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The reason people are bringing up Davey is because he is meant to be the mentor of the indigenous players at Melbourne. He is meant to look out for them and communicate with them. Ensure they are happy at the club and if they are not that the club knows about this so that they can try to cater for the players.

3 walkouts in the last 12 months.......surely he ain't doing the best job. All he has left to mentor is a kid with a broken leg who is going to be delisted.

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Here's the truth of the matter.

Ive always been saying that Jurrah was not in our future plans and this isnt just because (and ive said it over and over despite being criticised) he will soon be in jail, but because he doesnt work hard enough and relies purely on talent rather than work-rate. He - like Wonnamerri - were exciting talents, but both are fails.

I saw Wonna up at Darwin airport way back in 2005 or 2006 and he said to a bloke with me that he 'didnt want to go back to Melbourne, hated the city and didnt want to play at the club.' - Pretty bl00dy clearly for all to hear without any concern.

So Im starting to lean towards the belief that the indigenous players at our club under Bailey were treated with kids gloves. They could walk around in public and diss the club apparently without any issues. Then when Neeld arrived suddenly Aaron Davey is allegedly telling Misfid that he is a racist and then denies it?? Seems strange to me given Liam's situation, the fact that a number of times this year Liam asked 'not to play.' What if after being treated with kid's gloves suddenly they are put under the pump?

Issue with Misfid earlier in the year if I remember correctly was a complaint about what was now expected from the coach. Basically all the players were told what they had under bailey was playschool or below AFL standard and now it was time to become a modern professional club in terms of the work required. This would have been a shock to many of the players, but I think more so to indigenous players who to my perception are very highly skilled naturally but rely on that for success. This was no longer good enough for Neeld and the club. As for Jurrah, he should do the right thing and ask for a trade and not walk out, its been done many times by other players.

As for going to Adelaide to be near his family, my white anglo-saxon view is he should run the other way, as Farmer did the same when he moved back to Perth and it was not a good thing and resulted in lots of off field problems that affected his on field performance.

As for Wonna, i think it came down to he didn't like the city, and that's not restricted to indignenous players but all sorts ever since clubs recruited from outside the metro area.

As for Jurrah, I didn't thin he would play again for us, surprised we got a game out of him this year. Plus he seems to be really fragile and breaks easily, though he's not the only one with that problem at the club :(

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after all the support we gave him through such difficult times... was one of my fav players. (removing him from that list on this site after i post this)

if he plays for port I hope the first port/melb game is at the mcg, the vehmency we directed at $cully will be nothing compared to what jurrah will have to face.

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HUN seems to think he has walked out and Port will use a preseason or rookie pick. Weren't going to get anything for him anyway. Glad it's over and he is gone to be honest. I never liked they extra leeway he was receiving over other players, think the club did everything for him and applaud them for that until he walked out on us.

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I honestly cannot recall ever seeing a post on these forums that has stooped so low. Unbelievable what some people will say just to be vindictive without taking even a moment to reflect on Liam's situation!!

Yeah we tried our best to help him with HIS situation-which should never have happened.

His situation means nothing now.

We need a goalkicker-that's all I know.

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Are you for real? Liam was a likely trade or delist at the end of this season. Liam had talent no doubt but since the 'incident' he hasnt exactly set the training track on fire from what we hear and had minimal impact even at VFL level. Liam's style is all talent with no accountability - prettymuch the opposite of the Neeld direction.

Jurrah was talented and had an x factor but he was hardly an a-grader or a genius.

And I doubt given what has happened this year and how much impact his personal circumstance had on his playing and application this year that Port or Adelaide will go near him sadly.

I was never a huge fan of Jurrahs. He had "flash in the pan" written all over him i think. talented but not a potential champion of the game. Im relieved to be honest. no more dramas. lets recruit a player with a strong work ethic and desire to play accountable footy

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I get the impression that his refusal to train up to his court resulted in Melbourne sacking him. Fair enough too. In a professional club visiting family is not a good enough reason to miss six months of pre-season. Sad cos he was so exciting to watch in his first 10 games.

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What about all those unsold Air Jurrah tshirts??

What about the ones that were purchased? Mines a large if there is any interest. The affair is not what anyone wanted, but wasn't of our making. Prodigous talent and excitement machine no doubt, but the distracting ongoing 'non football' issue will soon be resolved ( maybe not how we had hoped) and it will allow greater focus back onto matters football.

In the final analysis I doubt if MN or the football dept should be overly concerned, indeed they may eventually begin to see it as a sort of positive. Under their regime he has played only one game and the future was uncertain. Hardly a foundation and ongoing matter that helps a team move forward.

Good luck for the future Liam, thanks for the memories they were great.

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I am sickened by some of the comments on this site. I am a long-time, loyal Dees supporter and I'm very disappointed by the way things have panned out. Liam was my favourite player and one of the most gifted I have seen. I, like many followed his story with interest. I was desperate to see him back in the red and blue on a consistent basis. He has pressures on him that we don't understand. The invective on this site towards him, and then amazingly, towards Davey, is very disturbing and makes me wonder what sort of people post here.

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Yes, one was fat and unfit, one was playing Casey 2nds and wanted to go home from day one, the third has his family in Adelaide and a serious Court case next year which he wants to concentrate on, as well as being injured or unfit all year. Your point is?

Point was they all left the MFC (and AFL arena) because it had become too hard, or a lower priority than other things in their lives.

The club invests a lot of time, energy and draft picks /position in every player they recruit and train. I'd suggest with Clark, Sellar, Magner, ... the club has already already shifted to ensure we pick up players with sufficient hunger/endurance/priorities/support to stay the journey.

Edited by PaulRB
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it did and still does sound like a cheap shot at Davey and nothing you've added is anything other than speculation without any basis on facts, which is that Davey might have undermined the team, big call in my book to accuse someone of treason with no facts.

Davey seems to have been the centre of no end of trouble this year. Maybe unfairly. But where there is smoke......

Certainly looks like he sooked it big time with Neeld. Looks to have been unhappy for a long time.

And yes he was supposed to have been the leader of the brothers. And TWO of them have walked this year.

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What did Rudeboy say. Did he confirm Ports comments.

He has no doubts that LJ will be playing as well as ever in SA . He feels sorry for Dees fans.

Interesting that Rudeboy has not appeared on DL. In the past he has always come on and given us some insight and understanding which has been much appreciated. Feel a bit let down by Rudeboy as well...me thinks his silence on DL 'speaks volumes'!

BTW we don't need him to feel sorry for us! How condescending!!

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Interesting that Rudeboy has not appeared on DL. In the past he has always come on and given us some insight and understanding which has been much appreciated. Feel a bit let down by Rudeboy as well...me thinks his silence on DL 'speaks volumes'!

BTW we don't need him to feel sorry for us! How condescending!!

Yes one wonders what part 'Rudeboy' played in this. I found his little radio bit on SEN really condescending to Demon fans.

Rudeboy made it fairly clear he didn't like Mark Neeld's 'methods' in various posts on this forum and you'd have to suspect his charge Liam, given his approach to 2012, didn't either.

By 'Mark Neeld's methods' ... read 'training hard like a proper professional'.

It's good that he's gone. Anyone else who isn't prepared to put in the hard yards required for elite fitness can F.O as well.

Edited by Range Rover
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Absolutely ridiculous that Aaron Davey is copping it over this. The Jurrah events couldn't be any more out of his control, and Kel Lawrence was clearly getting the flick at the end of the season and decided to head home early.

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I think it was Rudeboy who said at the time Liam went to Adelaide to be with his family that there were more important things in Liam's life than football and I think we should all respect this and the fact that he couldn't cope with his situation and remain in Melbourne. The logical conclusion to all that is that the football club was left with no option but to thank him for his past services and for both to move on. It's the end of a journey that wasn't contemplated in Rudeboy's book and tragically, it's a reprise of many similar stories in the history of this country and in the history of Liam's people.

I believe in Liam's innocence and that he will ultimately be acquitted but more importantly, I hope that his journey gets back on its track and that he can again become a light and an inspiration for young indigenous children.

I think that the entire affair and the negativity the story created has also weighed heavily on the Melbourne Football Club in a year when many similar distractions have tested it to the limit. Someone said of Melbourne that we stand for survival and that resonates with me because my family survived far more difficult circumstances than most around here could ever imagine. They not only managed to survive but were able to bring about a regeneration and success in so many aspects of the many lives that form the family. Our football club is also in a way, faced with the challenge of regeneration after a traumatic period in its history.

The parting of ways with Liam Jurrah and many others who we've supported and followed in the past is not a thing we should look upon with much more than a tinge of regret. We have a job to do and it's how we do that which will determine what we ultimately stand for. The indication from these partings is that our football people firmly believe they can go past survival and bring about our regeneration.

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I think it was Rudeboy who said at the time Liam went to Adelaide to be with his family that there were more important things in Liam's life than football and I think we should all respect this and the fact that he couldn't cope with his situation and remain in Melbourne. The logical conclusion to all that is that the football club was left with no option but to thank him for his past services and for both to move on. It's the end of a journey that wasn't contemplated in Rudeboy's book and tragically, it's a reprise of many similar stories in the history of this country and in the history of Liam's people.

I believe in Liam's innocence and that he will ultimately be acquitted but more importantly, I hope that his journey gets back on its track and that he can again become a light and an inspiration for young indigenous children.

I think that the entire affair and the negativity the story created has also weighed heavily on the Melbourne Football Club in a year when many similar distractions have tested it to the limit. Someone said of Melbourne that we stand for survival and that resonates with me because my family survived far more difficult circumstances than most around here could ever imagine. They not only managed to survive but were able to bring about a regeneration and success in so many aspects of the many lives that form the family. Our football club is also in a way, faced with the challenge of regeneration after a traumatic period in its history.

The parting of ways with Liam Jurrah and many others who we've supported and followed in the past is not a thing we should look upon with much more than a tinge of regret. We have a job to do and it's how we do that which will determine what we ultimately stand for. The indication from these partings is that our football people firmly believe they can go past survival and bring about our regeneration.

Well said WJ...as I read this I thought it is exactly what Jim Stynes would say and it resonates of his spirit.

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Absolutely ridiculous that Aaron Davey is copping it over this. The Jurrah events couldn't be any more out of his control, and Kel Lawrence was clearly getting the flick at the end of the season and decided to head home early.

Spot on mate

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I am sickened by some of the comments on this site. I am a long-time, loyal Dees supporter and I'm very disappointed by the way things have panned out. Liam was my favourite player and one of the most gifted I have seen. I, like many followed his story with interest. I was desperate to see him back in the red and blue on a consistent basis. He has pressures on him that we don't understand. The invective on this site towards him, and then amazingly, towards Davey, is very disturbing and makes me wonder what sort of people post here.

Really?? So we help a guy from a remote community fulfill a dream to play AFL. We support him endlessly and go out of our way to accommodate his cultural needs. We support him through injury and a major court trial AND THEN the guy spits in our face and drops a bombshell on us without a consideration that we might get a trade for him or a draft pick somewhere.

And you don't understand why people are upset??

Sean Charles, Wonna, Lawrence and now Jurrah have all walked out on the club. You can't understand why people don't connect the dots??

You're not really trying very hard are you.

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I think youre playing a very straight bat WJ...and being far too kind and generous with the lattitude you afford both this bloke and his over-seers.

Despite anyway you want to wash this the decent thing, the honourable thing, the manly thing to do would have been to thank the club for everything ( including bucket loads of money, lets not forget this for one moment ) and suggest the way forward was to move closer to where he wanted to be and to do so in a way which provided the result he was looking for and gave acknowledgement and respect to the club that mentored him. He could have and should have allowed for a trade to happen.

He hasnt. Thats p!ss poor in any mans language. Any platitudes or condolences from Rudeboy can to be quite frank go right back up his posterior.

No person ought to be denied the opportunity to explore options or pursue their career as they choose, but just as we were suggested to observe his ways and culture theres also an etiquette to all of this and as such it was shat on.

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