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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/13 in all areas

  1. There seems to be a lot of disparity in what people think is fair for drug breaches. Wade Lees, a VFL footballer, orders a supplement from overseas, never gets it because it is intercepted, doesn't know it is illegal, never even touches it and cops 18 months. Saad could get 2 years for taking a drink he didn't know was illegal. Bombers players have 20 injections, believing them to be legal and may get off completely.
    10 points
  2. To really fit in you will need to frequently contradict yourself. Ie. Post 2 - Jack Watts is a star post 3 - I told you Watts is a squib. Hope that helps
    8 points
  3. They should have Anzac Day striped off them. Can't have the memory of our old diggers tarnished by these drug cheats!
    7 points
  4. My two bob's if anyone cares. I worked for the removalist company that moved Dean and his family into his Essendon property which was paid for by the EFC as well as the rent of the property. Over the 2 day's I found Dean to be a great bloke, honest and very happy about starting a new chapter in footy, and was in awe of James Hird and Essendon having coming from what he called an "unprofessional, underfunded" Gold Coast. He wasn't a huge Bluey Mckenna fan but didn't go out of his way to say anything bad about him either. So for him to come out and alledge what he has against Hird say's to me he is obviously understandably upset about the way the club has treated him throughout this whole saga, but also is trying to cover his arse as well. This isn't to say I believe every word that came out of his mouth either.. over the 2 days he must have recieved at least 100 phone calls/ texts from the players detailing every meal they ate and every bit of training they did (as they were away on a camp at the time) I asked Dean why this was and he explained every player had a different diet/ training regime to cope with injury, workload etc for the pre- season. Also Hird and Thompson called him quite a few times to go through the same details. I don't understand how they could know every little thing the players were eating and each time they went for a walk/jog but all parties involved 'allegedly' didn't know exactly what was going on with this supplements program. Beggers belief.
    7 points
  5. Slightly off topic. But astounding that Robinson was not interviewed by Ziggy in his internal Essendon Review - how can you have a review of process and governance when you miss one of the main players in the game entirely ! Smokescreen methinks ..
    7 points
  6. It amazes me that grown ups with careers can sit behind a computer screen and judge someone who wants to make a decent decision when it comes to their career. Can you really blame players who are worried about the state of the club? I can't.
    7 points
  7. Yes McVeigh came across as a bombers sycophant. I get his loyalty but he is not the smartest tool in the shed. I remember when McVeigh was asked about what he wanted to do after football and he replied he wanted to fight counter terrorism like Jack Bower...LMAO
    6 points
  8. You mean Maclure. I also thought it was very embarrassing for us, when they all agreed who would want to coach Melbourne. They even put up stats about Cameron and his goals in his first 32 games and listed a lot of former players and their goals in the same amount of games, yet left out the record holder Allen Jakovich, who kicked 150 goals in his first 34 games compared to 79 by Cameron in 32 games. I can't wait for this club to be successful so I can stick it to several people.
    6 points
  9. This thread is proof that any thread with the words "Jack" and "Watts" in it brings out the essential moron in far too many posters. This is one of the few posts that gets it right. Let me spell it out. What has Watts actually said about his future with MFC? The only thing he's quoted as saying is "I want to stay." Ask him to his face, that's what he'll tell you. The "Watts will sign when the new coach is appointed" line was spoken not by him, but by Paul Connors. The most likely interpretation of this is that Jack himself actually wants to stay. Connors, however, is fully aware of the prevailing opinion among the other clubs, which is that Jack is an outstanding talent who has been handled very badly by this club ever since he came here, that he'd only need to be handled with a modicum of competence to get a far better performance out of him. Has any other talented player been stuffed up so badly by his club? There must be a number of clubs who think that they could pick up a potential star for a bargain, so "13 clubs" doesn't surprise me. It must be obvious to everybody that Watts has a far greater chance of becoming a star at another club than if he was to stay at MFC, however much he (Watts) wants to stay. I could put it another way and say that if Watts was a "whatever it takes" ego-driven sort of person, he would have left long ago. There is certainly no guarantee that MFC can actually become a competent club over the next few years; so many things would have to be done right. So Connors is merely acting in the best interests of his client, by advising him to wait and see how things pan out, especially with such important appointments as the senior coach, the general manager of football, the others on the coaching panel, and the Board. What advice would you give if you were in Connors' position? It's very likely that Watts would be happy with any of the four main contenders for coaching (including Craig), but whether we can persuade any of them to sign on the dotted line. Because that's by no means guaranteed either.
    5 points
  10. 5 points
  11. Many of you have misunderstood Watts reasons. Watts was used as a scape goat and hung out to dry by Neeld. Neeld misunderstood how to get the best out of Watts. Quite frankly his treatment by Neeld was appalling. The way Neeld treated Watts makes me feel sick, it was disgusting. If I was Watts I would want to know that I did not have another coach who would regularly publically humiliate me. More importantly I would want to know that the coach woudl be someone who could devlop me and the team. Watts was rattled by Neeld. Watts has never had the on and off field support both mentaly and physically that a young number 1 draft pick requires. His development has been lacking due to our horrible culture, failure to maintain senior players and failure of the club to correctly protect a boy in a mans world. He is a significant asset that sadly we have trashed. Watts will come good, he will become an outstanding player. If he leaves, it will be another arrow through the heart of the club..... don't sugar coat this. Another number 1 pick walking out on us could start a stampede and would further wound the mentality of our players. Watts manager has had interest from 13 clubs (I am personal friends with his direct manager and know Paul Connors as well). If he does leave we will get a very good player in return. The entire comp can see how poor Melbourne is at developing talent, the entire comp can see Watts silky skills, and his overall talent. He has a good charter, and all clubs would back themselves into making him into a star. If he leaves I believe he is off to Carlton. MM has been his mentor and MM would make him into a champion. I get the impression that if we don't get Roo's he will walk. Don't blame Watts, blame the club. We must do all we can to hold Watts. I beleive he is our best player.
    5 points
  12. The idea of the Board reviewing its own performance is ridiculous, and shows in the executive summary. I particularly liked this bit: Jeez, thank goodness we had you guys there to manage us, since the CEO you hired and then extended couldn't. It was critical that the Board acted as a Board and let management manage in 2008, it isn't a new thing now.
    5 points
  13. Hey Everyone. I have finally managed to create an account here after so long being denied due to my email address. Id like to start by saying, like most of you, I have been an avid Demons since i was born. My father and his father before him. I drifted away from the Dees when I was in my teens and have only since found my love for them again since 2010. My partner and I are committed to remaining Trident Members for as long as we both can. I truly hope and pray that the Club will emerge from its Darkest Days and shine as bright as ever in the competition. It breaks my heart a little bit more each time we lose, but im hopeful that now, we are on the right track and success is within the foreseeable future. I look forward to being an active member here, and sharing thoughts and opinions on the current and future of the club. Regards, Jeremy
    4 points
  14. What they do in their private lives is fine by me as long as it's between consenting adults.
    4 points
  15. Welcome aboard. Allow me to summarise the entirety of Deemonland forums for you so you don't feel left out: I find gifs help ease the pain.
    4 points
  16. Wow. Where can I go to get back the couple of minutes I wasted reading that drivel?
    4 points
  17. 4 points
  18. And our salary cap cheating didn't win us a flag in the 90s, yet we still paid the penalty. Hit them with the book. Everyone else gets it.
    4 points
  19. Watts' time at Melbourne: 1. First game is played out like the second coming of Christ. He is introduced over the loudspeaker as the team runs out onto the field. He has absolutely mauled by a pack of lions. 2. He struggles to make an impact under Mr No-Accountability Bailey. 3. The club's CEO and football department cause a rift with the playing group. 4. Bailey is sacked. 5. Neeld is instated. He throws Watts down back to get easy possessions. 6. Club is belted almost every week from late-2011 to the present day. 7. Second coach in his short career is sacked. Watts clearly has very little faith in the club, and I don't blame him. The only thing valuable about Watts is his potential, and it's more the club's fault than his. Potential is enough to get you an average league salary. Unless you're Tom Scully. The guy wants to know who his coach will be. Why commit to a club that has failed so spectacularly to guide you through your employment? Why stay there under the uncertainty of another poor decision when you can bolt to play under Mick Malthouse, who provided more of a shoulder than anyone at the club at Watts' lowest point in his career? Some people need to wake up and smell the roses. The problem isn't Watts.
    4 points
  20. Do you want to be third umpire for the next test?
    3 points
  21. Should we stop before things get Volga?
    3 points
  22. none of us are sane we gave that up a long time ago
    3 points
  23. It was clear to me that by the time 2011 came around Jimmy should not have been involved. I remember going to the AGM in February 2011 and thinking Jimmy should no longer be involved. IMO a large part of our problems stem from his involvement when he was ill in later part of 2010 and 2011. He had too much on his plate and left it to a number of people who we now know where not up to the job. A new President should have been installed then and I don't mean DM. Unfortunately I think his will over rode the suggestions of some in the MFC. It is hard to tell God he should walk away. Would things now be different? who Knows but I have this over powering feeling that the decision to reappoint CS after the 186 day led directly to our current situation.
    3 points
  24. Yep! And there was a gas smell when somebody stuck their head in the oven. The crowd reactions were just as funny as the movie. My memory of the night is a little foggy as there were discreet cones smoked during the presentation!!!
    3 points
  25. Many fail to see that 2 facts can co-exist. 1. Jack Watts is simply not competitive enough and has avoided many contests since day 1 at Casey. He is a highly skilled tall that just does not play with the required intensity. 2. The development of Jack Watts has been handled appallingly.
    3 points
  26. Zero weeks where I feel like watching the football is some cruel form of torture.
    3 points
  27. The panel of so called experts was made up almost entirely of ex footballers who Typically, all sided with James and the Essendon Football club. It was hardly ground breaking, infact the whole interview and subsequent show failed to uncover anything new, it just further muddied the waters. It’s impossible to pass judgement on this until the report is released, rumoured to be today.
    3 points
  28. Dark days indeed but when a weapon is turned back on you, it will do some damage, whether it is a popgun or a howitzer.
    3 points
  29. Fresh fish! Fresh fish! Fresh fish! Fresh Fish!
    3 points
  30. And also derided/lambasted Reimers in this first week for talking rubbish over the supplements program during his whistle blowing interview. In addition, when asked tonight whether there were any players other than Zaharakis who refused the program McVeigh intially said something along the lines of "there were others", then when prompted again said "the OTHER player", then contradicted himself yet again a little while afterwards saying "the others who refused". The question also needs to be asked, why is McVeigh's view given more weight than the guy who started the ball rolling in the first place, Kyle Reimers? McVeigh's reaction/info in that first week towards Reimers and his interview has since been proven to be so off the money yet Chanel 7 uses McVeigh as their main "go to" guy for all things Essendon. Seems a little strange IMO. Why not bring in Reimers for his opinion as well???
    3 points
  31. Spot on I turned it off could no longer stomach the Ch 7 lot. A couple were almost weeping for poor James Their empire is near collapse and they know it. As for Mcveigh I remember him in the first week of this saying they only ever had Vitamin injections. Ha Ha
    3 points
  32. Tom Mitchell - plays alongside O'Keefe, Jack, Hanneberry, Kennedy, McVeigh, Bolton & Mcglynn O'Meara - Ablett,Bennell & Prestia Crouch - Thompson, Dangerfield, Mckay, Sloane, Vince & Van Berlo Wines - Ebert, Boak, Hartlett, Wingard & Cornes I don't think I need to say anything else
    3 points
  33. seems to me that young jack spends to much time waiting ....waiting for the ball ....waiting on coaching appointment
    2 points
  34. Oh 'Bump"! Sorry, I sometimes have trouble bistinguishing between the letters 'b' and 'd'.
    2 points
  35. 2nd efforts as standard Seeing what a consecutive win would do to DL
    2 points
  36. Back scratching? That usually doesn't involve drawing blood... It's ridiculous to have a board report on itself but from what I read in that summary they were after a time dysfunctional micro managers who were not aware if where their role ended and the admins started. Added to the fact that the report is a vehicle for the AFL to install the best group of Demons in their eyes and I don't really care about the independent-ness of the report.
    2 points
  37. my tip: try not to get too pizzed off when people post complete excrement. I am guilty of both the excremental posting and the getting pizzed off.
    2 points
  38. I'd trade watts for Yarran in a heart beat. Too much sentimentality is part of the reason we are soft.
    2 points
  39. I haven't seen a kid stand out as much in the nationals since Dustin Martin. Dusty done it so easy, but Dom done it on his ear, Sheed just put on a clinic and slotted goals to top it off! By all reports, AIsh has the points on the board and I respect those who have more knowledge than myself, but still, I've watched the nationals for many years. Those who perform on the big stage, like Dusty, Steele and Ollie have for their state - those players have gone on. Midfielders that perform in the national championships should be judged highly, because they nearly always go on to perform. On performance on the biggest stage, Sheed is a deadset stand out.
    2 points
  40. I want Watts to stay, and I think he is an important player. But he's been a case of "will come good" from the beginning of his career, and there is nothing to support calling him the best player. He clearly isn't, and his draft number doesn't make it so. I respect his wanting to wait, but with the bold, public statements he's made very recently about wanting to stay and wanting to be at the club when things turn around, signing on now would've been a good way to back up his words and show a bit of leadership. At the end end of the day, does it make much difference to him as a player if its Roos, Eade or Williams? There'll be enough in the cheque account to bag at least one of them. They're all experienced coaches, so unless this is about him particularly wanting Craig to stay, I don't see it makes too much difference. He's acting within his rights, but it doesn't alter the fact that it would've been a strong message to sign on to the club, not the coach, you claim you're committed towards.
    2 points
  41. Welcome aboard. Straight jackets are up the back. Help yourself.
    2 points
  42. Welcome aboard mate. You must clearly state where you sit on the Nik Nak vs Watts issue as it isn't raised much here on demonland.
    2 points
  43. welcome aboard. Leave your sanity at the door.
    2 points
  44. Meanwhile, at the Mexican border.... "Si señor, my name is Jaurez Herdo. I am seeking refuge in your beautiful country."
    2 points
  45. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2013-07-31/demons-review-reveals-issues-at-board-level "Melbourne president Peter Jackson" under the photo, gotta love the AFL website.
    2 points
  46. Stockdale has repeated that he will be President or walk away. He will not accept the Vice Presidency which apparently has been offered. To me he appears petulant and it is about him, not the club.
    2 points
  47. Isn't this the fear that many had? That players were not happy? Whose fault is it? The last coach wasn't great for, and apparently to, young Jack who has the biggest decision of his life to make. He can't wait to see whether we screw up the next appointment? I really don't know how we can all lament the basket case we have become but expect blind faith from the players whose careers are affected by this club's malaise. Get off your high horse and get down in the mud where the club is.
    2 points
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