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  1. These quotes from Eddy further make your point AOB: 'If we were found wanting in the past' The past? - At the same presser, Peter Murphy, a member of the Collingwood integrity committee said though Collingwood has improved in some areas 'they 'still have a long way to go'. 'we’re not a racist club' Isn't that precisely what the report's finding is? About Lumumba: “What we want to do more than anything is put our arms around him and take the heat out of this constant race debate.” Code for make it all this yucky business go away. What 'we want'? Lumumba has made it crystal clear that he doesn't want them to put their 'arms around him'. How typically patronizing. He doesn't want to be mollified. Or comforted like a toddler who has stubbed his toe. He is angry. And people are uncomfortable with that. What about acknowledging what Lumumba wants - addressing the systemic racism at the CFC. Take the heat out of this constant race debate? Really? Take the heat out? Read dismiss it and hide all this unpleasantness away. Constant race debate? Poor old Eddie, the constant desire for some people to constantly bang on about race and racism must be so tiring. Um Eddie, i don't want to be the bearer of bad news but the annoying little race debate 'ain't going anywhere soon, as much as you and your ilk would love it to. For someone who makes living in the media Eddie is remarkably poor at communicating messages - or hiding his true colors. Never has the phrase 'part of the problem, not part of the solution' been more apt.
    18 points
  2. So no-one could be bothered driving for an hour to watch training from behind a fence and then writing a long report about it? This forum is hopeless!
    15 points
  3. Professor Larissa Behrendt is also: - Chair of Indigenous Research at the Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning at the University of Technology. - A founding member of the Australian Academy of Law. - A member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences. - A Director of the Jimmy Little Foundation. - An Order Of Australia Recipient. - A NAIDOC Person of the Year award winner. - A NSW Australian of the Year award winner. - A Walkley nominated writer & director. - A winner of multiple literary awards. But sure, you focus on a dumb tweet she posted once and apologized for.
    14 points
  4. That's probably the worst of the lot. He's making out like he's also a victim of "this constant race debate". You're not a victim, you've just presided over a culture of systemic racism of which Lumumba was a prominent victim. I agree that Lumumba didn't stand up against the racism to be placated about "the constant race debate", he did it because the club culture was racist and he wanted concrete change to that culture. It's clear, based on this, that he was never going to be able to change the culture by working in house. He needed to create the race debate at the club, and the reason that this debate has been ongoing is because the club was too busy telling itself that it wasn't racist rather than addressing the problems like Lumumba wanted in the first place. If you throw your arms around an employee that does a knee or loses a close relative then you'll be appreciated. If you throw your arms around the person who has suffered directly from your behaviour then you'll be rightly told to f### off. Imagine being consoled by the person who just king hit you on the street ..... pretty galling and blatantly transparent. Eddie clearly doesn't understand the report or what the intent of it is. He's trying to save his reputation, but these are the desperate throes of a dying man. For this to work, he needs to get out of the way so that the club has the space to make real change.
    12 points
  5. I'm sure it would have many similar strands, with some clubs worse than others. What I don't think you'd find is the amount that the racist culture is driven actively from the leadership. That's the really troubling bit. The Emperor-as-president nature of Collingwood, and the 25 year tenure of it, means that the culture hasn't renewed as society has evolved. I would imagine that most other clubs would have created more inclusive cultures since the Allan McAlister reckoning in the mid-90s. I'm more inclined to believe that Collingwood's culture of racism is worse than others, as the many incidents have alluded to anyway. We would have said that in the mid-90s too when Eddie took over and his unbroken tenure since means that it is far less likely to have changed than at other clubs. Lumumba had a really hard time of it when he stood up to this culture in a hostile environment. It's taken some time, but I'm glad he is finally being seen more broadly as being on the right side of history. I'm also happy to see that even the most stubborn and outdated club cultures look like they will be eventually dragged into contemporary society, and fewer people will have to experience what Lumumba did.
    10 points
  6. Actually, a joint report by two leading academics in the field: Professor Larissa Behrendt and Professor Lindon Coombes, both from the University of Technology in Sydney. Apart from having had a number of roles in the NSW govt., Coombes also worked at that hotbed of lefty radicalism, Price Waterhouse Cooper.
    9 points
  7. Behrendt's stupid slur against Bess Price came at a particularly low moment for the Indigenous community, and particularly the NT one. The 'Intervention' had just commenced and the bitterness over it was palpable and there was a painful divide in the Indigenous community. On the one hand, people such as Price (coincidentally, from Yuendumu which we all recognise) were coming from a perspective of desperate need for major action to change the violence and abuse in many remote communities. On the other hand there were many Indigenous people who saw a very familiar pattern where those communities had been left to rot, excluded, and not even provided the most basic services all Australians expect, and then when the inevitable crisis came the intervention stepped in and said, "You Aboriginal people can't take care of yourselves, so we're taking control." Many of these communities had been the front line of the Stolen Generations and the 'orphanage' system which proceeded along much the same lines, so the horror was palpable. Then, on the particular show that prompted Behrendt's tweet, Price made a bunch of pretty obnoxious comments basically saying various other Aboriginal people weren't really Aboriginal, and just stooges for chardonnay-sipping socialists etc etc. It was all pretty ignominious. I'm not really defending Behrendt's tweet because at the same time that it is understandable to be emotional and impulsively angry in that moment, it is also even more important to restrain it. In general, she is a recognised expert in the field, a highly qualified and experienced lawyer, and also only one of two people handling the review. Also, Collingwood picked her. The important point here is; the legitimacy of the report is not diminished by one crappy tweet made by one of its authors nine years ago. Let that one go.
    8 points
  8. I hope our board gets a copy of this report somehow and measures our own overall performance against the identified failings.
    8 points
  9. I read what Eddie said, but there are always certain words missing from his statements. Simple words, like 'sorry' or 'apologize'. Simple words which are sometimes all people would like to hear. It doesn't seem like much to ask. But Eddie apparently has never heard of these words or he just doesn't want to use them.
    7 points
  10. Eddie: "A proud day for the Collingwood Football Club" Probably not what I'd lead with...
    7 points
  11. This is absolute rubbish. The person facilitating the report is exceptionally qualified to do so. Pathetic comment.
    7 points
  12. Just viewed the training photos. What stood out to me was how much Trent Rivers has filled out since last year. Of all our recruits selected in the past two drafts, I believe he will end up proving to be our most important selection of them all.
    7 points
  13. I must admit I thought this report would be a whitewash... To their credit they didn't hold back. Not so much to the board's credit they sat on it...it took a leak for it to come out. It would be interesting to see a similar enquiry held into the AFL... I would expect findings like this, insert AFL for Collingwood There is a gap between what Collingwood Football Club says it stands for and what it does The club is more likely to react to media coverage about a racist incident than complaints made within the club Collingwood's response has often been perceived as one where claims of racism are dealt with in terms of damage control and protecting the brand
    7 points
  14. probably explains their interest in Nev. He is an asset that we can not afford to lose. I hope our current Board are working on how we keep him involved with the club once his playing days are over.
    7 points
  15. The press conference today is a sadly ironic window into the precise problem this report is trying to highlight. Rather than true acknowledgement of the issue, Eddie tries to spin it in the most egregiously stupid way possible by opening with the "historic and proud day" comment. A pathetic attempt to suggest Collingwood deserves to be congratulated for instigating the investigation. And his comment that Collingwood wants to put an arm around Lumumba and take the heat out of the race debate is unbelievable, from a moral standpoint as well as a PR one. That's not, in the slightest, the right thing to do. A press conference of brand management, narrative shifting and damage control. The same things that strike at the heart of Collingwood's broken leadership/culture in the first place.
    6 points
  16. I have to say binman you and aob are correct he is sadly part of the problem not the solution. He should be stood down after today. Just does not get it.
    6 points
  17. Max is the right choice as Captain and beyond 2021. He leads by example. Max mentioned that TMac is fitter than what he has been and that Brown is doing well which is good news. I feel that we might just see a team with more urgency than ever before. You can just sense it.
    6 points
  18. The first line is to put media spin on a report about racism, which had as a key finding that the club too heavily focused on media spin when dealing with matters of racism. It's certainly not a great sign for their ability to deal with the issues presented in the report. Eddie doesn't get it.
    6 points
  19. https://www.sen.com.au/news/2021/01/31/key-forwards-dominate-for-new-clubs-in-intra-club-matches/ brown kicked 6 in a quarter of an intra club game. Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere and it seems to have been over the weekend
    6 points
  20. Kobe been smashing the gym. Chunkier thighs too. Great work by him.
    6 points
  21. I swear I saw a bit of hair dye running down the side of Sweaty Eddies face
    5 points
  22. Definitely a train wreck of a press conference. I listened in disbelief from both a PR viewpoint and moral standpoint. It started off as embarrassing bur ended as shameful. It reflects a leader that has run out of time and one who lacks humility and wisdom. A soon to be ex President, like another recent ex President who lost his way by his inability to see outside his own bubble. Ego and conceit in your own importance and infallibility always ends badly. Only crocodile tears will be shed.
    5 points
  23. What a strange Press Conference McGuire seriously does not get it. HL was hung out to dry for years before he left, as just one example Adam Goodes wants nothing to do with him..for good reason, this is on you Eddie, your Club still has the same attitudes as when McAlister was in charge He has to leave today. it is disgraceful
    5 points
  24. I suggest we, as in Demonlanders, do something unusual as a group these days: Not fling insults. Instead, why not have a reasonable discussion re the evidence? I'm going to read the report first, and then comment. And while I'm reading, I'm going to analyze myself for biases either for or against the author, the club (especially the club) and the personalities within it, and people in general. Given some time and little compassion I reckon I should be able to come to a reasonable conclusion about the thing, based on the evidence...
    5 points
  25. That's an interesting point AOB - a valid one i reckon. I was listening to a podcast (the excellent fivethirtyeight podcast) yesterday that made similar point about the republican party in the states ie the Republican party claim not to have a racism 'problem' but have essentially stood still on the issue for 20 years whilst the Democrats (and the society as a whole) have shifted considerably towards a greater acceptance of the reality and impact of systemic racism
    5 points
  26. And this was SEN's take on the interview.... https://www.sen.com.au/news/2021/01/31/thats-relatively-embarrassing-melbournes-focus-during-the-pre-season/ I'd hope over and above sorting out the midfield-forward line connection issues raised that they're also looking at the ruck-rover connection, which I feel has significant room for growth as well.
    5 points
  27. My favourite tweet was this one... The only way this presser could've been even worse, is if it was booked at Four Seasons Total Landscaping.
    4 points
  28. Quite bizarre to step up for a press conference you are only having because something you were keeping hidden is now out, and to be acting as if this is all an orchestrated announcement by the club about how they are now going to lead the competition in change. What he's doing amounts to claiming that "The whole AFL culture is like this but it is actually only Collingwood that has confronted it and we should be applauded for our courage and now seen as leaders in this area." Wait... that's not 'what it amounts to', that's almost a word for word of what he's saying. Slimy #$%$#%. I'm tired of the Eddie love that somehow survives. He's been bad for football in every way.
    4 points
  29. The response by Eddie to this report vindicates entirely the whole thrust of the report namely: 1. Eddie has too much influence and no-one at the club is prepared to challenge him 2. Bury the report rather than show true leadership 3. Spin like crazy when the leak occurs because more interested in protecting the brand Collingwood had a golden opportunity to admit to past failings, commit to change and perhaps even forge a path that other clubs and institutes could follow. If they had done that I would have commended them. Instead, because no-one there has the gumption to stand up to Eddie they have dug a bigger hole for themselves and compounded matters. I love watching Collingwood squirm but in this instance the issue transcends tribalism. I can’t believe the board at one of the biggest sporting clubs in Australia has stuffed this up so badly. Another missed opportunity to start the process of genuine reconciliation that this country badly needs.
    4 points
  30. It's not just racism either, its the culture of the organisation and racism is only one aspect. Look at the way they tried to protect Shaw/Didak/Swan/Sidebottom (accidentally walked out the front door looking for the toilet ? ) etc when they were involved in off the field incidents. Look at the comments made by Eddie and the other Triple M boofheads about Caroline Wilson when the Big Freeze was on a few years back. Its a toxic culture all round (not saying its different from other clubs but its more transparent as their Pres is in the media all the time and often putting his foot in his mouth).
    4 points
  31. If it wasn’t such a fkd issue it would be a laughable response from the president of that club. “A proud day”... that a report was leaked, we didn’t release it/kept it under our hats since December, that shows our club was systemically racist and caused damage to indigenous and African decent players..” Wow that is Trumpian at its finest.
    4 points
  32. It is great to see racism get called out. It is still alive and well in Australia and footy is just one example. Black footballers should not have to put up with this BS especially from their so called friends and fellow players
    4 points
  33. Kobe is currently living with his dad in Melbourne
    4 points
  34. Dad has been living in Melbourne for some time I believe binman
    4 points
  35. in a surprise to absolutely nobody, not a mention of the filth report nor the liam baker capsicum spray incident over the weekend on afl.pravda.com.au...
    4 points
  36. Shows we have poor coaching and a VFL quality backline at best, which will get toweled up by Dixon, Lynch, Hawkins etc. 6-8 wins in 2021 is all we can hope for, with everyone below us except North and Adelaide going straight past us. Just thought I'd get in before the usual glass half full posters.
    3 points
  37. Sorry, quite right, it's right to say they were very impressive PS trainers. I wasn't posting to antagonise but I think most know that.
    3 points
  38. Would love that to be the case. We've all seen the cycle before - a young kid having big expectations on them and when they don't live up to those expectations they become the new whipping boys for supporters. Let him play first!
    3 points
  39. I can’t see many Victorian draftees playing early footy next year. None of them have played a game of competitive footy for 16ish months. Even if they look ‘good’ my gut says the trend will be to ease them into the grade, more so than prior years. On top of that, I think Fraser played even less footy than his peers 16 months back because he was school footy only, right? edit PLUS fewer competitive pre-season hitouts than ever before. There is no way they are throwing these guys into the fire rd1.
    3 points
  40. Have faith friends, Jack will be ok. It's only a foot.
    3 points
  41. if you class trac as more inside-outside, viney is a miles better footballer than any other inside mid option we have other than oliver, and his defensive tendencies are better than clarry the amount of opprobrium for a former captain and multiple b&f top 5 placegetter on this site is baffling we are a much better side when viney is up and going than when he's sitting on the sidelines; here's hoping for a quick and full recovery
    3 points
  42. This was my first game for points involving the Demons in more than a year and a half and the long march to Carrara turned out to be worthwhile. The game was won in a single withering quarter that was dominated by Melbourne on the back of an outstanding display from Karen Paxman. The four-time All Australian picked up 13 touches for the stanza to set up a five goal to nothing second term after a lacklustre start in which the cleaner, sharper Gold Coast notched up the first two goals of the game in quick time. The goals came when the Demons steadied to square the game before a goal on the siren had the Suns back on top. Melbourne’s strong midfield and its marking prowess with Paxman (who finished with 25 touches) and Lily Mithen controlling the middle and Kate Hore and Tegan Cunningham converting led them to a 22-point half time lead in the warm humid conditions. Lauren Pearce had a tough task in the ruck and while beaten in the hit outs she made up for it with her work around the ground. Tyla Hanks continues to improve and will be a leading light in the team as the season goes on. Debutant Eliza McNamara, drafted from the Dragons at #15 in last year’s draft was the most impressive of the newcomers. While not in the play all that much, veteran Daisy Pearce hovered around the ground directing proceedings with her experience. Krstel Petrevski was dangerous around the big sticks and was well rewarded with her two goals. The Demons’ half time score of 7.1 was outstanding for a team not noted for accuracy in front of goal. At the time, they were on course for a club record but both teams tired and the final quarter yielded no goals for either. The final score was still the club’s fourth highest in its history and the win was its first against Gold Coast because it was the first time they’ve met. The Suns’ cause was destroyed by their inexperience and lack of discipline - they gave away three 50 metre penalties and a couple more goals through unnecessary frees. Their best player was ex-Demon Sarah Perkins, who the club was unable to retain after last season - a pity because her strength up forward was an asset for her team. We’ll take the win especially in the circumstances of a same day fly-in/fly-out. There’s a lot do as the season unfolds but it was good to come home with the four points, especially in front of 1,902 fans of who, I think I was one of the two Melbourne fans, such were the sounds of silence when the Demons scored their goals. MELBOURNE 2.0 7.1 9.1 9.2 (56) GOLD COAST 3.1 3.3 5.4 5.5 (35) GOALS Melbourne: Cunningham 2, Hore 2, Petrevski 2, Zanker, Mithen, Heath Gold Coast: Perkins 2, Stanton, Kaslar, Perry BEST Melbourne: Paxman, Mithen, McNamara, L.Pearce, Cunningham, Hanks Gold Coast: Stanton, Perkins, Keaney, Ahrens, Drennan INJURIES Melbourne: Nil Gold Coast: Bradfield (knee) REPORTS: Nil ATTENDANCE: 1902 at Metricon Stadium
    3 points
  43. So, I am not particularly wealthy but have lived in Italy for the past 5 years and maintained my reserved seat membership since moving. To me, it serves two purposes: 1/- a donation to the club 2/- a chance of getting to a finals' game when we make the Finals. In 2018, as soon as we qualified, I booked a ticket back to Melbourne and went to the Geelong and Hawthorn games. It was worth the wait. Let's hope I can do the same this year and we get a bit further.
    3 points
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