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Yes, I am willing to go out on a limb here and most probably be shot down by the usuals but here goes...

Give him a pre-season to prove he has the will and desire to get back to what he once was. (One of most devastating

Full Forwards of the game). If he doesn't show the required commitment and doesn't show the desire we let him go,

no damage done. If he does pass with flying colours however, we move to the next step. A contract.

Offer him a 1 year contract similar to the one Cousins was offered at Richmond. 'One foot wrong and you're out of here'... Again, if he does do something wrong, he embarrasses himself but let's be realistic here. Let's say he doesn't put a foot wrong at pre-season 2012, gets himself in unbelievable physical condition and is given a contract that clearly outlines that he will have no future at any AFL club if he stumbles even the smallest hurdle. When off

the drink, Fev can clearly operate and some people seem to forget that.

As a club we are again at rock bottom. There are many questions regarding the future of some of our younger players.

Some may go, some may not turn into the players we once thought. One thing for certain is that Fev is a proven

gun full forward. If people are willing to give time and games to young players who may or may not develop into

players worth keeping, why can't we give Fev a pre-season and then a year to prove he has what it takes.

A fit and firing Fev could do wonders for the MFC. Everything would have to fall into place first. The right coach,

mentoring, environment etc. But it could happen.


Edited by stevethemanjordan
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Should definately be looked at. A full forward who can kick 60-80 goals a year shouldn't be discarded straight away. People don't like him thats why they are so against it. With him we play finals next year, he will need a strong coach which Bailey wasn't. The issue would be having Fevola Davey and Green in the same side. If they have off days we will look terrible.

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In the past was totally against this idea but am slightly more open to it with a contract similar to the one described in the OP. What I do know is that a good team has a balance of youth and experience. At the moment, we have some exciting and promising youth, but our experienced players are letting us down greatly.

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From the perspective of a player.. id be open. But hes too old. Youll get 1 maybe 2 decent years out of him. That in itself isnt a problem but as weare ( still hopefully ) looking to nudge teh comp come 2013 2014 etx you would , I think be better off getting another younger one in to build into the role of the Power Forward..

If Brendan was say 27..Id be very interested..but he isnt.

I say NO...but purely for pragmatism.

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Yes, I am willing to go out on a limb here and most probably be shot down by the usuals but here goes...

Give him a pre-season to prove he has the will and desire to get back to what he once was. (One of most devastating

Full Forwards of the game). If he doesn't show the required commitment and doesn't show the desire we let him go,

no damage done. If he does pass with flying colours however, we move to the next step. A contract.

Offer him a 1 year contract similar to the one Cousins was offered at Richmond. 'One foot wrong and you're out of here'... Again, if he does do something wrong, he embarrasses himself but let's be realistic here. Let's say he doesn't put a foot wrong at pre-season 2012, gets himself in unbelievable physical condition and is given a contract that clearly outlines that he will have no future at any AFL club if he stumbles even the smallest hurdle. When off

the drink, Fev can clearly operate and some people seem to forget that.

As a club we are again at rock bottom. There are many questions regarding the future of some of our younger players.

Some may go, some may not turn into the players we once thought. One thing for certain is that Fev is a proven

gun full forward. If people are willing to give time and games to young players who may or may not develop into

players worth keeping, why can't we give Fev a pre-season and then a year to prove he has what it takes.

A fit and firing Fev could do wonders for the MFC. Everything would have to fall into place first. The right coach,

mentoring, environment etc. But it could happen.


Rock bottom? That is as gross an over-exaggeration as i have seen.

Port Adelaide is rock bottom.

Yes we haven't progressed as many had hoped this year on the whole, but to say we are rock bottom is ridiculous.

As for Fev, it is the old impatience line again. Everyone wants results now now now. There's no such thing as being patient and letting kids develop.

Just as a bloke like Ftzpatrick starts to get over his injuries and is starting to show something people talk about bringing in Fev. Fev would stop blokes like Fitzpatrick getting a chance at a game. All to please the immediate need of impatient supporters. Fev will be too old by the time all our kids reach the stage where they are maturing and we are pushing up in the top 4 but by having him there we will have hampered the development of the power forwards we've been crying out for. Again putting us back behind the competition.

Forget Fev.

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No thanks. The future is Fitzpatrick, Cook, Howe, Watts, Jurrah and Petterd.

It'll be painful at times, but our premiership heroes will emerge from that lot.

Fev's eventful AFL career is done and dusted.

We must look forward ... not back.

Absolutely, he is already taking up a spot at Casey that could be used by one of our Juniors to develop why would we have him in the seniors doing the same thing?

He's had his chance!

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I have serious doubts over whether he should be in our side. Not because of his personal problems, more power to him for trying to overcome those. Just his attitude and demeanour, when having a bad day. If we did recruit, he would need to show leadership and do all the 1%, chase, shepherd, taking own man away from the action to free up space for another forward.

However, our forward line isn't functioning too well, with Watts the only one who is doing something, someone needs to lead into the space he has created. This could be Fevola. If nothing is doing, our guys could always bomb it in long, you know Fev will give it a red hot crack. He will also free up Jurrah to play as the third/fourth tall, something he will benefit greatly from.

Ever since Neita's retirement, we have really missed not only him playing in the forward line, but his presence (the backman knowing there is a big body in the forward line).

I am warming to the idea. Sorry JCB.

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31 next year is a bit too old for our side I think. Maybe if we were looking to top 4 next year he would be a consideration, however next year I think we will be looking to continue the development of our players and get some form of consistency into our game under a new coach.

I know it’s a sucky excuse and this year has been massively disappointing with no progress but we are still an extremely young side and I still believe that next year we will take a huge step forward.

I think our average games on Sunday was around the 60 mark. Of the players that ran out the following still have not even reached 50 games: Blease, Howe, Martin, McKenzie, Nicholson, Pettard, Scully, Tapscott, Trengove and Watts. Give these blokes another pre-season and another year playing together as a team and we should be making some real progress. Not sure that adding Fev into the game plan will be of much advantage when in 2 years when these guys are in their prime and the game plan is really clicking he is gone and our team style needs to change again.

Would prefer to build a team around Pettard, Watts, Howe and Jurra forward and have Green and Davey as the older guys in support.

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From the perspective of a player.. id be open. But hes too old. Youll get 1 maybe 2 decent years out of him. That in itself isnt a problem but as weare ( still hopefully ) looking to nudge teh comp come 2013 2014 etx you would , I think be better off getting another younger one in to build into the role of the Power Forward..

If Brendan was say 27..Id be very interested..but he isnt.

I say NO...but purely for pragmatism.

2 years is perfect.

Thats the time we need to take the pressure off the side whilst we're maturing.

Cooky & Fitzpatrick need the nest 24 months to grow and develop in & out of the team as they fluctuate. Having someone to knock off would be the incentive for them to improve to a higher level to win the position.

It doesn't have to be FEV, but we need a mature tall forward for a 2 year contract. One who'll also teach these boys & help them play better.


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We want to poach a Big Full Forward at the end of the year. Here is our chance!

- Cheap!

- Minimum 1-2 years out of him

- Guys like Watts/Cook can take over the reigns in 1-2 years time without competing for spots like they may if we get someone like Dawes/White etc

- Fevola gets the oppositions number one defender giving guys like Watts/Jurrah/Green more freedom

- Provides a REAL marketing target

- Will do wonders for our forward structure (do we have one at the moment?)

- Watts/Cook can learn from Fev (on field stuff only :))

Edited by Watt and Howe?
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everyone deserves a second chance.

I think he will get snapped up before the rookie draft.

I would grab him early and watch him tear the competition apart.

FF- Howe Fevola Green

HF- Jurrah Watts Sylvia

Highly skilled combination, a dicipline coach would turn them into world beaters.

coach- Lethal.

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Agree 100% with the OP... saw him for the first time this year when I went to watch at Coburg, and I'd be more than happy to take a punt on him... on a conditions-based contract of course. As I have said in other threads, he is exactly what we are crying out for. A target to kick too... someone for the midfielders to get it into nice and quickly; rather than than the current stop, prop, chip backwards, handball to someone under pressure approach. We need a lump of a target in the goal square... he is exactly that! He has lost none of the explosive initial 10-20m on the lead, he still times his leads immaculately, and he still gives the ball a massive roost too. Seriously, if we put a solid pre-season into him... I have no doubt whatsoever that he could be a 50+ goal a season Full Forward for us, and potentially greater.

Contrary to reports and misleading photo's, he isn't an overweight slob. He has apparently lost 10-15kg since the start of the season. That alone says he is at least trying to make a fist at getting on an AFL list in 2012. Okay, people are going to argue that it is not his on-field stuff they are worried about, it is off-field. Let's discuss that:

Alcohol and related incidences:

Yes, he has had his fair-share of stuff-ups in the past, however I genuinely believe that if he got the chance to play AFL again, he would toe the line and behave. He has admitted he has an binge-alcohol problem, and that is the first step. The ones who stay in denial are the ones who will keep stuffing up because they believe they don't have an issue. He isn't in denial about it. Richmond kept Cousins in line, and he was/is addicted to illicit drugs. Fevola is more a binge-drinking issue from all reports, not alcohol-dependency. The way to cover ourselves is to offer him a one-year contract and if he stuffs up, he is out the door. If we sign him to a contract greater than 1yr, ensure there is a clause in there.

Cancer to clubs:

Yes, this has been said numerous times... however what is a cancer? The bloke from all reports is one of the most liked blokes in football. Off the field he is a blokes-bloke! A larrikin, a practical joker... someone team-mates enjoy being around. Not a back-stabber who divides the playing group or gets in football department politics. On field he kicks goals, but is known to crack the shits when things don't go his way. Way to alleviate that: Get Malthouse in! He won't take his on-field crap, and will probably spur him to play better than any coach has. Malthouse has re-built many a player in his time... why is Fevola no different?

Obviously I am not privy to everything in the Brendan Fevola story, I can only go by what is reported in the media... however, what I am privy to is WE NEED A BIG BODIED FULL FORWARD! Having him will ease the pressure on the likes of Watts, Jurrah, Petterd, Howe. He would take the best defender each week, meaning we are already ahead in that regard. It would probably free Watts up to be more of a tradition lead-up CHF. Imagine what Jurrah could do on a third defender! Petterd could rotate through the midfield too.

The positives outweigh the negatives I think... aside from what he can bring in a playing capacity, he is also worth 5000 more members. He pays for himself... his contract will be next to nothing in the first few season, and forget his age, he could easily do a Barry Hall and play until 35.

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I think our average games on Sunday was around the 60 mark. Of the players that ran out the following still have not even reached 50 games: Blease, Howe, Martin, McKenzie, Nicholson, Pettard, Scully, Tapscott, Trengove and Watts. Give these blokes another pre-season and another year playing together as a team and we should be making some real progress. Not sure that adding Fev into the game plan will be of much advantage when in 2 years when these guys are in their prime and the game plan is really clicking he is gone and our team style needs to change again.

Would prefer to build a team around Pettard, Watts, Howe and Jurra forward and have Green and Davey as the older guys in support.

Scary when you think most of these guys are in our best at the moment. Green/Sylvia/Davey/Morton should be disappointed in themselves.

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Rock Bottom!

Come on, we are about one quarter away from competitive.

Seriously lets get a grip.

We have team with players with real futures, Trengove, Watts, Blease, Gawn, Tapscott, Grimes, Mckenzie.

I hate losing by big margins and its not acceptable but we have had an upheaval at the end of a year.

I expect (and demand) a turn around.

As for FEV in my opinion he has made some very poor choices and is a poor role model. As for the future I think we need a few solid players with the junior crew, can he perform at the highest level again, only the new coach will be able to make that decision. Not me.

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I did sit there yesterday and think if we had fev we would at leat have a target. But no he isnt worth the risk. What happens in a game where we are getting thrashed next season. Fev just sooks and gives up. I know Fev is a great kick for goal but just remember bad Fev to.

We dont need his bad influence.

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I did sit there yesterday and think if we had fev we would at leat have a target. But no he isnt worth the risk. What happens in a game where we are getting thrashed next season. Fev just sooks and gives up. I know Fev is a great kick for goal but just remember bad Fev to.

We dont need his bad influence.

Just like our captain and Davey? At least he will make a physical impact. We should explore the option of Fevola. See where our list is at after trade week and delistings etc. Prefer him than Bate and Dunn.

Cook will need another year to develop, look at how Port are working will Butcher. No need to rush him. Fitzpatrick is a different sort of player who will be a higher forward/ruck.

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I have said this all year since Casey took him on- that MFC should pick him up for a 2 year contract. He could be the answer to a lot of our issues. However, I agree to him doing a pre season- see how his attitude is - then give him the green light.He could be the shining light to develop our young forwards also.

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We ahve a massive issue with on-field leadership and people on here want to, understandably make Trengove captain with JW, JM, JF as understudies.

How do we rationalise the decision to lump those kids with the massive headache that is Brendan Fevola.

I would do it for a flag. I would.

He isn't the difference between us and a flag, and he will push it back by taking the development space of a kid who might be in that flag team.

Tell Mahoney, or get someone else, to build a functioning forward line around Howe, Watts, Jurrah, Jamar/Martin, Cook, Wonaeamirri, and Petterd.

By all means look for someone to be a FF from another club or state leagues - but if they aren't helping us to win a flag, they are useless to us.

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I have no problem with him having a pre-season and possibly a full season or two... would allow Green to be moved up the field where he can get more ball and so wouldn't really impact the ability for the club to play Cook, Watts, Fitzpatrick, Howe etc. A forward line-up comprising Fev, Jurrah, Howe, Cook, Fitzpatrick and Watts (who has now proven he can move comfortably into the backline as well) could present a lot of problems for opposing teams when it comes to match-ups.

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