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Ox says Neeld must go, McLardy too


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I am sorry but as a Dee's supporter I have never had the desire to watch my team lose at any point. It's a very sad article, written by a passionate ex player who happens also happens to be in the media. All of these factors make me question this article. The other part of this that is really tragic is that when unity is required we have ex-players like Schwartz and Healy taking pot shots and trying to divide the club. People are saying that if we continue to lose games and have MN as coach our club will die off, but article like this from former players create havoc and are like a cancer that will eat away on the inside. I have alway held The Ox with some regard but not after this article. On Sunday we have Gerard Healy saying MN is gonski once the board met on monday. All the media outlets treating it like its gospel, then when it does not happen they all cry foul and say it was a non-decision. Biggest beat up ever and what a waste of resources and time for the journo's who spent waiting all day to get given nothing. The only reason it had credence is because Healy's brother is on the board but journos being the sensationalist they are equated this to a certainty it was going to happen. I lmao by the end of the day and listening to Gerard over in Perth having a sulk because he thought his brother could get it done. Obviously knows his football but he has got no idea of what type of politics goes on with boards. This is the world I reckon Ox is trying drum up support to enter into and he is going to find out that he should stay in radio. Because on the radio if you don't agree with someone you just hang up on them and push your own agenda. In a board there no hanging up you actually have to argue and win your fellow directors over to your side. You can't bully them or cajole them you need to to convince enough of them to carry your agenda forward. This is all done whilst dealing with the agenda's both hidden and open of all your fellow directors. But I digress. For Shame Ox For Shame you may speak for some Dee's fans but you do not speak for me in this matter.

You are part of the problem....Ox speaks for the majority. Where do you think our 15-18000k supporters dissapeared to on Sunday?

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You are part of the problem....Ox speaks for the majority. Where do you think our 15-18000k supporters dissapeared to on Sunday?

Ox does not speak for the majority. He is as helpful to our plight as G Lyon who is more concerned with his status as a host, journalist and celebrity tipper than he is supporting our young players (or coaching staff who he was part responsible for selecting).

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Ox does not speak for the majority. He is as helpful to our plight as G Lyon who is more concerned with his status as a host, journalist and celebrity tipper than he is supporting our young players (or coaching staff who he was part responsible for selecting).

Oh really? Then where were all our fans on Sunday?

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I am sorry to say I had the same feeling over the past few weeks, that is to get beaten by enough for changes to be made to the coaching position. Unfortunately I believe a number of supporters have the same feeling.

However the way you may want to put some good spin on the MFC's 2013 season, the simple truth is its a major train wreck.

I respect the Ox more for making his public statements and encourage him to keep going. When can I cast my vote to elect him President! When the Train is about to have a major accident due to missing track further up the line, you would wont someone to pull the emergency stopping cable.

However I do agree in normal circumstance public statements of this nature should be avoided but this is extreme times which requires a major change in most positions at the MFC leadership groups, both on and off the field.

The comments I heard that Peter Jackson can not tell if MN is a good coach or not due to the mess of the coaching section. That comment should scares all MFC supporters more then anything the Ox may say publicly!

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I wonder how much lower the team's morale can go - speculation about club's future, coach apparently DMW, finances possibly shot, fewer and fewer supporters going to games. Yes they're 'professional', but geez it's got to be difficult summoning any sort of effort under these conditions.

Hopefully they can somehow put in a good perfomance against the pies.

Schwarz's comments need to be read in this context.

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Poor form by Ox.

Billy Brownless (who I consider to be equivalent in stature and presence) NEVER, EVER bagged the Cats, even in their darkest moments.

He offered his unconditional support in any way the Club wanted, not vice versa.

Edit: Bleary eyed, getting ready for work - missed words, poor syntax.

Edited by jumbo returns
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The fact is supporters will stop going when teams are losing and then will return when they are winning. I used to live in W.A. and the West Coast supporters are notorious for this, packed house when they are winning and half full stadium when they are losing. And that is from a side that has had quite a lot of success recently. No decision should be made on a coach or any person employed by the club based on supporter numbers. It must be made based on the job they are doing. Now I'm not saying that Neeld is the right man but if Jackson and the board take in what Neeld is trying to implement and think it is the right way forward then they must back him. If however they don't think he is on the right track then they should let him know and then possibly sack him. No football decision should be based on the number of supporters at games.

And in regards to the Ox, he is obviously very passionate which is great but he should really work on directing it the right way. Putting down the club is not the way to help.

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Poor form by Ox.

Billy Brownless (who I consider to be equivalent in stature and presence) NEVER, EVER bagged the Cats, even their darkest moments.

He offered his support in way the Club wanted, not vice versa.

Exactly, some of us on here get bagged for looking through rose coloured glasses, a lot of the supporters do that with the Ox, yes he was a great player and yes I still regard him as such, but he is now a media personality and a lot of what he does is driven by this.

He is not doing a lot around the Club, get over it, he had one meeting with Don McLardy and one session with the 1st year players, that is it, I asked him to come and do the ring around trying to get new members, nothing, hence my first post with the comparison to the action "another club champion' Robbie Flower took

If you support the Club you support the incumbents, if he doesn't like the Board then let's see him get a ticket together and put forward some ideas, let's see what he has got, not just bagging the club,

At the moment it is like the minority on this board. sack everybody, without putting forward viable alternatives....yet when it comes to the AGM or letting the club know their feelings, they sit on their hands because it would mean coming out from behind the online keyboards.

Where was the Ox five years ago, yes we all now disparage Gary Lyon, but at least he put his hand up

And one more, Barassi, if you cut him he would bleed red and blue, yet not one word of criticism, just support

If you are going to the footy to hope your team lose, then you really do need help, that is just sad

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Was he telling the truth? Probably.

Should he have opened his mouth? Absolutely not.

Hey Ox, how about you STFU. You say you want to help the Club, well pal, this aint fcuking helping. Even if McLardy didn't ask for your assistance, there are more ways that you can help without needing to have your name on the MFC payroll. There's 30k+ members who are helping the club, perhaps you can learn something from them.

You're as much of showbag as Lyon - both brightly coloured and full of sh!t.

Lost respect for Ox after that Sheedy interview a couple of years ago, and this just confirms to me that he's in it for D Schwarz, not the MFC.

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A good president reflects the feeling and thoughts of his constituents. Schwartz has done just that.

The only MFC supporters I know that support neeld and the current board are a scattered few on this site.

We are pathetic, the pain must end, if a wholloping is the only thing that get the dimwitted board to act, then a wholloping it is.

I thought I had guts, the ox makes me look insipid.

Schwartz is what we need, he possesses the attitude of stynes, whatever it takes!

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The fact is supporters will stop going when teams are losing and then will return when they are winning. I used to live in W.A. and the West Coast supporters are notorious for this, packed house when they are winning and half full stadium when they are losing. And that is from a side that has had quite a lot of success recently. No decision should be made on a coach or any person employed by the club based on supporter numbers. It must be made based on the job they are doing. Now I'm not saying that Neeld is the right man but if Jackson and the board take in what Neeld is trying to implement and think it is the right way forward then they must back him. If however they don't think he is on the right track then they should let him know and then possibly sack him. No football decision should be based on the number of supporters at games. And in regards to the Ox, he is obviously very passionate which is great but he should really work on directing it the right way. Putting down the club is not the way to help.

Yep. Stupid divisive sniping from David Schwarz. The strongest clubs on and off field have a culture of solidarity and loyalty, and that includes from affiliated media commentators. To further inflame the 'pro-Neeld/anti-Neeld division, and effectively invite supporters to share his unwillingness to support the team on game day, and even HOPE THEY GET SMASHED is beyond juvenile. Mark Neeld's performance as coach will ultimately determine his fate, and the ONLY thing the Ox is doing is fertilising the media ridicule and opinion that this club has no unity and loyalty even from its supporters..... US! Imagine if he did the statesman-like thing and directed his great passion toward unity amongst supporters, like Jimmy did. Imagine instead if he got his sound bites by attacking the mindless ignorant commentators who think they know what's going on at the MFC, and how to fix it.

If we need ANYTHING right now it's a positivity toward supporting the club. This is not it, and it does NOTHING to help. Shameful stuff from a club legend.

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"Is its what is is"

"We were just out bodied" etc......

Who wants more of this crap?.....

I love the ox....i feel sure the coach will be gone next week.

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i thought that was the same thing?

That's the trouble with many in the anti-Neeld brigade. They don't consider that it might not be the same thing. With no inside information they just assume it is. I'd rather rely on someone like PJ interviewing everyone in the club, thinking carefully and identifying the cause and THEN acting. But hey, where's the fun in that.

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You lost me when you felt the need to use such colourful language.

You can always tell when someone is losing a discussion when they revert to such tactics.

Ox for President. he has my vote!

Was he telling the truth? Probably.

Should he have opened his mouth? Absolutely not.

Hey Ox, how about you STFU. You say you want to help the Club, well pal, this aint fcuking helping. Even if McLardy didn't ask for your assistance, there are more ways that you can help without needing to have your name on the MFC payroll. There's 30k+ members who are helping the club, perhaps you can learn something from them.

You're as much of showbag as Lyon - both brightly coloured and full of [censored].

Lost respect for Ox after that Sheedy interview a couple of years ago, and this just confirms to me that he's in it for D Schwarz, not the MFC.

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No matter who is targetted to go unless this Club gets the recruitment and development right no one can bring this Club forward.

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You lost me when you felt the need to use such colourful language.

You can always tell when someone is losing a discussion when they revert to such tactics.

Ox for President. he has my vote!


Interesting you pull me up on my language and then turn around advocating Schwarz for presidency. Never heard Schwarz speak? Put's me to shame I give you the tip.

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Good on him for pointing out what every other journo has already pointed out. He's in the media. He met with the president over a month ago about what he could do. Haven' t seen any photos or articles about him helping at all. Is it not publicised by the club, or is he not doing anything to help.

Either roll up your sleeves and be one of us, or keep writing "articles" about the people who are trying. One visit in a month, you'll need to do a heap more to get my vote. We can still get worse!

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I work in mining and a colleague (an old Sunbury lad) used to knock around with 'Shwarter' as he calls him, and some of the stories he's told me about what David used to get up to and the people he openly ripped off and lied to (my colleague included) is astounding.

He played some great footy for the Dee's and I'm confident he's got his stuff together nowadays but there's no way he should be commenting on the failings of the MFC with his history. It's hypocrisy at its worst.

I'd go as far to say that this is more about David than the MFC.

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Interesting you pull me up on my language and then turn around advocating Schwarz for presidency. Never heard Schwarz speak? Put's me to shame I give you the tip.

Sorry had to go to the Urban Dictionary for the meaning of HTFU.

You have simple proved me first belief of your comments. To use such language only belittles your comments in my view.

Not really sure the MFC is for you have you ever thought of becoming a Collingwood supporter? I think you will fit right in there!

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Oh really? Then where were all our fans on Sunday?

You could ask the same about the Hawthorn fans, there were two Victorian teams playing.

We have 33000 members, on average about 15000 regularly attend games at the G, I know I asked, except for the big games like the QB, so it was probably a 50/50 split.

We lose money if the attendance is less than 20000

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