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I want it on record:

Reads the play well.

Very sloppy skills, scrappy player but will work his backside off.

Doesn't fit any "no DHs" policy.

He looked far better than that to me, but if you're right with that desription he won't go near top 10.

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funnily enough Mathieson had decent results with skills in the combine

Clean hands test
Kieran Collins 29 (out of a possible 30)
Darcy MacPherson 28
Tyrone Leonardis 28
Daniel Rioli 27
Rhys Mathieson 27
Mitch King 27
Jade Gresham 26
Bailey Rice 26
Darcy Tucker 26
Declan Mountford 26
Kurt Mutimer 26
Jordan Snadden 26

Kicking test

Mitchell Hibberd 24 (out of a possible 30)
Nick Coughlan 23
Darcy MacPherson 22
Thomas Glen 22
Matthew Allen 22
Jade Gresham 21
Nick O'Kearney 21
Rhys Mathieson 21
Declan Mountford 21
Jordan Snadden 21
Ben McKay 21
Charlie Curnow 21

However I agree with others that under pressure as a 'contested ball winning midfielder' he is predominantly (not highlights on Youtube) sloppy with the ball. I'v watched a few of his Falcon games. Reminds me of a Collingwood midfielder type, the way he wills the ball on..

If we went with Curnow or Francis at 3, I would prefer Tucker or Balic at 7. I think they could terrific outside runners who are creative with the ball (ala Salem/Brayshaw) and can build their intensity and contested game. Balic reminds me of Stretch but taller and with a higher ceiling.

Edited by mongrel
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The 18-year-old averaged 28 disposals a game at TAC Cup level (16 contested and 12 uncontested), plus seven clearances and five inside-50 entries.

Main thing i took out of that article.

I remember reading something about Steele Sidebottoms combine, check it out if you can find it, but his results were pathetic, but he can play that guy

Sidebottom had a teammate at TAC Cup level who tested even worse. Slow as the proverbial and didn't get drafted in the ND. Tom Rockliff went in PSD.

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This is great. Thanks so much for uploading this. You get a good look at Curnow, Tucker, Francis, Parish etc. In a full game. See how they position themselves and get an idea of them in and around the contest.

Would really love to see more footage of Curnow in the midfield. He looks terrific running into space with those long arms and marking ability. Nice finisher and user of the ball. But would just like to see more of his contested ball work in the middle of the ground. He pretty much plays one on one in most of the footage I've seen.

Still preferring Curnow. I just think he has the most potential out of he and Parish. Parish could become a Sloane type player at best. But when you compare him to our previous years midfield drafted players he just doesn't use his body well and is not as good defensively. Of course he can work on those things. But I just think Curnow is a natural smarter footballer and would love to see him playing for Melbourne.

I'd like to see them both play for Melbourne but the only way we can engineer it is if we take Parish at 3 (and hope Essendon pick Weideman and Francis). I suspect that GC won't grab him (Curnow) so let's cross our fingers!
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I'd like to see them both play for Melbourne but the only way we can engineer it is if we take Parish at 3 (and hope Essendon pick Weideman and Francis). I suspect that GC won't grab him (Curnow) so let's cross our fingers!

I have a slightly alternative take on all of this. I reckon that pick 3 & 7 is already a done deal between the clubs and we as supporters will have to go through a soap opera like 3 weeks till it gets revealed.

I believe it will be Parish & Curnow and apart from their abilities being worthy of pick 3 & 7, the other motivating reason for recruiting these guys together would be to help them intergarate better into the club and an AFL enviroment.

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I have a slightly alternative take on all of this. I reckon that pick 3 & 7 is already a done deal between the clubs ...

Under normal circumstances I would agree, but while we might have had a quiet chat with GC and Lions, I find it hard to believe that Essendon would be giving out anything - except perhaps misinformation.

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I have a slightly alternative take on all of this. I reckon that pick 3 & 7 is already a done deal between the clubs and we as supporters will have to go through a soap opera like 3 weeks till it gets revealed.

I believe it will be Parish & Curnow and apart from their abilities being worthy of pick 3 & 7, the other motivating reason for recruiting these guys together would be to help them intergarate better into the club and an AFL enviroment.

What about Parish and Francis

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I reckon Clayton Oliver is also worth a look at Pick 7. Really tough, inside mid who has leader written all over him. Could play from day one, gets clearances, great tackler etc. A few highlights here:

Some tough decisions for our recruiting team to make in the next month!

Wow... I like this kid.

187cm 85kg

What position do the pundits have him in?

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On the 4th of July you said "Cant take him with pick 4, thats a big stretch I think."

On the 17th of September, you made it clear that you had revised your opinion when you stated "I wouldn't complain with Toumpas and Wines or Stringer either."

Why do you continue to argue this?

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On the 4th of July you said "Cant take him with pick 4, thats a big stretch I think."

On the 17th of September, you made it clear that you had revised your opinion when you stated "I wouldn't complain with Toumpas and Wines or Stringer either."

Why do you continue to argue this?

"Can't take him with pick 4, that's a big stretch is in response to Garlett" - if you cared to read that.

You idiot.

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I read write ups on the draftees and watch highlights but it really doesn't do much for me. I just have to trust our recruiters to make a good decision because I'm sure they have been watching the kids for a few years now. Unless you have seen them play over a few years how could you know.

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This is great. Thanks so much for uploading this. You get a good look at Curnow, Tucker, Francis, Parish etc. In a full game. See how they position themselves and get an idea of them in and around the contest.

Would really love to see more footage of Curnow in the midfield. He looks terrific running into space with those long arms and marking ability. Nice finisher and user of the ball. But would just like to see more of his contested ball work in the middle of the ground. He pretty much plays one on one in most of the footage I've seen.

Still preferring Curnow. I just think he has the most potential out of he and Parish. Parish could become a Sloane type player at best. But when you compare him to our previous years midfield drafted players he just doesn't use his body well and is not as good defensively. Of course he can work on those things. But I just think Curnow is a natural smarter footballer and would love to see him playing for Melbourne.

I'd like to see them both play for Melbourne but the only way we can engineer it is if we take Parish at 3 (and hope Essendon pick Weideman and Francis). I suspect that GC won't grab him (Curnow) so let's cross our fingers!
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Kinda funny approaching the draft this year ( for me ) . In past years its been the most interesting aspect almost for the year...that fleeting 15mins of hope etc.

This year , however, I find myself strangely ambivalent. Yeah, great , we have 3 and 7 and hopefully that produces something of note as well it might but I now see myself finding greater hope in what we already have. This is new territory for me. I think I might not be entirely alone here either.

Again I marvel at the dedication of some as regards following all the little tackers through the various under age comps and poring over the profiles etc. In past years I like many have had an opinion on this player or that and where we've come a cropper have been only to happy to add my voice if due and warranted to a chorus of disdain. Over the next seasons I will have to keep something of a back seat as to our selections this year for I really know very little about the choices. About the only thing that fuels a point of view is do we go the old line 'best available" or go for the "best-suited"

Ive always really been a member of the best -suited camp and see little to dissuade me. I may differ with others simply for believing best suited means two good prospects at midfielders.. Time will tell I suppose.

Given we have 2 in the top 10 I cant see how we can stray too far from teh path of getting someone(s) half way able. The trend at the club it to focus on core ability and footy nouse now. The "talent -athletic ability " style projects may be catered differently as per the Joel Smith situation.

I've long held the suspicion that the Beep testing and all its associated mumbo jumbo is only just this side of selling snake-oil. How often do we see players and the commentary goes along .." he's not terribly fast but always seems to find space " How do these tests account for effective decision making ? The metrics for this convoluted stats makers are about numbers. That's all well and good but it strikes me as the same chasm of understanding between linear physics and chaos theories. This also goes to the idea of how we think which is organic in nature.

The game of footy is as much about instinct as it is physical prowess. Im hoping the club will look to those kids who exhibit good football skills and playing styles

Interesting ( to me ) that the only time Hogans name appears on the leaders sheets of the 2012 draft camp are on 4 occasions see http://www.topendsports.com/sport/afl/testing-draft-results-2012.htm

equal 9th beep /shuttle

equal 10th on 3km trial

He can run up and down and play for periods is what this tells me..has something of a tank.. thats actually useful to know

Not to be seen on the kicking efficiency nor the jumping. He was amongst the heaviest ( whatever that can allude to ) and has big mits !! :)

Also interesting to look at those lists and see how many of the top 10's havent really aspired to much..A few have bu I think like hogan its simply because they can PLAY FOOTY WELL

and thats what Id like to see 3 and & used for ...two lads who can play footy well. So much else can be thrown at them in terms of resources etc but if you cant get the pill nor use it effectively nothing else matters.

Ill be interested to see who we do select but I really do have a higher faith faith in the club at being able to determine our needs and find the footballers to assume that role. I Have misgiving in some others areas but as far as come 3 and 7...I really have no idea...nor care that much , in so far as preference or likings for any particular player.

One thing i do expect is........to see very little of either in 2016 !!

go Dees

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Kinda funny approaching the draft this year ( for me ) . In past years its been the most interesting aspect almost for the year...that fleeting 15mins of hope etc.

This year , however, I find myself strangely ambivalent. Yeah, great , we have 3 and 7 and hopefully that produces something of note as well it might but I now see myself finding greater hope in what we already have. This is new territory for me. I think I might not be entirely alone here either.

Again I marvel at the dedication of some as regards following all the little tackers through the various under age comps and poring over the profiles etc. In past years I like many have had an opinion on this player or that and where we've come a cropper have been only to happy to add my voice if due and warranted to a chorus of disdain. Over the next seasons I will have to keep something of a back seat as to our selections this year for I really know very little about the choices. About the only thing that fuels a point of view is do we go the old line 'best available" or go for the "best-suited"

Ive always really been a member of the best -suited camp and see little to dissuade me. I may differ with others simply for believing best suited means two good prospects at midfielders.. Time will tell I suppose.

Given we have 2 in the top 10 I cant see how we can stray too far from teh path of getting someone(s) half way able. The trend at the club it to focus on core ability and footy nouse now. The "talent -athletic ability " style projects may be catered differently as per the Joel Smith situation.

I've long held the suspicion that the Beep testing and all its associated mumbo jumbo is only just this side of selling snake-oil. How often do we see players and the commentary goes along .." he's not terribly fast but always seems to find space " How do these tests account for effective decision making ? The metrics for this convoluted stats makers are about numbers. That's all well and good but it strikes me as the same chasm of understanding between linear physics and chaos theories. This also goes to the idea of how we think which is organic in nature.

The game of footy is as much about instinct as it is physical prowess. Im hoping the club will look to those kids who exhibit good football skills and playing styles

Interesting ( to me ) that the only time Hogans name appears on the leaders sheets of the 2012 draft camp are on 4 occasions see http://www.topendsports.com/sport/afl/testing-draft-results-2012.htm

equal 9th beep /shuttle

equal 10th on 3km trial

He can run up and down and play for periods is what this tells me..has something of a tank.. thats actually useful to know

Not to be seen on the kicking efficiency nor the jumping. He was amongst the heaviest ( whatever that can allude to ) and has big mits !! :)

Also interesting to look at those lists and see how many of the top 10's havent really aspired to much..A few have bu I think like hogan its simply because they can PLAY FOOTY WELL

and thats what Id like to see 3 and & used for ...two lads who can play footy well. So much else can be thrown at them in terms of resources etc but if you cant get the pill nor use it effectively nothing else matters.

Ill be interested to see who we do select but I really do have a higher faith faith in the club at being able to determine our needs and find the footballers to assume that role. I Have misgiving in some others areas but as far as come 3 and 7...I really have no idea...nor care that much , in so far as preference or likings for any particular player.

One thing i do expect is........to see very little of either in 2016 !!

go Dees

I agree. Take Sam Mitchell for instance, or Scott Pendlebury. Their testings in the draft camp wouldn't have been outstanding. Hell, Dean Cox is faster than Pendlebury over 30m. It's about drafting players who show that competitive instinct, that nature and that football brain.

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So many things to make a great or even good footballer, to think a couple of tests on one day of the year is enough to define you is a little silly, this draft camp is for show for the public, the recruiters have already done their homework, the only thing draft camp does that may change the order is the player interviews. And you have to even take those chats with a grain of salt because players talking to lower placed clubs may not be doing their best to impress.

Its all still a crap shoot, a lot of players no matter where they are drawn will fail. and a few late picks may excel. We can only hope luck and the skill of our recruiting teams can detect the smokies that will give us an edge.

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So many things to make a great or even good footballer, to think a couple of tests on one day of the year is enough to define you is a little silly, this draft camp is for show for the public,

Agreed. The draft combine is worthless.

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Doesn't matter if he is rated 10-15, if we want him, we get him 7.

Exactly, don't care if someone is rated 25th and we take them 3rd. Just hope they get it right, let's get the best we think regardless not fall for what pick someone should or shouldn't be. It's insane the amount of people who say oh so and so isn't worth pick 3 but would take at 6, 7, 8 etc it's only a number which is irrelevant come day 1 of pre season. Let's just get it right not take people based on their perceived worth and hype. For all I care we could take Collins, Rioli or whoever at 3 (For the record I hope we take curnow). Let's just back the current FD in selecting the right guy and our development team will bring the best out in each recruit.

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