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Deevout last won the day on January 3

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About Deevout

  • Birthday July 23

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  • Favourite Player(s)
    Flower, Bartram, Brayshaw, Max

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    Retirement, Football, Go Demons. Movies, Travel and enjoying life as much as i can :)

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Demon (2/10)



  1. A big lump in my throat. What a courageous legend Neil is, well done Champion.
  2. Thanks for that information. Very happy the MCC did this in honour of Robbie. I only remembered that the MFC were going to put a sign on the Nothern Stand on game days “The Robbie Flower Wing” (which they were doing and I presume they still are) or similar naming to that, I personally would like to see the MFC for whom he played for do something more in his honour. Cheers.
  3. It’s there on MFC game days only from memory. (Which to those who dont know it was arranged by the MFC you would think it’s a tribute by the MCC) Personally I would like to see something else like an award on BNF night. Just my opinion to which I am entitled.
  4. I have mentioned on DL before that I went to primary school with Robbie as we were both Murrumbeena boys. He had great athleticism even in his early years. There would be ad hoc football games from time to time at the grassed area at the back of the school. Robbie would jump over other guys heads even in those early years. We both followed the Dee’s and would talk about it from time to time and I visited him at his home a few times and it was always talk about footy and the Dee’’s. i was fortunate enough to be at the Presidents lunch pregame when the Number 1 ticket holder was handed from RDB to Robbie. Being an introvert I worked up the courage to go up to him and say: No one is more deserving of being the number one ticket holder than you. He thanked me and immediately changed the subject to me. Remembering me from all those years ago and telling Tom who was there that I was a Murrumbeena boy. I have always placed loyalty above all else and he epitomized that trait more than anyone. For those who weren’t old enough to have seen him play live you missed out seeing poetry in motion. He moved like a cat on the field, so graceful. Why there isn’t a statute of him has always left me in n disbelief. I hope it’s rectified soon. I was so sad that he didn’t live to see the 2021 Premiership,he would have been pleased and proud.Anyway enough of an old man’s ramblings. Rest welll Robbie MFC Champion. Edit is this afterthought: I have always felt the club have not done enough about a suitable permanent recognition for Robbie and his selfless service to the club.
  5. For the entire game. 👍
  6. Ummm i was joking, hence the laughter
  7. My heart ❤️ 💙 goes out to the Blues supporters 😂🤣🤣
  8. Selfishly, way less night games for a change please. Living in a regional Victoria means a hotel overnight or getting home at 2am on the train.
  9. A Premiership. Same as every year. Since 2021 I have had to add, one that I can go to with my GF ticket guarantee 🤞🏻🔴🔵
  10. I am financially secure. I place loyalty above most things, my brother and myself are a player sponsor. I am a Demon for life. If I was not going to renew because of club turmoil it would have happened decades ago. Things can turn around quickly (see 2021) I was at the 1964 GF as a child and I was hoping I might get to see another Premiership in person before my inevitable demise 🤞🏻 Stick with the club if you’re able. The night is darkest before the dawn. Go Dee’s 🔴🔵
  11. Great stuff, Max is up there with Robbie for mine as a great player, Captain and loyal Clubman. In my opinion Max would retire rather than be a list clogger, as he is a club first guy if he thought he was done before his contract ran out. As for George singing other clubs’ theme songs. Carlton was bad enough but the Filth theme song…considering calling Child Services 🤣😂 🔴🔵
  12. Well done boys. Statement 🔴🔵 JV simply awesome.
  13. Posted on Instagram by the club and Windsor extended also 🔴🔵
  14. The filth cheer squad needs to finish skool 🤣
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