matthews) at the age of 18. 

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Being born in 1961 have actively followed this club for 50 odd years and have known bugger all success . I am sure there are those on this forum who have endured even more than I. Reading the differing arguments is like an internal dialogue that I have had with myself for the past five decades. On the one hand I love the the letter writers passion but on the other he needs to harden up. Picking on a young guy at the start of his journey in football in such a public domain is a classless and gutless thing to do. Sure have a tanty and cut up your membership, send it to the coach along with a letter to vent your spline, thats your right, but that's where it needed to end. I know this club isn't easy to follow but it sure does build character. I refuse to give in to the negative dogma that some on these forums embrace, that stuff will consume you. As I walked out of the G on Sunday I was as peed off as anybody but then I remembered the donuts. Ahh donuts they have sustained me for the past half century.

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49 minutes ago, Wolfmother said:

Willmoy can you please explain how you consider the letter racist. 


I would honestly like to know as my initial thought is 'just because you criticise a bloke who happens to be indigenous' that doesn't make it rascist, which is what I inferred from your comment 

I don't, i said "verging on". I refer to my interpretation (not for discussion) of part of Para 2. You know which part....

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3 minutes ago, Outside fifty said:

Being born in 1961 have actively followed this club for 50 odd years and have known bugger all success . I am sure there are those on this forum who have endured even more than I. Reading the differing arguments is like an internal dialogue that I have had with myself for the past five decades. On the one hand I love the the letter writers passion but on the other he needs to harden up. Picking on a young guy at the start of his journey in football in such a public domain is a classless and gutless thing to do. Sure have a tanty and cut up your membership, send it to the coach along with a letter to vent your spline, thats your right, but that's where it needed to end. I know this club isn't easy to follow but it sure does build character. I refuse to give in to the negative dogma that some on these forums embrace, that stuff will consume you. As I walked out of the G on Sunday I was as peed off as anybody but then I remembered the donuts. Ahh donuts they have sustained me for the past half century.

Try single malt it works way better.

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6 minutes ago, Radar Detector said:

I don't agree with cutting up a membership or writing to the coach but also don't begrudge a suffering supporter his right to vent.

There are plenty of people on this site much older than me but I still find it hard to front up each week and spend hours of my time getting my heart broken. Barracking for the MFC is a traumatic experience and most of us are hovering somewhere in the latter stages of grief (anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance).

The cycle we are in has been going for a long time and while there are real and obvious improvements, old dee is right when he says we still don't win. That's what it's about after all. We have all just become used to looking at other indicators (young side, close results, individual performances, draft picks) because it's almost all we have had to cling to. Supporters of good clubs by and large don't care about this stuff because the W column tells them everything they need to know.

I absolutely love the club but I hate that we are still in a rebuild that started in 2007. I hate that while things look so much better than five years ago there is no guarantee this group will take us anywhere near a flag. I hope and expect that we actually will see success with this current crop which is refreshing compared with expecting to be belted every week but, perversely, seems to make it even harder to cope when we lose.

So I understand where the writer, old dee and other are coming from when they find it hard to keep the hope alive 24/7, even if I sometimes disagree with the method. Slinging barbs at these guys is a bit disrespectful, naive and frankly almost as irritating as throwing the baby out with the bath water in the first place.

PS Go Dees. May this week see us mercilessly [censored] Adelaide and start something truly beautiful.

Good call R D

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I come close in 2012 after the Essendon game!

Understand his frustration....but Goodwin getting judged after 7 games...very unfair!

Positives are we are losing games closely playing only 2 qtrs of great footy!

We can only hope when we play 4 qtrs we will win more than we lose!


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Reality is players, teams, coaches , clubs are judged constantly.

Nothing particularly surprising in this.

All of our opinions are effectively based upon how we interact with our experiences and expectations.

Hardly a shock , in that view, that some are disappointed, some greatly.

Not a lot of cheer being a Demon Supporter.

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11 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

Reality is players, teams, coaches , clubs are judged constantly.

Nothing particularly surprising in this.

All of our opinions are effectively based upon how we interact with our experiences and expectations.

Hardly a shock , in that view, that some are disappointed, some greatly.

Not a lot of cheer being a Demon Supporter.

Ridicule, Resentment??

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4 hours ago, Vogon Poetry said:

Lets be fair Dazzle, if dummy spits are around they usually come from you, not Saty.

Its called humour and sarcasm mate.

Something you obviously struggle with. Im sure even the great Saty would know im just fooling around with him.

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18 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

Its called humour and sarcasm mate.

Something you obviously struggle with. Im sure even the great Saty would know im just fooling around with him.

It is RazzleDazzle and I'm certainly having a giggle now. 

Do you know why?

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1 hour ago, Outside fifty said:

Being born in 1961 have actively followed this club for 50 odd years and have known bugger all success . I am sure there are those on this forum who have endured even more than I. Reading the differing arguments is like an internal dialogue that I have had with myself for the past five decades. On the one hand I love the the letter writers passion but on the other he needs to harden up. Picking on a young guy at the start of his journey in football in such a public domain is a classless and gutless thing to do. Sure have a tanty and cut up your membership, send it to the coach along with a letter to vent your spline, thats your right, but that's where it needed to end. I know this club isn't easy to follow but it sure does build character. I refuse to give in to the negative dogma that some on these forums embrace, that stuff will consume you. As I walked out of the G on Sunday I was as peed off as anybody but then I remembered the donuts. Ahh donuts they have sustained me for the past half century.

Classic post! Actually going to bed laughin (& dreamin about those donuts), thanks for the therapy^_^


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We should all take a good hard look at ourselves and hang our heads in shame. This guy's unfortunate letter to the press is the failure of Demonland. If you can't come on here and vent by saying that JKH is [censored] [censored] [censored] and shouldn't [censored] [censored] Melbourne ever again without people responding that the coaches know better, then this is the end result.

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