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Bombers scandal: charged, <redacted> and <infracted>


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Hardly a VICTIM

Yep. And ditto the Marquis de Tird. These "victims" have a pretty decent bank balance, given to them, of course, by us suckers on the outer.

Edited by Jara
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and now we have to read about there stupid win last night. Port you let a lot of people down last night.

Sickening. If these buggers get off on some technicality dragged up by their squillion-dollar lawyers I'll be turned off sport forever.

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Essendon apologists are also saying that it was unfair for Harcourt to say what he said because now everyone is speculating who the miscreants who were retired or rested temporarily might be. Another desperate attempt to muckefuck and deflect from the real issue. I cannot see how this can be a breach of confidentiality and privacy as no names or clubs were mentioned. This was said at an anti doping conference which is not for public consumption and where such issues should be discussed. And it was Essendon who made sure this once unknown speech was blasted all over the media so that now everyone knows and can speculate to their hearts content.

Yep i enderstand bomber fans want this speech deleted from the case.

My point was harcourt said in the video the players had taken GRHP-2 GRHP-6 & CJC1295,thats why the bombers are unhappy after the video sat for 9 months.Not the privacy problem, but the drugs mentioned.

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It staggers me that the EFC have told their players that they have nothing to worry about with regard to the supplements program. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/essendon-players-shrug-off-cancer-talk-20140704-zswcf.html

Is this the same EFC that have no records about what the players were given?

No records, drugs from Mexico, drugs from unmarked vials, thousands of injections but the EFC have the temerity to tell their players they have no risk as a result of the program.

How gullible do the EFC think we are?

I am outraged!

And I have said again and again, AHPRA are derelict in their duties, unless they have Reid and the compounding pharmacist clearly in their sights. Totally unprofessional conduct.

True but AD would have covered his rear better if he had called all the clubs.

I'm reminded if the old Jewish joke about the man who murders his parents and asks for mercy from the judge because he is an orphan. Essendon have taken that to a new level.

LOL - an oldie but a goodie

Its strange how Tird has been so well hidden. I am surprised no one has spotted him overseas. No reported sighting of him since he left. And no sightings on social media that I am aware of. Where are the door stop journalists and paparazzi?

Perhaps the French paparazzi don't give a stuff and regard Jaques Merde as an insignificant person, and AFL as an insignificant code. Maybe that is why the sneaky cheat took refuge there.

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. I reckon saying absolutely nothing is the right thing ATM. One to comment means dancing to the efc's tune. Two what do they have to anwer to. Nothing new has happened. The conference was in 2013. Its only in the news because the hird Murdoch PR machine has decided to air it now to advance their own agenda. Three - and to mind the best reason - the silence from the afl must be infuriating to little, hird and their media lap dogs. Finally it gives the story no credence or oxygen. Good strategy I reckon

Most sensible post on this thread in some time. AD couldn't keep his ego out of it and fed the whole media war thing Hird & co were clearly geared up for.Sucking the oxygen out of it should have been the strategy from the outset, albeit the ACC media announcement kicked things off in the wrong direction.

The AFL have had a massive control of the footy media in recent times. Have to wonder if this isn't a ploy by Murdoch to wrestle that power back as a long term strategy. i.e. greater access to players, etc.

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Perhaps the French paparazzi don't give a stuff and regard Jaques Merde as an insignificant person, and AFL as an insignificant code. Maybe that is why the sneaky cheat took refuge there.

On the other hand if Monsieur Merde was a target rather than a protected species of the Murdoch press I bet they would have staked out every cafe and tanning salon in Paris with paparazzi to hunt him down. Edited by america de cali
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Interesting article in the Age quoting Dean Robinson's lawyer (Galbally) - Former Essendon fitness coach Dean Robinson could take AFL, ASADA to court

Essentially Robinson is looking at the Hird/Bomber Federal court case with agrerat deal of interest and ironically if they are successful will seek to tie the finding to himself. This meas that essentially Essendon may have proved his case against themselves. This also opens the door for Robnson to take action aganst the AFL.

If Hird and Co win this case and have the investigation quashed the AFL and ASADA will have no option but to appeal. They will need to go through evidence with a fine tooth comb to determine what remains admissable even if they lose to determine if a case can be proven, I have mentioned it before but they cant get a case up the door is open for Essendon, Hird, Dank, and Robinson to sue the the AFL and ASADA for multi millions. When you include damages and costs I would hate to think what the final cost will be. The finances of the comp will be a mess and future rights and sponsorship deals will inevitably take a whack.

The chances of the AFL buying Etihad early and providing relief for the Doggies, North and the Saints will be gone and we can kiss goodbye to any assitance in the short term from the AFL.

Little and Hird have put themselves and the club above the good of the competition and ultimately all players including there own in the action they have taken when they know full well that they made serious mistakes and cant say what the players were administered. I have no doubt that Little and Hird are aware of the majority of evidence against them and know that there is a case to answer. They deserve our contempt, and have mine in full measure.

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If anybody who viewed the Lance Armstrong documentary last night on 7Two could draw disturbing parallels to the way the EFC are trying to prevent any blame onto themselves. Armstrong had so much political power and influence that he even succeeded in overturning US Federal indictment. The only authority he could not taint was USADA / WADA.

Essendon might even win this court case as did Armstrong but eventually they can't / won't beat ASADA.

Michangelo Rucci wrote a wonderful piece in the Adelaide Advertiser over the weekend.

Edited by djr
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I wonder if Robinson could give evidence to gain a lighter sentance knowing ASADA only need to prove its more likely they did take banned substances?

Reimers is another wild card to this situation, the doggies power and Dockers might consider telling their players to fess up too, 6 months out is far better than 2 years and likely career over for most of these boys

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I dont see WADA losing.

They wont have gone in half assed.

Little is playing large. Hes gone all in semi blind but will come unstuck and drown in the River.

Littles technique is that not unlike a bully's.

Hes about to get an almighty shove of reality.

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I wonder if Robinson could give evidence to gain a lighter sentance knowing ASADA only need to prove its more likely they did take banned substances?

Reimers is another wild card to this situation, the doggies power and Dockers might consider telling their players to fess up too, 6 months out is far better than 2 years and likely career over for most of these boys

Robinson was interviewed over 5 days so am sure he made full and frank admissions and may well be on a ban right now.

I think he may have been a person ASADA re-interviewed after the retired judge reviewed the case.

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Beezelbub little reminds me of a little nerdy kid paying off all his friends to start rumours and try and create public support

Behind the bias and uneducated smokescreen you have a club that is in so much trouble it can't even respond to a show cause notice

The other board members must be very nervous

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I am sure the bloke has had a strategy from day one and worked behind the scenes even when Evans was in the chair to that end. You dont become a billionaire by being stupid. I recon he is playing a high risk strategy because he has to. To roll over would see Hird gone and the club possibly subject to a WADA ban and further AFL sanctions. The club would also be liable for civil action by the players for lost earnings and damages. My problem is that he knows they did wrong but they are prepared to sell out the game to avoid the fallout from there actions. Hardball business but immoral IMO

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it is very much hardball business as you put it. But WADA wont be bullied. Little has done well in his line of business because he could control a lot of the outcomes..it was his turf. Footy , or rather WADA and the world of doping etc really isnt his ( PL) forte. its theirs !!

I would find it very hard to believe that WADA havent gone this far without understanding the machinations of these things as well as a good appreciation of Chess !!

Once Essendon negated the option of true co-operation and taking their medicine ( npi ) then they embarked on a fight to the death.

Its about to get very interesting

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In the Bombers own report, their Investigator Ziggy Switkowski, a loyal Bomber fan, found that their actions were a disgraceful pharmacalogical program, using unknown drugs on the players who were the guinea pigs in the whole disgusting episode.

The Bombers accepted the Report and its findings and accepted that their governance in this instance was missing.

They then did a deal with the AFL to get a low penalty which is clearly their right.

They accepted the penalty.

To this day they insist that the players were not given banned or harmful drugs, but are unable to say what they in fact were given and therefore what side effects may come from those drugs.

However, Robbo says they are not guilty of any wrong doing and if he says that, then they must be innocent.

I don't know how I got it so wrong.

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In the Bombers own report, their Investigator Ziggy Switkowski, a loyal Bomber fan, found that their actions were a disgraceful pharmacalogical program, using unknown drugs on the players who were the guinea pigs in the whole disgusting episode.

The Bombers accepted the Report and its findings and accepted that their governance in this instance was missing.

They then did a deal with the AFL to get a low penalty which is clearly their right.

They accepted the penalty.

To this day they insist that the players were not given banned or harmful drugs, but are unable to say what they in fact were given and therefore what side effects may come from those drugs.

However, Robbo says they are not guilty of any wrong doing and if he says that, then they must be innocent.

I don't know how I got it so wrong.

probably something to do with einstein's theory of relativity redleg, and i still struggle with that

robbo probably topped his class in astrophysics

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Interesting article in the Age quoting Dean Robinson lawyer (Galbally).

Essentially Robinson is looking at the Hird/Bomber Federal court case with agrerat deal of interest and ironically if they are successful will seek to tie the finding to himself. This meas that essentially Essendon may have proved his case against themselves. This also opens the door for Robnson to take action aganst the AFL.

If Hird and Co win this case and have the investigation quashed the AFL and ASADA will have no option but to appeal. They will need to go through evidence with a fine tooth comb to determine what remains admissable even if they lose to determine if a case can be proven, I have mentioned it before but they cant get a case up the door is open for Essendon, Hird, Dank, and Robinson to sue the the AFL and ASADA for multi millions. When you include damages and costs I would hate to think what the final cost will be. The finances of the comp will be a mess and future rights and sponsorship deals will inevitably take a whack.

The chances of the AFL buying Etihad early and providing relief for the Doggies, North and the Saints will be gone and we can kiss goodbye to any assitance in the short term from the AFL.

Little and Hird have put themselves and the club above the good of the competition and ultimately all players including there own in the action they have taken when they know full well that they made serious mistakes and cant say what the players were administered. I have no doubt that Little and Hird are aware of the majority of evidence against them and know that there is a case to answer. They deserve our contempt, and have mine in full measure.

An interesting, and troubling, interpretation.

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I am sure the bloke has had a strategy from day one and worked behind the scenes even when Evans was in the chair to that end. You dont become a billionaire by being stupid. I recon he is playing a high risk strategy because he has to. To roll over would see Hird gone and the club possibly subject to a WADA ban and further AFL sanctions. The club would also be liable for civil action by the players for lost earnings and damages. My problem is that he knows they did wrong but they are prepared to sell out the game to avoid the fallout from there actions. Hardball business but immoral IMO

Pretty accurate way of putting it. In reality, the AFL, ASADA are comparatively small fry. WADA is the big hitter which didn't do itself any favours by making the mistakes it did earlier on. In this game of high stakes the smallest errors can cost you the game, whether everyone think they should or shouldn't have.

Agree that the compensation sought at the end is why everyone's fighting so hard. Expect this to go on for years and ultimately deeply damage the competition. Very sad. Time to tune out.. there are better things in life.

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In the end..WADA hold the cards...Little.....has....well....Little ( to play with )

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Interesting article in the Age quoting Dean Robinson lawyer (Galbally).

Essentially Robinson is looking at the Hird/Bomber Federal court case with agrerat deal of interest and ironically if they are successful will seek to tie the finding to himself. This meas that essentially Essendon may have proved his case against themselves. This also opens the door for Robnson to take action aganst the AFL.

If Hird and Co win this case and have the investigation quashed the AFL and ASADA will have no option but to appeal. They will need to go through evidence with a fine tooth comb to determine what remains admissable even if they lose to determine if a case can be proven, I have mentioned it before but they cant get a case up the door is open for Essendon, Hird, Dank, and Robinson to sue the the AFL and ASADA for multi millions. When you include damages and costs I would hate to think what the final cost will be. The finances of the comp will be a mess and future rights and sponsorship deals will inevitably take a whack.

The chances of the AFL buying Etihad early and providing relief for the Doggies, North and the Saints will be gone and we can kiss goodbye to any assitance in the short term from the AFL.

Little and Hird have put themselves and the club above the good of the competition and ultimately all players including there own in the action they have taken when they know full well that they made serious mistakes and cant say what the players were administered. I have no doubt that Little and Hird are aware of the majority of evidence against them and know that there is a case to answer. They deserve our contempt, and have mine in full measure.

When asada goes to USA and gets their No1,2/3 to look at the file and give it a tick of approval,then its in good hands.

The bombers know this and are doing everything in the book to stop the train hitting them.But if asada/wada have done the homework and ticked off on it,then its goodnight irene.

BTW,just on Little and his demeanor,It was fight to the death until the 17 clubs and commission met and made an agreement BTGID,

Then his mood became all good and rosy, until asada kept up its investigation and he went all rambo BS in the press because he thought BTGID was the end of the saga.

Now after using high court to damper asada,he is all smiles again,

UNTIL,the asada people mentioned we will never stop,This investigation will start again if the high court stops the evidence weve collected.

Waiting for Simon Madden to take over when there is nothing left of this club.

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I dont see WADA losing.

They wont have gone in half assed.

Little is playing large. Hes gone all in semi blind but will come unstuck and drown in the River.

Littles technique is that not unlike a bully's.

Hes about to get an almighty shove of reality.

BB I think you have used most of the metaphors available here. But the River reference is that Merde Creek?

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