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Training - Wednesday 8th January, 2014

Demon Jack

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My thoughts only.

First thing I noticed, is that Christian Salem's body shape is already changing, he looks bigger in the upper body.

Daniel Cross ran past Max King giving him plenty about his chuck.

Chris Dawes is looking very large and very fit, he dwarfs James Frawley and Mitch Clark.

Jack Watts has no chest, his arms look bigger but has not filled out, but some people just can't bulk up.

Dawes, Gawn and the Russian running laps.

Jack Viney and Clark not doing much at all, standing around with the trainers.

My man JKH in the main group again, doesn't seem to be being rested as much as the other rookies.

Fitzy jogging laps but looks to be limping.

The boys are doing a lot of pummeling from what I've seen, I know this is tackling and strength related but I'd love to know the actual science behind it.

Michael Evans is a terrible kick, his technique looks very awkward, no follow through and hits a lot of helicopters.

Sam Blease in the main group - great to see.

At the risk of sounding obsessed, I was watching JKH in a main group handball drill. The speed and intensity at which he trains every drill is far superior to anyone else out there. It's noticeable when you look at the whole group. Might be first year enthusiasm or hopefully it's habitual, because if he keeps it up you can't help but get REALLY good. I would love to know what his beep test was like at draft camp as he doesn't seem to fatigue.

Dom Tyson had no strapping, seemed to be moving freely. Always looks classy

It's not just Roosy's wallet that's got larger, I think he has soaked up a bit too much of the Melbourne food culture.

If Cross doesn't play a game, (I think he will play them all and be outstanding) he was worth recruiting just for his training standard.

To me, Jetta doesn't seem up to it, I don't see any weapons?

Max Gawn and his beard are both enormous, gonna be a big year for him, could see him being a lock as our number 1 by year's end.

Jayden Hunt is a smooth mover and a lovely kick, but his body looks a while off seniors. Good investment though.

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I left at 11am as they appeared to be winding up. 36 in the main group which included Hogan ( my main reason for attending again today). Same rehab as Monday except also included Viney and Spencer. Trengove, Salem and Michie all finished about an hour in. After about 20 minutes of warm ups some intense grappling work, some close in contested work and then some more half and full ground drills focused on ball movement and in game running. It was also great to see our forward group spend a good period of time on goal kicking.

I spent most of the session focused on Hogan, Vince and Tyson. Hogan just spends the whole session moving with intent and bouncing around with enthusiasm. Immediately left to go to the Demon Shop for a training jumper with a big number 1 on the back.Vince and Tyson are all silk and would continually kick the ball to where they wanted to draw the leading player. The other two that stood out to me today were the intent of Tapscott and the movement of Hunt.

Two comments overheard today stood out to me "you wouldn't know this was the same team as last year. The fun in footys back" and " it's not about territory any more boys it's about getting and keeping the footy" .

Again happy to try and answer queries but was probably more focused on my Hogan man crush and was not as broadly attentive as Monday.

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no questions but rapt for the report, as i am a country person who would never get there

on your 2 comments heard today i would like to say

we are all positive from here on in,roos loves to get the footy keep it,never give it back unless its aboundry throw in or a ball up

the extra memberships sold this year will be testament to whats happening at training and within the club

lets hope jamar plays a part

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I left at 11am as they appeared to be winding up. 36 in the main group which included Hogan ( my main reason for attending again today). Same rehab as Monday except also included Viney and Spencer. Trengove, Salem and Michie all finished about an hour in. After about 20 minutes of warm ups some intense grappling work, some close in contested work and then some more half and full ground drills focused on ball movement and in game running. It was Aldo great yo see our forward group spend a good period of time on howl kicking.

I spent most of the session focused on Hogan, Vince and Tyson. Hogan just spends the whole session moving with intent and bouncing around with enthusiasm. Immediately left to go to the Demon Shop for a training jumper with a big number 1 on the back.Vince and Tyson are ours silk and would continually kick the ball to where they wanted to draw the leading player. The other two that stood out to me today were the intent of Tapscott and the movement of Hunt.

Two comments overheard today stood out me "you wouldn't know this was the same team as last year. The fun in footys back" and " it's not about territory any more boys it's about getting and keeping the footy" .

Again happy to try and answer queries but was probably more focused on my Hogan man crush and was not as broadly attentive as Monday.

Thanks for the report.

Would "howl kicking" be "goal kicking"?

And the overheard comments - who said them? Was it players, coaches or others formally associated with the club or supporters watching on the sidelines? if the former, that makes it a far more interesting observation.

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A quick few observations from today.

Tyson will be a star, very clean hands and precision kicking.

Hogan will live up to the hype.

Hunt is a good get as a project, moves well but sometimes to the wrong position. Has some weapons and will develop into a player if he puts the work in.

Howe will be a real headache to the opposition this year, looks in great shape and very sharp.

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Thanks for the report.

Would "howl kicking" be "goal kicking"?

And the overheard comments - who said them? Was it players, coaches or others formally associated with the club or supporters watching on the sidelines? if the former, that makes it a far more interesting observation.

Sorry LDC. Yes meant goal kicking, excitedly writing that up on my ipad on the tram on way home. The two comments one was a player one a trainer.

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I left at 11am as they appeared to be winding up. 36 in the main group which included Hogan ( my main reason for attending again today). Same rehab as Monday except also included Viney and Spencer. Trengove, Salem and Michie all finished about an hour in. After about 20 minutes of warm ups some intense grappling work, some close in contested work and then some more half and full ground drills focused on ball movement and in game running. It was also great to see our forward group spend a good period of time on goal kicking.

I spent most of the session focused on Hogan, Vince and Tyson. Hogan just spends the whole session moving with intent and bouncing around with enthusiasm. Immediately left to go to the Demon Shop for a training jumper with a big number 1 on the back.Vince and Tyson are all silk and would continually kick the ball to where they wanted to draw the leading player. The other two that stood out to me today were the intent of Tapscott and the movement of Hunt.

Two comments overheard today stood out me "you wouldn't know this was the same team as last year. The fun in footys back" and " it's not about territory any more boys it's about getting and keeping the footy" .

Again happy to try and answer queries but was probably more focused on my Hogan man crush and was not as broadly attentive as Monday.

who said this?

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Sorry LDC. Yes meant goal kicking, excitedly writing that up on my ipad on the tram on way home. The two comments one was a player one a trainer.

Its hard not to see parallels with the Australian Cricket side (ie the fun being back) in terms of the difference in styles between Arthur and Lehman

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I was there from 9.45 to 11.15. Will add to this later as I am writing this on my iphone having lunch.

I was very impressed with today's session. It is obvious to me that the Roos game plan is beginning to emerge as a development of his Swans' version, characterised by relentless running offensively and defensively, play on at all costs, hit targets by hand and foot, and run in groups. I think this is a developed version because he realises what a destructive weapon our tall forwards will be, and in order to take advantage of that he needs a mid field which as a group is elite, even if they are not individually. Hence the emphasis on incredibly quick ball movement and hunting in groups of 4 and 5, and play on at all costs. I can't see much stop - start football from the Dees in 2014. All I can say is hooray for that.

There were several exercises today which emphasised this definitively. The first was around the grounds which consisted of kick, mark, handball, run, kick, mark etc etc. The difference from last year though was the heavy emphasis on rapid ball movement and relentless running. I must have heard the trainers yelling out a dozen times about faster running, hitting targets, and backing up the man with the ball. The second was when two groups of about a dozen faced each other about 50 meters apart with another player standing in the goal square at either end. Both groups were nominally on the HBF, and would then run flat out in lots of five or six toward the goal square hand-balling then kicking at full pace 50 meters passes to the goal square with their teammates beside them also at full pace. Clearly this was designed to illustrate and practice running and spreading. What impressed me about it was its quality: very fast running, accurate kicking. We have seen variances of this in the past, but in my view not of that intensity, and not of that quality. I should also say there was a very intensive session on tackling towards the end which indicates Roos has also not abandoned the defensive game either.

Finally, who exceeded expectations for me in terms of their intensity and quality?

Our mid field is not particularly fast, the best being Bleese (although doubts about his endurance), Toumpas, McDonald, Viney, Vince, Hunt, Salem, Watts, Barry. Tyson is not fast, but makes up for it in his size and skills with the ball. At the moment, Trengove is not particularly fast either, but is improving all the time getting back to his first year level. The players who exceeded my expectations today were Barry ( more intense and hard at the ball than I had seen from him); Jetta (seems to have improved his skill levels and intensity); Vince (an intense and committed trainer), Hunt (an outstanding runner and a great kick on the run).

At the end of the session, the trainers were giving Jesse Hogan goal kicking practice: six each from both boundary lines and 6 from about 40 meters out in front. I counted 5 out of six from the RH boundary line, 1 out of 6 from the left hand, and 5 out of six from the set shots in front. Quality kicking and better than earlier in the season.

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We have the cattle

We have a seasoned well drilled backline with some depth and potemtially a very dangerous forwardline that can kick winning scores. You cant have that many early picks and not get at least a couple right in the current system. It is too scentific and too well done these days to be completely wrong.

Out of early picks Trengove, Grimes, Hogan, Dyson, Viney, Watts, Salem, Vince and Toumpas we will get a couple of stars.

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Thanks a million for the training updates I have been overseas for the last 5 and a half weeks so not across everything, which has been going on. Best thing about coming back in January is Australian Open is on and once that is done Pre-season and build up to season all starts. Just looking forward to seeing us turn up for 4 quarters regularly for the first time in a long time.

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I was there from 9.45 to 11.15. Will add to this later as I am writing this on my iphone having lunch.

I was very impressed with today's session. It is obvious to me that the Roos game plan is beginning to emerge as a development of his Swans' version, characterised by relentless running offensively and defensively, play on at all costs, hit targets by hand and foot, and run in groups. I think this is a developed version because he realises what a destructive weapon our tall forwards will be, and in order to take advantage of that he needs a mid field which as a group is elite, even if they are not individually. Hence the emphasis on incredibly quick ball movement and hunting in groups of 4 and 5, and play on at all costs. I can';t see much stop - start football from the Dees in 2014. All i can say is hooray for that

There were several exercises today which emphasised this definitely. The first was around the grounds which consisted of kick, mark, handball, run, kick, mark etc etc. The difference from last year though was the heavy emphasis on rapid ball movement and relentless running. i must have heard the trainers yelling out a dozen times about faster running, hitting targets, and backing up the man with the ball. The second was when two groups of about a dozen faced each other about 50 meters apart with another player standing in the goal square at either end. both groups were nominally on the HBF, and would then run flat out in lots of five or six toward the goal square hand-balling then kicking at full pace 50 meters passes to the goal square with their teammates beside them also at full pace. Clearly this was designed to illustrate and practice running and spreading. What impressed me about it was its quality: very fast running, accurate kicking. We have seen variances of this in the past, but in my view not of that intensity, and not of that quality. I should also say there was a very intensive session on tackling towards the end which indicates Roos has also not abandoned the defensive game either.

Finally, who exceeded expectations for me in terms of their intensity and quality?

Our mid field is not particularly fast, the best being Bleese (although doubts about his endurance), toumpas, McDonald's, Viney, Vince, hunt, Salem, watts, Barry. Tyson is not fast, but makes up for it in his size and skills with the ball. At the moment, Trengove is not particularly fast either, but is improving all the time getting back to his first year level. The players who exceeded my expectation today were Barry ( more intense and hard at the ball than I had seen from him); Jetta (seems to have improved his skill levels); Vince (an intense and Commited trainer), Hunt (an outstanding runner and a great kick on the run)

At the end of the session, the trainers were giving Jesse Hogan goal kicking practice: six each from both boundary lines and 6 from about 40 meters out in front. I counted 5 out of six from the RH boundary line, 1 out of 6 from the left hand, and 5 out of six from the set shots in front. Quality kicking and better than earlier in the season.

Will be very interesting to see whether Roosy has evolved his game plan compared to the relentless defensive, holding the footy of the Swans. Got to say the Swans are a lot more appealing to watch since Longmire took over. Roosy will always have the defensive mindset first and foremost. But it will be interesting to see if he evolves it into a more attacking system. It sounds from your post that he is doing that which would be a great relief. Swans used to play possession tempo footy under him which meant holding onto the footy a lot and slowing the tempo down. So if you are seeing play on at all costs it indicates a promising change. I have read elsewhere that he has said modern football is relentless running up and down the field. Hopefully after 3 years of observing all teams while commentating he has a better feel for the evolution of the game by all teams than if he had just been coaching one team for that period.

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Will be very interesting to see whether Roosy has evolved his game plan compared to the relentless defensive, holding the footy of the Swans. Got to say the Swans are a lot more appealing to watch since Longmire took over. Roosy will always have the defensive mindset first and foremost. But it will be interesting to see if he evolves it into a more attacking system. It sounds from your post that he is doing that which would be a great relief. Swans used to play possession tempo footy under him which meant holding onto the footy a lot and slowing the tempo down. So if you are seeing play on at all costs it indicates a promising change. I have read elsewhere that he has said modern football is relentless running up and down the field. Hopefully after 3 years of observing all teams while commentating he has a better feel for the evolution of the game by all teams than if he had just been coaching one team for that period.

If boring tempo footy gives us a few wins this year, then bring it on.

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If boring tempo footy gives us a few wins this year, then bring it on.

If non boring non tempo footy gives us a few wins this year, then bring it on.

Edited by It's Time
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Will be very interesting to see whether Roosy has evolved his game plan compared to the relentless defensive, holding the footy of the Swans. Got to say the Swans are a lot more appealing to watch since Longmire took over. Roosy will always have the defensive mindset first and foremost. But it will be interesting to see if he evolves it into a more attacking system. It sounds from your post that he is doing that which would be a great relief. Swans used to play possession tempo footy under him which meant holding onto the footy a lot and slowing the tempo down. So if you are seeing play on at all costs it indicates a promising change. I have read elsewhere that he has said modern football is relentless running up and down the field. Hopefully after 3 years of observing all teams while commentating he has a better feel for the evolution of the game by all teams than if he had just been coaching one team for that period.

This subject keeps getting raised here, but from my recollection, in the last couple of seasons under Roos, the Swans were playing some very exciting football that combined tight defensive structures with fast attacking footy.

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