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Outside fifty

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Outside fifty last won the day on February 25 2016

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  1. Nothing to do with the topic at hand but I love your avatars.First Withnail and now Toast. Love ya work glory. May I suggest for your next one Clem Fandango?
  2. Tigers will run away with this game as the game opens up. Adelaide forward line is non existent. Richmond midfield and backline well on top. Rance and Houli on track for Norm Smith. Sloan and Laird only Adelaide winners. Adelaide backline holding up but for how long?Umpiring although favouring the tigers not a factor so far.
  3. It's a known fact that cows are not aerodynamic. So ball drop is crucial, and dribbling a cow through the goals on a tight angle is neigh on impossible.
  4. Hey DD Just got back from two and half weeks riding in Italy, Austria, France and Switzerland. with the wife on the back. An absolute blast, particularly the Dolomites and Switzerland. There were a couple of close calls along the way with me trying to ride like an Italian, a quick thump on the back of the helmet by the hand brake and I would pull my head in. They tell me Italian hospitals are excellent so I'm sure you're in good hands.
  5. Being born in 1961 have actively followed this club for 50 odd years and have known bugger all success . I am sure there are those on this forum who have endured even more than I. Reading the differing arguments is like an internal dialogue that I have had with myself for the past five decades. On the one hand I love the the letter writers passion but on the other he needs to harden up. Picking on a young guy at the start of his journey in football in such a public domain is a classless and gutless thing to do. Sure have a tanty and cut up your membership, send it to the coach along with a letter to vent your spline, thats your right, but that's where it needed to end. I know this club isn't easy to follow but it sure does build character. I refuse to give in to the negative dogma that some on these forums embrace, that stuff will consume you. As I walked out of the G on Sunday I was as peed off as anybody but then I remembered the donuts. Ahh donuts they have sustained me for the past half century.
  6. I watched Chris at many a pre season training session and the way he took it upon himself to impart his experience and wisdom on the younger brigade was exceptional, whilst at the same time struggling individually with injury and form. A quality individual. All the best Chris.
  7. Lethal Leigh was as you stated a great player and astute coach, the record doesn't lie. But he was also the biggest coward I ever saw take too the field. I could never quite understand how someone so talented could resort to such gutless thuggery. I once saw him knock Peter Giles unconscious with a king hit from behind well and truly away from the play. It was the most cowardly thing I have ever seen on a football ground. When several MFC players took umbrage with Mathews not one Hawthorn player came to help him. I believe I have heard him say that he is embarrassed and ashamed of some of the things he did on a football ground, i'm not surprised, and don't get me started on what he did to Steven Smith.
  8. Absolutely right Dee Zee.It really was something to behold. It made me understand how important a footy club can be to a community. With the exception of perhaps Geelong, Footscray is the last of the true Suburban clubs in Victoria, and to their credit they milk it for everything it's worth. Like you I will be absolutely stoked when we win our thirteenth flag and thanks to the dogs I am starting to believe that it's possible.
  9. As I sit in my backyard I can hear the music catching on the northerly wind from the western oval, a celebration in full flight. Last night cars paraded up and down my street in Yarraville honking their horns endlessly. Pedestrians sang themselves hoarse on the way home. The inner west was a cauldron of celebration and happiness, a community brought together by a football club and a collective dream realised. Having been born and bred in the west I couldn’t be happier for them and yet at the same time I can’t help but feel envious and a little sad. The bullies have always had a sense of place and represent their community with pride. Where do we stand? We have no real home, no place that is our and ours alone. This I believe holds us back in ways that are near impossible to measure, intangible if you will. I believe the most pressing off field issue we face is our lack of a true home. A place to gather and celebrate, to commiserate when we lose and to rub shoulders with our boys. A place where our supporters history and passion is embedded into the psyche of our players. For too long I have felt that a disconnect between the football club and the supporters exists and I believe this is due in part to our lack of a sense of place, our own turf.
  10. Being a born and breed Son of the West I hope like hell they win. If they do win it's a win for all the dreamers out there. Of course If Sydney win it's a win for all the Accountants, Player Managers, Marketing gurus and Economic Rationalists out there. I know which I'd rather be.
  11. I think he did play a couple of games down back, at best he was only ok. He has some good attributes but he has proven nothing yet and needs to spend time at Casey developing his craft. The love on this forum for him has me perplexed.
  12. Whilst I would never knowingly condone violence I have to admit that my fist twitches uncontrollably at the mere mention of Harvey, some sort of pavlovian response. it's quite involuntary and I feel great shame in my animal blood lust response to the mere mention of the "Little Champ". Must stop posting now my fists are wildly flaying at fresh air.
  13. My guess is their will be 3 maybe more depending on the tribunal. The obvious ones are Garland for Dunn and Lumumba for either Hunt or Wagner. ANB in for Harmes or Bernie if he gets rubbed out. Grimes to replace Nev if he cops a week. Still not sold on Salem, has been average so far this season.
  14. Really poor 1st half. That said he did work hard in the second to create opportunity and was our only dangerous forward.
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