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Little Richard

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Little Richard last won the day on September 26 2016

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    Mo Kudus.

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  1. Long contract but I like it. Building the nucleus of our next premiership side with these guys.
  2. Brown in should be a lock, he's earned a game and at the moment looks like he'll offer more than Kolt and a couple of others.
  3. Surely Sparrow has earned himself a stint at Casey but there are probably others that need to go before him. I think Bowey did enough to keep his spot, he was pretty decent in patches. However, Howes and Hore are both viable options to replace him or Salem if need be. Salem looked off it again, maybe another niggle. Kolt probably needs a rest. Billings was okay. As much as I would love to see Jeffo get a few games this year we're still in the hunt (though it doesn't feel like it), so we need to give ourselves the best shot possible at winning this week. OUT: Kolt, Salem/Sparrow IN: Brown, Howes/Hore
  4. The answer remains the same - we don't trade Oliver.
  5. I think Verrall is going to be a player, but it's going to take some time. Fullarton should have been in the team today, absolutely no excuses.
  6. Really hope he can find a way into it in the second half. We need him badly!
  7. I hope we keep him - when he's healthy he's such an asset across half-forward and seriously underrated in my opinion. Becomes even more important after Melksham retires.
  8. Great win, really pleased with Clarry's game, recent form considered. He showed some flashes of his old self so I'm hoping he's on the way back up. How good are the kids! Rivers has the makings of a true midfield star, JVR played a great, selfless game, McVee is a jet and Windsor has a very bright future. Also absolutely love Disco's work, he's got a fair leg on him too!
  9. Bringing Petty in shouldn't weaken the forward line as long as he's rucking a good 70-80% of the match. Short stints from Turner, McDonald and JVR will keep our structure sound.
  10. So much love for Cam, hit the packs harder than anyone in the red and blue since Neita.
  11. Going to be a super dynamic third tall for us IMO, whether that's up forward or down back. Great news!
  12. Hey Layzie, have to admit I only just stumbled upon this thread and wish I'd found it sooner. I'd consider myself as a bit of an expert on anxiety and panic attacks, thanks to a lot of first-hand experience about 10 years ago. I am inclined to be quite an anxious person so the odd panic attack has cropped up since I had a bit of a breakdown back then, but I feel like I've become quite good at dealing with them. It took a long time to kind of condition myself to have this response but essentially my approach is firstly to know it's a panic attack and not a stroke or heart attack or some other medical catastrophe (as used to be my first thought). Once I've established that I kind of just let it hit me, and keep up the attitude of what's the worst it can do, been here many times before and I'm totally fine, it will pass. Sometimes I spiral a bit and lose grasp of that thought process but find my way back to it with steady breathing. Also weirdly playing Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin helps me jump into that 'just let it hit you' mindset. Anyway this is a bit of a stream of consciousness but feel free to reach out if you'd like to talk more about it mate, hope you're doing better with the panic attacks these days!
  13. We cannot trade Oliver. In form, he's close to the best player our club has ever had. Right now the club needs to do whatever it takes to help him through this period, and his trade currency would literally be at its lowest ever anyway.
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