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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/06/18 in all areas

  1. 12 points
  2. He is everything we need, old, injury prone, expensive, small, looking for a retirement nest egg and seeking some personal quick success at the expense of an MFC player who might have earned it.
    10 points
  3. You clearly haven't been watching Gaff this year then. His increased inside work and defensive 1%ers have taken his game to a new level. As a RFA he could come at no cost to our draft placement. He would be a very good fit at the Dees in 2019
    8 points
  4. Long overdue. You should upload every MFC listed player so that @WERRIDEE can do his teams using the faces.
    7 points
  5. Short answer: No. But it is common to have succession planning in place. Long answer: Ultimately it is still the responsibility of a Board to find the best candidate. Bartlett drove the search process having engaged head hunters: Russell Reynolds. In our case it is our Board and the AFL (who still pull the strings as we are not entirely out of the woods). Caroline Wilson reported a few weeks ago that MFC wanted Mahoney but the AFL had other ideas. No idea if that is true. However, we do know the AFL is not beyond using Machiavellian methods to get its way. If the AFL did lean on our Board to appoint Pert I understand why. It is highly probable they will chip in land and or $ for our new facilities and they want to make sure the CEO can deliver. Pert has a track record of achievement in that area which is our next and critical phase of development. He is definitely the low risk option.
    7 points
  6. Great interview. In 2013 whilst travelling around Europe it had not yet been announced that Paul Roo's was definitely taking up the coaching job with us. It was still very much speculation. I visited every church in every city we visited and prayed, lit candles, said hail Mary's, threw holy water around etc, etc. I had scabs on my knees for weeks from all of my kneeling on the cold stone floors but my prayers were soon answered. I am also not a religious person nor am I a Catholic. Thank you Paul Roos. God bless.
    7 points
  7. You've got to love a bitter Mick Malthouse taking pot shots at Pert already, claiming they never really 'got along', although you would believe that Pert wouldn't be the first or the last person not to get along with angry Mick.
    7 points
  8. Whenever someone in a senior position leaves any job, there is always some bad blood somewhere. Otherwise why leave? Anyone who has ever left a job usually feels some animosity towards their former employer and vice versa. I am very comfortable with this appointment and I trust both our board and the AFL. If Pert did a lot wrong they wouldn’t endorse his appointment. We have come too far and they don’t want us to become a basket case again! Trust me, they have enough issues with the likes of GC. Now let’s build a home base, get a better fixture and get rid of the NT deal.
    7 points
  9. Last year Collingwood was a shambles: Gubby was suspended, Eddie was under pressure on many fronts and nearly cost CFC major sponsors. Pert fell on his sword. There are no secrets in the AFL. Any dirty laundry Pert had would have been well aired and the club would have quizzed him as they did Goodwin when he came from Ess. We have come too far and too much work still to do for our Board to take the chance with someone who can't deliver and keep the solid culture PJ et al have created. Trust Jackson. Trust the Board. They haven't let us down yet. I don't think they have this time.
    7 points
  10. He should just concentrate on getting minutes on the ground in any position before he starts demanding more time in the midfield (if true). I’d like to see him stay with us.
    7 points
  11. Just found these tweets. It seems Tom Browne has backtracked a bit on his comment about our President 'thumbing his nose' at Jackson: And So last night's media ooh, aah stuff was probably just a knee jerk reaction to give themselves something to write about as they missed the scoop. Today, wiser heads prevail
    6 points
  12. I’m pretty sure our ‘saviour’ Jackson left Essendon under acrimonious circumstances... that obviously didn’t impinge on the results he’s achieved with us
    6 points
  13. I'm more confident in the decision now that Mick Malthouse has come out against it. He's always the contrarian for the sake of being one.
    6 points
  14. I'm ignorant of the situation. Like most, or everyone here. The proof of the pudding will be in the eating. That said, I will say that I'm not perturbed by hearsay. Those in judgment will have heard the rumours in this thread and are seemingly not concerned by them. We have very smart people at the helm. If you're an every day punter and reckon you have better "mail' than the club then you're delusional. Everyone knows everyone's business inside of footy. Don't pretend you know a secret the club doesn't.
    6 points
  15. Would have been tough as CEO with Eddie having his hands in everything.
    6 points
  16. From what I’ve seen of the Dees this season we would fold under this pressure, and badly.
    5 points
  17. I genuinely no nothing about why Pert left Collingwood, but I could see that the review that Collingwood undertook came to the conclusion that there needed to be a change at the top which could have meant the President or the CEO...and the President made sure it wasn't him. Pert had spent a long time at Collingwood, so it was probably the right move for both him and that club for him to move on. And Mick Malthouse has apparently today slammed the appointment of Gary Pert as our new CEO. In my opinion, that just confirms the club has made the right decision!
    5 points
  18. I would hate to admit you are right but I suspect you are to some degree Billy. The return of Jack has actually put a bit of a spanner into what was a very balanced and tuned mid field IMHO. And what is the missing ingredient .... Gus!!!! Tacking Gus outside and putting Jack in has seen one too many players (not always but too often vs previously) attacking the ground ball while their opponent slips out the back for a lucky bounce or over the top handball against the grain to get the ball going behind the unnecessary extra attacking player (Viney / Harmes etc) for the give off / clearance. Also on Saturday Jack did not defend whoever he was on too well early on in many cases (initially DeGoey then Treloar) possibly as he is not switched on defensively as yet and/or power lacking....maybe both. He was either giving them too much room by attacking the pill when he didn't need to (ie, other players at the drop were closer to the ball drop but he still went in leaving his opponent free) or not defending goal side of his opponent when the ball was in the oppositions 50. He wasn't alone here though. Just take the tape to the ball up (or ball in) with 15 minutes to go in the first quarter and you will witness at least 3 Pies goal side of the pill and only Nev (standing an opponent! Goal side!) between those three and their goals. Surprise surprise the Pies got it out the back to an unmarked Pie for I think their 3rd goal for the quarter. Jack one offender but not alone. Check where Clarry and some of the others are positioned also (i'll give you a guess where most of their opponents were!). Really poor stuff and efforts that will go towards losing contests and possibly the game. Certainly not in isolation but when added together they can conspire to hurt the final result. And as we know, in a final if you get off to a poor start (or allow your opponent to get off to a good or great one) you are pretty much toast in most cases! We also did some very ordinary things on Saturday in set ups like the one described above. For another great example of a really amateur set up and play watch Pedders go up in the ruck against Cox with 9:30 to go in the first. Mistake 1. Pedders is on the incorrect side of Cox giving him goal side position to start the throw in. Viney actually covers Treloar well in the initial contest from this ruck duel so he wasn't all bad all the time. Credit where credit's due. Mistake 2. Pedders leaves Cox to attack the ground ball and eventually tackles Adams, who gets there first (ie, see ball get ball instead of covering your direct opponent goal side!). Mistake 3. Salem allows himself to also get drawn in to the ground ball contest but gets caught in no mans land (ie, doesn't quite get to the opponent to effect a tackle but also doesn't sit off him far enough to potentially effect an intercept or tackle a potential receiver goal side either). Result: With Nev, Pedders and to a lessor degree Salem, all tackling Adams (or attempting to put a feeble hand in to effect a fumble in the case of Salem) this allows Cox (who has wisely stayed out) to wait out and grab the handball from a slippery Adams (who couldn't be shut down by two tacklers....Nev & Pedders!). With Cox's direct opponent (Pedders) on the ground after his tackle, Cox is able to turn around with enough time to size up the goals and kick his second goal on his preferred right foot (having no one in front of him goal side...ie, Pedders, or potentially a tackle or scrap which might put him off his kick....eg, Salem!). Some players also lacked intensity in some contests. For a great early example have a look at Hulk's effort to spoil Howe marking a tumble round the corner kick about the 10 minute mark in the 1st out of the centre from Viney (under pressure). Way off AFL level and certainly not finals worthy. Only one example but again, it all adds up and other players couldn't help but notice this surely. It becomes catchy, just as the look of Howe taking what appears on the surface to be a strong contested mark in defence (but wasn't) might be a bit of confidence booster for the opp. If you aren't going to give your all at every contest and pick and choose when to go at this point then I don't know. What are you doing? Rubbish like that has to be stamped out. Complete team and coach killer especially early in a match. For a good example of what we should expect look at Vince's effort to spoil DeGoey when he was way out of the contest from the resulting play following Howe's mark. Gives a soft free kick but at least he gave it his all, stopped DeGoey tacking an easy mark (knocking him over), even though a free kick resulted. Or clarry's effort to run down a Pie on the wing very early in the first resulting in a turnover and our first goal to Hannan. Maybe it was partly to do with a tired younger brigade. Maybe partly to do with Viney returning. Pedders having pretty much no effect and making fundamental mistakes along with others in set ups etc. maybe it was having no real run with player (or two) to run with DeGoey and Treloar for much of the game and instead have the duties assigned to a few who really weren't sure who they were on at any point and instead just picking up a random loose player (allowing mis matches like DeGoey on Clarry at times....to make an easy escape for another easy clearance...etc). I would be training and using one or two dedicated lock down players here and certainly not our best mids in Viney, Clarry, Jones or Brayshaw. ANB and/or Harmes all day for mine (as part of the starting 4). Keep your best players free, to do their best work, and make the opp work their ass off trying to shut US down! I know the FD will have been allover this one like a rash but they need to. It was pretty ordinary in so many ways and they (and the coach) must take part of the blame. The Pies were super well drilled and knew exactly what needed doing (where to position/block/one or two in MAX at the drop of the ball the rest keep their feet and wait for the spill / handball etc) and for some reason we did a lot of things that IMHO looked very amateurish (just as we did against the Hawks!). I hope Goody is learning after two horrible results where similar mistakes are where made (including match ups) and early intensity was lacking on such a big game day... again.
    5 points
  19. Not sure why some people are worried Pert comes from 11 years at Collingwood. Remember which AFL club Peter Jackson was at before us? Now he is MFC royalty (in my book anyway).
    4 points
  20. I'm not worried about the three internal candidates who missed out. Two of them would be disappointed regardless of who got the gig. Hopefully, good practice and good sense has prevailed and they were told where their experiences fell short of the requirements. If its all done with goodwill there is no reason for someone to spit the dummy and just leave. After all, to be CEO of an AFL club, or senior staffer in AFL HQ a person needs AFL 'endorsement'. So they need to gain the AFL's confidence and the required experience which may be at the Dees or elsewhere. The person I am more worried about losing is Jason Taylor. Hopefully, he and Pert were good mates at the Pies as I would hate for Taylor to start looking elsewhere. He is a real 'must keep' for mine.
    4 points
  21. SWYL’s take on this decision Pert was a great CEO at The Filth, he was there for 11 years. Probably too long in the AFL Bubble. I hope he is as good as PJ, this club must be grown. We are Melbourne. Capital City of AFL Heartland Let’s start being that club 80,000, 90,000, 100,000 Members is what we should expect. I have heard people on here say that we will never be a big club. I say Bullsh!t to that.
    4 points
  22. I thought I saw somewhere that the club offices (and Demon Shop) were going to be closed on Friday presumably because we played on a public holiday last week and because of the bye weekend. The staff have probably been given the day off. I have a feeling the club would have preferred to announce this on their own terms but it appears as if the media got wind of this last night and ran with it and therefore due to the abovementioned we were not prepared to roll out the announcement the way we would have liked. I hope the "leak" to the media isn't a step back to the old days and that "leak" isn't because of any disgruntled people. PJ held a tight ship with tight lips and that was among the things I really liked about his tenure. Also the whole Roos thing and getting much better Sponsors.
    4 points
  23. Roos like Jackson didn’t leave. He effectively retired, which is very different. I don’t think Melbourne would let another CEO meddle in the footy department. The problem at Collingwood is that everyone felt entitled to get involved in the footy department because their president did. How can a president except the CEO not to get involved when he is so deeply and destructively involved, I don’t know. We have a very different set up and a very different structure. I have no doubt when given the job, Pert was told his KPIs revolve around revenue, membership, sponsorship and finding a permanent united home base.
    4 points
  24. The N stands for 'no' and the H stands for '-heads' in an often cited footy club policy that is promptly forgotten about when the likes of De Goey enter the market. Incidentally, Collingwood won a flag off the back of an all-DH policy in 2010 and have underperformed ever since they reversed it and switched to a Buckley-boy model. Until this week, of course.
    4 points
  25. Quotes from the article: "He was endorsed by the Demons board on Wednesday after being described as the standout candidate from a short-list of five. Pert, who comes with the blessing of the AFL, will replace Peter Jackson, who is contracted until the end of October". "The Demons considered Pert the perfect fit for a club on the rise, as well as his expertise in new facilities as Melbourne is set to announce plans for a new training and administration base away from their current set-up at the MCG and adjacent AAMI Park". For mine, he fits the bill of having a breadth of experience in clubs and the industry, knows his way around the halls of AFL HQ and is our Board's choice. The more I think about it the more I like it. He is a very good operator. No leaks! Well done MFC for keeping it quiet!
    4 points
  26. I was a Kent fan from his debut up until 2016. Last year was shocking. But in a very small sample size his 2018 games looked vastly improved. - Nailed his shots on goal - kept his feet - laid some tackles - held his marks As for the rest of our small/medium smalls: I love Spargo but he is just a kid. I'm still very sceptical on ANB who works super hard but makes terrible decisions under pressure and isn't quick enough to get out of trouble or to run down good defenders. Garlett is pretty well done unless he proves otherwise. Hannan is just floating through games and isn't a proven tackler either. Bugg has the right work rate but his skills are just too far below the standard. Vanders is a hope that he can get back. Balic is yet to prove anything. Pretty much what I'm saying is I have little faith in any of our small forwards and I really could see Kent coming back in and making the team better and I'd like to see him rotated up to the wing for short bursts as well. I wouldn't bet on it happening or working, but there's a lot of people putting faith in some players who haven't done anything really. If Kent does come back in and isn't picked then yeah both he and club would be better off parting ways. But there's still a lot of time left in the year.
    4 points
  27. Yarra Park training and admin base. Near Jolimont station. Lock it in, er, Perty
    3 points
  28. Mate I live in WA and that is nonsense. There was a period around 14 & 15 when teams stopped runningwith Priddis and started putting work into the outsiders in Shuey and Gaff. So not any Meth Coast fan wantedchim dropped last season. Many complained about him being to outside but he is hardly a one season wonder
    3 points
  29. ...but of course he will be a champion when he signs with us 'Sat'.
    3 points
  30. He helped them get to 75,000 members That is exactly what we need right now. PJ built the solid foundations and should forever be revered at the MFC
    3 points
  31. PJ has set him up beautifully. Best time to be the CEO of our soon to be great again Club in the past 50 years if not ever. It sounds like PJ has already set up where and what the training base is going to be. Other than that he's going to have the biggest bucket of money the Club has ever had from Leighoak and ultimately the sale of the Bentleigh Club. He's inheriting not only PJ's work but also the Gardiner admin's work in getting those venues. Plus hopefully the footy Dept is very settled at the moment with most pieces in place. There's no one more experienced in the AFL industry to develop facilities and membership. Bring it on.
    3 points
  32. Given the supposed AFL sign off it's more likely any leak came from there
    3 points
  33. I agree with the sentiment that the decision on Pert will have involved a process of his impressing the board with his vision for the club moving forward - how to improve revenues (aligned with club direction on no pokies), higher memberships, his experience on building a state of the art training base (with social facilities). Having a seasoned professional who's seen it all from the perspective of taking a club from 38,000 members to 75,000 will have more upside than downside. If, however, he re-introduces Whiteboard Wednesday, I'll spew and firebomb Glen Bartlett's car myself.
    3 points
  34. Just leave him in his car, park it on the interchange bench and go from there Use the horn to signify a free kick and use the blinkers to show which side gets the kick
    3 points
  35. I just listened to the podcast and wanted to say thanks heaps to the team for securing an interview with Paul Roos. Few people could give supporters a better insight into the rebuild than he. My opinion of him as a football “brain” using his own term is “elite” few people would have the skill set to change the culture at the club than himself along with PJ. A massive task. To hear that he felt his greatest achievement was seeing all the kids wearing their Melbourne jumpers on Monday made him proud, put a lump in my throat. He gets football in a holistic way. It’s not just about team it’s also about club. A guy I worked with prepared the game day drinks for the Swans players and told me that after their Premiership win in 2005, he took all the support staff out to the centre of the MCG with the premiership cup in hand, past it around and thanked them all while giving an inspirational talk about “this is what it’s all about” and how everyone played their part in the historic win. Not long after his tenure at the Dee’s was over he stated that he felt 2019 was the year he believed we should be seriously challenging for the cup. So while riding the bumps and dissapointments along the way I have kept this in mind. No pressure but, It would also be great to hear Peter Jackson talk about the administration side of the rebuild as well, once he has finished up and the dust has settled. Thanks again.
    3 points
  36. Nothing civil about his discourse, lazy and without personal insight, on a par with children calling names. @ProDee @ethan @biffen @faulty there are as many deaths committed by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_terrorism And as many insults as you throw I know three things, you are scared, and thats ok, not everyone gets to be brave, tolerance does not equal leftist (makes me chuckle at a silly attempt to put us in a box, being a racist has nothing to do with politics) and lastly FFS you have no idea about Islam except for what the internet tells you, let me know where you live so I can sponsor some refugees to live near you or contribute to a mosque (I'll donate a $100 in your name) you can learn something. Radical Islam (Salafist etc) doesn't scare me because our western, pluralist culture is stronger, our women contribute to society in a meaningful way, they just can't compete, economically or socially we are going to steamroll them into history. Get worried about something serious like Trump screwing with free trade, China, global warming, etc, because that will stuff your childrens's future not some dersh militia.
    3 points
  37. On Open Mike a few years back if anyone is interested. I recall that I thought him pretty impressive at the time, but on watching it again I hope that he can curtail the heavy on-field focus that he developed at Collingwood - which I also hope was out of necessity rather than it being a natural personality/ego thing. I further hope that our board have made it clear that our club is an entirely different landscape to the CFC and such an approach isn't necessarily necessary, rather than our board thinking that such an approach can magically emulate Collingwood's success. That is all. Good luck Gary, and welcome aboard.
    3 points
  38. You're so right. Worth the rest put together. Our collective lives would have been so different if we had him in '07 onwards.
    3 points
  39. If Mahoney wants to be a CEO surely he should be willing to spend some time in the business side of the club rather than just the footy side which he currently operates. I know he has been to uni and has various degrees, but at the end of the day they are just bits of paper. Nothing prepares you to do the job other than being involved in doing the job. He's got no experience in business as far as I am aware other than being in the footy department. I'm all for promoting from within but appointing Mahoney ahead of a candidate like Pert would be close to stupidity in my opinion.
    3 points
  40. More excited by that tidbit about announcing a new training and admin base!
    3 points
  41. Would have thought that if we put a stipulation on the trade, it would be that Port have to play him against us....
    3 points
  42. Not fussed if he leaves at the end of the year but I still think he has a role to play in the last 6 or so weeks. Could easily get a game over Hannan or Spargo and we're crying out for pace.
    3 points
  43. Fritsch, the 11 game rookie, has a way better output than Watts already. Beats him easily in just about every statistical category. Doubles Watts in inside 50's, metres gained, intercept possessions... its a whitewash anyway you slice it. https://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/ft_player_compare?playerStatus1=A&tid1=12&playerStatus2=A&tid2=14&type=A&pid1=6505&pid2=3107&fid1=S&fid2=S And they are just the numbers.... they don't show courage and aerial ability.
    3 points
  44. Doesn’t surprise me to hear CFC was toxic when he left. As others have said the Balme/Gubby Allen Buckley situation had Eddie all over it. Doubt Perry had much control over that complete balls up. MFC’s 2 biggest challenges over next ten years are 1 building sustainable membership. No one better in the industry than Perty. Knows everything about it having successfully doubled the membership at the biggest Club. 2. Building the permanent training and Admin facilities. Again no one better or more experienced in the industry. This is tied in to making the best commercial decisions in how to utilise the pot of gold from Leighoak and Bentleigh Club. No doubt PJ had put work into Mahoney as a succession plan. And de Crepney is one of the best in the business. PJ may have done a great job with them but that doesn’t mean you should ignore a much better candidate. How could you take a football manager with no commercial experience other than a Uni degree over someone with Perty’s experience. PJ succession plan or not. It sounds like PJ and the Board have already made the decision on the site for the new facilities. Perty has the perfect experience to execute. I just hope they have got it right. Won’t be his fault if they don’t.
    2 points
  45. I wonder if Roosy was asked an opinion about this as they are former teammates and good friends still. Anyway did not see this coming but good on melbourne because even the main footy reporters obviously didn't get the scoop. Maybe things arent leaking out anymore. When they talked about it on classified the other week Perts name wasn't mentioned. He has big shoes to fill.
    2 points
  46. I think, on the face of it, that it's a terrific appointment. If the AFL and Peter Jackson are happy with it and endorse it, then I can't see a problem with it. The bloke knows the game, knows how to be a CEO and has a good track record of doing good things. Outside of rumours ad rumblings, which we have no idea how true they are, this seems like a great move for the club.
    2 points
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