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Kennett future MelbourneFC President?


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I don't see too many people stepping up to fix the mess we're in.

Just because they are not as loud (and destabilising for our club) does not mean they are not 'stepping up.'

Freeman, who was quietly added to the board, would be one of those Demons who is willing to give their time and effort.

Kennett is as loud as his ego is big and papers won't sell themselves - hence we are left with this myth that Kennett is our only viable option for change.

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Just because they are not as loud (and destabilising for our club) does not mean they are not 'stepping up.'

Freeman, who was quietly added to the board, would be one of those Demons who is willing to give their time and effort.

Kennett is as loud as his ego is big and papers won't sell themselves - hence we are left with this myth that Kennett is our only viable option for change.

The club is so quiet that a couple of comments from Jeff on radio cut through far more than anything the current board has to say. He has a vision for the club and he speaks with conviction about it. I like that - it was more convincing than anything I've heard Don or the current board say. I never voted for him when he was in office, but one thing remains true - when he talks, people listen. Freeman might be a very worthy candidate, but who would know? The silence from club is deafening.

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The club is so quiet that a couple of comments from Jeff on radio cut through far more than anything the current board has to say. He has a vision for the club and he speaks with conviction about it. I like that - it was more convincing than anything I've heard Don or the current board say. I never voted for him when he was in office, but one thing remains true - when he talks, people listen. Freeman might be a very worthy candidate, but who would know? The silence from club is deafening.

Listen, don't you think there is a reason the current board is not saying much? they are at the moment in transition, Jackson has come in at the behest of the AFL and he is doing his job to get this club back on track. He is not about knee jerk reactions but he is very action oriented according to people I know that have worked with him in the past. Once he forms a view he will make the moves, we don't need Jeff as a distraction. I'm totally sick of people thinking we need him as though he is some messiah, he's not he's just a mouth on legs and I'm totally sick of people thinking it's some sort of thinking outside the square, it's not, it's just dumb thinking.

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Just because they are not as loud (and destabilising for our club) does not mean they are not 'stepping up.'

Freeman, who was quietly added to the board, would be one of those Demons who is willing to give their time and effort.

Kennett is as loud as his ego is big and papers won't sell themselves - hence we are left with this myth that Kennett is our only viable option for change.

I'm not saying Kennett's the right fit for us RP, and I think he would most likely divide the supporter base regadless, which is a worry in itself. However I don't accept that a continuation of a "quietly quietly" conservative style board is our best medicine from here either. I can recall it being that way for many decades now and look where it's gotten us.

I think it's time for a change up to big, bold and daring. Dare to think big. Dare to achieve. Dare to dream. Dare to be one of the biggest and greatest football clubs in the land. It will take 1 or 2 big personalities and great business/football savvy people to lead us there IMO.

I'm also not convinced that a little adjusting here and there to a disfunctional failed board is healthy either. The member base needs to see and is demanding drastic change at the top. Seeing is believing. I doubt shuffling the deck chairs a little will cut it. However, I'm not naive enough to rule out the likelihood that some shuffling and tinkering isn't what might be in store and already in train following PJ's review.

The Collins St set/old boy's club aren't going to vacate their cozy arrangement anytime soon, and certainly not without putting up a rear guard action to protect what they would see as their rightful place of power at the G. And there's certainly no real and present danger to their tenure from a few mutterings by JK. Unless of course he (or an alternative ticket, led by a club legend such as Robbie Flower) manages to put together one helluva ticket.

Some interesting times ahead

Edited by Rusty Nails
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If the club ...or rather those who would wish to run the club as boardmembers wish to gain ( or keep ) their positions then they had better start communicating to us wee lil folk ( the members ) what their plans/visions are.

Those that think they can be boardmembers whilst saying or showing us little may be in for a vrey rude shock.

I dont expect this to necessarily happen tomorrow. But I would ask/advise them to do so at their earliest opportinity. We lil folk are a bit tired of being kept in the dark.

Some will no doubt come out swinging with ..." well theres a time and a place for this information to be dispensed, you'll just have to wait til then"

Theres a certain reality to that I ackowledge. The caveat is that we've waited for along time, a very long time to hear the truth. We get fed snippets and sometimes just plain invention as to the where and how of this club.

In that vein Im happy to listen to what anyone has to say.

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Listen, don't you think there is a reason the current board is not saying much? they are at the moment in transition, Jackson has come in at the behest of the AFL and he is doing his job to get this club back on track. He is not about knee jerk reactions but he is very action oriented according to people I know that have worked with him in the past. Once he forms a view he will make the moves, we don't need Jeff as a distraction. I'm totally sick of people thinking we need him as though he is some messiah, he's not he's just a mouth on legs and I'm totally sick of people thinking it's some sort of thinking outside the square, it's not, it's just dumb thinking.

Listen, don't you think there is a reason the current board is not saying much? they are at the moment in transition, Jackson has come in at the behest of the AFL and he is doing his job to get this club back on track. He is not about knee jerk reactions but he is very action oriented according to people I know that have worked with him in the past. Once he forms a view he will make the moves, we don't need Jeff as a distraction. I'm totally sick of people thinking we need him as though he is some messiah, he's not he's just a mouth on legs and I'm totally sick of people thinking it's some sort of thinking outside the square, it's not, it's just dumb thinking.

Following the safe path has got us nowhere. We've had one president in our recent past who has managed to get things moving and that was Jimmy. He was special, he commanded respect and people listended. But either side of his tenure, we've just had the wrong leadership in place - Gutnick, Szondy, Gardner, McLardy. Unfortunately they've contributed to our passive image.

Jackson is an excellent appointment as CEO, but we will need bold leadership at the board level. I don't care if the Kennett idea goes nowhere, but unlike some I'm willing to consider the thought. As a club we're stale - I'm all for someone trying to shake it up.

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Kennett or anyone else presents a very different alternative to what we currently have.

What we are atm is a bit of a mess. There are people who got us there and some / quite a few, are still there, still pulling strings.

Its therefore of interest , if not prudent , to at least ivew ande listen to anyone who wants to put their hand up.

Listening costs nothing. Inaction or prejudice can indeed be costly.

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I'm not saying Kennett's the right fit for us RP, and I think he would most likely divide the supporter base regadless, which is a worry in itself. However I don't accept that a continuation of a "quietly quietly" conservative style board is our best medicine from here either. I can recall it being that way for many decades now and look where it's gotten us.

I think it's time for a change up to big, bold and daring. Dare to think big. Dare to achieve. Dare to dream. Dare to be one of the biggest and greatest football clubs in the land. It will take 1 or 2 big personalities and great business/football savvy people to lead us there IMO.

I'm also not convinced that a little adjusting here and there to a disfunctional failed board is healthy either. The member base needs to see and is demanding drastic change at the top. Seeing is believing. I doubt shuffling the deck chairs a little will cut it. However, I'm not naive enough to rule out the likelihood that some shuffling and tinkering isn't what might be in store and already in train following PJ's review.

The Collins St set/old boy's club aren't going to vacate their cozy arrangement anytime soon, and certainly not without putting up a rear guard action to protect what they would see as their rightful place of power at the G. And there's certainly no real and present danger to their tenure from a few mutterings by JK. Unless of course he (or an alternative ticket, led by a club legend such as Robbie Flower) manages to put together one helluva ticket.

Some interesting times ahead

If the club ...or rather those who would wish to run the club as boardmembers wish to gain ( or keep ) their positions then they had better start communicating to us wee lil folk ( the members ) what their plans/visions are.

Those that think they can be boardmembers whilst saying or showing us little may be in for a vrey rude shock.

I dont expect this to necessarily happen tomorrow. But I would ask/advise them to do so at their earliest opportinity. We lil folk are a bit tired of being kept in the dark.

Some will no doubt come out swinging with ..." well theres a time and a place for this information to be dispensed, you'll just have to wait til then"

Theres a certain reality to that I ackowledge. The caveat is that we've waited for along time, a very long time to hear the truth. We get fed snippets and sometimes just plain invention as to the where and how of this club.

In that vein Im happy to listen to what anyone has to say.

Following the safe path has got us nowhere. We've had one president in our recent past who has managed to get things moving and that was Jimmy. He was special, he commanded respect and people listended. But either side of his tenure, we've just had the wrong leadership in place - Gutnick, Szondy, Gardner, McLardy. Unfortunately they've contributed to our passive image.

Jackson is an excellent appointment as CEO, but we will need bold leadership at the board level. I don't care if the Kennett idea goes nowhere, but unlike some I'm willing to consider the thought. As a club we're stale - I'm all for someone trying to shake it up.

It's already happening, the biggest change this club has made and one of the biggest left of centre changes ever made in football has been to sack the CEO and not the coach, the coach will probably go but let it take the right course for a change.

Change is coming and it will be a lot sooner than you think, the board and the football department will get a major overhaul but this won't be done in a month, yes Jackson has been here a month and hasn't sacked anyone yet.

The board are in transition now, it makes no sense for them to speak until they have something to announce. Expect the start of the communication process tomorrow, things are changing.

...and 'Swooper' this is Jim's board, like it or not he was part of the problem here. He did some great things but he also made some major mistakes and put faith in people he shouldn't have. Some decisions just should not have been made, Schwab as CEO and bringing in Lyon as a favour to help out , if Jim wasn't well enough to do the job which he wasn't he should have stepped down. Bringing in someone with no qualification apart from the fact he played for the club and was a media personality just should not have happened.

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Kennett or anyone else presents a very different alternative to what we currently have.

What we are atm is a bit of a mess. There are people who got us there and some / quite a few, are still there, still pulling strings.

Its therefore of interest , if not prudent , to at least ivew ande listen to anyone who wants to put their hand up.

Listening costs nothing. Inaction or prejudice can indeed be costly.

If Jeff was really serious he would have had a private meeting with the club and offered his services and not started a media circus to make us a bigger laughing stock than we already are. I've listened to what he said and it's all wind, hot air from a politician used to imparting spin.

As for people pulling the strings, I guarantee you that no one who got us in this mess is still in there pulling strings. That's all changed when the AFL walked in, and that's what has happened like it or not.

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rjay...that presumes he would be welcomed with open arms by certain factions. He obviously wouldnt be. I deduce he has been approached by a group ( with some clout and /or influence ) but not currently enough t to cause a spill in their own right nor possibly have a perosn to head a ticket that might seem appealling to our financiers. yep Demetriou.

In all reality...who really knows whats already trnaspired...and over how long. ...we're mushrooms

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I'm certain that if Bozo the Clown were to run some would support him

Bozo would be a great candidate, he brings se colour and vibrancy that has been sorely lacking from a MFC president for years. He'd also bring the kids back! Vote bozo number 1.

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Bozo would be a great candidate, he brings se colour and vibrancy that has been sorely lacking from a MFC president for years. He'd also bring the kids back! Vote bozo number 1.

Next you'll be wanting Zig and Zag and I believe Zag brought more than colour

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Forget Uncle Jeff as the next MFC President.

After extensive research I have found the most perfect candidate for the job.

Clearly the MFC needs someone who has high expectation and demands excellence and will not listen to any BS. Someone who will tell everyone the way it is and not use spin or politically correct language. They must have experience in running a big successful business and is passionate about what ever they do. Also they must have the ability to unite the MFC members and supporters in ways never before imagined. Some may think that Jeff is the man but there is someone better.

There is only one person that I can think of that would meet all the above selection criteria to the level needs to make the MFC truly great and that is DARTH VADER!

Sure he will only wear black but all his Seth apprentices will paint their faces in blue and red if he commands them to. Just think of the possibilities and the future of the MFC under such leadership.

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I'm not saying Kennett's the right fit for us RP, and I think he would most likely divide the supporter base regadless, which is a worry in itself. However I don't accept that a continuation of a "quietly quietly" conservative style board is our best medicine from here either. I can recall it being that way for many decades now and look where it's gotten us.

I think it's time for a change up to big, bold and daring. Dare to think big. Dare to achieve. Dare to dream. Dare to be one of the biggest and greatest football clubs in the land. It will take 1 or 2 big personalities and great business/football savvy people to lead us there IMO.

I'm also not convinced that a little adjusting here and there to a disfunctional failed board is healthy either. The member base needs to see and is demanding drastic change at the top. Seeing is believing. I doubt shuffling the deck chairs a little will cut it. However, I'm not naive enough to rule out the likelihood that some shuffling and tinkering isn't what might be in store and already in train following PJ's review.

The Collins St set/old boy's club aren't going to vacate their cozy arrangement anytime soon, and certainly not without putting up a rear guard action to protect what they would see as their rightful place of power at the G. And there's certainly no real and present danger to their tenure from a few mutterings by JK. Unless of course he (or an alternative ticket, led by a club legend such as Robbie Flower) manages to put together one helluva ticket.

Some interesting times ahead

You are still not getting it.

There is no alternative ticket because Demons talk to the club.

Big change happened when Stynes came in, wouldn't you say?

Well that was an arrangement between all but 3 of the former board to vacate and allow Stynes and co. to take over. There was no ticket. There was no blame, recriminations, or threats to the current admin, and certainly no ultimatums not to make any personnel decisions in the near future.

And I wouldn't be so dismissive of the 'Collins St set' - the AFL likes directors from that part of town, I would also say they were a big part of the Debt that was Demolished.

You want to 'dare to dream' - how about we 'dare to be stable.'

A few changes, a new President, an AFL-endorsed way forward through the medium of the bloke charged with doing things (the CEO) and that will right the ship.

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Rpfc.. Mate..all due respect i think its you missing the point.

BIG change is still required as in the main what/whomever is thrre simply arent getting the place happening in any great successful way.

Effort and heart are one thing. Vision and accomplishment are clearly another.

Whatever flavour is currently enjoyed has failed.

To not instigate wholesale overhaul is to do nothing but muddy the way forward and dilute the energies of the incoming.

What we have doesn't work.

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You can make your own mind up as to McLardy, most of us have, but I loved his comments today on Kennett:

"My preference would be to give no more oxygen to Jeff's comments, but I want to make it very clear to everyone that the Melbourne Football Club has no interest in a man who once said 'my heart bleeds gold and brown',” McLardy said in a pre-game address before Melbourne's Queen's Birthday clash with Collingwood.

"Nor are we interested in someone who has suggested the Melbourne Football Club should merge with another club or move to the Gold Coast.

"Nor are we interested in someone whose judgement saw them call for premiership coach Alastair Clarkson's sacking after round one this year after the Geelong loss. Needless to say Hawthorn haven't lost a game since.

"Jeff, there was a very good reason the Victorian people threw you out of office despite your record, and from your performance last week, it would seem you are the only one who still doesn't know what that reason was.”

Absolute brilliance, and I agree 100%.

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I was never a fan of Kennett's politics, but I reckon Don could have been smarter here. If we have a former state premier showing concern for the club and offering himself to help, why would we shut him down, particularly in such an aggressive tone? We're hardly in a good place right now. We should be listening to ideas and gathering perspectives. Don could have said that he was surprised by the comments because Jeff hadn't approached the club directly, but if there's anyone out there that wants to help the club, he'll listen...Jeff Kennett included. That's his responsibility as president.

Edited by Swooper Northey
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I was never a fan of Kennett's politics, but I reckon Don could have been smarter here. If we have a former state premier showing concern for the club and offering himself to help, why would we shut him down, particularly in such an aggressive tone? We're hardly in good place right now. We should be listening to ideas. Don could have said that he was surprised by the comments because Jeff hadn't approached the club directly, but if there's anyone out there that wants to help the club, he'll listen...Jeff Kennett included.

Because Don wants to hand pick his successor, and Jeff interferes with that plan. It's vomit making egomania as bad as anything Kennett ever produced, and I can't wait to vote out him and anyone that he backs.

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Its a pity that someone (Don) who is such a great supporter of the MFC was in charge of such a train wreck.

There is no satisfaction in dumping a true Club person but its necessary.


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We have enough problems without this disrespectful nut job trying to destroy our club from the inside.

As a voting member, this egotistical [censored] will never ever get my vote. He does not have our club's best interests at heart. He has only his own interests at heart.

[censored] off Jeff!

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I was never a fan of Kennett's politics, but I reckon Don could have been smarter here. If we have a former state premier showing concern for the club and offering himself to help, why would we shut him down, particularly in such an aggressive tone? We're hardly in a good place right now. We should be listening to ideas and gathering perspectives. Don could have said that he was surprised by the comments because Jeff hadn't approached the club directly, but if there's anyone out there that wants to help the club, he'll listen...Jeff Kennett included. That's his responsibility as president.

His 'responsibility' is to field offers from those wanting to take his job?

How ridiculous.

McLardy's responsibility is to properly administer this club. This does not require him to sit down with someone who wants to overthrow him. Kennett is not saying 'I have some ideas, I'd love to sit down with Don and discuss them'. Mainly because he's not a vested MFC person, and he couldn't give a crap about us. He wants the presidency for his ego.

A few months ago Kennett said he thought we should merge with North Melbourne. His severe about-face between now and then has arisen only because the chance to be president has opened up.

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Rpfc.. Mate..all due respect i think its you missing the point.

BIG change is still required as in the main what/whomever is thrre simply arent getting the place happening in any great successful way.

Effort and heart are one thing. Vision and accomplishment are clearly another.

Whatever flavour is currently enjoyed has failed.

To not instigate wholesale overhaul is to do nothing but muddy the way forward and dilute the energies of the incoming.

What we have doesn't work.

had a chance with 50 media waiting like hyenas outside last weeks board meeting

all he had to do was go out before the meeting and announce there will be no changes to the fd

instead no statement was made and the press titilated themselves all day and caused emotion overspill

a good leader would have cut off the media spin by making a pre meeting statement , ending any speculation

btw firing arrows at jgk doesnt make you a good leader

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I'm glad Don shot down Jeff yesterday. The board in it's current shape and form will go. On performance alone, they would go at the end of the year if an election was called. Don has basically admitted as much. The review into the board needs to go ahead in seeing who needs to go and who needs to stay rather than having this self important clown come in on an ego trip.
People on here talk about how they believe in Peter Jackson and how he will turn the club around. If you really believe that, let him actually do some work. He is restructuring the FD and is looking into the board. If he comes out and says that there is room for a Kennett on the board, I will begrudgingly accept that (with a TRUCKLOAD of reservations) because it would have been a decision that he would have deliberated upon. The way Kennett is trying to take power will undo any work PJ has done in the short time he has been at the club.

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I have stated before i hated Jeff as politician.

BUT a former premier of the state of Victoria, where Melbourne is the capital city has a certain symetry.

I found Don's speech yesterday rather forced. He has been there through this last 6 year HORROR SHOW & that is what it really is.

If one listens to what Kennett is actually saying he makes a lot of sense.

He is only going to do it if the MFC Members make the change.

Yes i am concerned about the way Jeff may preside over the club, but i am more concerned if Don and the current board stick around any longer.

Edited by why you little
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